The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 18 The New Army - Retreat!


"Lieutenant General Weasel is defeated!!"

This is already the third lieutenant general who has been defeated by the naval camp.

Seeing this situation, Kuzan couldn't help it.

"Ice Age!"

Our Admiral Kuzan couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"Sha Lan!"

Besides, Fengbai in front of him seemed to be gritting his teeth and trying his best.

The sandstorm released this time was beyond his control.

In the big chat channel

Feng Bai said a little weakly: "I'm about to be unable to stop it!"

In fact, it is really difficult to face a general.

As soon as the words fell, the other players almost understood that the fight could be over at this level.

If the fight continues, the entire army will be wiped out.

"Cromwell, and all the first players to stay behind, the other players are preparing to retreat.

The three lieutenant generals are also brought along. Whether it is negotiating with the navy in the future or anything else, these three lieutenant generals will be useful. "

Zhou Pangpang said in a deep voice: "Of course, let the people except the players leave first!"

That is to say, let the Straw Hats and others leave first, including those ex-slaves who are now free men who are willing to join the new army.

In fact, allowing Cromwell and other first players to stay is to let them stay behind.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you die in battle, you just need to wait for two hours.

Therefore, most of the first players such as Cromwell have no opinion.

As veteran players, only they can bear this kind of pressure.


Luffy is paddling with Kizaru,

Although it was a bit miserable to be crushed, at least it was not as miserable as Feng Bai.

There is even room to pay attention to the overall battle situation.

Players are ready to retreat?

It's almost time, if we continue to fight, although we can gain the upper hand for a while, it is unnecessary, and there is even a possibility that the entire army will be wiped out here.

Not to mention his own side, he can still resist the yellow ape for a while.

But not necessarily with Fengbai!

After Fengbai is dealt with, among the next players, who can hold back the general?

They simply can't do it!

Therefore, retreating now is the most suitable time.

As for the results of the battle, after killing a Celestial Dragon, they were able to capture three lieutenant generals and escape unscathed. This is their announcement to the world.

Our new army is also powerful!

"Damn it, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan is still in their hands, don't let them go!"

A major general in military uniform couldn't help but say so.

At this critical moment, Fengbai was also a little desperate.

Wow, even if you try your best, you can't beat this pervert in front of you!

From the corner of the eye, he looked at the navy on one side. He raised his hand and waved. A wave of sand more than ten meters high rushed towards the navy.

Obviously intending to prevent them from continuing their pursuit.

At this time, a large amount of ice spread over? It directly froze the sand wave.

But no matter what, a large number of players have retreated.

The ones who didn't go next? It was the first group of players headed by Cromwell.

Although the number is not many, but they are the real elite.

"Pangpang Zhou is really impolite? Why don't you stay as the queen?"

One player complained.

"After all? In the navy, this guy may be regarded as our leader. If such a person stands here and dies, wouldn't this battle be for nothing?"

Some players also said with a smile? I have no objection to staying in the rear.

Cromwell pouted and said, "Fengbai will also retreat? The same is true for the protagonist, which means that next, we may need to add two more generals!"

"Don't be shy, just do it!"


Almost five minutes passed? All remaining players are wiped out!

"I can't help admiring these guys...they? Why did you quit the navy?"

A middle-aged man couldn't help saying this, he was a naval captain.

There was some silence at this moment.

Although they are enemies? But these players really make him a little admired.

"I have a hunch? This new army may become our number one enemy in the future? It is far more troublesome than the pirates of the Four Emperors!"

Is it a major general who said this? He couldn't help muttering to himself.

Did they really win this battle?

No, it can be regarded as a fiasco!

The three lieutenant generals were captured!

Let's talk about the current situation, this place is directly frozen by ice.

A large number of players were frozen, and these were the first players to join the game.

Facing the general, they resisted tenaciously, but what's the use?

It is not easy to persist for such a short time. They are not Fengbai, and they cannot hold back a general.

Among them, the one who was frozen was Cromwell!

"As expected of an admiral, where are you going? The battle is not over yet!"

The ice shattered, and although he was a little bit frostbitten, he finally managed to break free.

Looking at Kuzan who was about to chase after him, he said so.

"Don't think about chasing after him, it's useless even if you chase him, because you can't catch up!"

There are also a few players who broke free. Their condition is not good, and there is only a trace of blood left on the blood bar above their heads.

But the expressions on their faces were also calm.

Looking at the large number of navies, they suddenly laughed out loud.


The battle is completely over, a marine soldier said in a daze.

"Why are we fighting people like this? They used to be navy too, they..."

"I still vaguely remember what the branch navy from the East China Sea once said. He said that he will become a general!"

It was a lieutenant colonel who spoke, and his tone was inevitably a little emotional.

"He is the naval supernova we were proud of, the youngest rear admiral, but now, but in the future, he will become our enemy!"


This is the end of the battle.

The battle of the Chambord Islands can come to an end here.

Seems a bit anticlimactic.

But did the battle really end like this?

"Next, prepare to surprise the Navy headquarters!"

Fatty Zhou said so.

Who told you that the end of the battle on the Chambord Islands means that it is really all over?

It's early!

How many high-end forces does the Navy Headquarters have? very many.

However, there are two generals appearing here, there is a naval legend appearing here, plus so many naval forces.

At this time, the Navy headquarters is the weakest.

That's why Zhou Pangpang made an astonishing decision.

Assault on Navy Headquarters!

He knows better than anyone how powerful the Navy Headquarters is.

But so what?

If you want to play a big one, then play a big one!

This time, even he himself did not intend to go back alive.

Of course, this is also the worst decision.

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