
Two pirate ships collided with the naval warship, and they just collided straight.

Because of the sudden impact, some of the sailors standing on the ship fell into the sea without standing still.

This also means that the boarding battle on the ship has begun!

A team of players couldn't wait to enter the naval warship.

On the warship they were on, the commander was Vice Admiral Weasel.

It is the lieutenant general with first-class swordsmanship.

"Drive these pirates away!"

He said this to the navy behind him.

Not only that, but the pace under his feet is not slow at all.

He charged forward at the head of the pack, and instantly pulled out the weapon hanging from his waist.

With a swing of the sword, the blood bars of the two or three players standing in front of them instantly cleared to zero.

This is a large-scale battle, and the players behind are obviously accustomed to it.

The expression on his face was so calm, he held his weapon tightly, and jumped over to wrestle with the vice admiral.

As for the sword, this player is not bad, but only good.

He was firmly suppressed by the lieutenant general in front of him.

But it was barely able to hold him for a while, let's talk about the players behind him, coming like a tide.

With high momentum, he jumped over like this desperately, without the slightest look of fear on his face.

Besides, these elite navies are indeed the elite navies from the headquarters, and there is no expression of fear on their faces.

On the contrary, it seemed very calm.

Team after team of navy rushed up in an orderly manner.

When dividing the battlefield, it can even be said that it is dividing these pirates who rushed up.

This, and what branch navies, what common navies, they had encountered before,

There is simply no comparison.

The moment they fought, the players were already suppressed.

You may not believe it when you say it, and you may even be hit back.

There is a lieutenant commander in a coat of justice who jumps directly into the player's ship and leads the navy behind him.

In terms of numbers, this group of players is actually not dominant, the number is no more than a thousand.

But the elite navy on this ship has thousands of people.

"Are you kidding me? Fake? Why is this group of navy so much stronger than the navy we encountered before?"

One player said in disbelief, his face full of stupefied expressions.

The feeling of being suppressed is hard!

There is support behind, of course, some of the pirate ships approaching were directly sunk by shells.

The navy's artillery fire was so fierce that it overwhelmed the players.


"Hiss, no, we probably won't be able to eat these ten naval warships."

Zhou Pangpang stroked his chin and said: "On the premise that you, players from our navy camp, and players from the bounty hunter camp don't make any moves.

With these players alone, it is difficult to eat these ten warships. "

What he said was indeed true.

The main reason is that the strength of the navy on these naval warships is really not bad.

The shipboard battle has broken out!

The results of it?

The players were stunned and did not attack, not only that, the casualties they paid were definitely not small.

For example, there is a group of navy, arranged in three rows, with flintlock rifles specially used by the navy in their hands.

They took turns firing alternately, directly overwhelming the players so that they did not dare to charge.

After all, the players are all flesh and blood now, and they cannot use their flesh and blood to block these guns.

"Iron block!"

At this time, the players also began to show some of their responses.

Players who can use iron blocks should stand in the front and protect their vitals with both hands.

Behind, followed by a group of players, a group of players ready to rush up at any time.

Not only that, but there are also players with flintlock rifles and naval shootouts.

However, the final result was a bit ugly, and the players were suppressed.

It can only be said that what they are fighting now is the real elite force in the navy.

Therefore, it will appear so unbearable.

But it is not.

If it is here, it is just the combined strength of some branch navies.

Then, players may be able to easily break through these branch navies.

"Damn it, how did these pirates learn the Sixth Form of the Navy!"

Lieutenant General Weasel saw this scene and couldn't help asking angrily.

If it's just one or two, it's normal and not surprising.

After all, Navy Type 6 isn't exactly a well-kept secret.

But, with so many pirates using the Navy Six, isn't that a problem?


"Guaranteed to be accurate, press back for me!"

Let's talk about Xia Wen, he obviously learned a lot from this battle.

First of all, we should not only focus on the strength of a single player, but also need to pay attention to the cooperation between players.

Like now.

And, the accuracy of the artillery battle, plus various operations.

If you compare the opponent to a professional player, then you are a rookie.

When you meet a professional player, isn't it a hammer?

Even though the equipment economy is similar, the technology is much worse!

However, in the battle with the professional level, the growth of the players is also very fast.

Although, their pirate ship was sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Move, don't stop here, like a target!"

Xia Wen couldn't help saying this.

I also understand in my heart that I can no longer line up in a line like this.

If this continues, the entire army will be wiped out.

So, get the other pirate ships moving!

You can still hit a dozen without moving.

But in the case of moving, it is even more difficult to aim!

At this moment, the tail end of a naval warship on the opposite side was hit.

There was even a scene where the ammunition was blown up.

Fighting to the present, the first naval warship began to falter.

"Full speed, give me the telescope!"

Among such a large number of players, there are really one or two talents.

They are professionals!

I have served in the navy, not the navy in the game, but the navy in the real world.

There really are such talents!

At this moment, they looked far more reliable than Xia Wen, who was half full.

For example, the shell that hit the opponent's tail was the record of these players, causing other shells to explode in a chain, making a naval warship start to crumble.

Not long after, the pirate ship that rushed past began to charge towards the crumbling naval warship.

Of course, the opponent is also an elite navy. In a word, if the opponent is converted into a level, the level is much higher than these players.


Fifteen minutes into the war.

On the premise that the player has paid a lot of casualties, he finally sank a naval warship, which can be said to be quite gratifying.

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