The founder of all religions

Chapter 344 The golden cicada is the king! Li Mo’s methods (6k big chapter)

The moonlit night was cold, the cold branches were withered, and the shadow slowly walked out from the corner and mixed with the white snow.

Chen Wangdu's face, already stained by the traces of time, couldn't help but twitch. In a daze, the years flowed by, and yesterday was now again.

The backlight and the moon are in the shadow of the flowers, and the traces of ten years are ten years of heart.

That year, he was as young as Li Mo.

That year, the new leader of Xuantian Pavilion came from Riyue Mountain. He had clear eyes, good vision, and was famous for his youth.

That year, the flower boats on the Gilded River were particularly bright, and the rouge atmosphere filled most of the capital, and I don't know how many young talents' souls were lost.

That year, Chen Wangdu, carrying the mission of returning to the ruins, quietly went to Beijing and entered Xuantian Pavilion.

More than twenty years have passed, and he is like a forgotten chess piece, gradually covered up by the dust of time in the corner.

Chen Wangdu knew that there were countless chess pieces like him in the Xuantian Pavilion.

Some people may never be enabled in their lifetime.

It is not easy to place a secret agent. If he is not in a key position and can play a key role, these people will remain silent and will not be used.

Perhaps, because he, Chen Wangdu, had always been just a pawn, even Gui Xu had long forgotten his existence.

If he remains in obscurity until the day he seals his sword and retires to take care of himself, this should be the best ending!

Once upon a time, Chen Wangdu had such thoughts countless times.

However, he knew that his fate would never be the same after tonight.

"Master Shadow!"

Chen Wangdu looked at the person who came, dressed in black, like a shadow, only a pair of cold eyes exposed in the air.

There are countless shadows in Guixu, responding to the secret spies placed in Xuantian Pavilion.

Their names are all called shadows, living in the light and hiding in the shadows.

They are not only the shadows of Gui Xu, but also the shadows of these secret spies. They follow each other in life and death and cannot get rid of them.

"Chen Wangdu, you have been lurking in the Xuantian Pavilion for nearly thirty years. Now you can be regarded as rising step by step and becoming a late bloomer."

The shadow walked slowly through the snow in the courtyard. His steps were as light as a ball of air, leaving no trace behind.

Shadows are always shadows, and their existence is like the trajectory they walked without a trace.

"It's not a promotion." Chen Wangdu shook his head.

Now he holds the position of [Shaofu Lieutenant], with an official rank up to the twelfth level, which is not lower than ordinary people back then, but compared with his qualifications, it is indeed not a high position.

"Some positions don't have to be too high, just key." Shadow whispered, and his cold eyes swept across Chen Wangdu's face like a blade.

"Li Mo..."

A simple name made Chen Wangdu's heart tremble and his expression suddenly changed.

"Master Shadow..."

"This Hongmen upstart seems to think highly of you..."

"Master Shadow... I have ten years before I can retire..." Chen Wangdu gritted his teeth.

"Ten years? Are you confused?" Shadow sneered: "Don't you know the new regulations just promulgated by Daqian Chaotang? Don't expect to be able to rest until you are sixty-five years old..."

"There are still fifteen years left. Wouldn't it be a waste if we don't make good use of it?"

As he said this, the shadow came closer, and a cold breath hit his face, which was more biting than the winter north wind.

"Chen Wangdu, don't forget your identity and responsibilities..."

"You are my secret spy in Guixu... you will never be able to get rid of me in this life..."

As he spoke, Shadow cast his cold gaze towards the distant house, which was brightly lit and full of people.

"My wife and children are so hot... With a status like yours, having these is just exposing your weakness..."

"Master Shadow..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Wangdu's expression suddenly changed, his clenched fists slowly fell down, and he remained silent for a while before saying, "I understand."

When Shadow saw this, he slowly withdrew his cold eyes and said calmly: "Li Mo...he also appeared in Wanjie Mountain."

"Him!?" Chen Wangdu's eyes narrowed slightly.

"He just happened to meet him at the right time. Han Qi's notes should not fall into his hands... and according to the intelligence in Hongmen, Wan Jieshan's case seems to be..."

Chen Wangdu hesitated to speak and couldn't help but look at the shadow.

"Made by Guixu."

"Fart!" Shadow was furious when he heard this.

"Hongmen has gone too far. They are trying to throw shit at us... Don't I know whether we should do it or not?"

"Really?" Chen Wangdu was doubtful.

"Nonsense." Shadow shouted in a deep voice: "The notes of Master Han Qi are very important. They contain important secrets that can subvert the Xuantian Pavilion... In addition, there is also the [Blood River] left by Master Han Qi. Demon Fetus], that’s the key.”

"Blood River Demon Fetus!?" Chen Wangdu's expression suddenly changed.

"what is that?"

"In the past, Master Han Qi was part of the [Holy Creation] plan..."

Shadow was just halfway through what he said when he stopped abruptly and glared at Chen Wangdu with his cold eyes, which seemed to be a warning.

The Holy Creation Project is the prototype of the Xuantian Dao Seed. If the living [Blood River Demon Fetus] can be found, it is possible to obtain clues to the Xuantian Dao Seed.

Such a secret is naturally not something Chen Wangdu can know.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

"You want me to explore the secrets of Li Mo and see if the notes of Master Han Qi are on him?"

"No, I want you to lure him out of the capital and teach us the rest." Shadow said coldly.

He was very aware of Chen Wangdu's ability, and it was almost impossible to find out Li Mo's secret without anyone noticing.

In this case, let's use this trust to lure him into the trap, and the next thing will be much simpler.

In this world, there is no simpler method than violence.

"I understand." Chen Wangdu's eyes were hidden and he finally lowered his head heavily.


When he looked up again, he was still the only one in the quiet courtyard. The north wind was howling, causing the snow in the courtyard to rise.

At this moment, on the outskirts of the capital.

A bright firelight rose in the dilapidated temple, dry firewood everywhere was stained with scarlet blood, and faint bones could still be seen, piled in the corner in an orderly manner.

"How did things go?"

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the darkness.

"He has already agreed."

The shadow came from outside and bowed respectfully.

"Lord Yang actually still remembers this abandoned piece, and plans to change the overall situation. It's really clever."

"Shenzong once said that the wheels of history are often driven by small people... Who would have thought that such a small person would take the life of this Hongmen upstart."

The dim firelight suddenly swayed, and the shadows of a pair of huge horns flickered on the wall. Then, a man with a thin face, cold eyes, and half a piece of grass in his mouth slowly walked out.

Although it was cold winter, the grass in his mouth was unusually fresh, and even smelled of earth.

"Lord Yang... I think the notes of Master Han Qi may not be on this person... We mobilize the troops, just in case..." Shadow stopped talking.

In order to verify an unlikely conjecture, using force and carrying out a large-scale killing will inevitably arouse Hongmen's anger.

"I'm not looking for this person just because of Master Han Qi's notes..." Yang Xingba chewed the grass in his mouth.

"This Li Mo comes from Luofu Mountain and has the same origin as Black Sword. There have been rumors from the outside world that this kid is the descendant of Black Sword."

At this point, Yang Xingba's eyes flashed with a faint luster.

"Back then, Black Sword, as a secret spy, sneaked into Guixu and even achieved the position of Lord of [Demon City]..."

Shadow heard the words and remained silent.

This is almost the worst and most dangerous incident in the history of Guixu.

The chess pieces arranged by Xuantian Pavilion have risen all the way up, and have climbed to the top of Guixu. They control [Demon City], one of the four major cities, and are among the Lords.

The consequences of this are simply unimaginable.

The most terrifying thing is that when the Dongchuang Incident happened, Heijian escaped completely. For this reason, Guixu remained silent for nearly three hundred years.

As for later, Heijian returned to Xuantian Pavilion and took charge of Hongmen, becoming the seventh generation sect leader in the history of Hongmen.

"It was indeed dangerous back then. If the Dongchuang Incident hadn't happened... Black Sword might even have gotten involved in the position of Lord of the Returned Ruins."

The more Yang Xingba talked, the weirder his expression became.

Looking at the history of Daqian, it is unique for secret spies to do this.

When Heijian left Guixu, he took something very important with him, but he did not leave that thing in Xuantian Pavilion.

"Since Li Mo is known as the successor of the Black Sword... maybe that thing is on him..." Yang Xingba said in a deep voice.

If this is true, it is appropriate to take some risks. Even if he is not there, it is a credit to capture this Hongmen upstart.

After all, he was not the only one who returned to Beijing this time. It was the end of the year and it would be much better to get some credit for the work than to return empty-handed in the end.

"Is there anything going on over there with Xia Chanming?" Yang Xingba suddenly asked, changing the subject.

This time, the pursuit of Han Qi's notes and the hunt for the Blood River Demon Fetus was focused on Xia Chanming in [Demon City].

If this thing is done, it will be a real great achievement.

Therefore, Yang Xingba had to devote some of his attention to his immediate boss.

"There doesn't seem to be any movement. I heard that Xu Zengshou is missing..." Shadow said.

"Gone?" Yang Xingba was stunned for a moment.

Xu Zengshou is a master of [Ghost Market]. He has already mastered the [Eight-Armed Flame Demon Hand]. This time, he was transferred to Xia Chanming. How could he disappear?

"I don't know... I have received news that Xia Chanming has sent people back to the ruins to escort the [Red Lotus Demon Boy] here... After all, the fire spirit bone on Xu Zengshou's body came from this little demon."

Shadow is extremely well-informed and has already mastered all the news from Xia Chanming.

"Red Lotus Demon Boy!?" Yang Xingba narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold smile appeared on his thin face.

"Will she be so kind? I'm afraid it's just for herself."

"Why do you say this, sir?"

"Xia Chanming has a special background, coming from the lineage of the [Nine Treasure Lingchan]..." Yang Xingba said solemnly.

The Nine Treasure Spirit Cicada is the bloodline of an ancient demon and is naturally powerful. It is said to have nine changes in life, and changes produce treasures, among which the [Golden Cicada] is the most respected.

It's a pity that more than 900 years ago, Shenzong destroyed the law and had already killed this demon lineage completely.

Xia Chanming's ancestors threw themselves into the ruins, and only then did they survive this sporadic bloodline.

"Xia Chanming is just a [Silver Cicada] now. The red lotus demon child has the fire of anger and a strange destiny. If she is reborn from the ashes, it may be able to help her enter the [Golden Chan] body..."

Speaking of this, Yang Xingba's expression turned cold and ferocious.

Both are masters of the [Demon City], and it is because of Xia Chanming's unique bloodline that this woman is able to cultivate into a [Fifth Level Spirit Demon] at such an age, which is equivalent to a human [Multiple Miao Realm] powerhouse.

But he is still spinning around in [Fourth Transformation Spirit Demon].

If Xia Chanming is really allowed to step into [Jin Chan]'s body, is that okay?

"Perhaps Xu Zengshou died in her hands to hide the red lotus demon boy from others." Yang Xingba sneered.

This little demon has been imprisoned in the [Swaggering Banner]. This artifact is very strange and has been dormant for a long time. If you want to get the demon from it, you need the [Ghost City Lord] command talisman.

Now that Xu Zengshou is missing, this reason seems too legitimate.

"I didn't expect this woman to be so scheming that she would kill Xu Zengshou for the [Golden Cicada Body]?" Shadow said solemnly.

"How can I let her get what she wants?" Yang Xingba sneered: "Keep an eye on me. Once that little demon comes, I will take action first and kill it."

"For now, let's take down Li Mo first."

A smile appeared on Yang Xingba's face. He had already clearly planned his bright future.

Capturing Li Mo, killing the Red Lotus Demon Boy, countering Xia Chanming, finding Han Qi's notes, suppressing the Blood River Demon Fetus... all of them are great achievements, and his future is boundless.

Thinking of this, Yang Xingba couldn't help laughing.

Three days later.

On the outskirts of Beijing, Wuji Ridge.

At the zenith of the moon, a cow's cry of "moo" resounded throughout the mountains.

In front of the dilapidated temple gate, corpses were like dried bacon, swaying in the mountain wind, their open bellies filled with hay.

These corpses include human bodies and animal heads, including pigs, cows, and dogs...

"The means of returning to the ruins..."

In the night, Li Mo rode away on the green ox, jumped up, and landed in front of the temple door, looking up at the dried corpses.

"The method of making animals... Rumor has it that there is a method in Guixu that can turn ordinary people into animals..."

At this moment, Chen Wangdu followed closely.

A few years ago, Guixu once spread this method among the people to confuse people's hearts. Some black-hearted shops charmed the guests coming from the south and north, and then used the "Animal Creation Method" to turn them into pigs, cattle, sheep and dogs, and either killed or Eat or sell...

"This is a stronghold in Guixu..." Li Mo thoughtfully looked at Chen Wangdu deeply.

"You were able to find me in such a remote place, Lao Chen, you do have some tricks up your sleeve."

"My lord, you are ridiculous. I still have some insiders inside and outside the capital." Chen Wangdu said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, please stay here for a moment. I will go back and dispatch some personnel to seal this place and conduct a thorough investigation."

"Go back quickly."

Li Mo waved his hand and watched Chen Wangdu leave.

Under the moonlight, only Li Mo was left in front of the dilapidated ancient temple.

Suddenly, the biting cold wind suddenly stopped, the snow-covered ground began to become ice-cold, and the originally dead trees shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a pair of dry branches and withered grass in the blink of an eye.


Li Mo raised his eyes and saw that in an instant, everything within a radius of ten miles was completely desolate.

A terrifying demonic aura emerged from Wuji Ridge, as if dark clouds were moving, and there seemed to be a pair of majestic horns in the trance, clearly showing off evil intent.

"Fourth level spirit demon!?"

Li Mo's eyes darkened slightly, but he felt a little moved.

Naturally, he could see that this monster was extraordinary. It was rare for a fourth-level spirit monster to have such a level of cultivation, not to mention that this was a suburb of the capital city.

The most terrifying thing is that wherever this monster appears, the area within ten miles is completely deserted.

Obviously, this Wuji Ridge has been built into a solid stone, hiding a ferocious array.

Li Mo only glanced at it and could see that there were at least five or six formations here, which contained ambushes and treasures. Once activated, they would suddenly retract like a pocket, making it difficult to use any magical power. Everything will turn into dry grass and branches.

"Guixu is really talented." Li Mo sat in front of the ruined temple, picking up hay on the ground and feeding the green cattle.

"Little devil, this [Desolate Sheep Formation] can kill hundreds of miles of life and is specially designed for you..."

Cold laughter came from the soaring demonic aura: "Hongmen's new rich? After all, you are just a brat. You are too young..."

Yang Xingba's voice ripples across the world. Not to mention that he possesses the cultivation level of a fourth-level spirit demon. With this [Desolate Sheep Formation] alone, it can eat all the strong men in the same realm, even if it is dealing with someone like Xia Chanming. All masters are capable of fighting.

"It's not easy... It took three days to arrange it... Hundreds of experts were mobilized... It was a real investment."

Li Mo fed the cow and said casually.

"Huh? How did you..."

Amid the soaring demonic aura, the harsh and harsh laughter suddenly stopped, and there was a hint of surprise in Yang Xingba's voice.

"Kill them all and keep this fat sheep."

Li Mo rubbed his palms and whispered softly.

Cluck cluck...

As soon as he finished speaking, a high-pitched cry shook the mountains, and then, a dazzling sword light rose into the sky, as if the sun was rising, full of power.

The terrifying sword energy filled the air, and the overbearing killing power instantly tore open a formation, and the sound of wails and roars immediately filled Wuji Ridge.


The demonic clouds stirred, and Yang Xingba screamed, but before he could react, a bloody light suddenly appeared and pressed from the sky.

"Hehe, I really don't know how to live or die."

A six-winged black mosquito appeared, its mouth opened wide, like an abyss, and it swallowed up the two formations in an instant.

The hidden master of Guixu didn't even have time to scream, before he turned into a rolling torrent and sank into Taoist Mosquito's belly.

"It turns out you were prepared..."

Yang Xingba roared wildly, and raised a demonic wind, pressing towards Li Mo.

"Go ahead."

Li Mo didn't even look back, he just whispered.


As soon as he finished speaking, Qingniu stepped forward, revealing Kui Gang's true form. In an instant, thunder shook, black air surged, and it seemed like a lotus flower bloomed, shining with power.

"Dare you be so presumptuous in front of your master?"

Qui-Gon swayed his body and rushed towards him like a mountain.

In an instant, a violent sound came from the depths of Wuji Ridge. Yang Xingba let out a scream, and the demonic energy around him collapsed, making it almost difficult to condense.

At this moment, a black hand with a mane like a row of arrows poked out from the clouds. Supreme divine power surged and grabbed Yang Xingba's neck.

"You...what are you..."

Yang Xingba roared, and then he saw a black pig standing in the black clouds in the sky. He was full of monsters, domineering and ferocious. The terrifying aura seemed to have the help of God, and he could be crushed gently to reveal his true form.

"BAA Baa baa……"

The next moment, a snow-white fat sheep fell from the sky and landed in front of Li Mo. The horns on its head were broken and dripping with blood, like a dead dog. It no longer had the arrogance it had just now.

"A guy like you still wants to make money from me?"

Li Mo smiled, walked up to Yang Xingba, and stepped on the drooping sheep's head.

"Master, it has passed out."

Zhu Ganghye came from the sky and landed in front of the ruined temple.

In the distance, Taoist Mosquito and Ji Tiantiao were still cleaning the battlefield.

"Bring him back, I have to squeeze something out of him."

Li Mo sneered, what he cared about most at the moment was the whereabouts of the [Blood River Demon Fetus], which was related to the integration of the [Natural Spirit Pool] and the secret of understanding the Miao Realm.


Zhu Gang grinned, picked up the unconscious big fat sheep, stepped out, and disappeared into the vast night.

Qui-Gon staggered over, transforming into a green bull again.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Wangdu came on horseback, with soldiers and horses behind him. When he saw Li Mo, who was safe and sound, surrounded by the ruins left by the battle, an imperceptible strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Sir, you..."

"Old Chen, your information is still a bit careful next time."

Li Mo took a deep look at Chen Wangdu, left only this sentence, and left on the green bull without looking back.

"My subordinates will remember it."

Chen Wangdu lowered his head and his voice was inaudible.

There is definitely no peace tonight.

The movement in Wuji Ridge obviously cannot be concealed. After all, Guixu has mobilized many experts. Those are hidden stakes lurking near the capital, and they usually lurk quite well.

"Guixu has made a lot of progress over the years, and it's surprising that it has been able to mobilize so many experts."

Wang Lingce looked at the intelligence just sent by the light and couldn't help but sigh.

"Li Mo...I underestimated him. He was able to control such a situation without using the troops of the palace..." Wang Lingce's eyes showed a different kind of brilliance.

"The energy behind him is not small..."

Wang Lingce remained silent. He had given the information about the ambush at Wujiling to Li Mo three days ago.

However, he did not expect that Li Mo would dare to put himself in danger, but he had not yet used Hongmen's troops.

You know, even if he goes to the battle at Wuji Ridge, he will be dead or alive.

"Zhennan Prince's Mansion or Ningguo Duke's Mansion?" Wang Lingce's thoughts changed rapidly.

He knew that Li Mo had no relationship with either of these two families, especially the Prince of Zhennan, who had a very close friendship with him. It would be reasonable if he really borrowed a master.

"Are there any survivors?"

At this moment, Wang Lingce suddenly raised his head and looked into the dark corner.

"No one was left alive..."

"You are sitting well." Wang Lingce nodded, and immediately put down the information in his hand, his condensed eyes almost melting into a thin line.

"Xuantian Pavilion sent you to Guixu as an undercover agent... Guixu sent you to Xuantian Pavilion as an undercover agent..."

"Who would have thought that more than twenty years later, your dark chess would be activated."

A meaningful smile appeared on Wang Lingce's face.

"The duty lies."

In the dim light, a figure walked out from the corner, and the face revealed in the interplay of light and darkness was clearly that of Chen Wangdu.

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