The founder of all religions

Chapter 470 My name is Tang Beixuan! Three corpses and nine coffins (two in one)

Shenzong bloodline! ?

Among the desolate hills, the demonic energy soaring into the sky emitted an ominous bloody light, faintly scattered, like an invading star.

The strange [Red Sky Bronze Coffin] faintly opened, and a thin figure slowly walked out of the diffuse blood-colored mist. The terrifying aura caused the surrounding void to distort and deform.

Ying Gou, the corpse turned into a demon, the supreme master of the Great Demon Realm.

At the same time, he is also one of the seven disciples of [Beisha Xuanzhang].

"Master's predecessor is actually of Shenzong bloodline!?"

At this moment, Ying Gou finally appeared. Under the bright moonlight, there was a faint rune of disillusionment between his eyebrows. His deep eyes seemed like an abyss, and there was an unusual wave in the silence.

For any corpse monster, the past life is both the source and the biggest secret.

Ying Gou never imagined that his master, whose evil reputation shocked the world, would have such an origin.

"The transformation of a corpse into a demon is already a great blessing. If it were not for the blood of Shenzong, how could the corpse be transformed and become a demon immortal!?"

Mr. Meng lowered his voice. Only the Daqian royal family knew such top secrets.

Therefore, among the eight great demon immortals in the world, only [Beisha Xuanzhang] has the most complicated relationship with the imperial court.

When [Xuantian Tao Seed] came out, Emperor Qian even asked [Beisha Xuanzhang] to come to the capital in person to deal with [White Sword Immortal].

"The Shenzong bloodline... the Shenzong bloodline... that is the most powerful and mysterious bloodline in the world..." Ying Gou murmured softly, with deep awe in his deep eyes.

Beisha Xuanzhang is not only his master, but also the goal he pursues throughout his life.

"That was a supreme and noble being. He was supposed to sleep underground forever... But more than three hundred years ago, the Black Sword came out... That lunatic stole the imperial mausoleum and dug out the body of [Beishi Xuanzong] from his previous life. …”

Mr. Meng spoke coldly and calmly, telling a story about the past.

Black Sword, this madman has no inhibitions. Not only did he exhume the corpses of Shenzong bloodline, he even committed many heinous and unspeakable crimes against them.

"This madman...he has blasphemed the Shenzong bloodline."

"Damn's really's hard to redeem yourself by death..." Ying Gou's voice was as cold as frost.

At this moment, he finally understood why for a long time [Beisha Xuanzhang] was still holding a grudge against the man who had been dead for three hundred years, and seemed to have a huge hatred that would never go away.

"Ying Gou, Beisha Xuanzhang is one of the eight great demon immortals in the world. Among her seven disciples, you are not the most outstanding... But because of her bloodline in the past life... His Highness Seventeenth can make you become Beimang The real owner of the mountain..." Mr. Meng said solemnly.

"What does His Highness Seventeenth want!?" Ying Gou asked calmly.

"Repayment is something that will happen in the future. The top priority now is to help you become the new master of Beiman Mountain... You must know that this place is too important..." Mr. Meng's words have unquestionable majesty.

Ying Gou's eyes darkened slightly, thoughtfully, and he heard the hidden meaning behind the words.

"Master once said... this dragon vein in Beimang Mountain was once the true dragon vein, which ruled the mountains and rivers of the world..."

The true dragon vein will surely emerge from the common master of the world.

It's a pity that as the world changes and the stars move, this true dragon vein has long been abandoned. Even so, its existence still created the hundreds of thousands of barren hills in Beimang.

"You are right. Beimang Mountain is extremely important. It is still the most critical place in the world... As early as a thousand years ago, His Majesty Shenzong once said that if he brings chaos to the world, chaos will inevitably occur in the extreme north... …”

"More than three hundred years ago, that lunatic Black Sword once wanted to use the dragon veins of Beimang Mountain to create a [Lord of Beimang] to seize the destiny of the north and become the true master of this far north..."

Mr. Meng mentioned a piece of the past.

Heijian was extremely ambitious. He wanted to activate this abandoned true dragon vein in Beimang Mountain, use the terrain of the 100,000 barren hills, seize the heavenly creation, and create the real [Lord of Beimang]... Unfortunately, he failed.

On that day, the [Bottomless Pit] in Duwang Mountain was the Panchang of [Lord of Beimang]. Even if it failed, it still became a terrifying monster over time.

It can be seen from this that if Black Sword had been successful back then, I am afraid that more than one of the most serious troubles for the imperial court would have been Guixu.

"Are you saying that if I can inherit Beiman Mountain, I will have a chance to become the Lord of the North!?" Ying Gou was moved.

Beimang Mountain is just a peaceful fairy cave. One day, if the Beisha Xuanzhang Fairy dies, it will be short-lived and will no longer have any deterrent effect on the imperial court.

But if we can really go one step further, occupy the destiny of the north, and become the true master of this land, then we can become the true overlord like returning to ruins and live forever.

"Then it depends on whether you have this fate..."

Mr. Meng glanced sideways and said in a deep voice: "I'll give you another guess. A few days ago, His Highness Seventeenth Highness asked the [divine machine] to perform a divination. That person may have appeared on the land in the north... …”

"That being said, great things can happen."

In front of the copper coffin in the red sky, the thin figure looked like a great demon. The demonic aura soared into the sky, covering the bright moon, shocking the barren mountains and making the river silent.

At the same time, there was a wasteland in the north of Liangzhou.

The night wind picked up, stirring up the dark clouds, and a solitary figure stood in front of the abandoned temple, with the "Turtle and Snake" mark embroidered on the fluttering corners of his clothes.

"Hey, mortal, why don't you worship God when you enter the temple!?"

"Blasphemy is a grave sin."

"Sin and karma cannot be eliminated, so we can only sacrifice ourselves!"

At this moment, bursts of cold sounds came from the ruined temple, mixed with some strange laughter.

"A ruined temple attracts spirits, and a desolate land gives birth to demons and ghosts... The ancients sincerely did not deceive me."

The lonely figure did not retreat. Instead, he took off the bamboo hat on his head, revealing his fair and kind face.

"If you are brave enough, come and give your Grandpa Fox some extra food."

Suddenly, a demonic wind suddenly rose and slammed open the door of the ruined temple. Shadows surged out from the ruined temple, accompanied by a fishy smell. If ordinary people smelled it, they would faint on the spot in just a moment. past.


The lonely figure stood still, his throat moved slightly, and he uttered a strange syllable.

In an instant, the syllables exploded, like thunder vibrating, endlessly, as if the power of heaven was coming.

" are..."

In an instant, the shadows let out shrill screams. In the surging storm, their twisted bodies showed deep fear. With just one breath, they were completely destroyed, leaving only a few white hairs. , fluttering, landed in front of the temple altar.

"Sin, sin, sin!"

The lonely figure whispered, minding his own business and walked into the ruined temple.

The faint moonlight filtered through the cracks in the eaves and fell into the temple. He raised his eyebrows and saw a girl curled up in the corner, her snow-white dress stained with dazzling blood.

At this moment, there was no trace of fear on the girl's delicate face, she just stared at him without saying a word.

"Little girl, who are you? Why are you here?"

The simple question received no response, but it could be seen that this was just an ordinary human girl, not a monster.

It's just that in this dark and windy wilderness, the appearance of such an ordinary girl here is unusual in itself.

"My name is Tang Beixuan..."

As he spoke, Tang Beixuan walked up to the girl, took out a cold steamed bun from his bag, and handed it to her.

"You follow me first."

The extremely ordinary girl glanced at the steamed bun, then at Tang Beixuan, nodded slightly, and took the steamed bun.

When Tang Beixuan saw this, he sat far away, picked up dead wood branches, and lit a bonfire.

The firelight illuminated the deserted ruined temple and brought some warmth.

"Where are you going?"

At this moment, the girl spoke, her voice was light and moving.

Tang Bei

The corners of his lips parted slightly, and he only uttered two words.


The next day, the sun was shining brightly and it was not yet noon.

On the long and narrow mountain road, Li Mo and Gu Changan walked together to the Nine Burial Mountains.

"Nine Burial Mountains, that's the boundary of the Beimang lineage...the dojo of Beisha Xuanzhang's disciples..."

Gu Changan frowned as he looked at the towering peaks in the distance.

"You've been so secretive all the way, so it turns out you came here..."

Speaking of this, Gu Changan's eyebrows almost wrinkled into the word "Chuan".

"Lao Li, are you planning to defect?"

"Bah, bah, bah... what are you talking about? I haven't taken you back to the capital yet, why are you running away? Can you expect me to order something good?" Li Mo rolled his eyes and said.

"You... really don't look like a good person."

Gu Changan curled his lips and said worriedly: "Don't you know where this is going?"

"Of course I know about the dojo of the Young Corpse Lord General... They are all friends. I will bring you to recognize them."


When Gu Changan heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then his expression became extremely strange: "When did you get involved with Beisha Xuanzhang's disciples?"

"The child has no mother, it's a long story."


As soon as Li Mo finished speaking, a strange black air rose into the sky from the depths of [Nine Burial Mountains]. The terrifying atmosphere spread across thousands of miles in an instant, and the surrounding void collapsed.

That shocking black energy exuded a strong ominousness, seeming to annihilate everything in it.

"problem occurs!?"


The next moment, a familiar figure flew out from the black air.

The [Tian Can Hook] behind Xie Pipa was shining like a cold star. The blood at the corner of her mouth had not dried up yet, but deep fear appeared on her pale face.

"I knew something was going to happen."

Li Mo took one step forward and appeared behind Qi Pipa.


Xie Pipa turned around and saw Li Mo, and couldn't help shouting.

"The black soil is so difficult to control!?" Li Mo frowned.

"He can't control this power... he's almost crazy..." Xie Pipa gritted her silver teeth.

The general's condition was extremely bad. He seemed to be firmly enslaved by this power, trapped in it and unable to extricate himself.

"Sure enough...everything is not as smooth as imagined..."

"With this kind of weather...Nine Burial Mountains can't be saved..."

Gu Changan arrived through the air, his expression extremely ugly.

"I'll do it..." Li Mo shook his head and whispered.


Jie Pipa cried out softly and couldn't help but look worried.


At this moment, Li Mo waved his hand, and a sword light shot up into the sky. The force seemed to be divided into yin and yang, and the energy seemed to shake the blue sky.

The seven-foot green peak shocked the mountains and rivers, cutting off the east and west. Mysterious runes actually appeared in the surrounding void, like sharp edges changing and green lotuses blossoming.

"Qingping Sword...Li Mo's holy weapon..."

Gu Changan's expression changed slightly, with a hint of awe in his eyes.

He had different feelings every time he looked at this holy weapon. This sword seemed to contain an immortal edge, with unlimited potential and earth-shattering potential.


As soon as Li Mo raised his hand, the Qingping sword came out. The sword energy in the floating world was like a blue sky, and it suddenly suppressed the black energy that was thousands of miles away.

With every step he took, the black air in the sky condensed. In the end, the black air covering thousands of miles around finally condensed into a ball and disappeared into the Nine Burial Mountains.

"The master's strength is becoming more and more unfathomable."

Xie Pipa looked at Li Mo's falling figure with a lot of emotions, but she followed him directly.

At this moment, the original cave in Jiu Zan Mountain had long been reduced to ruins. The corpses of countless demons and ghosts were lying all over the mountain. Even the few survivors were wailing.

The general sat alone on the ruins, covered in blood, looking tired and embarrassed.


Li Mo looked at his appearance and walked over.


The general shook his head and just let out a feeble sigh.

"I knew something was going to go wrong..." Li Mo walked up to the general, flicked his fingers, and a wisp of true breath entered his body.

The general's demonic aura was nourished, and his complexion softened a lot.

"I originally wanted to use the black soil to build a coffin... Unfortunately, I underestimated how terrifying this thing is..."

"A coffin!?"

"Not bad..." The general nodded.

"The cultivation path of corpse transformation into monsters is different from that of ordinary monsters and ghosts. The coffin is not only the foundation of our existence, but also the opportunity for life and death to transform..."

The general said in a deep voice: "Master has transformed three times and cut off three corpse bags..."

"Those three figures in the Palace of Life and Death!?"

At this moment, Gu Changan blurted out.

The general's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at this familiar face.

"Is he your friend? He knows quite a lot."

Li Mo said nothing, but cast a questioning look at the general.

He had heard that the [Hall of Life and Death] was the highest place in Beimang Mountain, and that it was controlled by a monster who was absolutely loyal to Beisha Xuanzhang. Even the selection of the successor this time was presided over by the [Hall of Life and Death].

"The three corpse bags that Master once chopped off are now the controllers of the [Palace of Life and Death]..."

"Her transformation took place inside the [Immortal Coffin]..."

"Therefore, when a corpse turns into a demon, it must be refined into a mysterious coffin..." the general said solemnly.

There are two coffins in the Hall of Life and Death. One is the coffin that contains the body of [Beisha Xuanzhang] from his previous life. It is named [Old Days Coffin]. Because it involves the secret of his past life, no one has ever really seen it.

The other one is the world-famous demonic and magical weapon [Immortal Coffin].

"Master has seven disciples, and each of them has built his or her own mysterious coffin." The general said solemnly.

Three corpses and nine coffins is a certain number, and it is also the destiny of the Beimang lineage.

"The rules set by the Palace of Life and Death are that whose natal mysterious coffin can enter the Palace of Life and Death and occupy the third [coffin position] will be the successor of Beimang Mountain." The general gritted his teeth.

He originally wanted to integrate the black treacherous soil into his own mysterious coffin, but unfortunately he failed.

"Where is your coffin? Why haven't I seen it?" Li Mo asked.

"It's still a semi-finished product..." the general said helplessly.

Among the seven disciples of Beisha Xuanzhang, he has the shallowest foundation and the weakest background, so he has not yet truly built his own natal mysterious coffin.

"What's the name of your coffin?" Li Mo asked casually.

"Nine Burial Coffins!!!"

Having said this, the general sighed quietly: "Speaking of which, among the seven disciples, I have the least chance of winning. If I say who is most likely to occupy the third coffin position, it should be the senior brother..."

"Beisha Xuanzhang's eldest disciple? Where did he come from?" Li Mo asked.

"His name is Huang Quan!" The general's eyes narrowed slightly as he mentioned that name.

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