

The first to say this sentence is actually not the navy, but the player.

Xia Wen stood alone at the bow of the ship and said calmly.

It looks like a generation of generals, but in fact, I am still very excited.

They have discussed it in private.

At present, all pirate groups are temporarily under his command.

After all, in the face of a battle of this level, a player is still required to command, and too many voices will appear confusing.

He said fire.

Players have started to shoot freely, and some players are experienced.

What about this experience?

At least they have played with artillery and know how to fire it.

Among them, the best ones have been specially practiced.

This is like in some games, players who specialize in practicing skills, they already know how to improve their strength.

Focus on technology, focus on methods.

Moreover, unlike other games, the artillery here is real artillery.

What is a man's romance?

Isn't it just artillery fire?

So, these are the true romances of a man!


A round of shells were shot out like this, and some of them used Bucky shells.

The more powerful bucky bomb.

"Report the results!"

Xia Wen said to the players around him.

"Mostly missed!"

Han Yue replied,

Telescope in hand.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

But it is also understandable, after all, this is only the first round of calibration.

Probably, although he wasn't sure.

"Ready to reload, free fire, rapid fire!"

It seems that what he said is decent, but in fact, Xia Wen is only a half bucket of water.

No, to say that he is half a bucket of water is really a little contemptuous of half a bucket of water.

At least half a bucket of water knows a little more than he does.

Let's talk about the navy

"Hehe, the firepower of these pirates is still very fierce, prepare to fight back!"

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan said with a smile, when a shell fell, he directly drew out the samurai sword at his waist.

With one swing of the knife, the cannonball was directly cut in half.

The naval counterattack officially began.

The cannons began to spit shells in an orderly manner.

At this time, the difference between professional and non-professional has been reflected.

Their shells are very accurate!

There is a pirate ship belonging to the player, unfortunately it was hit.

In an instant, it was blown to pieces by the power of the shells.

The players on the ship will immediately clear their blood bars to zero!

"Are you kidding? How could their artillery fire be so fierce? How many artillery pieces are there?"

Xia Wen couldn't help muttering to himself.

I was a little surprised, but also a little unbelievable.

Is this the official faction in the game? Really powerful!

Their artillery is even much more than their own.

You must know that the player's family background is slowly accumulated by himself.

How to save?

Sometimes when you encounter a black market, you can buy some weapons, buy some weapons.

When you meet fellow pirates, grab them desperately!

When you meet the navy, you can grab it.

Anyway, relying on the above, the family fortune slowly accumulated.

"Smoke Punch!"

Pairs of white smoke fists were thrown out towards the shells.

Of course, with his own strength, he couldn't stop much.

Hanyue's side has also turned into a giant fort, and it began to fire quickly.

"First focus on destroying a naval warship, why is their firepower so fierce?"

In fact, the navy is not as chaotic as the players.

They formed three echelons and fired in turn.

The first echelon has just ended, and the second echelon will start immediately.

Then, the third echelon is in readiness and the first echelon begins to reload.

However, even if they are divided into three echelons, at least hundreds of artillery pieces must fire at the same time.

Not only that, but the cooperation between them is quite tacit.

Coupled with their rich experience, the time it takes them to fire a cannonball is far less than half of that of players.

The artillery of the two sides continued to bombard each other.

The players put forward straight-line plastic surgery, and some even rushed forward rather recklessly, as if they wanted to lean over to fight close combat.


"The advantage is not big, even at a disadvantage, but Xia Wen's command is still no problem.

Some continued to fight back, and some were posted to start hand-to-hand combat. Taking advantage of the number of people, it may not be impossible to win. "

Zhou Pangpang, who was on the sidelines, said with a heavy expression.

The configuration of Tu Mou Ling is also clearer in my heart.

You know, there are a lot of elite naval soldiers on the opposite ship.

Compared with them, players really feel like a rabble.

"The seventh, already the seventh pirate ship was sunk!"

Feng Bai shook his head and said.

"There is no way. The firepower of the two sides is not at the same level. Not only that, there is also a big gap in experience."

"In the opposite navy, there is a warship that seems to be about to fail!"

Feng Bai frowned slightly and said.

Zhou Pangpang has a different view on this point.

"No, it can last for a long time. You can't imagine the durability of a warship!"

"Grass, is this the top naval warship? It has already carried a lot of shells, but it hasn't been sunk yet?"

The two discussed it here.

You know, only two or three minutes have passed since the start of the war.

Looking at the loss of players, it can be said to be quite amazing!


navy headquarters

"What did you say? Suddenly there are a lot of pirates in the capital of the seven waters... I already understand..."

The headquarters here also received orders from the capital of seven waters.

In this regard, their response is to send support again!

Order the nearby navy to rush there.

The navy that rushes to support is actually much lower in combat effectiveness.

After all, it is not a standard configuration of the Demon Slaughter Order.

The firepower is also far inferior.

But even so, it is a big trouble for players.

They really might not be able to stop them!


"Fire freely and shoot down all these pirate ships!"

Lieutenant General Weasel couldn't help saying this, with a serious expression on his face.

At first, he was a little disapproving.

Isn't it stupid for a group of pirates to fight their navy head-on?

Look at the other pirates, do you dare to open fire with their navy? Dare to compete head-on with them?

Don't dare, because this is not their advantage!

But in the end, this group of pirates wanted to fight them head-on.

It's a little surprising.

Of course, Lieutenant General Weasel's expression has become serious by now.

Because he found that the pirate on the opposite side grew up very fast.

There are already quite a few shells that can hit their vicinity.

There are even some that have been dropped on their boats.

It is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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