It was still the same group they met last time, and the conversation between Li Tian's disguised Savitar and the other party was also very smooth.

He also announced that he was only here to clarify Dazzling, and that he himself was ready to give up the not-so-honorable career of underground Hero(es).

When Li Tian finished speaking, he could even see the look of surprise on the other party's face.

As the candidates to contact Savitar, they have been informed of all the pros and cons of Savitar and the Osaka Bay incident beforehand, and some of the barriers, even Li Tian himself can't think of it.

Although it was Li Tian who proposed it on his own initiative, there is absolutely no way for them to lose a share of the credit.

Looking at the back of Savitar leaving.

"Are you sure he is Savitar?" One of the officials suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Sure, he is the Savitar we met last time!" A person stepped forward to confirm.

"Is that so?" The man looked at Savitar in the distance and pondered, "It seems that some villain(s) is really talking nonsense, and that student has nothing to do with Savitar."

"Hey, Boss, we have already said that no student can be from Savitar, a fifteen-year-old student boy, no matter how good Quirks is, it is absolutely impossible to be a fierce character like Savitar. "Aside, someone said with a smile. "Four Thirty Zero"

"Yeah!" The man nodded, "Let's report it! Which student, you can let him go after the notarization meeting is over."

On the other hand, after clarifying with the official, although Li Tian turned around and left directly, it was the last time to be active in the dark as Savitar, so Li Tian naturally wouldn't end it so easily.

But as Savitar, the last activity is a commemoration.

After all, Li Tian's avatar technique is not a clone in the traditional sense, but a physical afterimage created by the speed force's interference with time. Therefore, as long as Li Tian doesn't take the initiative or the avatar dissipates on its own initiative, then The avatar and the main body are generally the same.

"Scream for help..." Li Tian, ​​who was leaping on the roof, heard the faint cry for help coming from his ears, his heart moved, and his feet turned to Shi Shi who was calling for help and rushed over.

This is a small alley that is not too far away. One side is connected to the bustling main road, while the other side requires two turns to get to the main road. Not surprisingly, there is a small gangster in the alley robbing a close Overtime white-collar workers on the way home.

Li Tian has encountered this kind of thing 80 times if not a hundred times, and he is no stranger to it for a long time. After all, there are always people who will take a shortcut and walk into this kind of desolation at night with the idea that luck is not so bad. trail.

Li Tian, ​​who was familiar with the process, directly rushed over without even saying hello, and directly knocked down the robbing gangster and knocked him out.

As for the rescued white-collar worker, he is Savitar, not a professional Hero(es), so naturally he doesn't need to come forward to comfort him.

And it took only a second or two from Li Tian's quick appearance to the solution. The ordinary white-collar worker hadn't reacted at this time, and his face was still stiff with panic. The little gangster on the ground, praying in his heart, ran out of the alley in a hurry.

But Li Tian knocked down the little gangster and left directly.

This kind of gangster is very smart. When he robs, he basically chooses students or white-collar workers who don’t look strong, and basically they don’t know how to use Quirks to rob. This simple crime can be caught by the police or professional Hero(es) To, basically will not be sentenced to any felony.

Therefore, Li Tian has long been used to just stunning the other party, and then saving the party and then leaving.

As for whether to call the police or leave, it depends on the person concerned, and Li Tian will not care about it.

Silently walking through the buildings that were not too tall, Li Tian continued his last patrol.

"I don't know what's going on with the main body now..." Li Tian thought to himself, if the distance between him and the main body is very close, the experience between them can indeed be shared, but the two of them are silent Gang, one is in Kyoto, the distance of hundreds of kilometers between them far exceeds the distance between them.

However, according to his thinking, among the people who met the official just now, there should be someone who can confirm that he is Savitar, and the news should have been sent back by now, and the troubles on the main body should have been resolved.


As a clone created in the early hours of this morning, he has no idea how serious the things he experienced later on in his own body, and even now he still doesn't know that the possessed soul has been arrested.

"Huh? Together again..." In Li Tian's ears came the similar cry for help again, which made Li Buqu sigh with emotion.

"As expected of a big city like Kyoto, there are a lot of crimes..." Li Tian heard the faint cries for help coming from his ears, moved his feet, and rushed in the direction of the cries for help

This time, it was a very remote alley.

But this time, it was four or five punks from the user Quirks who blocked a girl who looked young.

The gangsters this time are obviously more courageous than the one just now, but they lack experience. Not only did they use Quirks to rob, but... they seemed to have malicious intentions.

Instinctively, Li Tian felt that something was wrong with the scene in front of him. However, the situation was a little urgent, but he didn't have time to think about it. In an instant, a series of afterimages of blue light were drawn, and Li Tian rushed out of the middle between the woman and the gangster, blocking the While catching the little gangster's malicious right hand, he directly subdued him one after another with his backhand.

"Everyone...your ideas are dangerous!" Savitar's deep voice sounded.

At this time, the other three gangsters looked at Savitar who suddenly appeared in a fierce armor, and looked at each other at the same time, and then rushed towards Li Tian at the same time.

All kinds of Quirks are used in an instant.

One is a husky, that's wrong, a werewolf Quirks, one is a Quirks whose right arm instantly turns into a spring, and the other is a Quirks whose body instantly becomes extremely slender like a rope and is looped towards Savitar.

"The arm of the mantis is like a cart!"

Li Tian snorted coldly, looked at the three people rushing over, grabbed out with his right hand, directly grabbed the gangster whose body was turned into a rope, and then shook it up and down with all his strength

Directly unloaded the opponent's strength completely.

Then he took advantage of the situation and swung at the husky that was rushing over, and at the same time, he directly bombarded with his left hand, and the quick, precise and ruthless fist directly imprinted on the husky's abdomen, and flew out with the rope.

As for the last gangster whose right hand turned into a spring and punched, Li Tian just moved his foot slightly, then dodged sideways, grabbed the spring arm with his left hand and pulled it, raised his right knee, and directly flew him out.

"Vulnerable!" Li Tian looked at the four felled gangsters, the look of disdain flashed in his eyes, he kicked his feet suddenly, his whole body flew into the air, and a backflip landed directly on the blocked gangster. Live behind the woman......


The position where Li Tian was just now was hit by a hard-to-find transparent ripple under the night, and a violent explosion occurred.

And the one who launched the attack is undoubtedly... the woman who was blocked just now.

"Damn it!" The woman looked at Li Tian who disappeared in front of her eyes, and panic flashed across her face. Before this attack, they knew how powerful the target was this time, and she alone was far from it. opponent.

Unexpected sneak attack missed, waiting for his solution...

"It's over!" Even though she is not injured now, she already feels hopeless in her heart.

"Tell me! Who are you..." Li Tian looked at the flustered woman in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

"We are..." The woman showed hesitation on her face, and she was about to speak, but...

Standing in front of the woman, Li Tian in the Sa Weitar armor suddenly changed his face, his heart suddenly became extremely flustered, a feeling of heart palpitations rushed directly to his brain, and his scalp was constantly numb.

Dangerous! Extremely dangerous!

Subconsciously, Li Tian immediately opened up his speed and force, and the whole world stopped suddenly. About ten meters behind Savitar, a yellow-orange finger-long bullet was slowly flying towards Li Tian. He didn't look back at all, but left the position just now in an instant.

And it was less than one tenth of a second before Li Tian got out of the way.


There was a muffled sound that wasn't too loud.

"This is..." Li Tian was startled, "Sniper rifle!"

In Speed ​​Force mode, Li Tian saw a big hole in the chest of the woman in front of him just now, blood was flowing continuously, and before he could even show any expression on his face, blood gushed out of his mouth, but there was only a sound when his mouth opened and closed It didn't come out, and the eyes gradually lost their clarity.

"Damn it!" Li Tian's face was filled with incomparable anger.

He naturally wouldn't think that the shooter was sniping that woman. If he hadn't flashed so fast just now, that shot would definitely blow his head off.

"Someone shot me!" In the alley, Li Tian directly stepped on the side wall and flipped several times in a row, then turned his head to look at the direction 3.2 where the bullet came.

Under the dark night, even with Li Tian's eyesight at this time, it is impossible to see a hidden sniper through hundreds of meters, but... Li Tian's brain is calculating at high speed, quickly calculating from the trajectory of the bullet just now Get out of the sniper's position.

On the roof of a building!

Although it is only a clone, this is the first time Li Tian in this life is so close to death. He is just a clone, even if he dies, it will not cause the death of the main body, but as the time remnant of the main body, if he dies and disappears, The main body will definitely cause serious damage. ,

Li Tian's gaze was incomparably cold, and he rushed towards the sniper directly.

Although he has never experienced this kind of thing before, Li Tian also knows that when facing a sniper, standing in a daze or rushing directly is definitely the most stupid behavior. Li Tian stepped forward with a zigzag step.

At this moment, Li Tian didn't use the super speed force mode that erupted just now, at full speed, Li Tian's speed was even faster than the bullets of a sniper rifle. But the body is in rapid recovery mode.

With dynamic vision and reaction speed in this state, it is impossible to hit Li Tian with a sniper rifle!.

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