The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 76: Sneaking Into The Dock

It was late at night, even on the roads in Kyoto, there were very few vehicles, so even vans were traveling very fast.

In just over half an hour, Li Tian saw...the sign of Osaka!

"Osaka?" Li Tian frowned, and suddenly had a bad premonition, absorbing all the memories of his predecessor, Li Tian actually knew a little bit about the geographical situation of the Neon side.

Here in Osaka, there are...

Port of Osaka!

Even in the middle of the night, the place is still in full swing. Forklift trucks leave with goods, or... come here!

In a remote corner of Osaka Port, Li Tian was wearing the 'Savitar' armor and looking there from afar.


A black shadow flew quietly to Li Tian's not far away...


That is Li Tian's clone.

Seeing the clone coming, Li Tian wasn't surprised at all.

Three convoys, three tracking clones, finally arrived here.

Li Tian, ​​that bad premonition has come true!

For Li Tian, ​​who is 'well-informed' (movies and TV series), it is normal for such large-scale human trafficking to use ships, and even the place where the trafficking is most likely to be on the other side of the ocean, in a foreign country, carrying The "680" cargo ship with a large volume is really suitable.


"Sure enough, the previous one was just a small team?" Li Tian looked over there from afar, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. He followed the first convoy when it arrived. During this time, except for him In addition to the three convoys that were following, there were also many vehicles driving in.

There were vans like that convoy, pickup trucks, and even a big truck that came in.

Although, Li Tian can't be sure that every car is filled with the same people as the convoy just now, but... this corner of the port is definitely not normal.

Lurking in the darkness, Li Tian's eyes flicked over the group of security guards at the entrance of the port, and then looked elsewhere.

"In addition to the security guards on the surface, there are at least eight secret sentries in the dark, and countless cameras monitoring... This kind of tight defense, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an ordinary port!" Li Tian's eyes The coldness is even worse.

He has a feeling.

Tonight, he will see a world completely different from the surface!

For the port in front of him, unless Li Tian uses the speed mode with all his strength, it will be difficult to sneak in quietly from the entrance.

But Li Tian has made a decision long ago, 'Savitar' will never use the speed mode, at least, this kind of ability that can be connected to him at a glance must not be used.

"How to sneak in!" Li Tian looked at the brightly lit place from a distance, but filled with the rare dark place in the world, thinking.

"How about..." A sharp cold light flashed in Li Tian's eyes, "How about a 'perfect' infiltration!"

Near Osaka Bay, the owner of Linhe Park.

Li Tian looked at the river leading directly to Osaka Port in front of him, and walked over without hesitation.

After all, he couldn't make up his mind to make a "perfect" infiltration. In his previous life and present life, he didn't even kill a chicken. He couldn't do it all of a sudden, at least he can't do it.

In the cold sea water, Li Tian pulled the box of the 'Savitar' armor and sneaked from the bottom of the sea towards the direction of Osaka Port.

With the trembling heat of super speed, coupled with the speed and strength in the rapid mode, Li Tian in the sea water is like a fish swimming, moving forward quickly.

The Osaka Bay is already far away, and the giant ships stagnant in the harbor look like ferocious giant beasts in the dark night.

Suddenly, Li Tian, ​​who had already approached that place of Osaka Bay, froze, and then suddenly turned into a flying fish, whoosh hid to the side of a moored ship.

Sticking his head out, Li Tian looked at the somewhat remote corner of the port from afar.

"Sure enough it's not that simple..." Li Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at an almost invisible shadow on the dark water in the distance. It was a person, and the other was hiding in the water

Villain(s) with only one head showing...a water Quirks' villain(s).

And looking around, almost every 500 meters, there is a secret sentry lurking in the sea to watch out for the surroundings. The small half of the port is not to say that it is surrounded and airtight, but if the movement is a little louder, it may cause commotion.

Li Tian couldn't help but thought of Ye Yin, if she was here, she would be able to sneak in with him easily, feeling a little bit, Li Tian took a deep breath, and dived directly into the sea.

"There is no abnormality in the B36 area!" On the dark water surface, a villain(s) with a lizard-like head whispered to report.

"Very well, C36 will pass by soon, you can come back!" An order came from the lizard man's earphone.

"Yes!" The lizardman replied in a low voice, with a smile on his face.

Even though his Quirks are not afraid of water, but now it's just the beginning of summer, and it's late at night, and the sea water is extremely cold. If he stays here for a long time, even if he is in good health, he will definitely catch a cold. The most important thing is What's's uncomfortable for him to swim in the cold sea water!

In the water, the lizard man turned around and swam towards the shore with a flutter.

Not far away, another figure also swam towards this side with a flutter. This is c36 who came to change shifts.

But what they didn't realize was that in the short moment when the two of them changed shifts, a figure like a fish swimming in the deep sea swished through their so-called jurisdiction area.


At the corner of a freighter, Li Tian's figure emerged from the sea, exhaled heavily, and then took a big breath.

Looking sideways at the seemingly tight but actually full of loopholes that he passed through just now, he circled one side of the freighter and slowly swam towards the shore.

Approaching the shore, Li Tian pulled up the box of Savitar's armor dragged behind him, quickly changed into that suit of armor, and then went ashore while the villain(s) on duty at the port didn't pay attention.

Compared with the various sentry monitors that are tight on the outside, the interior of this small port is very loose. There is no sentry at every ten steps and every five steps as Li Tian imagined. There are only a few patrol teams.

"Quick, quick...the ship to receive the goods will be here soon, hurry up and put the goods in the boxes.

"Hey, are the medicines in the box ready? There are quite a few Quirks in this shipment who are not weak. Before they reach their destination, they must not have the strength to move."

"What? You are still on the road, why are you so slow? The ship to receive the goods is coming soon. Hurry up, it won't be waiting for you in less than ten minutes."

Accompanied by some noisy shouts, at first glance, this pier actually has an atmosphere of being in full swing and working together to get the job done.


The people who worked each of them were either with bulging muscles and scars all over their bodies, or they were vicious and screaming children. Looking at them one by one, they all looked like good people.

Moreover, the so-called goods carried by these people are all human beings......

In the crevices of the container corners, Li Tian looked at the ones being carried out of the sacks one by one, and thrown into the cargo boxes that looked like containers but were indeed cages inside.

"This..." Li Tian looked there in shock, he realized that he still underestimated this criminal group!

The sacks were moved out of the car one by one, and the people in the sacks were moved into the cargo box. In just this moment, Li Tian estimated that there were nearly a thousand people in the cargo box.

And looking around, almost all of them are unconscious women. They are too far away to see their faces, but they are probably not bad, and there are big and small, tall and short, with hot bodies, and there are also many graceful figures. ,and...

Li Tian can also see quite a lot of alien quirks possessed, such as the catwoman who has awakened the cat quirks but still looks like a human, the bunny girl who has awakened the rabbit quirks, etc. All kinds of strange women.

Even, Li Tian saw a few cute little girls who looked like porcelain dolls!

This is definitely not a criminal group in Kyoto or Osaka!

"Bastard!" Li Tian looked at the villain(s) who were carrying the young girls, his eyes were extremely cold, even full of killing intent.

"Hiss..." Ohno Yuto was unpacking the sack and moving the woman out of it, when suddenly his whole body trembled, a chill came to his mind, and the movements of his hands couldn't help but pause.

"Huh? What's the matter?" On the side, another black-skinned burly man who was unpacking the sack with him couldn't help but stared at this place in confusion and asked in a deep voice.

"Oh! It's all right, it's just that there is a cool wind blowing in, and the night at the beach is cold." Yuto Ohno shook his head, responded casually, and was ready to continue working.

That person didn't care either. Although they belonged to the villain(s) group, they didn't know each other. They just asked a casual question, just when the two were about to continue working.

"Tom tom!" "Tom tom!"

Slightly dull footsteps came from the dark corner of the container beside it.


Ohno Yuuto and the black-skinned burly man stopped their movements at the same time, not only them, but also other people beside them, and their movements stopped one after another as if they were contagious , staring into the distance.

"Who is it?" Someone jumped out in an instant and shouted in the direction of the source of the footsteps.

There was a pause for the dull footsteps, but then they sounded at a faster frequency.

"not good!"

At this moment, everyone understands that this is definitely a professional Hero(es) or someone who meddles in their own business.

Although they were surprised that someone could invade here, they didn't have the slightest fear or panic when someone invaded. Instead, they all showed hideous expressions. They were villains.

What's more, in this area, except for their specific internal communication tools, other signals have long been blocked, and information can never be transmitted.

Here, they have hundreds of companions and thousands of hostages in their hands. Even if there are dozens or twenty professional Hero(es) or a large police force, they are not afraid, let alone... Now it doesn't look like a large army is coming.

No need to remind, the movement here has already caused warnings in several other areas. The villain(s) who is in charge of patrolling in the distance rushed over quickly, and the person who seemed to be the captain even showed his special characteristics The walkie-talkie began to give orders.

Let the periphery be vigilant to prevent people from escaping. .

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