The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 157: The Assessment Begins

"A lot of people..."

A conference room about the size of a football field was already packed with Hero(es) reserve players in strange costumes, at least thousands of them.

These people are all people who participated in this temporary license assessment.

And Li Tian stood in the crowd, looking at the densely packed people around.

"This number...I'm afraid we won't be able to join you until the second round of the competition!" Li Tian glanced around with helplessness on his face. With this kind of number, even if he wanted to find the students from Class A of Heroes, It takes a lot of work.

Rather than that, why not simply wait for them in the second round!

Anyway, in the original book, they all passed the level smoothly. If they can't pass the level in the enhanced version now, it's better not to pass the level.

After all, after getting something like a temporary license, what you will face is not a better future, but countless cruel and cunning villain(s).

You can help for a while, but you can't help for a lifetime. In this kind of thing, helping is actually harmful.

"Ahem! That... the next one will be the provisional license exam for this session. Oh, yes, I am Muliang from the Hero(es) Public Security Committee. My favorite, my favorite is the body and brain. Please take care of the deep sleep that enters the sleep state."

On the stage, a middle-aged man who looked more listless than Aizawa Shouta, who looked "267", lay down on the podium and spoke weakly, and his voice was transmitted to everyone's ears through the loudspeaker.

"Too busy with work, I really don't have enough manpower, I don't sleep much at all, I really want to sleep!"

"It's really undisguised exhaustion! Are you not afraid of sudden death? Or is it that the current society has become so severe that the Hero(es) Public Security Committee is already busy enough to send overworked people to invigilate the exam?" Li Tian looked at the invigilator on the stage speechlessly.

He could see that compared to Aizawa Shouta who was sluggish due to dry eye syndrome, this person on stage was definitely exhausted from too much work!

"Probably that's it. I will uphold this creed and explain the temporary license exam." The proctor Meliang who almost fell asleep on the stage said with a yawn.

"To put it bluntly, this exam is to let the 1,540 candidates present hold ten actual combat elimination exercises where the winner is the king and the loser is eliminated.

"Today's society can be said to be a society saturated with Hero(es), but at the same time, it is also a society that urgently needs Hero(es)."

"Because of All Might's retirement, there has been unavoidable social turmoil in the past few months. From the incident to the present, the Hero(es) society, which was already close to saturation, has also been able to reserve seats for latecomers, but... .Obviously, this turbulent wave is not for ordinary people to join in."

"As for those of you who have obtained the temporary license, you will inevitably plunge into this torrent. For those who cannot adapt to this speed, you will undoubtedly fall behind in the middle. Therefore, this time The key test is that the first 100 candidates who meet the requirements first will receive a provisional license."

The weak and intermittent lazy voice of the invigilator Muliang was transmitted to the ears of more than 1,500 people present, as if a bomb had been dropped suddenly.

Instantly detonated the audience.

"The first hundred people? But isn't there 1540 people here?"

"This pass rate is too far from the previous 50%!"

"What's going on here, it can't be Muliang invigilator, you're wrong, it's the top 1,000 people?"

With the whispering of more than a thousand people in the venue, the whole venue suddenly became chaotic. The candidates looked ugly and looked at the proctor Muliang on the stage in disbelief.

"No way! As I said before, today's society is a society saturated with Hero(es), and the overall situation is like this...So, let's take it as bad luck for everyone!" The noisy discussion of thousands of people did not make him feel the slightest emotional fluctuation.

"The next thing is this..." Muliang picked up a small ball and a target from the podium, "Every candidate must install three target targets on the body surface, and they must be visible at any time. It is a violation of the regulations to go to places such as the underarms and soles of the feet.”

"After that, we will give each candidate six small balls of this kind. When the ball hits the target, it will emit light. Falling off also means being eliminated."

"On the other hand, if you use a small ball to light up the third target on someone else's body, it will be judged as knocking down one person. Candidates only need to knock down two people to meet the requirements... The rules are like this, oh yes, Don't forget, only the first one hundred who meet the requirements are considered qualified."

The invigilator Muliang yawned as he said, "In short, the staff will distribute the target objects and balls to everyone later, and the exam will officially start one minute after everyone has got the props ready, and the attack is allowed. .”

"I think...everyone should have terrains that they are good at and have headaches, try to use their strengths and try to pass as soon as possible!"

As the invigilator Muliang said, the walls around the crowd suddenly opened up, revealing the scene outside.

In the huge stadium, there are mountains, cities, residential areas, industrial areas, ocean current areas, etc. all over the terrain, and each terrain is not inferior to a training ground for Xiongying.

The combination of numerous landforms looks extremely shocking.

"Don't make it so exaggerated!"

"Is this moving a county here?"

The students present looked around in astonishment, and even instinctively took the props handed over by the staff.

"Mama, in fact, I must make it like this without any practical significance, and it is because of this thing that I suffer from severe lack of sleep... But I can't do anything according to the orders above!" The official complained unabashedly.

"So it's not because the society is so it just because there are too many jobs?" Li Tian was speechless for a while.

He thought that without his knowledge, the society had become so severe that the Hero(es) Public Security Committee had to send an invigilator who was about to die from overwork to share the workload!

"However... this first level is really easy enough for me!" Li Tian casually placed three targets on his chest, and glanced around to see the other students.

"What are you looking at! Looking for a beating?"

Suddenly, a few students who looked extremely irritable glared at Li Tian who was looking around and challenged him.

"I..." Li Tian was taken aback, looking at the dozen or so students glaring at him, they should be from the same school.

"Whether it's you or someone... you're all red, you don't want to make a fuss on the street, what are you looking around here for?"

That person, together with a few classmates beside him, yelled at Li Tian.

Obviously, the other party was extremely anxious because of the fact that there were only one hundred qualified places, and Li Tian looked around leisurely, apparently unintentionally igniting their temper

Li Tian couldn't help but laugh at the beginning. Speaking of which, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing where someone provokes and pretends to slap the face! It seems quite interesting, but... after the other party's words became dirty, Li Tian's brow It wrinkled up.

Such a low-quality person... would be a student of the Hero(es) department in a certain school.

Although Li Tian thinks that he has no qualifications to deny the goal of a person who wants to become a Hero(es), but... no matter how you look at it, this kind of person with low quality and extremely poor ability to withstand pressure has not become a Hero(es) ) to lower the group average level of Hero(es).

"One, two, three...a total of sixteen people!" Li Tian silently recorded these people, and in the field of his speed force, no one has been able to escape his target, "It just so happens , I was worried about eliminating those people before! These guys can't wait to jump out."

After all, they are all Hero(es) reserves, and the distribution of equipment was completed very quickly. In less than five minutes, everyone present was ready.

"Gogogo, run quickly, no one will help you start your heroic career!" On the podium, the proctor Muliang clapped his hands weakly and shouted.

The candidates in the audience who had just reacted were scattered in groups of three or four, or in teams of ten or twenty, and rushed towards the terrain they had chosen.

And there is a small part of it that... rushed towards a certain team in the very beginning, rather than rushing towards a certain terrain.

"Everyone, it's best for all of us to act together as much as possible. I'm afraid this kind of rule rarely shows the phenomenon of the same school symbol. Instead, we form a team" relying on each other's teamwork to fight...

Green Valley looked at the surrounding students and quickly reminded them.

"Boring, this is not a spring outing for elementary school students. Those guys together are just a mob! I'm leaving..." Bakugo ignored his classmates and chose a direction to leave.

"Hey, you idiot! If you're alone..." As Bakugo's only friend in the class, Kirishima rushed over, trying to pull Bakugo back, but was pulled further and further away instead.

"I'm leaving too. Collective action is not conducive to my Quirks' strength!" Hong said, also thinking of leaving in another direction.

"3.3 Huh?" Suddenly, Li Tian's voice sounded, "What a coincidence! Everyone, haven't you left yet? The time is coming soon?"

Li Tian also did not expect that by coincidence, he found the location of his own class when they were scattered.

"Li Tian...Are you going to act with us?" Putao said with a look of surprise in an instant.

The other students are more or less happy, if Li Tian acts together with them, this exam... 100% no problem!

"No!" Li Tian waved his hand and said, "It's just a test for a temporary license! For everyone, it's not a problem at all, and I've already found my target. The moment the exam started, they were all eliminated.

"Then, everyone, I'll be waiting for you at the second level, goodbye!"

As he spoke, Li Tian instantly turned into a ray of red light and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Seeing the afterimage of Li Tian slowly dissipating, the rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay. Even though they were confident that they could pass the exam, they couldn't help being speechless at this moment.

A test for a provisional license?

This is a super high elimination rate assessment of 1540 into 100!

Respect the difficulty of others, okay!.

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