The founder of all religions

Chapter 113 Farewell, Black Dragon Spear

There are many demons and ghosts, but their illusory aura is domineering, breaking Qi Yu's spiritual blood. Even if he has the ability to trace the demon aura, he cannot spy on the opponent's identity.

"Ayu..." Seeing this, Chu Nianxin hurried forward.

"It doesn't matter!"

Qi Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his pale complexion regained its color after a moment.

"The one who killed Gao Yunyue... was a demon!?" Chu Nianxin thought of the vision just now.

All the demons arrived... Some of the chaotic auras made Chu Nianxin feel frightened.

How could Gao Yunyue not die in such a situation! ?

"It's not a demon, but a human monk..." Qi Yu said lightly.


"This person is extremely special and has deep connections with many demons and ghosts. Therefore, his aura is mixed, like a crowd of demons and ghosts, and cannot be caught."

Qi Yu's voice was gentle and his expression returned to normal, as if he was calm and calm.

"I didn't expect that there is such a master in the Three Mountains Realm!?"

Qi Yu's eyes filled with deep thought.

"Ayu, do you need me to dispatch experts from the Tianshi Mansion?" Chu Nianxin couldn't help but ask.

She has a distinguished status and is of great importance. As long as she opens her mouth, she can call for help from thousands of miles away from the capital and call in real experts.

"No need." Qi Yu waved his hand.

"I have now gained the power of the Overlord... This power is extremely special... I need to slowly integrate it with my body. Over time... these three mountains will no longer be invincible..." Qi Yu said lightly.

"Okay, I believe you." Chu Nianxin said no more.

From the day they met, Qi Yu always gave him a transcendent and unique self-confidence, as if he could control everything.

This man has a very special temperament, and he always seems to be hiding unknown secrets.

It is this secret that becomes the source of his strength and uniqueness.

"Help me find the koi carp and the black cat... Such heresy is not allowed in the Three Mountains..."

At this moment, Qi Yu gave an order, and the crow on his shoulder immediately flew up, spreading its wings, and a terrifying demonic aura rose into the sky, the floating clouds disappeared, and all directions stood tall.

"Nine-furnace demons!?"

Chu Nianxin moved slightly, then raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a faint smile.

The man she fell in love with was indeed extraordinary.

Three years ago, when Chu Nianxin met Qi Yu for the first time, he was just a minor character at the third level of the Inner Breath Realm.

At that time, Chu Nianxin, who was away from home, didn't take it seriously at all.

However, late at night, demons and ghosts attacked the ancient temple. When Qi Yu walked out of the door, all the demons and ghosts retreated and guarded the outside until dawn.

From that moment on, Chu Nianxin knew that this man's future achievements would be limitless.

Countless crows came from all directions and were involved in the billowing demonic energy, like black clouds crossing, extinguishing the flowing clouds, and flying into the distance.

The second day.

Li Mo got up early as usual, came to the prison, and enjoyed the breakfast brought by Xiao Luyao.

A plate of swallow antler cake, a cage of three fresh shrimp dumplings, a plate of Yunsi beef soup, and a pot of Chunbi tea.

Li Mo feasted happily, and Feng Wannian followed suit, making his mouth full of oil.

"Senior Sister Xiao is so polite. She comes here every day to deliver breakfast..." Feng Wannian drank tea, looked at the people around him, and lowered his voice.

"What do you think are the chances of me getting this meal?"

"Huh!?" Li Mo raised his head and glanced at him: "Aren't you eating?"

"I'm not talking about this bowl...the one with bad teeth..." Feng Wannian began to think seriously.

These days, Xiao Luyao often runs to the prison. It is obvious that he is not interested in drinking.

"Senior Sister Xiao seemed to have something to say just now... Sigh, you should have consciously decided to go out... I missed this opportunity..."

Feng Wannian couldn't help but sigh, maybe if Li Mo hadn't been here just now, he would have already eaten this bowl of rice.

Li Mo listened quietly, put down his chopsticks silently, and said nothing.

"By the way...I heard that...the Xuantian Pavilion assessment has not yet started, but the first person to be promoted has already appeared..."

At this moment, Feng Wannian changed the subject and suddenly spoke.

"How did you know?" Li Mo showed a strange expression.

"I have a way." Feng Wannian grinned.

"Now the news has spread in Longyuan Mansion, and it is estimated that it will spread soon... Tsk tsk... There are only eleven places in total. I don't know which bastard kid has smoke coming out of his ancestral grave, so I took one away for nothing... Grass……"

Feng Wannian couldn't help but greet the lucky man.

After all, Luofu Mountain's chances of qualifying were already slim. Now that there is one less spot, the competitive pressure left for them will naturally be greater.

Nowadays, everyone on Mount Luofu can only place their hope on Qi Yu from Bahou Courtyard, hoping that he can create miracles.

"What's wrong with you? You don't look good. Are you feeling unwell?"

Feng Wannian couldn't help but become concerned when he saw Li Mo getting up.

"I'm going out for a walk."

"Come back soon, Xiaofu seems to have had great luck recently..."

Feng Wannian's voice sounded from behind, reminding Li Mo.

Hong Xiaofu had been depressed for a while since he signaled in the foot-washing room. He chatted all day long and slept until midnight without waking up. He was so confused that he felt like he had lost his soul.

Li Mo had to admit that the early death of love was a fatal blow to such an innocent boy.

Even Feng Wannian couldn't stand Hong Xiaofu's appearance.

"Don't stay in bed unless you can make money while in bed..."

Faced with such a rebuke that hit his soul, Hong Xiaofu seemed to have awakened a little.

From that day on, Li Mo never saw him again.

"He got lucky? What kind of luck?" Li Mo muttered in his heart.

At this moment, he didn't have time to think about these things.

After practicing the [Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Method Manual], his strength has been greatly improved, but he has also encountered bottlenecks.

Now the fastest way to break through is to find another Nine Furnace Demonic Heart and attack the [Five Inch Realm].

For Li Mo who practices [Nine Life Methods], as long as he has enough Nine Furnaces Demon Heart, there is no bottleneck at all.

Before the Xuantian Pavilion assessment begins, he must of course try his best to improve his strength to the extreme.

Although he has obtained a promotion quota, it is only an ordinary quota. If he wants to reach the top, he will face the descendants and monsters of the top sects in the world.

Chen Wangdu said that among those people there were also masters who had achieved the ninth level.

"It's time to have a good chat with Boss Bai." Li Mo had already made plans in his mind.

He had just obtained the [Red Flame Sword], and the Black Dragon Spear was no longer useful. He might as well cash it in, and maybe exchange it for a Nine Furnace Demonic Heart.

This may be the last value that the loyal Black Dragon Spear contributed to Li Mo.

How could he live up to this friendship?

On the same day, Li Mo went down to Luofu Mountain with a spear wrapped around his waist.

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