The founder of all religions

Chapter 338 Taoist Nemesis! The King of Zhennan enters Beijing (5k big chapter)

Nine hundred shocking tides of human sacrifices come from the blood of demons and ghosts.

Li Mo looked at the yellowed leather scroll with [Natural Spirit Pool] painted on it. A river of blood surged inside, giving birth to a shadow.

At that time, Han Qi, the first generation leader of the Ling Sect, wanted to construct the Shanhai Dantian, use innate medicine to breed embryos, and then transform the innate into the innate to obtain the Tao seed. Naturally, it ended in failure.

However, in the end, when he abandoned the ruins, he did not destroy the [Natural Spirit Pond], and even preserved the embryos that had absorbed the Pure Yang Pill.

"This lunatic, he left that thing in the mountain and allowed it to transform naturally?"

Li Mo looked strange. According to his notes, later on, the first generation leader of the Ling Sect even secretly spread a lot of news about the opportunity of Wanjie Mountain, attracting people to come and eventually enter the cave.

For more than nine hundred years, many rumors have always existed, and living people were sacrificed, and eventually they were dissolved into the rolling river of blood.

"Life has infinite possibilities..."

Li Mo looked at the messy handwriting in the notes and seemed to see the enthusiasm and madness of this genius more than 900 years ago.

"Master, he left that thing on purpose..."

Taoist Mosquito's face turned gloomy and he couldn't help but say.

He had always thought that the river of blood was just an accidental product. The once-abandoned embryo had mutated over time in the Wanjie Mountain.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. The experiment more than 900 years ago does not seem to be over.


Li Mo hurriedly investigated and found that the blood river in the natural spirit pool had long disappeared.

Just now, he was still immersed in the joy of killing the Six Divine Taoists and winning the natural spirit pool, but he did not immediately ring out the blood river.


A ferocious glint flashed in Taoist Mosquito's eyes. There was a demon in the river of blood, and it seemed that he had some grudge against him.

Now that he had awakened Xuan Gong, he was in high spirits, but he didn't pay attention. Unexpectedly, if he wasn't careful, that thing actually had consciousness and escaped in the melee.

"After all, it is the result of Xuantian Taoism. Even if it is a failure, it should not be underestimated..." Li Mo murmured softly.

Whether it is Yan Shuangying, the blood river, or even the Xuanmen Sword Seed... they are all just failures in the process of researching the [Xuantian Dao Seed], but they all possess unique powers that are different from this world.

Even though it's not perfect, it still has terrifying potential.

Perhaps as Han Qi said in his notes, life has unlimited potential, and it is these imperfections and uncertainties that give them their unique brilliance.

This may also be an important reason why Han Qi kept them.

"Uncertainty is the greatest charm of evolution..."

Li Mo looked at the empty [Natural Spirit Pond] thoughtfully.

At this moment, the cutting blade was floating motionless in the storage ring, surrounded by blood. Large pieces of rust fell off the sword, giving it a different kind of brilliance.

"High-grade spiritual soldier..."

There was a different kind of brilliance in Li Mo's eyes. The cutting blade had swallowed up a lot of the essence of the blood river. Now it has finally transformed and is about to become a [high-grade spiritual weapon].

"If you have the chance, you must find that blood river."

Li Mo thought thoughtfully, after all, that thing is related to [Xuantian Tao Seed]. Thinking about Yan Shuangying, thinking about Feng Wannian... he knew how dangerous this thing was. If it was left outside and left alone, it would always be a disaster.

Fortunately, it was first snatched away by the Mosquito Taoist, and then a lot of its essence was divided up by the Blade. It may not be able to transform into a demon in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Li Mo gathered his thoughts and once again looked through the notes left by Han Qi.

It has to be said that this genius madman who lived more than 900 years ago had too many fantastic ideas, which are recorded in this volume of notes in a chaotic manner.

"Natural Spirit Pond... It turns out this is part of his plan..." Li Mo murmured softly.

According to records, just after halfway through the research in Wanjie Mountain, Han Qi already knew that he had failed. He knew very well that Chunyang Pill was an innate medicine that no baby could bear, let alone nurture and birth, even if he carefully cultivated it. None of the created xenogeneic embryos can be used.

Therefore, in the second half, he had changed his direction and focused on the development of the natural spirit pool.

"The creation of a single organization...the assembly of the final overall system...he is truly a genius..."

Li Mo got goosebumps when he saw it.

Han Qi, who is known as the craziest genius in history, knew from the very beginning when Shenzong proposed the creation of [Xuantian Dao Seed] that such a heaven-defying act would be almost impossible to accomplish.

So, as early as the beginning, he had an idea.

If it is impossible to create directly, then use the greatest strength to deconstruct the organization, create one by one, and finally assemble it systematically...

Dantian, tendons, flesh and blood, bones, brain...were taken from heaven and earth and born in ignorance.

Just like the [Natural Spirit Pond], it is the Dantian of the mountain. It resonates with the world and absorbs spiritual energy. Over time, it will form a secret treasure land.

This is the dantian created by Han Qi for Xuantian Taoism, and it will eventually be integrated into the greatest life.

In addition, Han Qi once traveled to the sky and saw a patch of starlight. Its beating trajectory was chaotic, but harmonious and unified, much like the reaction of the human brain when thinking.

Han Qi recorded in his notes that when the human brain is running, it will produce an arc light that is difficult to capture, like electricity and mist, very much like the starlight he saw.

The matter bred by that piece of starlight even has life activity.

In his notes, he regarded it as an innate brain, existing like light.

"Natural light brain!?"

Li Mo looked through his notes, but this research came to an abrupt end without any follow-up.

He didn't know if Han Qi had done any research.

"This man is so crazy. He is born with the power of creation, just like the power of creation..." Big Bird's golden eyes narrowed slightly.

According to records, Han Qi gave his secret research a name called [Holy Creation]. Both the natural spirit pool and the natural optical brain are part of this grand plan.

"Shenzong actually refutes it as a heretic!?"

Li Mo was stunned for a moment, and then he saw that there was only a very short record about "Shengchuang" in the notebook, which read: "Shengchuang" was presented to the superior, and the emperor was angry and denounced it as a heresy and a crooked way, which was not worth planning.

Shenzong believes that the Xuantian Dao Seed is an unprecedented perfect life, and should be born in the most perfect way, rather than this kind of monster that relies on assembly.

"Shenzong is still a perfectionist..."

Li Mo whispered, in the eyes of Shenzong, this is not a holistic creation. No matter how powerful a single organization is, the life formed by the final assembly must be imperfect and defective.

"What the emperor sees, he doesn't comment..."

Li Mo looked at the records in his notes, and Han Qi actually made such a comment regarding Shenzong's refutation.

This may be due to the different identities of the two. One is a leader and the other is a creator. Their perspectives and thinking are different, and this is where the differences between the former partners came from.

According to what Li Mo knew, Shenzong already had a group of followers behind him when he was young.

Han Qi was one of the earliest followers, and he was even the one who had the best friendship with Shenzong.

Shenzong gave him great support and help.

For a long time, the two were like confidants, and only Shenzong could understand Han Qi's crazy ideas that transcended the times.

However, when it came to creating the [Xuantian Dao Fetus], these two famous beings had differences.

Perhaps the cracks started to spread from that time.

"Han Qinai is the first master of the Ling Sect. He is the founder of the Daqian State Religion. He has great authority. It stands to reason that he would not rebel because of this disagreement."

Li Mo thought thoughtfully. When the Xuantian Pavilion was founded, there were only four doors: "Heaven and Earth Xuanling".

Tianmen is responsible for all matters of [Xuantian Taoism], Dimen is responsible for matters in the royal inner court, and Xuanmen is responsible for collecting all available resources and treasures...

As for the Ling Sect, it is responsible for the creation and research of the Xuantian Dao Seed.

To put it bluntly, Xuantian Pavilion at that time revolved around Lingmen.

Therefore, Han Qi's subsequent defection was unexpected by everyone, not even Shenzong.

According to records, Han rebelled and rebelled, leaving the capital and missing. The emperor was so angry that he executed tens of thousands of people in ambush, and the aftermath lasted for ten years.

Li Mo heard Feng Wannian mention that Han Qi's defection had such a great impact that Shenzong was still worried about it in his later years, and people were often killed because of it.

According to the Xuantian Secret Archives [Wangshilu], in his later years, Shenzong once visited the Xuantian Pavilion for inspection. He passed by the Lingmen and saw that the high gate had no threshold. How could the imperial gate be like a flat ground?

At this time, a chief minister of Lingmen reported back that this was the style built by the first generation of sect masters.

Just such a sentence made Shenzong furious, and he killed the chief minister on the spot. Within five days, hundreds of heads rolled to the ground.

For this reason, the Lingmen was completely dismantled and rebuilt from top to bottom.

The kneeling statue of Han Qi was also erected at that time.

This shows how deeply Shenzong hated Han Qi's rebellion.

"After all, we are our childhood friends... I feel very regretful..." Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking about it, if Feng Wannian betrayed him one day, I'm afraid he would be like Shenzong, not only angry and disgusted, but also unwilling and regretful.

"Just because of this difference, it shouldn't be a problem."

Li Mo couldn't help but feel a little sad when he thought about the final outcome of these two old friends.

"Human beings are the most strange. Shenzong is the king of the ages. Who can guess his thoughts?" Taoist Mosquito couldn't help but said.

"makes sense."

Li Mo nodded and flipped through it casually.

Han Qi's notebook is extensive and profound, and contains many strange methods that are worthy of careful reference.


Li Mo read it to the end and planned to put it away and study it slowly when he got back.

But at this moment, he was deeply attracted by one of the passages. It was a few words, but it made his eyebrows jump and his face became solemn.

"Master, what's wrong?" Da Niao noticed that Li Mo was acting strangely and couldn't help but ask.

"This lunatic... He actually researched Tao Seed Nemesis without telling Shenzong!?"

Li Mo looked gloomy, finally knowing the real reason for Han Qi's defection.

This first-generation leader of the Ling Sect, he was actually conducting another research at the same time without telling Shenzong, and he was the nemesis of Xuantian Taoism.

What Shenzong wanted to create was the most perfect creature that could ignore the rules of heaven and earth and master all the laws of the world.

However, Han Qi felt that such an existence was extremely dangerous, so he reserved a hand. While studying creation, he was also comprehending destruction.

While he was creating [Xuantian Tao Seed], he was also conducting research on [Tao Seed Nemesis].

The most important thing is that his research was conducted secretly, hiding it from both Shenzong and the imperial court. Moreover, the research on [Tao Zhong Nemesis] has achieved considerable results.

Obviously, this is not allowed by Shenzong.

If there are weaknesses, restrictions, and nemesis... then it is not considered a truly perfect creature, which means that [Xuantian Dao Seed] has failed.

Han Qi's move undoubtedly touched Shenzong's most inviolable negative scale.

After the Dongchuang incident happened, Shenzong was furious and only gave Han Qi an eight-word comment:

Those who are wild and disobedient must be punished for their rebellion! ! !

"That's it...that's it..."

Li Mo showed a look of astonishment. No wonder people like Han Qi would defect to the Xuantian Pavilion and abandon Shenzong. It turned out that he had committed a taboo and secretly studied the Taoist Nemesis.

"Master, do you think he succeeded?" Mosquito Taoist couldn't help but ask.

"Obviously not... More than 900 years ago, not even Xuantian Dao Seed was studied, let alone this so-called nemesis?" Li Mo said in a deep voice.

However, Han Qi mentioned in his notes that all things born have weaknesses and are mutually reinforcing, let alone those created by manpower?

Even if His Majesty has the ability to seize the heaven and subdue the earth, it is impossible to mess up this principle.

"I do things that heaven and earth cannot do!"

Li Mo looked at the notes and couldn't help but sigh when Han Qi mentioned the last words Shenzong said to him.

Shenzong is worthy of being an eternal king, with great courage.

"Master, this note was probably left by that madman later?" Big Bird noticed something was wrong.

When Wanjieshan's Blood River was born, Han Qike had not yet rebelled against Daqian.

"It should be that he always leaves some clues to lure future generations to come and sacrifice his life to the blood river... This note should have been left at that time..."

Li Mo speculated.

He looked at the notes in his hand, thoughtfully.

After Han Qi defected, he disappeared. Later, it was said that he joined Guixu and became one of the founders of Guixu.

Logically speaking, he knew the horror of [Xuantian Tao Seed], so he should have continued the research on [Tao Seed Nemesis].

"Old Feng said that [Xuantian Dao Seed] has been seems that thing is not invincible yet."

Li Mo murmured softly and looked at the notes in his hand. He knew the importance of this thing. Compared with any natural spiritual pool, high-grade spiritual weapons were much more precious.

"Kunkun, don't show your face for now and go hide for two days."

Li Mo put away his notes and looked at Big Bird.

"Hide for two days, but..."

The big bird was a little hesitant. It was still worried about Li Mo's safety, especially in a situation like today. If it happened again...

"It doesn't matter, I will stay in the capital for a while..."

Li Mo has obtained the [Natural Spirit Pool], and of course he must understand how to integrate it into the physical body and attack the [Miao Miao Realm]. Before that, he should not leave the capital.

Therefore, there is no need for Big Bird to stay around.

The most important thing is that the noise caused by Big Bird was too great, and the Taoist Liushen who possesses the [Pulse Miao Realm] was eliminated in just one encounter.

It would be difficult for such a terrifying monster not to attract Xuantian Pavilion's attention. Maybe people from Wumen are already on their way.

For safety reasons, Big Bird should not stay any longer. The best option is to avoid the limelight.

"Master, do you want to go back and call the big snake, or ask Sanyan to come over..." The big bird was a little worried.

With his strength, the big snake can barely call, and as for the three-eyed boy, it can also invite him.

Further up is the monkey, which he cannot invite.

"No need...I'll let the mosquitoes find you if necessary."

Li Mo plans to bring Taoist Mosquito back to the capital. After all, he is not as conspicuous as Big Bird.

"Oh well."

Big Bird nodded angrily, then looked at Taoist Mosquito: "Serve me well, or I will tear you apart."

"Kun... Brother Kun, don't worry." Taoist Mosquito said with a smile.


The big bird bowed deeply to Li Mo, jumped up, and disappeared under the bright sky.

"Mosquito, can you still sense that river of blood?" Li Mo turned around and asked.

Taoist Mosquito was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "That thing is very strange. Once it gets out of trouble, it will be hard to find."

"Go back first and talk about it later."

Li Mo nodded. He gained a lot from this trip to Wanjie Mountain. Pure Yang Pill, Storage Ring, Nine Cold Black Bat Crossbow, Natural Spirit Pond, Han Qi's Notes... In addition, the Cutting Edge will also break through to the top level spirit. Among the soldiers.

There are so many benefits, you must digest them after you go back.

In addition, he also released the mosquito Taoist.

In this way, Mingju in the eastern suburbs will have Zhu Gangxi, Wang Jiu, Kui Gang, Ji Tiantiao, Mosquito Taoist, and the little fox... There is no little fox...

With the five demons and ghosts by his side, Li Mo is now more powerful than the lonely man he was when he first came to Beijing.

"let's go."

The Mosquito Taoist understood the idea and transformed into a six-winged black mosquito. Li Mo jumped up and rode up. The ride was not as comfortable as Kui Gang, and there was also noise, but the speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the outskirts of the capital.

A hint of fish belly white appears in the east.

Xuantian Pavilion, Hongmen.

At this moment, Gu Pingfan was already sitting in front of the desk in Tingchao Hall.

The leader of the Hongmen has always been tireless, getting up and working before dawn every day. Therefore, the rumors from the outside world that the Hongmen enriched their own pockets and supported the self-respect of bandits are really a bit excessive.

"That meal of wine at Wanhualou went to the public account...Why did I only pay two thousand taels of silver?"

Gu Pingfan looked at the pile of official duties in front of him and couldn't help but rub his temples: "Repay more, get more back... Do you still need me to teach you this?"

"I...I understand..."

A middle-aged man in gray clothes wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Huh!? There is movement in Wanjie Mountain? Why is that place? The big bird has undergone strange changes and is suspected of returning to the ruins..."

Gu Pingfan looked at the memorial that had just been sent and couldn't help but sneer: "Guixu's Guixu again. Guixu dug up your family's ancestral graves, and Huihui put the shit basin on their heads?"

As he spoke, Gu Pingfan directly left the memorial on the ground.

"Call them back... and tell them there is insufficient evidence... and they will not accept it for the time being..."

"Master, this..." the middle-aged man in gray clothes said hesitantly.

"Tell them that there is a process for handing over the case files... I will crush them to death, and I will kill these grandsons..." Gu Pingfan said impatiently.

How could he not see through this trick of kicking the ball? It would be idiotic to want Hongmen to take over without any benefit at all.

If Guixu is used to take the blame, Hongmen has the final say whether it succeeds or not.

"Master, there is one more thing..."


"King Zhennan...has entered the capital." The middle-aged man in gray clothes whispered.

As soon as these words came out, the sneer on Gu Pingfan's face gradually subsided, and there was no joy or anger in his deep eyes.

"Tell [Film Department] to send someone to keep an eye on me..."

"This..." The middle-aged man in gray trembled, looking a little embarrassed: "Master, that is the King of Zhennan after all..."

"So what?" Gu Pingfan said calmly.

"Who told our prince to sneak into Guixu when he was young!?"

The indifferent voice fell in the quiet listening hall, startling the morning crows to rise outside the window.

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