The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 158 Hot Blood! Yelan Inasa

"Eraser Head, the zipper below you is open!"

Beside Aizawa Shouta, a smiling woman pointed at Aizawa Shouta's ability and laughed.

Aizawa Shouta¯¯||

Why are there such troublesome characters around him!

"By the way, there are 19 students this year. The famous Eraser Head only has one student this year?" Hilarious Hero(es) [Ms.JOKE] laughed.

"No, twenty people!" Aizawa Shouta said lightly.

"Oh! No one was expelled?" The woman looked surprised, "It seems that you like this student very much?"

Aizawa Shouta: "Not at all!"

"Hey haha, don't be so shy ~ marry me!" the woman said with a smile.

Aizawa Shouta(#¯~¯#): "Shut up!" old thief

"Haha, you are still so insincere... Excuse me!"

The smile on Ms. JOKE's face disappeared, she raised her eyebrows and said, "That's strange, although the content of the exam will change every year, but because your heroic sports festival exposes the student's Quirks at a glance, so always There is an unwritten custom, that is, the unspoken rules of group beating heroes."

"If you really liked them, why didn't you tell them about this!" Ms. JOKE looked at Aizawa Shouta curiously.

"I... didn't deliberately hide the group beating of heroes from them, but I also didn't deliberately tell them. After all, whether I told them or not, things are still like this, and nothing will change."

18 "No, it should be said that exposing things like Quirks in advance should be more meaningful to the provisional license exam than you think."

"This kind of relying on them to clench their teeth to reverse the crisis caused by the exposure of Quirks will undoubtedly become their future experience. After all, disclosing Quirks is one of the prerequisites for becoming a professional hero(es) " Aizawa Shouta said very calmly.

The voice is flat and without passion, but the words are full of unparalleled self-confidence.

"It really echoes your heroes' consistent high-spirited speeches, Eraser Head!" Ms. JOKE glanced at Aizawa Shouta, and the presumptuous smile before was no longer on his face.

"In this country, there are countless children who want to be Hero(es), and their aspirations to be Hero(es) have nothing to do with fame or not, because they think they look down on others, and they get hit back If so, your students, don't cry." Ms. JOKE said lightly.

Aizawa Shouta didn't mean to argue, but just replied lightly, "Strive for the top and be willing to be ordinary, they are two different ways of life..."

For this year's own students, Aizawa Shouta has a deep understanding of what his own students are like, and he is full of confidence.

"You..." Ms. JOKE was about to speak.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. The record for the fastest promotion ever broken!"

During the broadcast, the astonished voice of the proctor Muliang came, and it could be heard that the other party was really surprised this time, and the drowsy feeling before was no longer in the words.

"This speed..." Ms.JOKE looked surprised, "It's too fast!"

"Is it Li Tian?" On the side, Aizawa Shouta also raised his eyebrows. In his impression, if Li Tian is willing, this kind of thing can still be done easily.

"Someone finished the competition so quickly, so it's not like someone cheated!" The student who had yelled at Li Tian before looked at the direction of the broadcast with envy and muttered.

"It must be, how can anyone eliminate sixteen within a second of the start of the game... Alas, your targets!" The person who spoke suddenly froze, seeing that the three targets on his body were all red. The companion exclaimed.

"Why..." The man was stunned, and looked at his target casually, "Oh! My target is all lit up."

"mine too..."

"Mine lit up too."

Around, other people also reacted one after another. Looking at the all-red targets of their companions, they quickly lowered their heads to look at themselves, and then they were shocked.

"Sixteen people were eliminated in one go..." Someone was startled, and quickly turned to look at his companion. Even though he knew the number, he couldn't help counting.

"One, two, three, four...sixteen!"

"We are the sixteen people who were eliminated!"

Someone screamed, and even the voice changed sharply.

"Shadow, there must be shady, how could we be eliminated."

Someone yelled loudly, with an expression of disbelief.

But no matter how much they couldn't believe it, no matter how much they yelled, it was useless. They were unwilling to leave with them, and they were quickly driven out of the venue by the staff who rushed over.

As for Li Tian... Naturally, he didn't have the kindness to help those people explain how they were eliminated.

Playing with a few targets that fell off naturally after passing the test, Li Tian walked slowly towards the lounge.

But at this time, Li Tian ended the broadcast of the battle in an instant, causing the entire arena to boil.

There are doubters, there are curious ones, there are also admirers, and there are quite a few excited ones who ignited their fighting spirit.

For example...

"The battle ended in an instant. It's so exciting. I'm excited!" Yelan Inasa's face was full of excitement, and a hurricane immediately rolled up under his body, causing him to fly up and head towards the front of him. flying to the top of tall buildings.

At the same time... the invisible breeze dispersed towards the surroundings, blowing each examinee one by one, and then, the breeze gradually increased, and the gentle breeze, the cool breeze... instantly turned into a fierce hurricane.

Directly enveloped a large area of ​​the street.

Small balls were swept away from the candidates by the hurricane.

On the top of the tall building, Ye Lan Inazuo held a small tornado in his hands, with countless small balls wrapped in it.

"No... no way!"

"That person wants to..."

"Run away!" Someone responded.

"Haha! Everyone, please let me join in this fierce battle full of enthusiasm and blood!"

As he said that, Ye Lan Inasuo waved his big hand, and the countless small balls on the top of his head were like raindrops instantly, and fell towards the people below.

The densely packed balls were like waves of impenetrable arrow rain, directly covering hundreds of candidates below.


In the monitoring room, the computer in front of the proctor Meliang rang again.

"Another candidate has passed the test... eh? Eliminate 120 people to pass the test!" The surprised voice of the proctor Muliang was accurately transmitted through the Mic wind.

"It's really astonishing. Although the second-ranked candidate is inferior to the first-ranked candidate in terms of speed, the number of people eliminated far exceeds the first-ranked score."

"Yes, as expected, blood is the best!" Ye Lan Inazuo looked excited, and then quickly rushed towards the lounge of the qualified candidates. He couldn't wait to have a game with the first classmate We met passionately.

The entrance to the rest hut of the passers-by.

The leisurely Li Tian walked over slowly and was about to go in.

"Student Zhen Xun Li Tian!" An excited shout came from the distant sky.

Li Tian couldn't help turning his head to look, and in the middle of the air in the distance, the hurricane whistling under Ye Lan Inazuo, flying very fast, landed in front of Li Tian in a blink of an eye.

"You are Xiongying's classmate Zhenxun Li Tian! Hello, I'm Ye Lan Inasa, I saw you on the TV of the sports festival, your speed is too fast, you are worthy of being Xiongying's student

The first place is well deserved! I like the heroes of 060 the most..." Ye Lan Inazuo came up with a series of toot toot, which was comparable to Green Valley's broken thoughts.

Li Tian couldn't help being speechless.

He has recognized it.

Ye Lan Inazuo, and one of the four recommended students of Xiongying in his class, in the assessment at the time, his strength was beyond the first line of using ice.

Quirks is wind, very strong quirks, doesn't match his bold and rough character, the opponent's application of quirks is amazingly delicate.

"Hi, classmate Yelan!" Li Tian nodded and said, the other party had been talking for so long anyway, and Li Tian was not very embarrassed if he didn't say hello.

"Damn it, other than that guy, someone else has cleared the level..." Bakugo looked in the direction of the broadcast with a look of reluctance.

And it's not just the tyrannical clearance speed, 120 people were eliminated in one go... This achievement, under the rules, is not something that Bakugo's blasting Quirks can achieve anyway.

"Quirks are advantageous, but it doesn't mean that they are strong..." Bakugo's eyes were unwilling to change his fighting intentions, and then, without waiting for Kirishima behind him, he directly plunged into the residential area in front of him, looking for prey.

"The first one to pass the test must be Li Tian... As for the second place, it should be the type of Quirks that is very conducive to this exam." Green Valley calmly murmured.

"Hey, Green Valley, don't think about those who are there, this group of people has already surrounded them!" On the side, Putao shouted with several sticky balls in his hand.

"Is someone really here?" Lu Gu raised his head and looked at the people who had surrounded them, a look of sureness flashed in his eyes.

"Because of the Xiongying Sports Festival, our Quirks have been exposed long ago, so...there will be people, even many people, watching us at the beginning of the exam, but..." Green Valley stood up and looked at A look of fighting intent flashed in the eyes of a nearby examinee.

"Conversely, these people who appeared in front of us are not being targeted by us."

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