The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 14 The New Army Chapter—Show Operations in Serious Combat


This is obviously a serious battle, but the problem is that after some players join, the battle suddenly becomes a little less serious.

"Steal their warship!"

One player shouted this, and when he just said this, another player took over.

"The warship is too big, let's steal their cannon!"

"And these weapons, don't forget to take them away!"


This was obviously a very serious battle, but the painting style changed a bit.

Not to mention these players who are constantly playing tricks, these lieutenant generals who appear here are old acquaintances of the players.

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan faced Zhou Pangpang, former Rear Admiral of the Navy.

As for Cromwell, he was not idle, he found the ghost spider.

For this somewhat cold-blooded lieutenant general, Cromwell didn't have the slightest thought of showing mercy. He put on his knuckles and looked dignified.

Lieutenant General Weasel, what he met was Mr. Ye who had fought against the great swordsman Bista.

Mo Lun, the sonic fruit ability user, found Dauberman, a lieutenant general with many scars on his face.

Lieutenant General Stoloberg was stopped by two or three players!

In addition, there are more than a hundred naval officers who have come here.

This is the elite of the navy's elite force. Compared with these navies, ordinary players are indeed slightly insufficient.

As for the overall number of people, they did not have the slightest advantage.

At the beginning, it was a chaotic big battle!

Even among them, there are pirates from the Fufeng Pirates participating in the battle.

Not only that, but you can also see the straw hat gang participating in the battle!

"Go away!"

Just then, a giant shouted from the edge of the battle.

He is a giant slave liberated by the player, and he did not evacuate here, but stayed to participate in the battle.

He has no feeling for these navies who claim to be righteous.

On the contrary, I think these players are very powerful, which is the real justice!

When a giant appeared on the edge of the battle, the player naturally had the upper hand in that area.

The giants of the giant family are very powerful, far beyond what ordinary people can match.

Therefore, almost all giants serving in the navy are lieutenant generals.

The giant lieutenant general is not actually a lieutenant general with real power.

At the edge, hundreds more joined the battle.

These are all slaves liberated by the player, willing to join the battle, and willing to join the new army formed by the player.

Maybe it's out of gratitude, maybe it's something else, but it doesn't matter.

【Overlord color】

Zhou Pangpang once again used the domineering look he had awakened just now.

In fact, Zhou Pangpang already has a slight gap. This skill does not seem to be able to be used freely after awakening.

This is the tenth time he wanted to use it, and he barely used it.

Is it because of some unskilled reasons?

He really doesn't know much about Overlord Color.

It can't be as natural as Rayleigh, and it can't be cleared on a large scale.

Otherwise, he would no longer have an advantage in the large-scale clearing of the field directly.

Dozens of the surrounding marines fell down. Huoshaoshan had a troubled smile on his face and couldn't help asking, "I still can't understand why you would do such a thing?"

Compared with other lieutenant generals, Huoshaoshan's character is still very good.

The weapon he used was a sword, and he was also a veteran lieutenant general.

When he asked such a question, Zhou Pangpang said with a smile: "After all, someone needs to do it, right? Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, I quite like you, do you mind coming to the new army for development?"

As soon as the words were finished, Huoshaoshan suddenly didn't feel like talking.

This guy is always thinking about poaching.

Your new army has just been formed, and you haven't won any shocking victories. Who will join?

If it is not completely destroyed in this crusade, then the new army can barely hold its ground and is qualified to enter the world stage.

We once killed Tianlong people, and we were still standing here upright under the crusade of two generals and six lieutenant generals.

【Sickle·Great Cut】

Zhou Pangpang said so in his heart, for those fruit-capable people like them, it is to develop fruits and improve their strength.

The arm turned into a sharp sickle, and quickly displayed the knife.

The surrounding wind is driven to form a rather sharp wind blade.

It's just that the scale looks a bit big, and people who don't know it think it's a small tornado.

"Iron block!"

Huoshaoshan said so, but his clothes were cut into strips in an instant.

Not only that, but there were two or three small scars on his face, and blood was faintly flowing out slowly.

Then, a warship near the shore behind was cut into half in an instant.

This is Zhou Pangpang's big cut, the power is really not weak, it can be said to be extremely sharp.

Even if it is a piece of iron, if you don't grasp the essence, it will be scratched by this wind blade.

A veteran lieutenant general like Huoshaoshan can only barely block the iron blocks he has in his hands.

Looking at the clothes in strips, he suddenly fell silent.

If you move yourself, will it reveal something?

This guy is still the same bastard as ever!

the other side

Cromwell himself was not harmless in his duel with the ghost spider.

The blood bar has been reduced by 30%, but he doesn't care.

This guy's fighting style is relatively wild, and he may not be able to see it on weekdays.

All in all, I may be hurt, but you definitely can't take advantage of it, that's pretty much the attitude.

Let's talk about the ghost spider, the ghost spider's military uniform has long been smashed, and there are many bruises on his chest, and even the corners of his mouth are a little blue.

With a normal punch, the ghost spider will not be injured.

But the problem is, Cromwell's punch is hard and it hurts.

He has now developed kilograms of fruit to an unprecedented degree.

It is far beyond the reach of his predecessors.

The upper limit of weight reaches 100,000 tons!

It is already possible to adjust one's own weight at will at the moment of battle.

The ghost spider, who controlled the return of life, easily blocked Cromwell's punch with eight weapons.

Then what?

"Five tons!"

When Cromwell said so, even the ground sank a bit.

He became heavier, and even his strength increased, and he punched the ghost spider back again and again.

"one kilogram!"

The ghost spider had just retreated, and Cromwell said so.

In the case of its own lightness, the speed will become faster by using the shaving.

Like a gust of wind, it appeared in the upper right of the ghost spider in an instant.


"Ten tons...ingots of iron!"

With such a weight, coupled with the iron block, it is no less than a small mountain suddenly falling down.

If it is really overwhelmed, it may even be crushed into a meat paste.

This is not the slightest exaggeration, even if it is a ghost spider, its pores are erected, and it quickly dodges.

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