The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 13 The New Army Chapter—Lei Lixie Goes!


In fact, Zhou Pangpang had never thought about such a situation.

The combat power of the two naval admirals has been delayed, and it is hard to say how long they can be delayed, but so far, there is no need to worry about these.

Next, there is only one Garp to worry about.

Tekken Garp!

Zhou Pangpang understands Garp's strength better than anyone else.

Very strong, really strong, very strong, you can tell just by looking at the level.

To be honest, Karp is a little depressed now.

The navy supernova he brought back from the East China Sea betrayed the navy somehow.

Not only that, he also saw his grandson here - Luffy!

The point is, why did my grandson intervene in this matter? Also, is it because the old man is getting old and his memory has faded? I don't even remember the fruit of my grandson!

Isn't it a rubber fruit? How to become a Thunder Fruit?

Taking a deep breath, Karp stared at Zhou Pangpang expressionlessly.

Clean up the portal?

In an instant, his fist was already wrapped in the color of the weapon.

It looks really scary!

"Even if it's the two of us, it's not enough for him to fight alone!"

Cromwell said in a deep voice.

But the current situation is not as severe as before.

Not necessarily not impossible to fight!

"Rayleigh don't run!"

At this moment, Garp roared loudly, his eyes shifted from Zhou Pangpang's body to Lei Li's body.


Rayleigh, who was watching a play not far away, looked at Garp in a daze.

Wait, what does this have to do with me?

No, isn't this a contradiction within your navy? What does it have to do with me, a retired old man?

Raleigh said that he was very wronged!

Before he could say anything, Kap's nostalgic iron fist came over.

While beating, he yelled, "Rayleigh, don't run away. I never thought that you would hide here. Let this old man represent the navy today and arrest you!"



Raleigh really felt a little baffled, what does this have to do with him?

Besides, Zhou Pangpang, seeing this scene, showed a thoughtful expression.

Lieutenant General Garp is really awesome!

With such an excuse, he directly withdrew from the battle.

Next, I only need to face some powerful lieutenant generals.

Although the strength of these lieutenant generals is also very strong, they are actually much easier.

"Long live Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Fatty Zhou, I didn't expect that you have a good relationship with Lieutenant General Karp!"

Someone said so in the chat channel.


Let's talk about the other side, Garp, who showed his prowess, chased Rayleigh directly.

Gradually, it has disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Garp, if you want to find an excuse to get out of the battle, just say so!"

To be honest, how could Raleigh not understand what his "old friend" was thinking?

You're here, do you think Garp doesn't know? Karp Sengoku must know!

After all, the Navy's intelligence system is not that bad, and he, Raleigh, did not deliberately conceal his identity.

It's like appearing here aboveboard. When you are short of money, you sell yourself to make money and drink. Don't live in a chic life.

"Rayleigh don't run!"

Our Lieutenant General Garp yelled loudly, but in fact, he subconsciously waved his iron fist twice.

Do you think our Lieutenant General Garp cares about the death of the Draconians?

Package does not care wow!

He came here only to release water within the scope of his duties.

This does not conflict with the justice he upholds. First of all, Zhou Pangpang is not a pirate, but a former rear admiral with his own.

It's just a conflict of ideas.

Then, Rayleigh appeared here, didn't he give Garp a reason to leave the battle?


Huang Yuan blinked his eyes, looking at Garp's fast running figure, he was inexplicably speechless.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see what kind of plan Garp has.

But the problem is, Garp didn't even bother to cover it up.

Here, who dares to give orders to the old thorn in Garp?

Sometimes, this old gangster dares to blow his eyebrows and stare at Zhan Guo, and refuses to obey Zhan Guo's orders, let alone other juniors!

"Don't hurt people!" Zhou Pangpang said to the players: "It's enough to beat these marines to the ground... there is no need to kill them!"

For Zhou Pangpang, he and the navy are just different in concept.

It has nothing to do with these elite naval soldiers, they should not be consumed in this kind of place.

Therefore, he will say such words.

Even in the long run, this is also a move to win people's hearts.

In the future, it may not be impossible to dig a corner of the navy.

These are all potential subordinates of Zhou Pangpang!

He raised his arms, and tens of thousands of players quit the navy directly. However, apart from these player navies, how many local navies are willing to accompany them, willing to accompany them crazy?

In fact, there are still some, but the number is not very large, compared to players.


For example, in an unknown sea area, Carter couldn't help saying this when he looked at Smoker who was beaten to the ground in front of him.

"Boss, why do you think I will fight you one-on-one?"

Yeah, why do you think players will fight you one-on-one?

Smoker was speechless.

Carter, who possesses the animal fruit ability, already has an advantage against him.

As a result, this shameless person directly called a group of players to join him.

Do you think Smoker, who no longer has the smoke fruit, can withstand a fruit-capable user and the siege of several players?

Carter is an old player, the first batch of old players to join the game, and most of the players on the ship were also players who joined at that time.

The number of people may not be many, but the strength is really not bad!

It's no surprise that our Chief Smoker was beaten to the ground.

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Smoker asked.

"Boss, we have sent a report to the Navy Headquarters in your name to quit the Navy and join the new army!" Carter said.


Who can understand how conflicted Smoker is in his heart right now?

What did you say? Who the hell wants to quit the navy! Who the hell wants to join the new army!


Smoker, who was gnashing his teeth, spit out these two words from between his teeth.

Faced with such a situation, smiles appeared on the faces of these players.

"Sir, why don't you join the new army? After all, this is the only choice you have now, isn't it?"


Smoker couldn't help cursing again, since he met these players, he found that he didn't go well.

The fruit was taken away inexplicably, quit the navy inexplicably, and joined the new army even more inexplicably, in this way.

You said, who else is worse than him? He is simply the worst one!

Just like that, he was dragged into the water by a group of players!

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