After picking up the phone, hearing this familiar voice, a dark and thin figure appeared in Xu Zifan's mind.

Lin Tian and Xu Zifan have been in the same class since elementary school. In elementary school, children were not sensible. Because Lin Tian was too dark and very thin, his classmates often teased and bullied him. Xu Zifan couldn't stand it, and often defended Lin Tian. Because others bullied Lin Tian, ​​he helped fight with others.

Sometimes two people were beaten together. After a while, the two became close friends. In this way, the two went to elementary school together. Coincidentally, they went to junior high school together and high school together, and they were both in the same class.

Therefore, the two of them have a very good relationship. They are the strongest friends. They are not real brothers, but more like real brothers. Xu Zifan usually calls him Heizi affectionately as a joke.

"Heizi, what's the matter? So mysterious!" Xu Zifan responded with a smile.

"I can't tell you on the phone. I'll tell you when we meet tomorrow." Heizi's hesitant voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Okay!" Xu Zifan didn't ask any more questions. He knew this brother's temperament and it was probably not convenient to discuss the matter on the phone.

Then Xu Zifan and Lin Tian hung up the phone after asking each other how they were doing.

In the morning, there was still heavy fog outside the house, and the media reports were still very popular. More strange news came out. Mutated creatures appeared all over the world, and many mutated people also appeared.

One of the news attracted Xu Zifan's attention. This time it was domestic. The special management team in Beijing hosted a special person yesterday.

Judging from the photo, he looks like a tall man with a long knife on his back. The man is tall and tall, with thick black hair, a face as sharp as a knife, and his eyes are sparkling. He looks imposing when he stands there, like a long knife unsheathed. , the momentum is impressive.

There is a video below. The man was standing there, surrounded by trees as thick as a bowl. He was obviously in a forest. The man pulled out a long knife and swung it at will. The trees in front of him fell down.

Then the man stepped out with one foot, and his body was like a phantom for an instant. He saw fallen leaves flying in the woods, figures criss-crossing, swords flashing like blades, and trees falling down one by one...

At the end of the video, the man holding a knife rushes deep into the woods and disappears into the thick fog.

"Isn't this a special effect?" a comment below the video exclaimed! Because this kind of scene can usually only be seen on TV.

"You are stupid. This is a video posted by a national agency, the Special Management Group. Can it be a special effect?" Someone immediately responded below.

As you can see from the hundreds of thousands of comments below, people are enthusiastic.

The sky has changed, the world has changed, some usual rules are being rewritten, no one is a fool, everyone realizes that this change will change their future.

The National Special Management Team promises: "People with mutations will be given preferential treatment. People with mutations or Tianbao are asked to put down their worries and actively come to the national organization to register. At this time of changes in the world, the people of the country unite to face the future together." Unknowable changes.”

Looking at the news and reports one after another, Xu Zifan's heart was filled with urgency. In the future, perhaps everyone's destiny will change, and the world will become strange.

After breakfast, Xu Zifan went out to meet his most loyal friend, Xiao Lintian. The county where he was located was very small, and it took half an hour to walk to the agreed upon location.

The sky and the earth are completely white, and the mist is curling up. The gentle autumn wind blows, and the mist flows, covering the surrounding area.

Heizi is short but strong, about 1.65 meters tall. He has dark skin on his face, like an African. He has a smile with two dimples on his face. When he smiles, his white teeth are exposed. , full of inexplicable joy.

"Heizi, what do you have to tell me? Isn't it related to the changes in the world?" Xu Zifan asked Heizi Lin Tian with a curious look on his face.

"Fanzi, you know me, and you can guess right. To be precise, it has something to do with the strange fruit!" Heizi Lintian looked confused.

"What's wrong? Heizi, you don't know how to eat strange fruits, right?" Xu Zifan looked at Heizi worriedly and said.

"Yes, yesterday when I was driving back to our county, I had to pee urgently on the road, so I found a deserted place to park my car to relieve my internal emergency.

There I found a grass that was as tall as a person. The whole stem was bright red, and even the leaves were red. There was a fist-sized fruit on it, which was also red. I couldn't help but eat it. "After Heizi Lintian finished speaking, his face was filled with confusion.

"Heizi, how dare you eat it? According to recent online reports, how many people have died due to blindly eating exotic fruits? Are you okay now? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Xu Zifan looked at Lin Tian with a worried look.

“I don’t know why I was obsessed with it at that time, maybe it was because the fragrance of the bright red fruit was too strong!

You don’t know, and it’s strange to say that when the fruit is not picked, it is very red and has nothing special. But after it is picked, the fruity aroma suddenly fills the air. The fragrance is very rich and makes people salivate. The taste is now Just thinking about it makes me drool. "

Heizi Lintian touched the back of his head with one hand and said.

"So you just ate it?" Xu Zifan asked.

"Well, I originally wanted to take a small sip, but the fruit melted in my mouth." Lin Tian said sheepishly.

"You are so bold. Okay, let's not say this. You haven't answered yet. Are you okay now? Is there anything strange about your body?" Xu Zifan asked

"It should be fine. It's just that I have been sleepy these past two days. I was late for the party today because of this." Heizi Lintian said.

"Let's go, go to the hospital and check the situation." Xu Zifan pulled Lin Tian towards the hospital without any explanation.

"I said, Fanzi, there's really no need. I feel very good now. My whole body is full of strength. I can beat that Wang Qiang ten by one." Lin Tian said as he walked.

"Stop talking, walk quickly." Xu Zifan pulled Lin Tian towards the hospital.

"Doctor, is Lin Tian okay?" At the hospital, Xu Zifan asked the doctor who had just examined Lin Tian anxiously.

"It's okay, even very healthy. His body is much stronger than ordinary people." This was an old doctor, and he was also curious about Lin Tian's current condition.

"Is there any problem if Lin Tian is so sleepy?" Xu Zifan then asked.

"Based on the physical examination, you shouldn't be lethargic. Your physique is far above ordinary people and your energy level should be stronger. This is what I find strange." The old doctor said solemnly.

"Now that the world is changing, many strange things have happened. Could it be that little friend Lin Tian has eaten the alien fruit? News has come back from the medical community in the capital that some people will also suffer from this condition after eating the alien fruit." The doctor continued.

"Is this situation good or bad after eating exotic fruits?" Lin Tian asked.

"If the currently known foreign fruits are harmful to the human body, they will break out in no more than a day. The human body will suffer from various serious negative states, and it has been a day since Lin Tian took the foreign fruits." said the doctor.

Then Xu Zifan and Lin Tian asked some more questions, and the old doctor patiently answered them one by one.

Before leaving, Lin Tian and Xu Zifan expressed their gratitude to the old doctor. The old doctor seemed to be very interested in Lin Tian's condition and said that if Lin Tian had any health problems in the future, he could come to him.

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