The founder of all religions

Chapter 469 Lord of the North! The predecessor of Beisha Xuanzhang (two-in-one)

The first generation of demon market lords sealed everything within the portal.

Since then, this has become the tradition of the previous generations of Demon City Lords. That portal carries almost all the secrets and treasures of the Demon City, and even the corpses of the first generation Demon City Lords are buried inside.

However, something happened in the Black Sword generation.

Who would have thought that this alternative genius who was favored by the Lord of Guixu was actually a secret chess player of Xuantian Pavilion, but this secret chess move actually took the seat of the Lord of Demon City.

As a result, this wicked man resorted to an extremely despicable trick. He permanently sealed the portal and took away the only key, which was the Evernight Sword that shocked the world.

This sword may not be as ferocious as the [Wu Sheng Killing Sword], but its reputation is not inferior to it at all.

"No wonder Gu Feifan wanted to borrow the sword from me..." Li Mo thought thoughtfully.

It turns out that [Eternal Night Sword] hides such a big secret. Only the Eternal Night Sword can open the treasure of the Demon City, one of the four parts of Guixu, and the portal that carries the masters of the Demon City in the past.

It is no exaggeration to say that whoever masters the [Eternal Night Sword] is equivalent to mastering all the secrets passed down by the Demon City to this day, and even controls the Demon City.

"No wonder Gu Bufan also found me." The figure of this contemporary master of the demon market appeared in Li Mo's mind.

That lame man was much more dangerous than Gu Feifan.

But now it seems that both of these brothers have their own agendas, they are old and sophisticated, and they have too many scheming ideas.

"Gu Pingfan... Gu Feifan... Gu Bufan... these three brothers are all easy to deal with."

Thinking of this, Li Mo couldn't help but feel a headache, and subconsciously raised his hand to rub his temples.

"The Lord of Demon City is sure that the Eternal Night Sword will fall into my hands, right?"

Li Mo's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at Shi Yanbai coldly.

"This is the assertion of [Future Dharma Eye]... That gentleman said that the Eternal Night Sword must be hidden among the hundreds of thousands of barren hills in Beimang, and that sword will definitely fall into the hands of the successor of the Black Sword..." Shi Shibai bit his tongue. Teeth poured out all the secrets he knew.

"Future Dharma Eye... Guixu's heritage should not be underestimated. No wonder the imperial court has been suppressing bandits for so many years and has not been able to wipe you out." Li Mo said solemnly.

He knew that when Guixu was founded and the whole religion used the strength of the whole religion to create the [Ten Great Divine Weapons], they originally wanted to be comparable to the [Cauldron of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties]. However, the cauldron built by Shenzong was the best in the world and the king of eternity. Even though that The ten divine weapons united in one place would not be as brilliant as the cauldron.

But even so, the top ten magic weapons should not be underestimated. Thousands of years of inheritance have become Guixu's greatest heritage.

"Information came from above not long ago that Beimang's Hundred Thousand Barren Hills will soon be in chaos, and chaos will lead to change... The Eternal Night Sword may be born."

"Chaos!? What do you say?" Li Mo's heart moved, as if he had guessed something.

"Beisha Xuanzhang has disappeared, Beimang Mountain has lost its owner, and chaos is not far away..." Shi Shibai said in a deep voice.

This news can be said to be extremely secret, and very few people in the world really know about it.

"Guixu's intelligence capabilities are really terrifying... It seems you are of some use." Li Mo whispered softly.

He heard this news from the generals.

There is no leader in Beimang Mountain, and the generals are thinking of fighting for the successor.

Guixu, who is far outside the territory of Daqian, seems to have understood the current pattern of hundreds of thousands of barren hills in Beimang.

Thinking of this, Li Mo walked up to Shi Yanbai and gently stroked the latter's head with his right hand. He wanted to slap him down and release him.

However, not all demons and ghosts can be released successfully. If they fail...

A living lion cub is much more useful than a dead one. At least, by keeping him alive, Li Mo can still rely on Gui Xu's power.

"Little lion, you have successfully proved your worth..."

Li Mo thought for a long time, weighed the pros and cons, and finally took his itchy palm back.

"No wonder you chased me to Qingchan City. You were sure that the Eternal Night Sword would be born..." Xia Chanming said calmly.

"It's not all because of the Eternal Night Sword..."

Shi Yanbai's originally arrogant head almost dropped to his chest. He gritted his teeth and whispered softly: "The superiors asked me to pay close attention to the movements of Beiman Mountain... It is said that... if something unexpected happens, it may happen for thousands of years. The changes..."

"Thousand-year changes!?" Li Mo was stunned and looked puzzled.

Even if Beimang Mountain is in chaos, the impact on the Daqian territory will be extremely limited. With the current strength and foundation of the Daqian Dynasty, it is enough to cope with it, so how can it talk about changes in the situation for a thousand years.

"Future Fayan said... this may be an opportunity, and Shenzong's prophecy may come true."

When it comes to observing changes in the future and the mysteries of creation, the Future Dharma Eye cannot be compared with Shenzong, but it also has a very special sense in it. Reflecting Shenzong's prophecy, the fog ahead gradually becomes clear.

"Shenzong's prophecy? What is it?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask.

"Swordsmanship flourishes in the southeast, and chaos arises in the extreme north..." Shi Shibai's voice became extremely deep.

"Shen Zong once said that there is no eternal peace in this world, and there is no destined supreme... After thousands of years of rotation, there will be a calamity in this world... The starting point of the calamity may come from the extreme north..."

"The land of the far north..." Li Mo lowered his eyes, thoughtfully.

"There is turmoil in the world of Daqian, starting in the north...perhaps the real owner of this land will appear..."

"The appearance of the Lord of the North will kick off the catastrophe..."

"A catastrophe? What kind of catastrophe could it be!?" Xia Chanming frowned and couldn't help but ask.

Shi Shibai's face was slightly condensed, he was silent for a long time, and then he said quietly.

"The end of the Dharma comes to the world, and all religions come to worship!!!"

"The end of the Dharma!? All Dharmas in the world will become extinct?" Xia Chanming's beautiful face trembled slightly, showing an incredible expression.

More than 900 years ago, Shenzong destroyed the law. Although it was called the destruction of the law, it actually only cut the law and did not ban it.

In those years, all Dharmas in the world were not extinguished. Now, how could we enter the Age of Dharma Ending! ?


At this moment, Li Mo raised his hand to interrupt this absurd topic.

"I have never believed in numerology... That's where the lies about fate end."

As he spoke, Li Mo rubbed Shi Qianbai's head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and showed a kind smile.

"Lion Head, we are destined to be together, so I will spare your life do you plan to repay me?"


"What? Life-saving grace is like recreating parents... Isn't it right for you to be filial and respectful to your father?" Li Mo said seriously.


Shi Shibai curled his lips and glanced unnaturally from the corners of his eyes.

"You...what do you want?"

"In the coming days... you will lend me the power of Guixu in your hands." Li Mo said straight to the point.

"What do you want to do?"

Shi Yanbai's eyebrows jumped and he couldn't help but ask. A bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

"Didn't you say that chaos is about to break out in the 100,000 barren hills of Beimang?" Li Mo sneered.

"Heroes emerge from troubled times... I want to see who will rule the land of Beimang in a few years."

" want..."

Shi Shibai's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Li Mo in disbelief.

At this time, he finally realized how dangerous the man in front of him was.

"I see."

Faced with Xia Chanming's unkind gaze and Li Mo's fierce power, Shi Shibai could only lower his proud lion's head! ! !

The next day, at dawn, Li Mo sent Xie Pipa to [Nine Burial Mountains] to check on the generals' current situation.

I don’t know if this guy has found a way to control the black soil.

Ever since Li Mo learned the secret of Yongye Sword last night, he was completely awake.

Although Gu Feifan said that he would open up his joints and ensure that he returned to Beijing.

But now that I think about it, this old fox will never let him go unless he gets the [Eternal Night Sword].

No wonder Chen Wangdu was sent to [Jiujiang Prefecture] by him to inquire about the return date for his return to Beijing, but the General Secretary's Office was slow to confirm the news.

Now, Li Mo has completely given up hope on [Jiujiang Mansion], and instead places his bets on the generals.

As long as this disciple of [Beisha Xuanzhang] can become the new master of Beimang Mountain, with this power, Gu Feifan will probably be as eager to send Li Mo out of Liangzhou as the God of Plague.

After leaving Biyouju, Li Mo summoned Chen Tiejia.

"Xiao Chen, has there been any unusual movement in Beimang Huangqiu recently?"

The news of Beisha Xuanzhang's disappearance has not yet spread, but the fight for his successor has already begun. The generals have said that this world-famous demon immortal is more than just his disciple.


Chen Tiejia rolled his eyes and approached Li Mo: "Your Excellency, among the hundreds of thousands of barren hills, the movements of monsters and ghosts in various mountains seem to have become more frequent recently... Fights sometimes occur..."

As he spoke, Chen Tiejia pursed his lips and looked outside the official residence.

At this moment, two government guards happened to pass by carrying a stone coffin with densely packed talisman seals on it.

"What is this?"

"Snow demon...a very rare demon ghost...generally only found in a very few ancient tombs..." Chen Tiejia whispered.

The Snow Demon is a kind of demon that was born in the cold winter. Its origin and identity are still a mystery that is constantly debated by academic circles.

This kind of monster is extremely rare. Wherever it goes, it is covered in ice for hundreds of miles, and ordinary real fire cannot break it away.

In ancient times, if a thousand-year-old family had a tomb, they would spend a huge price to capture the snow demon, bury it as a companion, and seal it under the tomb. This would protect the body from decay and protect the tomb.

Therefore, even among the hundreds of thousands of barren hills in Beimang, the snow demon is an extremely rare ghost.

"Last night, she was found in Langdang Mountain...someone could see that she was lit by two candles..." Chen Tiejia whispered.

"Two candles lit up the snow demon!?" Li Mo's eyes darkened.

Even the ordinary fire spells of Tianshi Mansion cannot cause any damage to this kind of monster. Only two candles can light the snow monster! ?

"So..." Chen Tiejia couldn't help but sigh.

"No matter how cold you are, you can't stand two..."


Li Mo was stunned for a moment, then his expression became extremely strange, and he looked at Chen Tiejia faintly.

"Um... sir... I mean... there have been a lot of weird things lately... ugh... what a pity for this snow demon..."

"What is this for?" Li Mo looked at the sarcophagus and couldn't help but ask.

"Sir Cheng Guan said...don't waste it...even the corpse is worth a lot of you know the taste of the ninth level of ice, sir?"

Chen Tiejia grinned, revealing an extremely ambiguous smile.

"What are you talking about? Lao Gu is really good at making money..."

Li Mo rolled his eyes and looked at the sarcophagus subconsciously, with a look of exploration in his eyes.

"My lord..."

At this moment, Chen Tiejia called out twice, bringing Li Mo back from his thoughts.

"By the way, you have been keeping an eye on me recently. If there is any trouble in the deserted hills of Beimang, please tell me." Li Mo said sternly.

"I understand, little one."

Chen Tiejia nodded solemnly and watched Li Mo walk towards Gu Changan's official residence.

Late at night.

The moon is like the eyes of a fox, looking at the world indifferently.

Among the hundreds of thousands of barren hills, in a cold and lonely mountain, there is a red copper coffin suspended in a quiet stone stream, with strange runes engraved on it.

In front of the coffin, two pale candles glowed brightly, without any warmth. They were as cold as ice, but they burned so hard that the surrounding void was distorted.

"Ying Gou, your [Red Sky Bronze Coffin] is getting more and more powerful. It is worthy of being a holy weapon forged by swallowing a hundred thousand blood spirits!"

At this moment, a scornful and indifferent voice resounded in the quiet stone stream.

Immediately afterwards, a man walked through the moonlight. He was wearing a robe, as if he was in the shadows, his figure was blurry, like a dream.

"Mr. Meng, why did you come all the way from the capital!?"

Suddenly, a hoarse and deep voice came from the [Red Sky Bronze Coffin].

"Why do you ask questions knowingly? His Highness Seventeenth sent me here, naturally to help you..."

The mysterious man called Mr. Meng spoke softly.

"Help me? I don't understand what this means..."

"Ying Gou, His Highness Seventeenth has known you for a long time. You shouldn't hide it from him..."

Mr. Meng sneered: "Beisha Xuanzhang is missing..."


As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying demonic aura rose into the sky, shattering the surrounding void, and the terrifying power almost shook the barren mountains.

"You don't need to be like this... This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you... After all, you are a disciple of Beisha Xuanzhang... If you can get help from His Highness Seventeenth..."

"You are the new owner of Beiman Mountain!"


There was a strange fluctuation in the red sky copper coffin, and the runes on it seemed to come alive, twisting and wriggling.

"How can he help me!?"

"The world is so vast... I'm afraid the person who can help you the most is His Highness Seventeenth..."

"How to say!?"

The hoarse and low voice came from the [Red Sky Bronze Coffin] again, revealing a hint of calmness and curiosity.

"You want to inherit the mantle of the Demon Immortal and become the new master of Beimang Mountain... This matter is not difficult for His Highness Seventeenth..." Mr. Meng sneered.

"After all, his relationship with Bei Sha Xuanzhang is extraordinary."

"What's the meaning?"

The voice in Chitian's copper coffin became a little impatient.

Mr. Meng smiled mysteriously when he heard this: "The corpse turned into a demon... Do you know where the predecessor of Beisha Xuanzhang came from!?"

"you know!?"

Ying Gou blurted out that the origin of any corpse demon was its biggest secret.

Beisha Xuanzhang, who became Taoist with her corpse, her secret is unknown to anyone.

"Of course I know..." Mr. Meng lowered his voice.

"The predecessor of Beisha Xuanzhang is the bloodline of Shenzong!!!"

I really went to see the [Luotian Dajiao] today. Whoever spreads rumors, I went to wash my feet! ! !

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