The first taboo in the world

Chapter 5 Stone Circle

The world has changed too much now. Animals and plants have mutated, and even supernatural life forms have appeared. The future is unpredictable. Xu Zifan must prepare for the future.

Because his family came to the county relatively early, they have a large yard.

Xu's father's job is to repair cars, and he also does farm work, so there are still a lot of iron tools in the house, including all kinds of commonly used equipment.

He first prepared some spare things, such as axes, pickaxes, etc.

Then he went to the store and bought two butcher knives, about half a foot long, bright and made of stainless steel.

In fact, what he wanted most was a folding crossbow, but there was no such thing for sale in the small county where his home was located, and the blacksmith shop only existed in his memory.

Now when I buy online, it keeps showing that it is out of stock, or shipping is inconvenient.

Secondly, he also wanted a thicker and more focused knife, but again, he couldn't find a place to sell it. So we can only do the next best thing and use the butcher's knife to take precautions in the bud.

Then he welded together two high-quality steel pipes and two pointed chisels forged from high-quality high-carbon steel to make two long guns about two meters long. A morning had passed since he was busy with this.

After lunch, Xu Zifan turned on the news to learn about the latest situation.

In news reports, it was confirmed that after this mutation, the physical functions of all living things, including humans, became much stronger. Especially the heavy fog that has filled the world in the past two days may be a change caused by the resurgence of spiritual energy.

Of course, it is temporarily called Reiki in China, and every other country has a different name.

Xu Zifan can also deeply feel that in the past few days, after breathing the air, he feels much more comfortable than before the change in the sky. His whole body feels comfortable. Maybe the spiritual energy has changed everything.

Nowadays, everyone on the Internet is saying that spiritual energy has revived, that the era of Dharma Ending has ended, and that the era of cultivation has come.

There has been a huge commotion on the Internet, and everyone is very enthusiastic. At the same time, it is reported that there are more people who have obtained Tianbao, or who have undergone mutations.

For example, someone got a completely black sword with a seven-star pattern engraved on the blade.

There are also people who, after eating the strange fruit, were originally a weak scholar, but now they have become so strong that they can lift five hundred kilograms of objects effortlessly with both hands.

There are also people with crystal clear eyes who can see things very far away, no less than a telescope.

Today, the country has urgently established a national special management team and is calling on the whole country. People who have received Tianbao and those with physical changes can report to the special management team in each county. The country will never treat these people badly.

And I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to safety. These are extraordinary times. Animals and plants are mutating, supernatural phenomena are looming, bad things have happened in some places, and mutated creatures have attacked humans. It is recommended that you travel with many people together and do not travel alone.

Xu Zifan turned off the news, sat on a stone in the yard next to his jujube tree, and took out three stones from his pocket.

The blue light shimmered, as light as nothing, and it was extraordinary at first glance. This was exactly the sky-blue stone he dug out from the mound not far from the bus resting area yesterday.

"Is this also a Tianbao?"

Xu Zifan was surprised and couldn't help but think more about it. After all, there were blue flowers that he had never seen before growing on the mound where the three blue stones were. The flowers were so brilliant that they must be extraordinary.

"Is it the blue flowers spawned by these three stones?" Xu Zifan thought.


At this moment, a sound rang out from the jujube tree next to Xu Zifan. Through the thick fog, a bird as big as a dustpan could be seen flying to his jujube tree.

Since it is already autumn, there are still unpicked red dates on the jujube trees. At this time, the bird is eating red dates on the tree.

Xu Zifan took a closer look and saw that the bird had brown and black spots all over its body, its eyes were sharp, its beak was short, thick and strong, conical in shape, and the peak of its beak was slightly curved. This is clearly an enlarged sparrow.

"Woof... woof woof!"

At this time, Xu Zifan's dog Xiao Huang heard the noise and ran over. While running around the jujube tree, he barked at the sparrows on the tree.

"Pulling..." The sparrow flew away.

Suddenly seeing such a big sparrow was contrary to common sense. Xu Zifan was frightened and had cold sweat on his back. It was one thing to see mutated animals in news reports, but it was another thing to see them in reality.

After a while, Xu Zifan calmed down and frowned, feeling worried.

Now the animals have just begun to mutate, and his previous fear of people has not changed. However, as the animals and plants mutate over time, it is hard to say, and he feels urgency and pressure. The world has changed, and I need to change too.

"Huh? What is that?"

At this moment, Xu Zifan saw a gray disc-shaped thing hanging on a branch of his jujube tree.

He used a wooden stick in the yard to hook the thing off the jujube tree, then held it in his hand and looked at it carefully. It was found that it was a stone ring-shaped object, about five or six pounds, and about the size of an adult's hand.

"The shape of this stone is so regular."

Xu Zifan weighed the stone ring-shaped object in his hand. It was more like a stone disc than a ring shape. The diameter of the circle in the middle was about half of the entire ring.

"Artificial?" Xu Zifan looked at the stone ring in his hand. Although it was made of stone, the edges had no edges and corners, and were even slightly smooth and rounded, as if they had been polished.

Looking carefully, I found that the stone ring was actually covered with lines, which was very blurry and dim. Even some of the blurred parts are hard to see clearly and can be easily missed without looking carefully.

Xu Zifan took the stone ring home, washed it with clean water, and looked carefully. He found that the stone ring was gray as a whole, with patterns on it, and lines of different shades surrounding it. It looked like it was carved by hand, or like Naturally formed traces, mottled and ancient.

"It looks like stone tools left behind by ancient tribes."

Xu Zifan said to himself. Suddenly, Xu Zifan's eyes narrowed, thinking that this might be the Tianbao circulating on the Internet. It's such a coincidence that I got it like this.

"Dad, Mom, this thing is hanging on our jujube tree. I found it hooked today. Do you know what it is?" Xu Zifan ran to his parents' room and asked.

"I've never seen this thing before." Xu Zifan's parents said after watching it carefully.

"Is it really a Tianbao?" Xu Zifan took it back to his room, carefully caressing the stone ring and thinking.

"Zifan, it's time to eat." Xu Zifan's parents shouted from outside.

"Okay! I'll come right away!" He put the stone ring in his hand on the table, opened the door and went to eat.

After the meal, Xu Zifan kept playing with the stone ring and searched the Internet for classics, but still could not find the origin of the stone ring.

Global changes are now intensifying. In the past two days, more mutated creatures and more strange events have appeared all over the world. Many people began to risk their lives, entering dense fog and inaccessible places in search of mutated fruits.

However, many people have no effect after eating mutant fruits, and some mutant fruits are even highly toxic.

Many people around the world have been admitted to the hospital or even died from poisoning due to eating mutated fruits. Of course, there are also a small number of people who become mutants, possess strange supernatural abilities, and become superior to humans.

Even though the mutant fruit is very risky, there are still many people who are not afraid of the risks and try it.

In the evening, "ding ding ding..." a cell phone rang. Xu Zifan took out his cell phone and looked at his address book. It was a call from his friend Lin Tian.

"Fan Zi, I'll see you tomorrow. I have something to tell you." Xu Zifan answered the phone and heard a familiar voice.

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