The founder of all religions

Chapter 339 The end of the Hongmen year! Longevity Wuji Sacrifice to Wuzhuang (5k big chapter)

It's hard to stay in spring, and it's hard to stay in autumn. When winter comes, your head will be covered with frost, and the bright moon will shine on the empty building.

Winter has arrived in the blink of an eye, and the snow in the capital has come earlier than usual this year.

It was still early to count nine, but the wind carrying the snow foam was already causing pain like a knife.

It has been more than a month since Wan Jieshan came back.

At the end of the year, Li Mo felt a lot more free, and he expected that the monsters in Guixu would also be celebrating the New Year.

On weekdays, in addition to practicing, Li Mo also studies the [Natural Spirit Pond]. Compared to practicing hard in seclusion, it is much easier to integrate this treasure and step into the [Mature Miao Realm].

The most important thing is that the natural spiritual pool is a part of the [Holy Creation]. If the mountain and sea dantian can enter the human body and achieve immeasurable greatness, it will definitely be much more powerful than the ordinary [Miao Miao Realm].

Especially when it comes to the [Pulse Miao Realm] in the future, the [Spiritual Realm] that awakens will definitely be extraordinary.

Therefore, after Li Mo came back, he worked hard on the [Hunyuan True Demon Technique] and [Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique], hoping to use these two profound arts to integrate the [Natural Spirit Pool].

However, this thing is very powerful. With Li Mo's body, he failed after several attempts and even almost hurt the spirit seedlings.

Fortunately, Li Mo's spiritual seedling was cultivated from the [Nine Life Method] and protected by the [Xuantian Dao Fetal Qi]. Although there were risks due to various opportunities, it was gradually born with the [Natural Spirit Pond] through groping. induction.

For this reason, Li Mo spared no effort to use the pure Yang Pill to stimulate spiritual seedlings and strengthen his Dantian.

It has to be said that the innate medicine, the breath of primitive ignorance, and Wang Mingzhou's five Pure Yang Pills have given Li Mo a lot of benefits. The spirit has been condensed and transformed twice, and even his physical body has become much stronger.

Invisibly speeding up the pace of refining the [Natural Spirit Pond].

For this reason, Li Mo applied to the museum if he could exchange all his monthly salary and benefits into Chunyang Pills.

However, Pure Yang Pill is extremely precious. It can improve cultivation, strengthen the body, prolong life, make elixirs and medicines, and even enlighten weapons.

The approval process alone took nearly half a month before it was approved.

This was because Li Mo went through the back door and relied on Wang Lingce.

For this reason, he sent out an arrow from the [Nine Cold Black Bat Crossbow].

You must know that when he obtained this treasure, he only had three feather arrows in total, and one of them had already been used when Wan Jie Mountain dealt with the Six Gods Taoist.

It is quite troublesome to make just one feather arrow. It requires the use of high-quality blood-patterned steel. This kind of steel is tempered with the blood essence of practitioners and is extremely precious.

The feather arrow sent by Li Mo was no less valuable than a first-grade rune weapon.

In this way, the process was successfully completed and his monthly salary and various benefits were converted into Pure Yang Pills.

With Li Mo's current official position, his monthly salary is not that much, but various benefits such as elixir fees, equipment maintenance fees, carriage and horse fees, social expenses, etc. add up to more than 3,000 taels of silver.

In the end, there were only six Pure Yang Pills.

"It's nearly six hundred taels of silver a piece?" Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

Six hundred taels of silver was enough for an ordinary family to live for ten years in Longyuan Mansion.

Even so, this is because of his status as [Hongmen Governor-General]. If he puts it on the black market, he may not be able to buy it for a thousand taels.

Of course, ordinary monks, especially those who reach the [Shangmiao Realm], will only exchange silver for Pure Yang Pills, and will never be stupid enough to exchange Pure Yang Pills for silver.

"Six pills a month is barely enough." Li Mo murmured.

At the current speed, he would be able to completely fuse the [Natural Spirit Pond] with the power of a water grinder in three months at most.

"It's so warm here."

In front of the Youlong Pavilion, a row of footprints were left on the snow-covered road. Li Mo opened the door and came in. The howling north wind mixed with snow foam poured in.

In the copper furnace with the beast's head holding the ring, the charcoal fire rustled under pressure, and the red flames rose high in the wind, but they were not extinguished.

Li Mo closed the door and felt a lot warmer instantly.

The boy next to him hurriedly came forward to dust off the snow and take off his robe.

"Everywhere in Beijing is nice, but it's too cold."

Master Ji was holding a "Tang Pozi" in his arms and seemed a little depressed.

Since being declined by Yan Zixia, the Prince of Zhennan seems to have lost a lot of interest in life.

"This is animal gold charcoal. I heard it can only be used in the palace."

Li Mo sat down and looked at the charcoal fire burning brightly in the copper furnace.

Beast gold charcoal was used by the royal court. It is said that dozens of medicinal herbs were added when it was fired. When used, not only does it not produce any smoke, but it also smells of a faint rosin.

Once lit, the room will be as warm as spring in just half a cup of tea.

This charcoal fire is difficult to extinguish even if it is placed outside the house in the wind and snow during the coldest winter. Therefore, it is extremely valuable and has always been used by the royal family.

For example, Li Mo can receive 500 kilograms of charcoal every month in Xuantian Pavilion, but it is silver charcoal. Although it is not ordinary charcoal, it produces less smoke when used, but it cannot be compared with animal gold charcoal. .

"I'll have someone give you a thousand catties later." Master Ji said casually.

The food and clothing expenses of the Zhennan Palace in the capital are all handled by Ouchi. To put it bluntly, it is really no worse than the emperor's, and it can be regarded as the honor of the heavenly family.

"You are really rich." Li Mo curled his lips and said.

If this thousand kilograms of animal gold charcoal were put on the black market, I don't know what high price it would fetch.

It's a pity that this is a thing reserved for the royal family, and those wealthy families would not dare to buy it even if they have money.

"Who am I to be rich?"

Master Ji said coldly: "The Wang family of Donghai... I heard that their family burns [dragon fat] every winter. That's called being wealthy."

The so-called [flood fat] is the fat of a giant fish in the East China Sea. This kind of dragon fish has dragon whiskers and scales like steel. Once transformed into a demon, the fat in the body will become crystal clear. Not only can it be used as medicine, but it can also be used as a medicine. The burning and heating effect is better than that of animal gold charcoal.

Especially the accompanying fragrance, if smelled and inhaled all year round, has the effect of prolonging life and curing diseases.

Therefore, this [flood fat] is also called liquid gold.

"I heard that when you were a child, you killed their children?" Li Mo smiled.

The world's aristocratic families are entrenched in one place, just like the princes of the country. They have been inherited for thousands of years. They are so powerful and intricate that even the imperial court is extremely cautious about them.

The King of Zhennan is in charge of the southeast, and he is in opposition to the Wang family of Donghai. Overt and covert fights are indispensable.


Master Ji rolled his eyes and spat hard at the charcoal fire in the copper furnace.

Back then, because of this incident, he was sent to the capital, away from his family background...

For this reason, Master Ji was very disgusted with the Donghai Wang family.

"I heard that two of the Wang family's sons died in Wanjie Mountain..."

Suddenly, Master Ji changed the topic and looked at Li Li Mo.

"Did you kill one of them?"


"Good kill." Master Ji patted his thigh.

Back then, when he was still young, he was besieged by a gang of Wang family brats. Finally, he had no choice but to pick up a chessboard and smash one of them to death.

Among the brats who besieged him were the three brothers from the Wang family.

"You are well informed after all." Li Mo said calmly.

"You have to be careful...these three cubs, triplets...if you kill the boss, it will be the most useless." Master Ji reminded.

"The second brother, Wang Jianshan, was quite capable, but it's a pity that he died too."

"Only the scourge of the third child has been missed."

Master Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold look flashed through him: "Wang Yulou... He is the most talented and the most sinister among the three brothers..."

"Wang Yulou!?" Li Mo chewed the name.

"You should be careful... This person is also in Xuantian Pavilion now, and you will meet him sooner or later."

"I heard that the Wang family is very close to the seventeenth prince?"

Li Mo heard Chen Pingping mention that because of the deaths of Yuan Changqing and Wuliang Jianzhong, the three brothers of the Wang family were now acting as support for the seventeenth prince.

Who would have thought that two people would die just after entering Beijing.

"You are also very well-informed. All the famous families in the world have some dealings with the prince, covertly or covertly. The Wang family of Donghai has the closest relationship with Lao Shiqi."

Having said this, Master Ji put down the "Tang Po Zi" in his hand and came closer to Li Mo.

"I heard from people that Old Seventeen has practiced an evil kung fu, and can change his body and shape, pretending to be someone else. He is also in the Xuantian Pavilion now."

When Li Mo heard this, he remained silent.

He had also heard this rumor. The seventeenth prince changed his identity and also worked in the Xuantian Pavilion.

As for who he is, no one knows.

"do you know who he is?"

"I don't know... it could be anyone, it could be a man or a woman, it could be a young person or an old person..."

Master Ji shook his head: "Anyway, it's possible for anyone."

"My father said that among the princes, although the Seventeenth is the youngest, he is extremely blessed."


"Because he entered the [Eight Scenery Palace] when he was very young and met the [Xuantian Dao Seed]..."

At this point, Master Ji paused slightly: "So you are on duty in the Xuantian Pavilion, so you should be careful..."

"Wang Yulou has become Lao Shiqi's confidant. If you don't keep it together, you will be tripped up."

"What? Do they have a good relationship as brothers?"

"That's not true... but who told you to kill someone from the Wang family?" Master Ji said calmly: "Even if a dog from the Wang family dies, someone will have to accompany it, let alone a human being?"

As he spoke, Master Ji slowly stood up and walked to the desk.

"Of course, you don't have to be afraid...if they dare to touch you, I will settle the old and new accounts together."

"Hehe, I'm just afraid they won't touch me." Li Mo sneered.

"Hahaha, you shameless bastard."

Master Ji laughed, took out his pen and ink, and spread out a piece of peach blossom paper.

"I heard that your father came to Beijing?" Li Mo suddenly asked, changing the subject.

"Well, it's been a month since I arrived in Beijing, and it's really strange that the palace hasn't summoned me yet."

Master Ji just picked up the pen and frowned when he thought of this.

According to the usual practice, King Zhennan's visit to Beijing was a major event in the palace, and Emperor Qian would summon him as soon as possible. It has been more than a month now, but there is still no order from the palace, which is really abnormal.

"I'll introduce you to him when I get a chance... Our old man hasn't been to the capital for eighteen years." Master Ji sighed.

As far as he knew, the last time King Zhennan was in Beijing was eighteen years ago when the capital was hit by a fire. Since then, this powerful leader has never left this important southeastern town.

"That's fine." Li Mo nodded. He was also quite curious about this rumored to be the only king with a different surname in Daqian.

"I have a free time at the end of the year. There is nothing going on around me. You can call me at any time."


Master Ji smiled: "You have been in Xuantian Pavilion for so long, don't you know that at the end of the year, your Hongmen is the busiest?"

"Huh!? Why is this?" Li Mo was stunned.

"At the end of the year, the results of each yamen for the year have to be revealed... This is related to next year's financial expenses..." Master Ji grinned.

"Do you much money does your Hongmen burn through the imperial court every year?"

"With such a reputation outside, if we don't make some achievements by the end of the year...can Hongmen remain standing for so many years without falling?"

"You mean..." Li Mo was moved.

"You Hongmen have a thick stack of lists in your hands, just waiting to slaughter the fat sheep at the end of every year..."

After the words fell, Li Mo couldn't help but look surprised.

This technique is so familiar, just like many places where people spend money to buy love. The prosperity on weekdays is for the harvest at the end of the year, and the harvest at the end of the year is for the positive and brilliant political achievements.

I am not raising you to let you get away with anything, but to make you qualified to become my ascension stone.

"Justice will be late, but it will never be absent." Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

"Hongmen has been dealing with Guixu for so many years... you don't really think this is just a yamen."

Master Ji smiled and picked up the pen and splashed ink on the peach blossom paper.

"Look, the day when you meet the Guixu demon is not far away."

"This is a great opportunity to move up."

Li Mo thought for a moment, stood up, and walked to Master Ji.

"what are you writing?"

"Last night, I went on a night trip to Changming Lake with the daughter of the Hua family. I occasionally felt something and expressed my feelings..." Master Ji concentrated on it without raising his head.

Li Mo looked over and saw two lines of small characters written on the peach blossom paper:

The lake is under the moon, and the moon is inside the lake.

You are below and I am within you.

The signature is "The moonlight night connects people".


"Someone... give it to the Hua family's daughter."

As he spoke, Master Ji put the peach blossom letter into the sachet and handed it to the boy next to him.

"The scum of the world."

Li Mo clicked his tongue, stood up and walked out the door.

"Why are you leaving? Stay for a Lao Feng...the old wine that has just been released from the cellar..."

"Eat your father...turn around and ask someone to bring me a thousand kilograms of beast gold charcoal."

Li Mo opened the door, and the wind and snow poured into the door. The sky outside was covered with heavy snow and was white with frost.

The eastern suburbs of Beijing.

In the cold winter in the mountains, even those unnoticed graves are covered with snow. At first glance, they look like white steamed buns that have just been released from the cage.

At this moment, a towering tree turned into a dead tree in the biting wind and snow, its branches and leaves spread out with a green luster. Even the snowflakes falling in the sky could not even touch it, and it was full of vitality.

Even the temperature around the big tree is warm and humid, and there are even insects and ants busy in the loose soil.


Under the towering tree, a bald young man sat cross-legged and meditated. It was Wang Jiu.

The robes made a hunting sound, and the bulging air waves glowed with a faint golden color, causing the dead leaves of the trees behind him to fall one after another and sprout new green buds.

The little fox lay beside him and looked up lazily.

In this cold winter, only when Wang Jiu was practicing, the surroundings were the warmest.

Therefore, among the group of monsters at the foot of the mountain, the little fox would rather practice with Wang Jiu.

Wang Jiu has practiced the [Longevity Wuji Kung Fu]. Every time he performs the kung fu, vitality suddenly appears, and yin and yang circulate harmoniously. It seems to be the wonder of endless creation. Even in this cold winter, it can make dead trees spring, and suddenly warm and cold.


At this moment, a deafening sound came from Wang Jiu's body, like spring thunder vibrating, and vitality bursting out.

Cracks appeared on the surrounding ground and spread continuously.

"Has it entered a foreign land?"

The little fox raised his neck and stared at Wang Jiu with a strange expression.

It has heard that no matter whether it is a human being or a demon, if one walks through a path that no one has ever walked before, he or she will experience strange phenomena, such as entering a foreign land. Although they are within heaven and earth, they are outside the law. wonderful.

At this moment, the golden airflow around Wang Jiu became increasingly dim, but there seemed to be a powerful mysterious light in his body, with five colors corresponding to the five internal organs.

His five internal organs seemed to have entered another level, which was more mysterious than the return of the five internal organs of humans [living in the Miao Realm].

It is not just the transformation and strengthening of the internal organs, but also the inner consciousness, a cave, and the sound of chanting can even be heard faintly.


Suddenly, all the visions disappeared.

Wang Jiu slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a lot of energy in his deep eyes, which was fleeting.

He took a deep breath, but felt unprecedented peace.

"Did you break through?"

The little fox came over and couldn't help but said.

"Hehe, I gained something." Wang Jiu grinned and said nothing.

"What kind of skills have you practiced? So special? The trees are alive..."

The little fox looked at the big tree with spreading branches and leaves, but it looked very different in this cold winter. Without Wang Jiu's blessing, the big tree gradually became dim.

"The health-preserving skills... are of no use, they just make you gain them for a longer time." Wang Jiu said with a smile.

The little fox rolled his eyes: "Everyone in our family says that living too long may not be a good thing."

"That's not necessarily true. Everyone in the world says that gods are good, just because gods never grow old... When I succeed in my cultivation in the future, I will build a mountain and call it..."

Wang Jiu rolled his eyes: "Wanshou Mountain."

"Erect another Taoist temple on the mountain to receive incense and worship from all directions."

"Hahaha... little monster, you are really like a toad yawning and boasting nonsense."

At this moment, a burst of passionate laughter suddenly sounded in the deep mountains. It didn't know where it came from or where it was going. It seemed to be spreading in all directions and everywhere.


Wang Jiu's eyes darkened, and he took a step forward to block the little fox, looking around him warily.

"Little monster, I think you have some wisdom. It's better to be my disciple than to dream about honoring Taoist ancestors here."

The loud laughter sounded again, and with Wang Jiu's ability, he was unable to determine the opponent's position for a moment.

"Who are you? What can you teach me?" Wang Jiu sneered.

"Little monster, you are so unruly..." The man sneered, and the sense of oppression that filled the wind and snow in the world became stronger and stronger.

"How many Taoist practices do you have? Which method have you cultivated?"


Wang Jiu's eyes condensed and he lowered his head to look at himself. In his eyes, his body seemed to become transparent and void, with only five groups of mysterious lights flickering.

Human writing is broad and profound, especially the dirty words for the five internal organs, which are used extremely well.

In ancient Taoist books, the word "zang" is added next to "meat" to form "zang".

The spirit and flesh are at the center, and the five internal organs hide the spirit. If you study its secrets deeply, you will live forever.

"Listen carefully..."

At this moment, Wang Jiu clenched his fists tightly, as if he had exhausted all the energy in his chest, and a loud sound rolled in, shaking the heaven and earth.

The flesh and blood hides the spirit as a spiritual village. I was born to observe the inner hiddenness.

You ask me what kind of practice it is, Wanshou Wuji offers sacrifices to the Five Villages.

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