The founder of all religions

Chapter 114 Black Mountain Old Demon

Li Mo was already familiar with Boss Bai's shop.

Apart from him, there seemed to be no other guests here at all, and it was deserted every time he came.

However, this time it was different.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Li Mo heard the sound of a man and a woman arguing coming from the small shop.

"So, are you planning to separate from me now?"

"You are already with another man, wouldn't it be wrong for me to break up?"

"Do you think it's right? Just because I had a relationship with a man you don't even know?"

Li Mo was slightly startled when he heard this, and took back the steps he was about to take.

It was obvious that the voice of the woman who spoke had risen a lot, and she had obviously been greatly wronged.

"What do you mean? I should know him before we break up?" The man's voice was also full of doubts.

"Our seven-year relationship is no match for my impulsive relationship with a strange man?" the woman shouted, looking confident.

"Didn't you break up with me because you wanted to find another woman? You would rather give a chance to a woman you just met than to a woman you have been in love with for seven years... It's really ridiculous..."

"Cold-blooded... scumbag..."

A sharp scolding sounded, followed by two loud slaps.

The next moment, a woman with a hot figure and enchanting appearance rushed out of the door. The huge breasts almost knocked Li Mo over.

Li Mo looked at the woman's retreating back and walked into the shop with a blank look on his face.

At this moment, a young man in fine clothes was covering his cheek, as if he had not recovered from the shock just now.

Li Mo actually saw a trace of apology and reflection in his eyes.

The handsome man suddenly raised his head, saw Li Mo, his eyes dodge, lowered his head, and chased after him.

"Xiangxiang, wait for me."

As the bell rang, the shop door slammed shut.

"What's going on?" Li Mo looked at Boss Bai and couldn't help but ask.

"I bought a [True Heart Grass] from me, and the young man confided his true feelings, which moved the woman to tears..." Boss Bai said calmly.

"Then what?"

"When it was the woman's turn, she told her what she had done during the half hour she was missing on the night of the wedding..."

"And then you saw it all."

When Li Mo heard this, he was really speechless.

True Heart Grass is a kind of demon grass that grows in extremely cold and harsh places. If a mortal eats it by mistake, it will reveal its true feelings, and even the deepest secrets hidden in the heart can be exposed.

"Since ancient times, the heart has been the most unpredictable. There is always truth and falsehood." Boss Bai whispered softly, and then looked at Li Mo.

"Why are you here again today?"

"Of course I'm here to do business." Li Mo was already accustomed to Boss Bai's attitude towards accepting customers.

"Have you got a good baby again?"

Li Mo didn't waste any time, raised his hand and directly pulled out the black dragon spear coiled around his waist. Injecting inner energy, the originally limp spear instantly became strong and unyielding.

The cold light shimmers, the long chant generates power, and a powerful force of gun blows up the wind to hunt.

"Rune weapon...seventh grade!?"

Boss Bai's eyes were ruthless, and he could see the reality of the Black Dragon Spear at a glance.

Li Mo directly placed the Black Dragon Gun on the counter and pushed it in front of Boss Bai.

"The snake venom has also been tempered. It should be the snake skin from last time... Xuantian Pavilion's method..."

Boss Bai just touched the gun body gently and saw many hidden clues.

At this moment, Li Mo just reacted.

He has owned the Black Dragon Spear for too long, and he even slept with it in his arms at first. Now after Boss Bai reminded him, he remembered that this treasure was not taken from someone else.

By the way, it was from Long Jianfei's hand...

Why didn't he mention it when we met that day?

While Li Mo was thinking, Boss Bai put down the Black Dragon Spear.

"The stuff is okay, what do you want?"

"Nine furnace demon heart..." Li Mo directly stated the conditions.

He needed this treasure desperately now.

"Why do you want so many demon hearts? Drinking?" Boss Bai couldn't help but ask.

"Has anyone used Jiuluo Yaoxin to drink wine?" Li Mo couldn't help but be speechless.

"It's not like there's nothing..." Boss Bai muttered, then shook his head.

"not enough!"

"Not enough? This is a seventh-grade rune weapon." Li Mo still wanted to fight for it.

"Level 6 is not enough." Boss Bai raised his head and took a deep look at Li Mo, then lightly brushed his fingers over the gun body and pointed at the head.

"Besides, there are some minor damages here, probably caused by another more powerful rune weapon."

Boss Bai smiled and said, "If we bring them all, that's almost it."

"Why don't you go and grab it?" Li Mo couldn't help shouting.

He had just obtained the Red Flame Sword, how could he give it away?

"Old rule, put it here first. If you have other treasures, I will keep the Nine Furnaces Demon Heart for you." Boss Bai put the Black Dragon Spear away without waiting for Li Mo to speak.

When Li Mo saw this, he didn't object.

He finally understood that as long as he came here to do business, he would never be happy.

"I'll come back in a while."

Li Mo turned around and was about to leave. As soon as he took two steps, his peripheral vision was suddenly attracted by an ancient painting in the corner.

There are three big mountains painted on it, the one in the middle is deserted and deserted, with dense skeletons underneath, and the one on the left is bright and bright, like the sun hanging in the sky.

The one on the far right is dark and deep, with a figure standing on the top of the mountain.

"This is... the realm of three mountains!?" Li Mo was deeply attracted by the artistic conception of the ancient painting.

"According to legend, a long time ago, there was a powerful man who subdued the devil here and killed the peerless monster, and his body was buried under the Yin Mountain..."

Boss Bai came over and muttered leisurely.

"The corpse of that demon ghost created the special environment of Yinshan Mountain. Some people say that as long as you survive the three disasters, you will have the opportunity to gain the power of that peerless demon ghost and achieve boundless dominance."

"Three disasters!?" Li Mo thought thoughtfully.

"In the beginning, it was Bahou. He was the original Lord of Yinshan Mountain and even mastered the power of the Demon-Conquering Treasure Seal..."

"You even know about the Demon-Conquering Treasure Seal?" Li Mo frowned slightly, feeling that Boss Bai was becoming more and more mysterious.

"It's a pity that being as powerful as a tyrant is just a fate."

"After this is the Nine Aperture Golden Pill, which achieves the destiny of demons and ghosts. Unfortunately, it met the black sword and finally met its fate."

"The last thing is..."

"Yinshan Ghost Grandma!?" Li Mo said with his heart slightly moving.

Boss Bai nodded and looked at the ancient painting: "The three disasters have been resolved, and someone needs to obtain the remains and secrets of that peerless monster."

"This person must be from Luofu...or Montenegro."

"Why?" Li Mo asked.

"When great evil falls, destiny arises..."

"The fate that arose after the demon ghost's death actually created the Yin and Yang sides..."

"Luofu is like Yang, Black Mountain is like Yin... If he is not a disciple of Luofu, he must be the overlord of Black Mountain and the strongest demon in the Three Mountains..."

Boss Bai's voice echoed in the small shop like a murmur in a dream.

Li Mo's eyes couldn't help but look at the figure on Li Heishan. It was like a ghost, hiding in the dark night, with only a crow and bird accompanying him.

Montenegro old demon!

Prepare medicine! Trembling...

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