The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 96 Spring Fruit


'No difficulty, no pressure! '

This is the truest thought in someone's heart, and it is actually true.

Defeating a Bellamy was indeed not that difficult, but it seemed extremely easy. It only took a split second to tell the winner.

"For a pirate as powerful as him, how could there be only such a small reward?"

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect that Bellamy would be easily defeated by others one day!"

"Strong, have the current rookies become so scary?"

The pirates watching nearby couldn't help whispering.

Bellamy struggled to get up from the ruins, with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, it was so difficult even to stand up.

Yes, anyone can see that he no longer has the ability to continue fighting!

It's just barely able to stand up.

"How is it can you be so much stronger than me?"

Bellamy asked in disbelief. Such a scene really made him a little unbelievable.

How could there be such a big gap? This is not an evenly matched battle at all, but a unilateral instant kill.

Yes, because the strength gap between the two sides is too great, one side is already enough to crush the other, it is a complete crush.

"Do you want to continue?"

Patting the dust off the clothes, he asked calmly.

If it's just an ordinary person, it's nothing special to say such a thing.

But if it is said from the mouth of a strong person, it will give people a very strong self-confidence, which is the difference brought about by identity.

With just one sentence, everyone around fell silent instantly.

Looking at him with reverence and respect, there are others looking at Bellamy, who seem to be a little interested in his next decision.

What choice will you make? Continue to fight on, or admit defeat decisively?

Bellamy clenched his teeth, he could naturally hold on now and not admit defeat, but it was pointless to do so.

This guy is a more practical guy.

I think those pirates who shout their dreams every day are idiots.

I also know that there is no other result for myself to hold on, and I will only be severely taught again.

Without saying anything, his crew members had gathered around, and one of them supported Bellamy.

He didn't dare to stay here any longer, and left in a hurry, looking a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, I thought this guy would continue to fight."

"He's not stupid. This man is not a strong man who can win by fighting hard. Even I didn't see clearly the movement at that moment!"

Looking at Bellamy who left, someone's eyes were thoughtful.

Still, that didn't stop the guy from leaving.

The reason is simple, it is unnecessary and meaningful to do so.

To prevent him from leaving, to stay and beat him up?

"Let's keep going, and we need to inquire about Sky Island!"

He said this to Nami and Zoro.

Continuing to walk forward, no one dared to stand in front of him, and the pirates encountered around him bowed their heads respectfully, not daring to look more.

This is obviously the result of Li Wei's success. If he hadn't defeated Bellamy, the result now would definitely be very different.

In Magic Valley Town, most of the people here are pirates, so it's normal for these guys to be afraid of their strength.


On the other side, Bellamy was sitting in a corner sullenly, with blood on the corner of her mouth that hadn't been wiped clean.

The surrounding crew members were a little afraid to look at him, just because his face was scary now.

"Bellamy, it's just a one-time failure, don't take it so seriously, just beat him next time!"

"I didn't expect that guy to be so strong? Where did this newcomer come from? How could he be so strong?"

"This is his information, it came from the East China Sea!"

These people couldn't help but get together and whisper together,

Talk about Luffy.

"East Sea? Isn't that the weakest sea? How could there be such a powerful rookie pirate?"

"Hehe, it's not just that, the latest Qiwuhai is a big pirate from the East China Sea, and he defeated the previous Qiwuhai!"

At this moment, there was a faint knock on the door.


A pirate said impatiently: "Stop it quickly, bastard, do you know our identities? Hurry up and give us an explanation!"

Bellamy's eyes also looked here, he was very aggrieved now and needed a place to vent.

"Hehe, if I'm not mistaken, it should be here!"

The door was pushed open, and a guy in a black coat came in calmly and said calmly.

The visitor was not kind, so he almost wrote these four words on his face!

Bellamy stood up slowly, her gaze became more and more gloomy.

The other pirates stopped what they were doing, put down the bottles they were drinking, and gathered around here.

"Bounty hunter...hehe, I didn't expect that there are bounty hunters coming here to die?"

"It doesn't look like a bounty hunter, but no matter what, if you don't give us an explanation, you can't walk out of this door safely!"

"Bellamy, spring fruit can I use your ability?"

The person who came was someone's vest Lawrence, a devil fruit, he would not let it go.

The reason is simple, devil fruit is not a bad thing.

On the black market, it can be sold for a lot of money.

Of course, instead of auctioning it in the black market, it is better to increase the player's strength.

Players are eager to encounter this thing now, but their luck has been a little bit bad, and the gains are not great.

For them, as long as there is a devil fruit, it is estimated that no matter what ability it is, they will not refuse it.

As soon as the words fell, these people couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What is this guy talking about? He still wants to borrow a devil fruit? Is he joking?" Someone couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Hehe, how could it be possible to borrow the ability of a devil fruit? I guess it came from some hearsay!"

Bellamy didn't say any more nonsense, and took the lead, wanting to vent her depression.

This guy is not a kind person, but a vicious guy.

If the person here is really just an ordinary bounty hunter, then he is obviously in danger.

But Lawrence is not a bounty hunter!

The one here is actually me, just appearing in a vest.

Silent step!

He has mastered the skill of silent step very proficiently.

The whole person disappeared in an instant, and this familiar scene also made them think of the battle just now.

In less than a minute, Bellamy lost again!

Two consecutive defeats, or two consecutive instant kills, already made him doubt his life.

In fact, I am not strong at all... I kept having such thoughts in my heart.

"Stop him, where is he taking our captain?"

"Stop him quickly!"

A group of pirates shouted and said, but in the end, the person in front of him had already disappeared in place, and Bellamy disappeared with him.


The reason for taking Bellamy away is very simple, just want to take away the spring fruit.

For this person, he is not interested at all!

Looking at the spring fruit in his hand, he felt inexplicably hesitant, wondering how to deliver it to the player?

Auction... The leeks have already been harvested last time, and this is a bit unfair to the third batch of players.

They just entered the game, and they don't have the financial strength to auction.

Some guild teams have only just been established, so there is no time to develop, and there are basically not many Baileys in their hands.

If it cannot be auctioned, what method should be adopted?

After much deliberation, I decided to try the Pirate version of chicken again!

This time, the rewards will be relaxed a bit. Players who rank in the top 1,000 can get a lot of experience rewards, as well as a lot of Bailey rewards.

The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards you can get.

The player who wins in the end can get a devil fruit as a reward.

By the way, the game held this time is quite different from the last time.

Last time, a hot weapon was quite important to players.

If you can get a flintlock gun, then you have the possibility of long-range attack in the game. It can also be seen from this that the combat power cap is not high, on the contrary it is still very low.

So this time, I decided to add some new abilities. By the way, welcome the third batch of players to join.

In this game, old players will not have a big advantage!

Luck is the biggest advantage, and if you can get some decent gear, be cautious enough to get a decent rank.


[Game Update: The One Piece Continent mini-game is officially added to the daily routine (and slightly changed for the first time)]

[New weapons: Hailoushi weapons/cannons/special weapons]

[New equipment: Devil Fruit/Navy Six Styles/Swordmaster Swordsmanship/Experience Pack]

[Explanation: In the game, the initial level of all players is zero, and they can be upgraded by absorbing experience packs, or gaining experience upgrades by killing enemies

Note: In the mini-game, all devil fruit skills cannot be used (the devil fruit obtained in the game can be used after eating)]

[Game rewards: The player who gets the first place can get a devil fruit; the player who gets the top 100 can get a lot of experience and Bailey rewards; the player who gets the top 1,000. You can get a lot of experience and Bailey rewards]

This can be regarded as welcoming the third batch of players to join, a temporary new game.

The combat power is very high, as long as you can pick up good equipment, the strength may be stronger than the strongest player in reality.

Here, there are quite a few devil fruits that appear, although not too many.

The advantages of new players are actually great, because there are enough of them, as long as they are lucky, they might be able to rise here.

If he can reach the top 1,000, the experience he can gain will allow him to quickly level up in the early stage, increasing the possibility of catching up to the old players.

The Pele that can be obtained is also very important in the early stage.

If you want to go to sea, you can't do without the boat, and you can't do without Bailey.

Therefore, this can also be regarded as support for the third group of players, if they have the ability... This small game is fairly fair, and none of the advantages in Pirate World can be used here, so it is still very fair.

To be honest, the possibility that the players who can get the spring fruit in the end will be the third batch of players is not small.

Because there are enough people in this group!


Fufeng Pirates Station

"Boss, are you going to participate in this event?"

"Didn't we participate in this game last time?" Feng Bai said without much interest, not very interested.

This is normal, after all, I participated in this event last time.

Moreover, for him now, it doesn't really matter whether he can get this devil fruit. He who has the rustle fruit is not so eager for other devil fruits.

"However, as long as you can get a good ranking, you can get a lot of experience, which is equivalent to killing several elite monsters!"

Xiaoqi has different opinions, and this activity has given me too much experience.

There are so many that people can't refuse. Yes, the experience comparable to several elite monsters is really hard for players to refuse.

Even old players like them are a little moved.

"It makes sense, then, let's let go of the matter of going to the capital of seven waters, and let's talk about it after participating in this event!"

Feng Bai made a final sound with a hammer.

Originally, they had already planned to go to the capital of seven waters and change to a big ship, a big ship that fit their current status!

You know, Fengbai is now a Qiwuhai!

From a certain point of view, he can be regarded as a man standing on the top of the sea, although his strength is a little weak.

For this event, all the players of the Fufeng Pirates will naturally participate, and the guaranteed goal is to break into the top 1,000 as much as possible.

At this moment, Feng Bai suddenly said: "I almost forgot that we can actively send out invitations to new players who stand out in this event and invite them to join!"

As soon as this remark came out, the other players realized something.

Also, the rookie players who can stand out in this event are undoubtedly ahead of other rookie players.

Such a player is obviously qualified to join the Fufeng Pirates!

"No problem, I'll just pay attention to this matter!"

Jia Xiaoxian said so, looking at other people, I always feel that others are not very reliable, so I decided to take this job by myself.


The white-clothed pirates, uh, these guys are currently on the player's island!

Captain Xia Wen suddenly slammed the table and shouted: "Why didn't you tell me earlier that Hawkeye is so powerful?"

Sitting opposite him was naturally the expressionless Lao Sha.

Seeing that Xia Wen was getting angry from embarrassment, Lao Sha showed a smile on his face instead, as if gloating.

"You chose it yourself, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Lao Sha said calmly.

"I have serious doubts now, how did you become Qi Wuhai? Compared with Hawkeye, your strength seems to be far behind!" Xia Wen said suddenly.

"Hey, what method did you use? Why don't you tell me?"


Lao Sha clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly he didn't want to speak.

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