The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 127 Savitar Reappears

Eight twenty in the evening.

Occupation Hero(es) group PUSSYCAT's private forest territory.

A figure came out of a hidden mountain cave.

If any teachers from Class A or Xiongying were here, they would definitely recognize this figure as Li Tian who should have been taken away to assist in the investigation.

"It's time!" Li Tian walked out of the fan and whispered softly while looking at the dark night.

He was a clone created by Li Tian immediately after seeing the news in the early morning.

And this is also the way he thought of breaking the situation after he was recognized by the soul-possessed soul on My Island. Although he didn't know how the soul-possessed soul would retaliate or reveal Savitar's identity, but... nothing compares to him. The clone ability, which has been kept secret, is an easier way to break the game.

No one would have imagined that Li Tian, ​​a speed quirks, would use this ability to deal with clones.

This is why Li Tian has always believed that his ability is the speed force after the inspection on My Island, not the super speed-Quirks born from his parents Quirks.

Looking at the dark night that has already fallen and the bright moon hanging high in the sky, Li Tian's speed force flashed in his eyes, and he immediately activated the speed force and ran towards the direction of Kyoto.

During the day when Savitar's identity was recognized, Li Tian couldn't guarantee that there would be no witnesses who would discover his existence. After all, with the billions of Quirks in this society, who knows if there will be one or two weird ones who will be caught by him? He met.

After being discovered by villain(s) and professional Hero(es) about his identity as Savitar, he is now extremely distrustful of his luck.

With Li Tian's current speed, although the capital is a little far away, he arrived at the place where he hid Savitar's armor in just a few minutes.

Looking at the Savitar armor that he had left for a while, Li Tian couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He had almost chosen to give up the identity of Savitar before. This Savitar armor, if it wasn't for Commemoration, and the need to guard against the possible revenge of the soul, I am afraid that he will cruelly discard this armor completely.

Li Tian caressed the cold steel armor and sighed in his heart. He spent a lot of time knocking out this Savitar armor.

Including the design of the armor, as well as the learning of some simple structures and castings, it would take even longer. If it weren't for the super fast learning speed and the increase in hands-on speed of the Speed ​​Force mode, I'm afraid it would be a year for Li Tian. It is not necessarily possible to create it.

"Perhaps...this is the last time wearing him!" Li Tian sighed in his heart.

Of course, as the avatar at this moment, he still doesn't know what happened in the main body during the day, otherwise...he wouldn't say such words.


A burst of dazzling golden light flickered, and in just a split second, Li Tian put the heavy Savitar courtyard armor on his body.

Rapid mode - ten times! Turn on!

A faint blue light flickered from the gaps in the armor.

Hero(es) from Darkness——Saweitar! Come!

Kyoto city!

As the most active area in Savitar, the residents here are also very concerned about the report during the day. It can be said that they are not inferior to Osaka City, the city where the Osaka Bay incident occurred.

On the streets and alleys, many people can still be heard discussing about Savitar.

But... After all, this is not a peaceful world, but a chaotic world where all kinds of criminal villain(s) are like crucian carp crossing the river.

Therefore, the people here, at any rate, still have their own brains.

A piece of news about a hacker villain(s) is not enough to convince them all, especially in the end, the news that Sa Weita might be a certain student in the first-year Hero(es) department of Xiongying High School makes many People scoffed.

Especially after the police caught the soul-possessed soul, they urgently released the news that the mastermind of this incident has been captured, villain(s) was captured by Hero(es), a freshman in Xiongying High School, during a villain(s) operation. The accidental organization of the students in class A was villain(s) who took revenge with personal grudges.

Therefore, only a small part will focus on the first grade of the Hero(es) department of Xiongying High School, and the focus of most of the discussions is still on the Savitar and Osaka Bay incidents.

Some people think that Savitar saved thousands of trafficked women, he is undoubtedly a Hero(es), as for the death and injury of villain(s)...Many people hold an attitude of indifference, even Many radical young and middle-aged people clapped their hands in celebration.

No matter in that era, human traffickers have always been spurned, especially in the pictures of the police report, it was mentioned that the villain(s) organization was arresting its own nationals and trafficking them abroad, which is even more so Let most people think that the death of those people is not a pity.

However, there are also a small number of people who think that although Savitar’s actions were done by Hero(es), but he does not have a Hero(es) license to use Quirks to fight, that is a violation of the law, and he was judged as a villain(s)

There is no error either.

This scene is exactly what the Freedom Jihad Army behind the scenes wants to see, and what the government absolutely does not want to see.

As for Li Tian's incarnation of 'Savitar' at this time, he is naturally not aware of these situations, but he just walked around his usual activity area twice, caught a few small meng thieves, and was given by several people Blocked.

"You..." Li Tian had just opened his mouth, but he hadn't finished a sentence.

"We are allies..." Huang Mao on the opposite side directly raised his hand and shouted, and the other three also raised their hands to show that they were not hostile.

"Friendly army?" Li Tian looked at these people a little strangely..."Official people? Not like that!"

Except for the yellow hair, the three of them were all wearing all kinds of exotic clothes, and they also wore masks and helmets to cover their faces.

"That's right, we are allies..." The yellow hair shouted quickly, "We are also underground Hero(es) who have not obtained a Hero(es) license to carry out Hero(es) activities like Your Excellency."

"Underground Hero(es)?" Li Tian was slightly taken aback, looking at the four people on the opposite side, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Could it be that the underground Hero(es) have joined together to form a team these days.

He is just a fake underground Hero(es), and it is not very clear about this kind of thing.

"What do you want from me?" Li Tian asked while vibrating the hoarse voice of the vocal cord imitator.

"Well, we want to invite His Excellency Savitar to join us." The leading yellow hair said.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in joining any organization!" Li Tian said coldly.

The yellow-haired man wanted to speak, but was interrupted directly by Li Tian, ​​"If you have nothing else to do, just get out of the way! I have something tonight..."

"We know this. We just read that post and guessed that Your Excellency will appear here today, so we are here waiting for Your Excellency. Since the big boss doesn't want to join us, we don't force it. This book is to echo our public opinion. Hero(es) reading material, after reading it, if you agree with us, you can contact us..." The yellow hair looked at Li Tian's expression, and after throwing a book to Li Tian, ​​he was decisive Turn around and leave.

………… Ask for flowers… 0

Seeing the backs of those four people leaving, Li Tian snorted softly.

The underground Hero(es) team is an unknown villain(s) organization!

When he is stupid?

The main purpose of his visit to Kyoto this time is to attract the attention of the officials and explain something, so there is not much concealment in his actions.

Although being able to stop him faster than the official does not mean that the opponent is stronger than the official, it is definitely not something that a small underground Hero(es) team can do.

Li Tian glanced at the red book "Supernatural Liberation Front" in his hand and threw it aside.

This book, because he called Quirks a supernatural power, he accidentally read it once.

But he just read it for a while and he didn’t read it anymore. The basic skeleton of this book is probably to abolish the Quirks management laws of various countries in the world at this time, and let people use Quirks in public places as everyone’s right to freedom. break the law.

From this point of view, some of Li Tian's actions actually coincide with the ideas in this book, but

The most fundamental reason why Li Tian discarded this book was because he saw the marrow hidden in the so-called skeleton of the book's so-called liberal use of Quirks, the real intention of the book...that is to establish a unique The world of power!


[Ability] That is, the strength or weakness of Quirks will determine a person's status, social rank, and even a person's life and death!

In this book, this kind of thinking is very vaguely mentioned, which made Li Tian immediately give up the idea of ​​continuing to read, and even made him snort.

How stupid it is to abandon the more advanced and better civilization model and choose to return to the backward era that has been swept into the corner of history.

Without even looking at the book on the ground, Li Tian's incarnation of Savitar flew straight away, waiting for his real target to appear tonight.

Not long after Li Tian left, those people who blocked Li Tian just now returned here again.

"It seems that this Savitar is very cautious!" The yellow-haired man looked at the books that were thrown aside, stepped forward to pick them up and said helplessly, "He won't even take away a book that looks ordinary. It’s about being cautious.”

"No, if he's purely cautious, he won't even touch the book. After you throw the book, he will avoid it instead of catching it... He is disdainful!" Another person said sighed.

"Disdain!" A sharp voice questioned, "You mean he disdains the contents of the book?"

"That's right!" The person who spoke just now sighed, and took out an...eyeball and an ear from a remote corner of the rooftop.

After taking off the helmet, the other party really had one eye and one ear, and after putting the eyes and ears back, the man continued, "After we left, that Savitar didn't read the book, but just read the book. One glance at the title of the book and it was thrown aside."

"That gesture is obviously not vigilant, but disdainful... However, I don't know whether he read the content of the book or feels disdainful towards us!

"No matter who it is... this guy is no longer worth recruiting, report it!" The yellow-haired man was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice.

Here, the scene after he left, Li Tian naturally wouldn't know about it, but now he finally met his target tonight... from the official manpower!

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