The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 75 Large Criminal Group

On the rooftop, Li Tian's incarnation of 'Savitar' looked down at the battlefield below.

He was hesitating, hesitating whether he should go up and help.

Of course, it's not because he's afraid of these villain(s), or because he's afraid of appearing in front of professional Hero(es), he's just...

Faintly heard the conversation below.

A group of human traffickers, and a group of women selling houses!

For this kind of villain(s), Li Tian naturally wished to get rid of them as soon as possible.


Li Tian thinks that the group of 'villain(s)' below is not so simple, the actions of the other party are not like a small criminal group, but more like...

a squad.

A squad of a large criminal group.

Of course, this is just what Li Tian thinks, not necessarily correct...but what if!

In case the other party is really just a small team, if he saves the two of them and the people in the car now, there may be more women and even other people in danger

This is also the reason why Li Tian hesitated.

"Wait and see!" Taking a deep breath, Li Tian's gaze became firm.

If he wants to intervene, Li Tian can choose to help at any time... Now is not the time for him to take action, what he needs to do is to wait for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to save more people.

After making the decision, Li Tian didn't hesitate any longer, and calmed down to hide his body and watch the battle below.

No, that can't be called fighting at all.

Although the warcraft made by Quirks, a North American shorthair cat, is not weak in combat power, but in the city, there are concrete steel bars and asphalt roads everywhere, and the soil for her to drive is extremely rare. In addition, these villain(s) None of them are weak.

Just the eight villain(s) who exposed the strengthened or alienated quirks blocked all the earth monsters she created, while the remaining dozen or so people surrounded the two of them.

Two women who are weak in melee combat, and Quirks can't fight, and a dozen vicious villain(s) who haven't exposed Quirks, naturally don't need to say much to solve it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the leader Hamasaki Ryuu activated his Quirks, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, directly hypnotized the two women, causing them to fall into a coma.

And the moment the North American shorthair cat fell into a deep sleep, the earth monsters that were still struggling coughed lightly and scattered, turning into pairs of dirt clods.

The battle lasted only a minute or two from the beginning to the end, that is, it ended within a few tens of seconds after Li Tian decided to hide, even Li Tian was a little speechless at this time

With such a disparity in combat power, they stood up without hesitation and wanted to block this group of villain(s).

It should be said that he is really self-sacrificing for others, or that he is out of his mind!

He didn't believe in the Quirks of Ragdoll, and he couldn't see the huge difference in combat power between them.

"There should be someone behind!" Li Tian was thoughtful.

How to say, it is also a professional Hero(es), so it doesn't mean you don't even have this point!


The North American shorthair cat and the Ragdoll cat who fell into a coma were thrown into the van with a set of sacks by the gang. It can be seen from this that Hamasaki Ryukyu is very concerned about his Quirks, Tianfen Baixin.

Even if they knew that these two were professional Hero(es), they threw them into the van casually like everyone else.


The sacks carried out one after another from the abandoned building were loaded into five vans. Li Tian reckoned that if these twenty or so big men were removed, there would be at least twenty or thirty sacks in the van, and one A sack means one person, which means twenty or thirty people who were arrested.

After the loading was completed, these people did not clean up, but also packed into the vans, and drove directly into the dark alley beside them.

Observing carefully, Li Tian could find that, after the five vans left, the piles of mud clods here still had obvious battle traces, but there was no trace left on the ruts of those vans.

Apparently, there's some sort of special Quirks on the other side.


Li Tian took a deep breath, and quickly moved the 'Savitar' armor on his body. After a while, the blue light in the gap of the 'Savitar' armor after being refracted by the light reflected by the speed force lightning disappeared.

This is a small mechanism that Li Tian thought of when making it. It can thicken the armor at ordinary times, and when it is pushed down, it can cover up all the blue lights used for handsomeness, which is convenient for stealthy actions. It is very simple and practical, isn't it!

After getting ready, Li Tian instantly broke out [Extreme speed mode - ten times! Activate!

The opponent's convoy had just left, Li Tian caught up with the five vans easily, then slowed down, quietly followed them not far away, hiding his figure, and was ready to go to their lair.


The other party's next actions shocked Li Tian.

These five vans did not follow Li Tian's idea to go to the lair, but turned around in the northern district of Kyoto City, and the previous scene appeared three times in succession.

Get in the car, sack!

From the initial five vans, it soon became eight vans.

Different from the previous five vans, there were no figures of those criminal groups in the three new vans. Except for the driver and the co-pilot guard, the people behind them were all people pretending to be trafficked.

After adding the first five cars are also added.

Li Tian estimated that in this convoy, there were at least sixty people who were caught.


Li Tian took a deep breath, the coldness in his eyes became more and more fierce...Some people don't deserve to be forgiven!

Following this convoy, Li Tian tracked it for a full two hours. Finally, the van convoy that became ten vehicles dispersed and turned into a 3-3-4 three-team van convoy and left Kyoto. North District.

Looking at the three vans leaving separately, Li Tian's face was slightly solemn.

Although he guessed that the destinations of these people were all in one place, he dared not, and could not bet!

"I hope you won't be seen!" Li Tian murmured silently in his heart, and when he moved his feet, the Speed ​​Force suddenly exploded at full speed.

In an instant, Li Tian's speed soared to the fastest, Mach 5, no, surpassed Mach 5 and even approached the rapid explosion of Mach 6.


Li Tian who was running at high speed suddenly split into three, and three Li Tians wearing the 'Savitar' armor appeared in the world at the same time.


This is a newly developed ability by Li Tian. Originally, it was intended to be used as the trump card of 'The Flash', but it was unexpectedly used for the first time as the identity of Savitar.

No words needed, the moment Li Tian's avatar appeared, it possessed all of Li Tian's own thoughts, the three of them didn't say a word, each chose a convoy, then slowed down and followed them in hiding.

Fifteen minutes later the villain(s) team and 'Savitar' left.

……ask for flowers…

Beside the first abandoned building, the remaining two of Hero(es) group PUSSYCAT, Mandalay Cat and Tiger came here with more than a dozen professional Hero(es) and police cables.

Looking at the messy battlefield, both the Mandalay cat and the tiger looked extremely ugly.

The piles of dirt can be clearly judged to be caused by the Quirks of the North American Shorthair cat.

Moreover, this is obviously a scene that will only appear after the defeat.

"Have the North American shorthair cat and Ragdoll cat been taken away?" Tiger said in a low voice with an ugly face.

"It looks like it is." The Mandalay Cat's expression was not good.

The four of them came to Kyoto this time not for any Hero(es) activities, but simply for fun.

No one thought that they would encounter such a thing during their trip.

The faces of other professional Hero(es) on the side are also not very good-looking. As a local professional Hero(es) in Kyoto, their colleagues encountered a large criminal group when they were playing in Kyoto and were arrested. The faces of these patrolling professional Hero(es)!

"Report, there is a discovery here!" As soon as they appeared at the scene, several of the police who searched separately shouted loudly.


"Have you found anything?"

Everyone rushed towards the policemen.

After getting closer, everyone saw what the policeman found.


Text made of clay.

"It's left by a North American shorthair cat." The Mandalay cat said quickly and checked it carefully.

The text left by this piece of soil is the last message left by the North American shorthair cat when it knew it was invincible.

to the effect that...

"A criminal group of human trafficking from villain(s), there are twenty-six people, all male, eight of them are strengthening or alienating Quirks, and the rest are unknown. The other party's transportation is five vans, two silver-gray , two red cars and one bright yellow, with puppet cats on board, there are a total of 33 women. In addition, it is suspected that the place is a small unit of a large criminal group, and there are more victims and villain(s)...."

The series of information is very long, the North American shorthair cats almost wrote down all the information they could find at that time, it was very detailed, and the other places were also the same information, but they didn't know the final destination of the other party. The information is not there.


"Enough!" The police, a police officer's face flashed a look of seriousness, and then he quickly took out his mobile phone and started to contact the police headquarters.

It may involve two professional Hero(es), at least 33 abducted women, and information about a suspected large-scale trafficking criminal group. How could the police not act.

And those professional Hero(es) also took action. If the attack on the North American Shorthair cat and Ragdoll cat in Kyoto made them feel sad, then the thirty-three kidnapped women and the rampant large-scale criminal group made them feel sad. Totally annoyed, this is a disgrace to the honor of being a professional Hero(es)!


find them!

This is the common belief of the police and professional Hero(es) at this time.

The scene in front of them gave Mandalay Cat and Tiger a little hope. No one knows the police and the power of professional Hero(es) better than professional Hero(es).

They looked at each other, and the eyes of the two became extremely firm.

North American Shorthair, Ragdoll, waiting for us! Thousands!.

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