The founder of all religions

Chapter 275 The Immortal Silkworm Magic! Martial Arts Master Lights Sky Lanterns at Night (2-in-1)

The brilliant golden light gave rise to strange phenomena, which turned out to be spiritual silkworms who had heard the imperial edict.

The earth-shattering cry echoed in the sky above [Jianjing Lake], like rolling thunder, like turbulent waves, like thousands of swords roaring, like the wrath of mountains and seas.

In the bright golden light, the phantom of the silkworm looked real, clustered like a ball, useless in form, and there was a faint black light flickering, as if the black sky was extinguished and immortal.

"That little loser!?"

Wang Jiu's expression suddenly changed as he recognized this grand and mysterious aura.

Waste baby, the most useless among the demons and ghosts released by Li Mo, a pure little waste who doesn't even have a ounce of meat in frying or cooking.

Back then, when Wang Jiu was still a tortoise in Luofu Mountain, he often wiped his feet with a cloth on the spot.

After all, this little waste has been sleeping all year round, almost no different from a corpse. No matter how hard you try, it doesn't respond. Occasionally, it will only cry when it wakes up.

Because of this, this little waste was considered one of the most useless among the many demons and ghosts around Li Mo, second only to the stinking stone that was motionless.

"After so many years...this little loser is shaking too."

Wang Jiu's expression was solemn, and his round eyes were staring at the golden shadow surrounding Li Mo.

Even though he had practiced the [Longevity Wuji Kung Fu], at this moment, he felt the extremely unusual aura of the useless baby.

In the brilliant golden light, the boundaries between life and death are gradually blurred, and the sudden darkness is like a dead black sky, hiding terror and ominousness.

"Then...what is that?"

Everyone was horrified, and the earth-shattering cries almost shook their spiritual senses out of their bodies.

Under the brilliant golden light, the blood in their bodies surged like a tide, running wildly through their limbs and bones.

Now that I have seen the virtual image of the spiritual silkworm come to life, I am destined to offer the door of immortality.

Immortal silkworm magical power! ! !

Li Mo's indifferent eyes glowed with a gloomy golden luster, and his movements showed majestic power.

At this moment, his aura was even more terrifying than before, his waves were like the wind, and his head and horns were majestic, forming a sharp contrast with the dead and withered vegetation, insects and beasts around him.

"He...he blocked Jiang Chen's [Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman]..."

At this moment, Ning Huanzhen gritted his teeth and said a terrible fact in a deep and solemn voice.

The method of gathering death given by the Northern Evil Xuanzhang, all the evil spirits become a talisman, and the Xuan Pupil grants death.

This kind of power even surpasses Jiang Chen himself. It is like a gift from heaven. Once it is unleashed, it cannot be transferred by human will at all.

The evil spirits of heaven and earth will all return to this talisman, and everything around it will be destroyed and die.

This is the true meaning of "thousands of evil spirits gather together to die".

"This is impossible……"

Jiang Chen's face trembled, and his condensed eyes revealed deep shock and confusion.

At this moment, he could no longer remain calm and calm.

Even if Li Mo just used the [Diamond Sword Blade] to block his [Great Martial Sword Blade]...

Even if Li Mo blocked all his escape routes with the [Tianpeng Divine Curse] and dealt him a heavy blow... Jiang Chen's mind was not shaken in the slightest.

In his eyes, if Li Mo didn't even have this means, he wouldn't be worthy of standing here as his opponent.

However, this good performance was the last glory of his life. Jiang Chen, who had deep knowledge, was still confident. He knew that when he used real means, the world would be decided.

Even this disciple of Luofu, who is known as the successor of the Black Sword, will eventually go to a stranger, and disappear in front of everyone in the final glory.

So, the moment the [Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman] appeared, in Jiang Chen's eyes, the battle was over.

This is the power bestowed by [Beishi Xuanzhang]. No one in the world or among his peers can defy life and death. He cannot defy this power... not even himself. this moment, the power Li Mo showed actually made him immune to the [Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman] without being affected at all.

Such a strange reality not only subverted Jiang Chen's cognition, but also made his rock-solid confidence begin to waver.

Li Mo, this disciple of Luofu Mountain, seems not to be completely under his control.

"You are an anomaly..."

Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly sank, and his expression became extremely ugly.

"I am your father..."

Almost at the same moment, Li Mo's voice suddenly exploded in the sky above Jianjing Lake.

His body rose up, like golden light, and he was in front of Jiang Chen in an instant.

The wind and clouds are rolling, and all evil spirits are gathering, but they still cannot break through the overlapping golden radiance.

All evil spirits gather together to die, but the spiritual silkworms will not be extinguished. Even if they enter our door, they will remain invincible.


Li Mo raised his hand and punched Jiang Chen's face with golden light and spiritual breath.

The eyes of the Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman widened with anger, and the mysterious light flourished, blocking Li Mo's punch.

"Wow wow wow..."

At this moment, the giant spiritual silkworm's virtual image followed him like a shadow, and the deafening cries resounded again. The whole world was horrified, and the mysterious light shattered, just like the remaining fire in winter, resurrecting from the ashes.

Ba Jue's punch could no longer be stopped, and it hit him all the time.

Bang bang bang...

A huge sound suddenly exploded, and Jiang Chen's body flew out like a short-line kite. The strange talisman between his eyebrows gradually cracked in the dripping blood, and the cracks continued to spread like a spider web...

"God...Li Mo...he is really not affected by the [Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman]?"

"That's the power given by the eight great demon immortals in the world? did he do it?"

"You can't die even if you gather together to die? This man is also an anomaly... Just like the black sword three hundred years ago, he appeared out of nowhere and was known to the whole world?"

The scene at the Sword Realm Lake was filled with excitement, everyone's expressions changed, and the eyes they looked at Li Mo were different.

No one expected that the war situation would turn so sharply. You must know that before this, almost no one was optimistic about Li Mo.

Even though Li Mo's strength was extraordinary, even in Wangxuan City, Lingjue was born and overpowered the five major mountain gates.

However, in a real battle, the halo above Jiang Chen's head was too dazzling. He was so talented that he could be said to be invincible among his peers. He was the true uncrowned king, the leader of newcomers who had been tacitly recognized by all living beings.

But no one would have thought that Jiang Chen, who had used the power given by [Beishi Xuanzhang], would be unable to fight back in front of Li Mo.

After all, the Talisman of Immortality from All Evils is no match for Li Mo's [Magic of Immortality Silkworm].

In the midst of lightning and flint, the proud man of the Martial Arts Mountain was beaten wildly by Li Mo on the face. He was beaten so hard that he couldn't help himself and was in a dilemma between life and death.

This kind of battle situation was something that no one expected.

"Li Mo... this is the real Li Mo... where is his depth?" Yue Xiaoxiang almost bit her silver teeth into pieces.

Facing such a terrifying Jiang Chen, this man was able to turn the tables. His trump card was so horrifying and bizarre that it was unimaginable and even incomprehensible.

As a descendant of Yaoshenshan, she really couldn't imagine where Li Mo's limit was.

This man seems to always be able to turn decay into magic in desperate situations, and reveal more unfathomable details in unexpected places.

"I don't believe you can make a comeback..."

In the smoke and dust rising into the sky, Jiang Chen's roar rolled in, carrying unquenchable anger.

Jiang Chen, who had always been calm and in control of the overall situation, finally showed a little bit of madness at this moment.


The smoke and dust dispersed, and Jiang Chen flew forward. The strong evil energy wrapped around his body, seeping into his flesh and blood like poison, making his body look dilapidated and unsightly.

Shoulders, arms, chest...the flesh and blood in various parts showed varying degrees of decay, and even stark white bones could be seen.

After the Death Gathering Talisman of All Evils was destroyed, the remaining power became uncontrollable and caused irreversible damage to Jiang Chen's body.

Even so, his body still never stopped, and his terrifying will made his power stronger.


Jiang Chen's figure suddenly appeared, and his domineering fist hit Li Mo, carrying an out-of-control evil spirit and adhering to a strong martial arts will.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was even more terrifying as if he was on the verge of death.

"Awe-inspiring... He is indeed the strongest descendant of Martial Arts Mountain." Ning Huanzhen said in a serious voice.

With such an injury, if it were anyone else, he might not even be able to stand.

But despite Jiang Chen's bravery and diligence, pain, injuries...even life and death could not shake his will.

At this moment, he forgot about the pain, his body... and even about victory or defeat.

His body seemed to be fighting instinctively... The world was vast, but only martial arts existed.

At this time, Jiang Chen seemed to have entered a completely new realm.


Li Mo's arm flicked, and his dragon-capturing hand came through the air and grabbed Jiang Chen's fist.

"The long journey of martial arts is like a long night, and I light the sky lantern with my life."

Jiang Chen remained expressionless, and there was no longer any emotional change on his face...

At this moment, his heart was as calm as water, without any sorrow or fear... The long martial arts swept across, like an eternal night, and all living beings in the world were looking for light in this endless darkness.

That is the hope of martial arts.

That's the pinnacle of power.

That is the supreme way to open up the future.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen's life suddenly sublimated, and above his head, there seemed to be a bright lamp lit, shining like a star, illuminating the long night of martial arts.

In an instant, there was a loud rumbling sound, and his fist fell slowly, it was so ordinary.

However, the golden light around Li Mo suddenly shattered, and the useless baby's shadow also disappeared under the bright light.


Li Mo's dragon-capturing hand lost its accuracy for the first time, like a stone sinking into the sea, and the turbulent power seemed to have no way to vent.

The next moment, the whole person was shaken by a strange wave and fell heavily to the ground.

In an instant, gray spiritual aura instantly covered his whole body. Li Mo crushed the ground with his feet, causing the waves on the surface of Jianjing Lake to surge suddenly, and the diffuse water vapor boiling into the sky.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Jiang Chen, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

"Martial Arts Sky Lantern... He actually escaped into such a realm!?"

Ning's eyes really widened, and his expression became a little dazed, as if he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

When she mentioned the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern], Shen Nanqing beside her couldn't help but be moved.

"That is the power of Master Wu Zong's enlightenment..."

Wuzong is one of the Seven Masters of Xuantian and is known as Fan Cong of the contemporary martial arts.

The so-called [Martial Arts Sky Lantern] is a very special state, like the unity of heaven and man, which can be encountered but not sought.

If you obtain [Wuzong] enlightenment, you can hope to enter this realm.

However, even if one is a proud man of heaven, has amazing talent and beauty, and attains enlightenment, there is only one in ten thousand chance of entering the realm of [Martial Arts Sky Lantern].

Once you step inside, no martial arts master in the world can escape from the host's cage, and all power will flow into the sea, making it worthless.

In other words, Jiang Chen at this moment is a peak, unshakable and unrivaled.

"He actually entered the realm of [Martial Arts Sky Lantern]... Lord Wuzong really summoned her."

Ning Huanzhen clenched his fists, and an unconcealable jealousy appeared on Qingmei's face.

How many people in the world can achieve the enlightenment of the Xuantian Seven Jue?

Not to mention, Jiang Chen actually seized this opportunity and stepped into the realm of [Martial Arts Sky Lantern] in a desperate situation.

"Jiang Chen's talent is so terrifying... I just don't know how long he can maintain it." Shen Nanqing said in a deep voice.

Ordinary geniuses, even if they achieve enlightenment, may not be able to enter the realm of [Martial Arts Sky Lantern] in their lifetime.

Jiang Chen, forced by Li Mo, made a breakthrough in the desperate situation of life and death... and achieved such a terrifying self.

However, he could not maintain this state for long.

The world is vast, but only Master Wu Zong can stand in the realm of [Martial Arts Sky Lantern] forever.

"No matter how long it takes... it's enough to decide victory or defeat."

Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

The martial arts sky lantern is the cage of martial arts in the world. As long as it is used in the rolling red dust, it cannot cause any harm to it. It is as small as dust and will be destroyed if blown.

How could Jiang Chen be defeated like this! ?


The loud noise brought everyone back from their thoughts.

The diamond sword body reappeared, and Li Mo's whole body was covered with sword light, like a violent storm, covering Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stood still, with the lights behind him still burning. He allowed the sword light to splash, but he was unable to get in. He turned into ashes and disappeared a few feet away.


Everyone's hearts trembled as a voice seemed to be shouting.

"Li Mo, you are very good and you did not disappoint me."

Jiang Chen's voice sounded leisurely, revealing indifference and ruthlessness.

At this moment, he seemed to have become his original self again, confident and in control of everything. The life and death of his enemies depended only on his thoughts.

"You are a good whetstone..."

"I'm very happy with this battle...but that's it for now."

The indifferent voice echoed throughout the world, like a sentence from Hades.


The sky lantern behind Jiang Chen was shining brightly, and martial arts energy was billowing like smoke into the sky, enveloping the invincible figure and pressing towards Li Mo.

Such devastating power caused the situation to change color.

By the Jianjing Lake, everyone was horrified. In their sight, Li Mo's figure became more and more blurred, as if he was swallowed up by the martial arts essence like a black cloud over the city.

At this moment, everyone knows.

Victory or defeat is decided, life or death is decided.

"Seventy-two transformations of earth evil, Hu Tian!!"

Suddenly, a strange sound sounded faintly, suddenly in Wang Jiu and Zhu Ganghe's ears.

The earth shook and the wind and clouds suddenly changed.

With a long roar, Li Mo's figure suddenly emerged. He opened his mouth and swallowed everything in all directions. The endless rolling martial arts essence was like a flood flowing backwards, and all of it melted into his body.

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