The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 95 Where is my fateful encounter?


forty thousand!

fifty thousand!

Sixty thousand!


Ninety thousand!

One hundred thousand!

The total number of players has exceeded 100,000. Someone is actually a little surprised, although the original preset is almost such a large number.

So, should there be more people?

As far as the current situation is concerned, this number of people is still sustainable and will not collapse.

But think about it, still did not continue to increase the number of players, 100,000 players is actually enough!

How many pirates and navies participated in the war on the top?

That's about the same amount. When all these players develop, it will be a force that can shock the whole world!

Currently, Fengbai's Fufeng Pirates are developing relatively well.

Let's talk about the newcomer mission, or the newcomer player guide mission, because someone is too lazy, he didn't prepare it.

The first batch of players joined, and there were some fist bumps. As for now, he is not interested in bumping fists with so many players one by one.

It will be exhausting!

"Ahead is Magic Valley Town!" Nami said, before she knew it, she had come to this place.

Magic Valley Town is actually composed of a group of pirates.

This is actually a very chaotic place, I guess players like it quite a bit, so many wild monsters walking, do you think players will not like it?

They can't wait for group after group of pirates to come to their door by themselves!

This also saves me the trouble of looking for it, looking for it, maybe not finding it, or kicking it on the iron plate.


For the first time in Magic Valley Town, a certain person's mind is somewhat complicated.

Here, there will be a fateful reunion. If there is no miscalculation, it should be the first time I have seen Blackbeard in this world.

It doesn't count what I saw in the works before, this is the first time I actually saw a real person.

Blackbeard, the future Four Emperors, this piece of information alone is enough to attract the attention of many people, and this guy's current strength should not be underestimated.

He is definitely a terrifying guy. If you really meet him, you may not be able to beat him.

‘The passive bonus brought by 100,000 players is indeed a big increase, but most of the players are newcomers, and the bonus they can provide is extremely limited.

Add the second gear, and the third gear, and count the six styles that are enough to be used proficiently... The current self is definitely much stronger than that of the same period. '

Strong is strong, but when you meet Blackbeard, you are still not fully sure.

For this kind of hero-level pirate, no matter how important it is, it can't be overestimated.

'Wait, I almost forgot that there was a slight change. When the ship entered the port, no seagulls were knocked down! '

Suddenly, he remembered such a small change.

I was inexplicably worried, what if I couldn't run into Blackbeard here? This can be regarded as a meeting of fate!

No way?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be impossible to touch it.

It's not right, Blackbeard should be seeking Qiwuhai's position now, but Qiwuhai has no shortage of people now!

Although Lao Sha has been overthrown, someone has already stepped up.

This is the biggest change!

If Blackbeard wants to become Qibukai, in this case, he has to overturn Qibukai.

Therefore, it is also possible that it will not appear here!

He didn't meet Ace before, and now he didn't meet Blackbeard, which made him feel a little uncomfortable for no reason.

From the bottom of his heart, he actually didn't want to be shot at the top, because his nominally cheap brother would have to go to jail.

‘Blackbeard, blackbeard, I really hope to see you here, things like fate should be unavoidable! '

Make up your mind, and can't wait to find Blackbeard.

As for you asking why he is looking forward to it so much? The reason is very simple. Naturally, I want to get rid of Blackbeard in advance!

The Blackbeard at this time, the Blackbeard who has not yet obtained the Zhenzhen Fruit, is definitely not as powerful as two years later.

If you meet,

If you don't kill him, you will feel sorry for your identity.

In case, I can't beat him alone, it doesn't matter, there are so many players.

Just bring in a bunch of players, bring in a bunch of old players, the number doesn't need to be large, first come tens of thousands.

Don't believe that the current Blackbeard, at this time, is far from as powerful as he was later.

To be honest, someone had the idea of ​​meeting Blackbeard and getting rid of him in advance.

The feasibility of this idea is still there. His own strength is not weak, and he is enough to be the main force when he bursts out with all his strength.

Fengbai, Xia Wen, Mr. X and other players in the first echelon are also enough to be the main force to besiege Blackbeard.

The next players can also go on stage and consume slowly.

10,000 players are not enough. Is it enough to recruit all the first and second batches of players?

You might be able to wipe out this small island, really crazy players, tsk tsk!

With this in mind, I came to Magic Valley Town full of expectations.



There was a pirate who was defeated inexplicably, and then the two groups of pirates began to fight without hesitation.

It's really chaotic here. Of course, I haven't seen many really powerful pirates, and all I see are some low-end goods.

Here, the pirate worthy of his attention is probably only Blackbeard, if Blackbeard will appear here.

As for you asking Bellamy, sorry, who is this guy?

"Can we really find news about Sky Island here?" Nami looked around speechlessly, and couldn't help but say.

Then, the two people next to him didn't care at all, and walked past indifferently.

It's normal for Sauron not to care about this issue. As for Luffy, he naturally knows how to go to the empty island, but he has no reason to say it, so he doesn't care about this issue.

I still have to go to Sky Island, or rather, I have to go to Sky Island!

Enilu's thundering fruit is still very good, or very good, so it is necessary to borrow it.

Continue to walk forward, poisonous Q did not appear, and the ship doctor from Blackbeard's family did not appear, which made people feel a little inexplicably worried.

No, no, it's true that you can't see Blackbeard here, right?

This is a meeting of fate!

Trying to comfort myself, at this moment, a group of pirates stood in front of them overwhelmed.

"Yo, just came here? Coincidentally, my uncle is short of money right now, so lend me some money..." The person who spoke was a guy who looked like a pirate.

A group of pirates behind them were also laughing arrogantly.

Dare to do this is enough to show that they also have some strength, either they are really stupid, or they have some strength and confidence.

In addition, the three of them don't look like ruthless characters, just look at it with one finger, that's why this group of people provoked them.

"Zoro, defeat them!" Nami shouted while patting Sauron's shoulder.

As for why I didn't go up, it's naturally because my strength is not strong!

These pirates are really blind, they want to steal Nami's money, isn't this a joke? Will Nami hand over the money? Don't even think about it, you know it's impossible!

"Why should I go up?"

Sauron couldn't help asking back, although he said that his hand was already on the scabbard.

"If you don't go, do you want me to go?" Nami said in a natural tone, which seemed to make sense.

If you don't go, do you still want me to go? I'm just a navigator!

"Shut up, it's really long-winded!"

Even though he said so, Sauron obediently drew out his weapon and began to solve the trouble in front of him.

Someone blinked his eyes, these gangsters made him not have the slightest desire to make a move!

In fact, the matter of minutes, if you really want to take action, you can solve this group of low-level pirates in minutes.

Even players can do it!

Sure enough, less than a minute later, these daring guys were already lying on the ground.

"Some strength, this group of new pirates has some strength, but it is far from enough. Here, there are not no more powerful guys!"

A pirate next to him couldn't help but said, his face became extremely dignified.

The three new pirates don't look good, but they are actually not bad. That swordsman is actually a three swordsman!

"Hehe, another group of pirates was knocked down, what a mess!"

Some people also said with a smile that conflicts do often break out here, and they have become accustomed to it.

Nothing to worry about, nothing to see, it's the usual thing!

"Wait, look over there..." A pirate said in shock. The reason is very simple. Not far away, a very famous pirate came over.

Bellamy, with a bounty of 50 million, is a devil fruit capable user, and his strength is not that weak.

Here, it can be regarded as a very powerful pirate!

He and Luffy are obviously two extremes. The former hates pirates who shout dreams, and thinks that these pirates are scum, and they are out-and-out idiots.

He is a more realistic pirate himself. He comes from the North Sea and worshiped Don Quixote Doflamingo since he was a child.

To be able to adore someone like Brother Ming, you can know his personality just by thinking about it.

Some people call him a hyena for the simple reason that he likes to take away other people's hard-earned treasures or precious things, and his nature is extremely bad.

Meeting this person here, someone actually didn't expect it.

It wasn't this one he was looking forward to, it was Blackbeard!

As long as Blackbeard dared to appear here, he would dare to mobilize all the forces he could to come here to besiege Blackbeard.

If you don't kill Blackbeard, you will never stop!

He has no interest in waiting later, if he can solve a difficult guy in advance, why not do it?

The current Blackbeard, the plan has not been successful, neither his own strength nor his own influence is far from being as strong as the future, so it is the most cost-effective to deal with him at this time.

It is a pity that until now, he has not encountered Blackbeard.

Even his crew has not been encountered, there is a great possibility that he is not here!

This is obviously a predestined meeting, how could he not come here? Things like fate are really confusing!

Besides Bellamy, Bellamy walked towards here swaggeringly, and the pirates in front of him quickly avoided.

Don't dare stand in front of this guy!

The reason is very simple, this guy is not a kind person, he is extremely ruthless, and the surrounding pirates don't want to offend this guy somehow.

Avoidance should still be avoided, who made this guy so powerful!

In this way, Bellamy came to Luffy.

The atmosphere at the scene became a little dignified, no one spoke, and everyone watched here quietly, as if the battle was about to break out.

Someone couldn't help whispering: "Don't this guy know how to give in? That's Bellamy!"

"The big pirate with a reward of 50 million is the strongest here. Doesn't that rookie know how to avoid it?"

The pirates next to them were a little surprised and said gloatingly.

Seeing other people's unlucky will naturally satisfy the bad taste of these guys, anyway, it's not just their own unlucky.

Someone with arms folded, already here looks.

Interesting, what kind of confidence does this pirate have to stand in his way?

"It turns out that he is also a great pirate with a reward of 50 million yuan!"

At this moment, a guy flipping through the reward order suddenly yelled out in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, there is such a high reward for such a thing!

It's really unbelievable, this guy doesn't look like a strong man, how could there be such a high reward?

"No mistake, right? Did you see an extra zero?"

The middle-aged man next to him teased, snatched the reward order, and continued to tease: "Maybe it's only five million, how could there be so many?"

Then, he stared at the reward order without blinking.

"Could it be that I was wrong just now?"

The one who spoke first also said with some uncertainty.

The reason is simple, someone really doesn't look like a strong man, not like a vicious big pirate.

It just doesn't look that scary, just like Bellamy, it's probably hard for ordinary pirates to look at him.

Needless to say, this person is definitely not a simple person.

"Damn it, I'm not mistaken, it's fifty million!"

This man couldn't help but shouted loudly, the middle-aged man was on the spot, his hands were shaking a little, and he looked at Lu Fei with some unbearable heart.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a big pirate!

I was making fun of a big pirate just now? Thinking of this, I was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat.

It was unavoidable to be a little frightened, after all, in front of this kind of big pirate, he was just a small shrimp.

But in fact, this bounty is not worth mentioning in front of the real big pirate!

Do you think that the reward of 50 million is a lot? Actually, it’s really not that much.

Even among those players, two of them have exceeded this bounty, no, only one to be precise.

It is Xia Wen, Fengbai's reward order has long been cancelled, because he is Qiwuhai now!

Closer to home, the first time Bellamy saw Luffy, the reaction in his mind was: How high is this guy's bounty?

Just kidding, how could the reward be so high for such a skinny monkey?

For this reward, Bellamy must have some doubts.

This guy is also an arrogant master, his eyes are fixed on Luffy in front of him, forming an inexplicable oppression.

For some people, the mood is a little bad right now.

I can't forget Blackbeard in my heart!

Missed this rare opportunity, see you next time, when is it? If nothing else, it should be at the top of the war.

No matter what, the first task at that time is to save people, and the second task is to kill Blackbeard!

With hundreds of thousands of players involved, I don't believe that a black beard can't be killed!

Wait, according to the current situation, if Blackbeard wants to become Shichibukai, does he have to get down to Qibukai first?

No way, no way, if this is what he thinks, which one will he choose as his opponent?

For Hawkeye, Blackbeard probably wouldn't be so bloated!

The most likely one is probably Fengbai... Compared with those veteran Qiwuhai, this guy's reputation is still slightly inferior.

If Blackbeard really chooses him, don't say anything, he must give Blackbeard a gift when the time comes!

"You are like this, how can the bounty be so high?"

Bellamy suddenly made a sound, interrupting someone who was thinking.

When he came back to his senses, he looked at Bellamy in front of him, unmoved.

Who is this guy? It's just a small person, it's not worth remembering at all... Ahem, it's a bit inflated to say so.

In fact, the impression is still there, isn't it the spring fruit ability user?

That's right, it's just a devil fruit ability user.


What is "just a devil fruit ability user"?

There should be a devil fruit coming to the door!

For something like a devil fruit, so-and-so has always been willing to come.

This kind of thing, even if you can't use it yourself, the players can use it.

You may not believe it, someone is already thinking about how to deliver this devil fruit to the player.

Obviously this devil fruit now has an owner!

The master is standing in front of him, but he has been ignored.

Others think that the current momentum is a bit tense, and a battle may break out at any time, but in fact, is this really the case?

Sauron put one hand on the scabbard and turned to look at his own captain.

The captain's pupils were a little dilated, obviously not concentrating, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

This is enough to show that Luffy didn't pay attention to Bellamy in front of him at all!

"Bastard, don't you take me seriously?" Bellamy seemed a little irritated. The reason was simple. He was inevitably a little angry when he was ignored.

I don't understand, everyone's rewards are the same, where do you have the confidence to ignore me?

It's obvious that I don't like you!

"Has anyone ever told you that you are really annoying?" Luffy said impatiently, don't talk nonsense, it's true to fight quickly.

It's not appropriate to fight and take away the devil fruit... This kind of unscrupulous thing can't be done in public.

Therefore, you should take it away later, let your vest go and take it away when no one is there!

"Bastard, let me see how strong you are!"

Bellamy erupted in an instant, and was so angry that the people around were a little terrified, and they consciously retreated a long distance away.

Leave room for them to fight, and even couldn't help discussing in whispers.

"Who do you think will win this battle?"

"Bellamy, this guy is quite powerful. There are many big pirates in his hands!"

It is estimated that in the eyes of these guys, the one with a reward of over ten million is the big pirate.

But in fact, on the great route, such a small number of pirates who offer rewards can also be regarded as pirates?

Zoro knew Luffy very well, so he stepped aside and didn't intervene.

However, his eyes were fixed on the crew behind Bellamy. If these people dared to make a move, Suo Da would stop him without hesitation.

Nami was a little confused, and was inexplicably speechless.

Why did two battles break out just after arriving at this kind of place? What the hell kind of place is this?

'Second gear! '

It's not his character to fight slowly.

Without much hesitation, I directly opened a second gear for fun.

The surface of the body instantly turned red, to be precise, it was a pinkish red, and there was even faint white smoke emitting from it.

The passive bonus was also released in an instant, and terrifying power appeared on him.

Usually, I really don't feel how strong I am, but after I shot with all my strength, I felt as if I could blow up a mountain.

Cough cough, this is just a feeling, to be honest, the kind of towering mountain in front of you may not be able to fight violently!

There are some not weak pirates around, their faces have become serious, and they can't help but say: "I feel an extremely terrifying power from him, as if he is a beast in human skin! "

"Beast? Are you kidding me? Even a beast doesn't have such a powerful force. Looking at him is like looking at a ferocious ancient species!"

These guys can still tell the strengths and weaknesses, not really ignorant pirates.

Subconsciously licking his lips, he looked at Luffy with apprehension, this guy is not simple, he must not be provoked!

"Are those marines really serious? The bounty for such a guy is only so small?"

"Bellamy's going to have some bad luck this time!"

To be honest, Bellamy also faintly sensed that something was wrong, but it was naturally impossible for this tough kid to admit cowardice.

Gritting your teeth, you have to fight on. Everyone's rewards are about the same. How can the gap be so big? Yes, absolutely!

Among pirates, rewards can sometimes explain a lot of things.

Well, you may not believe it, Miss Robin has more rewards than these two!

'shave! '

'Point to the gun! '

The power of the sixth naval form exploded in an instant, and even Bellamy hadn't recovered from it, and Luffy had already appeared behind him.

Hurry up, he in this state is so fast that people can't believe it!

In just a split second, everyone couldn't even catch his figure, even if they didn't even blink their eyes.

All I could see was that he suddenly appeared behind Bellamy, raised his hand and punched out, combined with the finger gun and his own fruit ability, his arm stretched instantly.

Then in the next second, a figure was sent flying upside down, which was really unbelievable.

In just an instant, Bellamy had already been defeated!

"How can this be?"

"Are you kidding? In just an instant, Bellamy, who offered a reward of 50 million, has already been defeated? And there is no way to fight back?"

Everyone was naturally quite shocked, even the crew of Bellamy.

Under the same reward, the gap is so big!

Is there really no problem with this guy's reward?

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