The founder of all religions

Chapter 276 The body is like Yuanze swallowing all kinds of magic! Leader Li Mo (two in one)

Time is wasted to refine the world of mortals, and the heaven and earth fall into the pot of heaven.

The seventy-two transformations of Earthly Evil are all-encompassing, and the mysteries hide the truth. His scriptures are eloquent and eloquent, and the wonders of creation cannot be compared to the changes of heaven and man.

There are seventy-two schools of Dharma, each with one hundred and eight branches.

The so-called "Hutian" means the world in the pot and the universe in the cave.

Being poor is the ultimate. It can be transformed into a wonderful place, encompassing everything, giving birth to many mysteries, and claiming to be a unified world.

Among the seventy-two transformations of Earth Fiend, when it comes to mystery, [Hutian] is far above [Golden Body], and the difficulty of cultivation is even more difficult.

Even monkeys have so far stalled on this change.

Li Mo's current state has naturally not yet reached the point of being able to transform into a cave.

What he has practiced is a minor technique in [Hu Tian], called [Yuan Ze Bian].

"My body is like a deep lake swallowing up all the Dharma, and all of it returns to my body to serve the Tao."

The icy sound was like a winter thunder exploding, echoing in the sky above Jianjing Lake. For a moment, waves suddenly rose and water vapor rippled.

In the long smoke and dust, a strange scene shocked everyone's eyes.

Li Mo's body suddenly swelled, like an abyss or a large swamp, wildly swallowing the martial arts essence around Jiang Chen.

"Then...what is that? He is actually eating weapons!?"

Ning Huazhen's beautiful eyes widened and she couldn't believe it.

At this moment, the shock in her heart almost reached its peak since the beginning of this battle.

It was even more intense than when Jiang Chen entered the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern] realm just now.

The long journey of martial arts is like a long night, I use my life to light the sky lantern.

Once this state is achieved, life is sublimated, and any Xuan Gong martial arts will be eclipsed and become the material of that bright lamp. When the light shines, Jiang Che's body's energy and spirit merge with the mighty spiritual breath, and this endless flow of energy has just been produced. The essence of martial arts.

This is the ultimate power of life, and it is also the power of destruction spawned by the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern].

To Jiang Chen, this was a killing weapon that was invincible and no Xuan Gong dharma body could withstand it.

In addition, anyone who faces this rolling martial arts essence will feel like thousands of swords, water, fire, thunder and lightning are approaching... they are afraid to avoid it. If they are contaminated, they will definitely die.

But Li Mo's actions completely subverted Ning Huanzhen's understanding.

This is simply equivalent to swallowing the weapon into the belly and taking the poison into the body.

The most important thing is that once the martial arts sky lantern is lit, no one can carry this power except Jiang Chen himself.

"This is impossible……"

Ning Huanzhen clenched her hands tightly and stared at Li Mo, her beautiful face seemed to be filled with shock that had consumed her entire life.

In that trembling gaze, Li Mo's figure seemed to become more majestic and terrifying, and there was a rumbling sound in his body, like a stormy sea, like the roar of thunder.

His body is like a huge furnace, swallowing up all directions and refining everything.


The martial arts essence that Jiang Chen gave birth to with his life was like billowing smoke, and was swallowed up by Li Mo.

At this moment, Li Mo's aura became more and more terrifying, and his body was like a deep lake, breathing in and out all kinds of energy.

The terrifying aspect of Hu Tian is undoubtedly evident. Just this [Yuanze Transformation] caused Li Mo's physical body to undergo essential changes, boundless and unfathomable.

He not only swallowed the martial arts essence, but also dispersed it into his limbs and bones, stuffed it into his internal organs, and turned it into his own use.

"You can't possibly..."

Jiang Chen roared, his expression suddenly changed, and his facial features gradually became distorted.

The Martial Arts Sky Lantern is the power obtained by the enlightenment of [Wuzong], one of the Seven Arts of Xuantian. Even if it is only possessed for this moment, it is a power that many people cannot match in their lifetime.

In the face of this kind of power, everything will collapse, be destroyed, and be vulnerable to a single blow.

Jiang Chen never dreamed that Li Mo... would be able to resist it! ?

"It tastes good. Let me get a refill."

Suddenly, Li Mo's voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Chen's ears. The latter suddenly raised his head and saw Li Mo licking the corners of his mouth, his face full of unfinished content, and his eyes full of fierceness.

Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt ominous.


Almost at the same moment, Li Mo's body collided like a hill.

This is naked violence without any tricks.

Bang bang bang...

More than 30% of the bones in Jiang Chen's body were suddenly shattered, and his whole body flew out like a sandbag, directly piercing the Jianjing Lake and hitting the opposite mountain wall, causing smoke and dust to rise into the sky.

Such a dramatic reversal pushed the war to a climax.

No one thought that this dark horse that came out of Luofu Mountain would be so fierce and terrifying.

The strength of his methods is simply outrageous, and his depth of knowledge is truly miraculous.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? First break the [Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman], and then break the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern]? Is this a joke?"

"Is there still heavenly law? Is there still king's law? Can this make him come back?"

"I don't believe there is such a monster in this world? Compared to the Black Sword three hundred years ago... he is even more unreasonable."

At this moment, everyone was excited.

Facing Jiang Chen like this, no one thought that Li Mo had even a chance of winning.

Beisha Xuanzhang, one of the eight great demons in the world.

Wuzong, one of Xuantian's seven masters.

These two great men of the world had both given Jiang Chen some advice, whether it was the [Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman] or the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern]... mastering any one of these two powers was enough to make his peers despair and make him invincible.

It was Jiang Chen like this who actually made Li Mo make comebacks one after another.

This man who came out of Luofu Mountain first broke the [Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman] and then the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern]. His background is so strong that it is simply beyond imagination.

Even if he could catch up with the black sword from three hundred years ago, at Li Mo's age, he didn't seem to have such ability and performance.

"He is indeed an cannot be inferred based on common sense...Jiang Chen like this can't even kill him!?"

Lin Ming's clenched fists had veins popping out.

An unprecedented sense of despair and frustration arose in his heart.

The descendant of Riyue Mountain knew that he would never be able to cross the peak of Li Mo in this life. As for avenging his shame, it had become an unattainable dream.

"Invincible right away... He is defying the heavens." Yue Xiaoxiang clenched her silver teeth, and the light in her eyes became dimmer.

At this moment, she completely gave up the idea of ​​competing with Li Mo for supremacy.

After fighting until now, Jiang Chen has been crushed, how can she still have the confidence to stand in front of Li Mo! ?

"This is Li Mo!"

"Luofu Mountain Li Mo!"

"Three hundred years later, that mountain finally came out with a monster that could shock the world."

At this time, even Hong Xiaofu, Shang Xujian and others had solemn expressions on their faces, with unconcealable shock flashing in their eyes.

The Li Mo in front of him was more than ten times stronger than when he was in Wangxuan City.

This man seems to be growing all the time, and every time he shows strength, he subverts past perceptions.

There is no limit to his progress.

Bang bang bang...

The heavy sound echoed in the sky above Jianjing Lake. Li Mo's figure was almost too fast to catch, and the terrifying power kept bombarding Jiang Chen's body.

At this moment, he was like a sandbag, just at the mercy of others.

The light of the martial arts sky lantern gradually dimmed, and Li Mo's body roared like an abyss. Even the faint light was able to attract and devour him.

In addition, Jiang Chen's shattered flesh, bones,... and even spiritual breath seemed to be caught in a whirlpool, swept into Li Mo's body, turned into vigorous essence, and was swallowed into the body.

"Invincible...What exactly is this form? I feel like if I continue to fight, Jiang Chen will be...transformed by him?"

Shen Nan's delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly. She instinctively sensed that Li Mo's state was extremely strange. He didn't seem to be fighting, but instead seemed to be harvesting, growing, and transforming.

Jiang Chen's aura became weaker and weaker, his strength, his life, his essence... everything was passing away, being eaten away step by step by the man who was like an abyss.

Shen Nanqing had never seen such a strange battle before.

"Jiang Chen is crippled... After this battle, even if he can save his life... that will be it for the rest of his life."

Ning really saw clearly that Li Mo's methods were simply terrifying and unimaginable. Instead of fighting, he was simply crushing, humiliating... and even devouring Jiang Chen's foundation.

The body is like the abyss, integrating everything, the Tao is like a demon, even the most talented person will be eclipsed.

"How could I could I lose here?"

Jiang Chen's roar shook the heaven and the earth, and in the blood-filled sky, the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern] behind him finally died out, just like the fire in his heart, the fire that illuminated the future and light... Nothing was left, only The vast darkness follows.

His way is over.

This unparalleled monster of the Martial Arts Mountain was known as the most outstanding disciple since the Wuzong... He fell in front of Li Mo on the road of cultivation and struggle for supremacy, and fell into the sand, never to be seen again at the top of the mountain. situation.

Originally... he was supposed to have an infinitely bright future, with achievements and achievements that attracted the attention of the world.

But now...

"Three hundred years...the history of three hundred years ago is repeating itself again..."

Jiang Chen's eyes widened with anger and his blood was red, as if he was accusing God of being unfair and ruthless for giving him such a foundation and talent, but he happened to meet Li Mo.

This anomaly should not exist in the world of mortals!

"It's hard to let go of this hatred... It's hard to let go of this hatred..."

Jiang Chen waved his fists, pointed at the sky, and roared one last time.

Without the protection of the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern], he was at the end of his strength. The next moment, his chest exploded suddenly, and it was shockingly empty, just like his life...

It’s not over yet! ! !


"Jiang dead?"

The Jianjing Lake has regained its calm, and the waves have gradually stopped. Only the ripples on the lake are still spreading, like everyone's thoughts.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze.

A series of surprised eyes fell on the corpse that fell heavily to the ground.

This battle not only determines victory or defeat, but also determines life and death.

No one thought that Jiang Chen would be the one who fell here in the end.

This proud man of the Martial Arts Mountain left everything he had here... his reputation, his talent, his future... and his life.

"Three hundred years have passed...the five major mountain gates have all been annihilated, and history has repeated itself."

Yue Xiaoxiang wanted to laugh, but couldn't. She only felt bitter at the corner of her mouth.

God's will plays a trick on people, and after three hundred years, it turns out to be a reincarnation like a nightmare.

The disciples of Luofu Mountain were still as evil as demons and were invincible, completely suppressing the five major mountain gates.


In the long mist by the lake, Li Mo slowly fell down, dissipated [Yuanze Change], and his body gradually returned to normal.

This move was a huge burden for him, but the rewards were equally huge.

Just now, he had actually "eaten" a lot of benefits.

"Jiang Chen... is such a formidable opponent."

Li Mo looked at Jiang Chen's broken body not far away and couldn't help but sigh.

Whether it's the [Ten Thousand Evils Gathering Death Talisman] or the [Martial Arts Sky Lantern]...these two kinds of power can be said to be invincible against a person in the early seedling realm.

Whoever it is, there is only one way to fail.

This is the reason why Jiang Chen was full of confidence before the war and felt he could control everything.

In fact, he does have such confidence.

However, he happened to meet Li Mo, who could not be judged by common sense.

Li Mo's trump card just restrained Jiang Chen's two major powers that he was proud of.

A thought of victory or defeat can be the difference between life and death.


Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief again.

This battle was quite costly for him, but it was also very rewarding.

"After I go back, I may be able to comprehend [Living in the Miao Realm]." Li Mo felt the subtle changes in his body and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Dang Dang Dang...

At this moment, a pleasant sound of bells sounded.

Li Mo looked up and saw two strange figures dressed in black and white walking slowly in the mist.

Ringing bells in their hands, they walked to Jiang Chen's body.

As the bell shook, Jiang Chen's body suddenly stood up, jumping one after another on the spot.

"Huh!?" Li Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, showing surprise.

"Inheriting the cause and effect of the corpse owner, after death, you will be a corpse slave forever from generation to generation."

The harsh and hoarse voice resounded coldly, Jiang Chen jumped one after another, and his eyes were like a corpse, without life or aura.

"Beishi Xuanzhang!?"

Li Mo's expression was slightly condensed. As expected, each of the eight great demons and immortals in the world was extremely mysterious.

It seems that Jiang Chen did not receive this gentleman's favor in vain, and the price he paid was extremely dangerous, and he would not be spared even if he died.

Li Mo didn't know that from the moment the descendant of Martial Arts Mountain died, there was no Jiang Chen in the world. All he had was a corpse slave next to Beisha Xuanzhang, without consciousness or self. From generation to generation, there was no end. sink.

As the bell rang, Jiang Chen jumped up and down, following closely behind the two strange figures.

"From today on, you will never have a past...your name is..."


The cold voice gradually dissipated with the permeating water vapor. Li Mo was the only one on the edge of Jianjing Lake. What he saw just now was like a dream.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Li Mo, with three parts shocked and seven parts awe.

At this time, everyone knew that the recruitment for Xuantian Pavilion had ended early.

Li Mo is the new leader! ! !

"The situation is about to change. When the news reaches the capital, we don't know how big a ripple it will cause."

Ning Huanzhen murmured softly and subconsciously looked in the direction of the capital.

Thanks to Chen Moyi, Bored Prisoner, Book Friend 20200709183613818, Falling Leaves Know Autumn, Book Friend 20190206222858110, and Yu Yuan for the reward! ! ! I didn’t wish everyone a happy 520 yesterday, what a sin! ! !

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