The founder of all religions

Chapter 343 Li Mo rides a green bull! Hongmen Chen Wangdu (5k big chapter)

In the early morning, it was just dawn.

Li Mo then rode a green bull and wandered into the city.

According to the rules, riding a horse in the capital requires paying thirty eldest sons. Of course, this is only the standard for ordinary horses to enter the city.

If it is a second-class horse, you need to pay forty-five coins.

A first-class horse is worth sixty coins.

If it is a good exotic horse from the Western Regions, two hundred gold coins will be required.

At the foot of the emperor, the real dragon's residence, even transportation costs are much more expensive than outside. In addition to entering and exiting, all horses need to register at the [Law Department] and receive a license plate.

If there is a festival, horses on the road will also be required to have a restricted number.

These rules were decreed by His Majesty Shenzong, so it was not easy to own a decent mount in the capital.

Fortunately, except for horses, other mounts do not have such strict supervision.

For example, riding a donkey into the city only requires fifteen bosses.

But to ride a bull into the city, you only need to pay five daizi, which is the price of two meat buns.

"Sir, how can you ride a bull with your status?"

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of Xuantian Pavilion, Li Mo met Chen Wangdu. The latter looked at Li Mo in surprise and couldn't help showing a strange expression.

You know, Li Mo entered the Xuantian Pavilion as the leader of the new list. As soon as he entered the pavilion, he was awarded the position of "Titong Dusi", ranking twelfth rank.

Now Li Mo has even taken the position of [Hongmen Governor-General], ranking tenth in rank.

With this kind of status, he could buy a good exotic horse from the Western Regions.

In the capital horse market, as long as you don't play around with bloodlines, the average exotic horse from the Western Regions only costs five to six thousand taels of silver.

Five or six thousand taels of silver may be an astronomical figure to ordinary people, but to Li Mo now, it seems to be nothing.

No matter how bad things were, with Li Mo's official position, he could still apply for a mount from the tavern, and at last he would be assigned a second-class horse, and even the monthly fodder fee would be reimbursed.

"Sir, it's not that you are arrogant because of your humble position. Your current status is no small matter. How can such an animal be worthy of carrying such a noble body like yours?"

Chen Wangdu is worthy of being the old man of Xuantian Pavilion. He is very comfortable to hear when he blames his superiors.

While speaking, Chen Wangdu glanced at the green bull casually, and the hair on his face seemed to be complaining that Li Mo was not worth it.

How could such a beast that eats earth and eats grass be worthy of Li Mo's status?


At this moment, the green bull seemed to sense Chen Wangdu's contempt, and actually raised its head and let out a dull cry.

"You beast, are you still not convinced?" Chen Wangdu glared fiercely, raised his hand and hit his head.

The green cow's eyes almost popped out of its sockets, and the shadow of Chen Wangdu was reflected in its bloodshot eyes. It seemed that if Li Mo hadn't been sitting on it, it would have eaten people.

"Well, I have been honest all my life, so I don't care about these things..."

Li Mo waved his hand: "By the way, go back and cash out all the fodder and carriage fees and send them to my house..."

"My subordinates understand." Chen Wangdu understood and turned around to lead the way.

"Old guy, just wait for me."

At this moment, a moderate sound suddenly sounded.

Chen Wangdu was stunned for a moment, stopped suddenly, and turned around subconsciously.

"Sir, what did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything." Li Mo touched Qing Niu's head and said calmly.

"What's wrong?"

"Maybe my subordinates misunderstood."

Chen Wangdu shook his head and led Li Mo into Xuantian Pavilion.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Mo saw a fleet of vehicles transporting a large amount of wood and stone.

"Is there going to be any major construction work in the museum recently?" Li Mo asked casually.

"That's not the case... I heard that last night, the side hall of [Zangbing Palace] was struck by lightning, and the fire burned for more than half an hour before it was extinguished... This should be the stone and wood transferred from [Jiang Zaofu]. Used for repair purposes.”

Chen Wangdu whispered.

He is an old man from Xuantian Pavilion. He has been working on the grassroots frontline for more than 20 years, but he has many contacts.

When it comes to the way of intelligence, it is not inferior to Feng Wannian, especially regarding the major and minor affairs in the entrance hall.

"Hidden Arms Hall? Isn't that the [Army Master]'s dojo?" Li Mo stood up and became more energetic: "There's something a little strange..."

Will Xuantian Qijue's dojo be struck by lightning? And a side palace was burned down?

"Who says it's not? I don't know if it was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster. I heard that the museum has launched an internal investigation." Chen Wangdu said in a low voice.

"Could it be a man-made disaster? It's unlikely. Who is so bold as to burn down the [Army Master]'s dojo?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask.

"It's hard to say... Your Excellency should also know that it's the end of the year, but it's the time when the Guixu demons are at their most rampant..."

After saying this, Chen Wangdu stopped talking. He looked around and saw no one around, so he whispered: "As far as I know, there must be a spy planted by Guixu in the hall."

When Li Mo heard this, he remained silent.

He did know a little bit about this situation. When Xuantian Pavilion was founded, there were only four sects of heaven and earth, Xuanling, and they were mainly responsible for the research of [Xuantian Tao Seed].

But later, the court discovered that there were Guixu masters who had gradually infiltrated into the Xuantian Pavilion, and some had even climbed to important positions.

It was against this background that Hongmen came into being.

At first, Hongmen was just a temporary yamen who transferred masters from the four sects and was mainly responsible for picking up the Guixu secret agents stationed in Xuantian Pavilion.

Later, Hongmen gradually grew and became a yamen that integrated military force, espionage, intelligence and other functions to specifically fight against Guixu.

Therefore, Guixu has a long history of planting spies.

Back then, during the selection and assessment of Xuantian Pavilion, Wu Xiang from Tianchan Mountain was a chess piece of Guixu.

In addition, Han Jingfei, the new leader of the previous session, also received training from Guixu.

Therefore, Li Mo was not surprised that there were people who had returned to the ruins in the Xuantian Pavilion, but the only thing he was surprised about was why such people would risk exposure and burn down the main military dojo, and also burn down an insignificant monastery. Temple, completely incomprehensible.

"The monsters in Guixu are just a bunch of lunatics. Maybe they just want to create panic and show off their power." Chen Wangdu said casually.

"The world is in decline."

Li Mo couldn't help but sigh. If this thing was really done by the Guixu demon, it would be too rampant. They actually came to the Xuantian Pavilion to set fire. It was simply lawless.

Entering Hongmen, Chen Wangdu placed Li Mo's green ox in place and brought tea that had been brewed, as well as today's capital tabloids.

Being so considerate and thoughtful made Li Mo feel a little sorry.

After all, Chen Wangdu can be regarded as his senior and leader.

At the beginning, he was the one who presided over the Xuantian Pavilion assessment in Longyuan Mansion. Later, in Wangxuan City and after entering Beijing, Chen Wangdu gave Li Mo a lot of care.

"Old Chen, from now on you can just let the people below do these things." Li Mo said softly.

"It is my blessing to be able to serve you."

Chen Wangdu whispered softly, this sentence was not a compliment, but came from the bottom of his heart.

He entered the Xuantian Pavilion when he was young and worked hard at the grassroots level for more than 20 years before he was able to cultivate the spirit breath, step into the [First Miao Realm], and rank thirteenth.

There are not a few ordinary old men like Chen Wangdu who have exhausted their potential in Xuantian Pavilion.

In the eyes of many people, they are the so-called cannon fodder, and there are even fewer who can actually survive to retire.

In fact, it is difficult for most of them to wait until that day. After all, the front lines at the grassroots level are the most dangerous, not to mention that these people have been left with large and small injuries for a long time.

Because of this, when Chen Wangdu presided over the Xuantian Pavilion assessment, he was sent to a remote place like Longyuan Mansion.

Originally, through this job, if I could discover one or two good seedlings, and I would sort them out, I might be able to be transferred to do some easy and safe logistics work.

In this way, Chen Wangdu can wait for retirement with peace of mind.

He knew very well that as an ordinary person, he could only do this in his life.

Although everyone once had a dream when they were young, thinking that they are the protagonists of this world, and that one day they will be famous and known all over the world.

But one day, reality will eventually teach them that most of all living beings are just mortals. They are not the protagonists. Their destination is to be inactive and disappear into the dust.

Faced with this reality, safety has become their last hope.

“It might be nice to have a safe retirement.”

This has been Chen Wangdu's wish for a long time, even though there is a lot of unwillingness and helplessness hidden in this hope...

Until he met Li Mo, this young man actually brought some light to his ordinary and slightly gloomy life.

Less than three months after becoming Li Mo's subordinate, Chen Wangdu, who had already had no hope of promotion, actually took a step forward and was promoted to [Shaofu Lieutenant], an official to the twelfth rank.

You know, it was ten years ago that Chen Wangdu was last promoted.

Being promoted to an official position brings not only glory and status, but also earth-shaking changes in life.

This made Chen Wangdu, who had more than ten years to retire, ignited fire in his heart. Following Li Mo, he seemed to see the dawn.

Chen Wangdu knew very well that this young man had a great future, and it was his last chance in this life to follow the path closely.

"Sir, it's been almost a year since you came to Beijing, and you haven't received a good reception yet..."

Chen Wangdu rubbed his hands and said, "I'm really good at cooking. If you don't mind me, I'd like to treat you to a simple meal."

"That's good, dinner is ready."

Li Mo nodded: "Just tonight."

Chen Wangdu grinned. He also knew that Li Mo did not regard him as an outsider, but the more he did so, the more he followed the rules and did not want to betray such trust.

Thinking of this, Chen Wangdu turned around and walked out. After a while, he walked in with a stack of files.

"Sir, this is the file that was just delivered yesterday."

After the year-end swearing-in meeting, everyone in Hongmen will be busy, and Li Mo is naturally no exception, as he is assigned a case.

"Wan Jieshan? Isn't that case over?"

Li Mo flipped through it and looked at it casually, and couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"Recently, the Guixu demon has been active frequently. According to the detective report, it should be related to Wanjie Mountain." Chen Wangdu said in a low voice.

Guixu can place secret spies in Xuantian Pavilion, and Xuantian Pavilion can naturally place secret spies inside Guixu.

According to the information from the other side, Wanjie Mountain was once the dojo where the first generation leader of the Ling Sect studied and practiced. This great master from nine hundred years ago left a legacy there that cannot be revealed to others.

"Han Qi's notes!?"

Li Mo's eyes widened and his expression became extremely strange.

"That's right... those are the notes left by the first generation master of the Ling Sect. There is something very important hidden in it... The Demon Guixu is determined to get it... but he didn't find it in the ruins of Wanjie Mountain that day..."

Chen Wangdu said in a deep voice: "Besides... they seem to be looking for something else."

"Another thing? What?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask.

"It's not clear yet." Chen Wangdu shook his head.

The deeper the secret agents go, the more valuable they become. The first thing they have to do is to preserve themselves, and the second is to collect information. It is extremely precious to be able to send back so much information.

"Could it be..."

Li Mo was moved and thought of the blood river that escaped from the [Natural Spirit Pond].

Previously, Taoist Mosquito had absorbed part of the essence of the blood river, and his cultivation level had skyrocketed.

Later, Jiebian also swallowed part of the blood river, and then he stepped into the level of [High-grade Spiritual Weapon].

These days, Li Mo has been studying the [Natural Spirit Pond], and he has learned some secrets.

That blood river may be the key to his integration with the [Natural Spirit Pond]. If he can really find it, then he will be sure to break through the [Miao Miao Realm].

"Old Chen, pick some good players and send them out. If there is any trouble these days, you must report it first."

Li Mo looked at it seriously: "Also, go to the [Monster Catching Hall] to find Chen Pingping and get some information from her... The demon Guixu must have explored Wanjie Mountain..."

Suddenly, Li Mo acted vigorously and resolutely, showing his courage to act vigorously and resolutely.

Such a dedicated Li Mo made Chen Wangdu stunned for a moment.

"It is our responsibility to uphold justice and fight crime." Li Mo said seriously.

"My subordinates will do it now."

Chen Wangdu bowed, turned around and left.

"Guixu... I don't want to cause any trouble for you... It's my duty, so there's nothing I can do about it."

Li Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering the attack on his home last night. It seemed that this Liangzi still had to be solved.

In the evening, Li Mo arrived at Chen Wangdu's home as promised.

Chen Wangdu's house is located in Waijiucheng.

The layout of the capital is three inner and nine outer cities. Although the outer nine cities are better than those in the suburbs, they still seem remote.

Fortunately, his house is a courtyard with two entrances and two exits.

In the capital, even in the outer nine cities, being able to own such a house is better than most ordinary people.

Not to mention, Chen Wangdu has a household registration in the capital.

You must know that since the Shenzong era, the imperial court has promulgated the "Beijing Household Registration Points System". If you want to obtain permanent residence in the capital, you must reach the prescribed points. For example, purchasing real estate, gaining fame, paying taxes, etc. can all earn points. integral.

Chen Wangdu worked hard in the Xuantian Pavilion for more than 20 years before he was able to obtain a household registration in the capital and take over his family.

"Old Chen, your little yard is well taken care of."

Li Mo and Chen Wangdu were sitting in the backyard, changing glasses.

It has snowed several times in succession in the capital, but it has stopped long ago. It is quite a different experience to cook wine on the stove and enjoy the cold plums.

"The house is all run by a mean person."

Chen Wangdu's wife is nearly fifty years old. Li Mo took a picture of her when she came in. It seems that she was not outstanding when she was young, and she did not have the beauty she once had. She was even a little dull, didn't talk much, and seemed a little embarrassed when receiving gifts.

Li Mo was a little surprised by this.

It stands to reason that although Chen Wangdu's official position is not high, he is still a master of the spiritual breath realm. He is much stronger than ordinary people. Not to mention such a woman, even if he finds a few more beautiful concubines, he will not be able to do it. It's difficult.

"I had a sweetheart when I was young..."

Chen Wangdu drank too much, and while he was still drunk, he looked at his wife and said with a grin.

"That beauty is one of a kind even on the Gilded River."

"Golden River?" Li Mo's heart moved.

It was a famous romantic place in the capital. Every night, there were hundreds of flower houses and boats, and countless seeds were scattered in one night.

"She was a famous make-up girl at that time... her eyebrow drawing skills were outstanding..." A trace of reminiscence appeared in Chen Wangdu's eyes.

Women have loved beauty since ancient times, especially the women on the Gilded River. When the moon rises every day, it is the time when they look their most beautiful. Therefore, makeup is particularly important, including applying powder, rouge, eyebrow painting, appliqués, and facial makeup. , trace oblique red... The steps are so complicated that it can be called a huge project.

The so-called makeup girl is a master who specializes in dressing up these girls.

The makeup girl is so powerful that she can design makeup according to the girl’s facial features, face shape, and bone structure. It’s hard to describe all the secrets inside. Just say that eyebrows include Yuanyang eyebrows, small mountain eyebrows, Wufeng eyebrows, long Emei eyebrows, and dozens of other eyebrow shapes. In addition, Huamei's eyebrow inkstones are also available in Luozi Dai, Qingshi Dai, Fuxue Dai, Tongdai and other styles.

On the Gilded River, an outstanding makeup girl's monthly income is no less than that of a servant in the Xuantian Pavilion.

"At that time, I was just entering Xuantian Pavilion for the first time, and I had nothing..."

Chen Wangdu picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, a trace of reminiscence appeared in his blurred eyes.

"Compared to her, I am a poor boy..."

When Li Mo heard this, he swung his wine glass, but remained silent.

It is the greatest tragedy for a man to meet his most beloved woman at his weakest age.

"She's good at what she does, and she's very sharp with her tongue. Her business is excellent, but..."

Having said this, Chen Wangdu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In that kind of place, besides girls, there are men. Being eloquent is useless, but being eloquent is useful...

Those men all hope that what they are eagerly awaiting will greet them with their mouths.

"One day, she followed someone else..."

Chen Wangdu put down his wine glass. After so many years, he had long been relieved, but every time he mentioned it, there was still some unwillingness and helplessness in his eyes.

Men, by the time you succeed in your career, your loved ones will have been dug into a hornet's nest.

"So I later found an ordinary woman... as long as she could live a good life."

Chen Wangdu smiled, very calmly, as if he had looked down on everything after many years of ups and downs.

"Old Chen, you are drunk..."

"I'm drunk... Sir, please go back and rest early. We have to handle a case tomorrow, so I'll see you off..."

"No need, my cows are outside, I can just walk by myself."

Li Mo let go of Chen Wangdu's support and just smiled when he saw him stumbling, then stood up and left.

After a long time, it was late at night.

Chen Wangdu was the only one left in the quiet courtyard. He looked at the mess on the table and stood up unsteadily, but the drunkenness on his face slowly dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Chen Wangdu... you have been lurking in Xuantian Pavilion for more than 20 years, and you finally have a place to use."

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded from the shadows of the courtyard.

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