The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 19: The New Army Chapter—Move to the Headquarters!


"What is our core goal? Destruction? No, no, no, it's not necessary!"

Zhou Pangpang is having a brief meeting, and most of the people sitting here are top players from the new army camp.

"To attack the majesty of the navy? This is just one of the purposes!"

Zhou Pangpang said to himself: "Do you know how many warships there are in the Navy Headquarters? Do you know how many types of weapons the Navy Headquarters has?"

As soon as the words fell, someone covered his face.

"Don't you just want to go to the Navy headquarters to rob?"

Lin Qing couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and said directly.

Don't talk about those who have and don't have it, isn't this the one who went to the Navy headquarters to rob?

"What nonsense, you don't understand, what we want to create is a force that is comparable to or even surpasses the original navy.

What does it take? It takes a lot of money, a lot of money, it takes a lot of weapons!

It turns out that there are maintenance fees approved by the navy, salaries issued by the navy, etc. On this basis, we have slightly better welfare than players from other camps.

Because there are people above us, someone pays us wages!

But now? "

Fatty Zhou said.

Why is the Navy an official faction in the eyes of players?

Isn't the reason here? It represents justice, someone above pays wages, and the benefits are good.

Now, they want to create a new army, don't say if they don't pay wages, don't they need money for warships and weapons?

Their current family property, at most one or two naval battles with the Navy Headquarters, will almost be completely destroyed.

That's why Zhou Pangpang came up with such a bold idea.

It is such an incredible idea that even the Navy headquarters probably would not have thought of it.

Can catch them all by surprise!

"In that case,

Didn't they just go with the robbery in mind? "

Moran said.

"You can say whatever you want, anyway, I won't talk nonsense, if you meet an admiral or other naval powerhouses, just hold back with all your might!

If you haven't encountered it, take what you see and take it away!

do you know? "

Fatty Zhou said so.

The meeting ended, and it was less than ten minutes since the battle in the Chambord Islands ended.


Our Warring States Marshal looked at the report with a gloomy face.

Especially the report about Karp!

Catch Rayleigh?

Hehe, is catching Rayleigh the most important thing now?

At this moment, there was a burst of violent artillery fire outside.


Even in our Warring States period, it never occurred to us that someone would dare to attack the Navy headquarters.

How long has it been since the last time the Navy headquarters was attacked?

"what's the situation?"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, there are a group of guys in navy uniforms? They suddenly launched an attack on the Navy headquarters!"

An adjutant came in a hurry? He said anxiously.

Who are these guys?

Naturally, the navy players headed by Zhou Pangpang!


When they first announced their withdrawal from the naval camp, not everyone withdrew.

Especially these players here in the Navy Headquarters? They didn't quit.

The meaning is very simple, did Zhou Pangpang contact them? Let them not be impulsive for a while? Don't rush to quit.

No, at this time, a large teleportation array can be opened.

The Navy Headquarters can also be said to be in chaos now.

There is not only one large teleportation array, there are several, and there are many other types of teleportation arrays? All over the Navy headquarters.

The Marine Headquarters of the Navy? In fact, there are many families of the Navy living here.

It has its own commercial street, or the place where the family members of the navy live.

This is arguably the safest place in the world.

Of course, he was unexpectedly attacked by players.

For example, right now, there is a young woman staring blankly at a group of marines in front of her.

These guys can clearly see that they are not the navy of the headquarters.

Is this an attack? This is an enemy!

She is the fiancée of a young navy and lives here.

I thought it was safe here? But I didn't expect to meet a group of players.

" don't come here!"

The young woman yelled in horror? There are no navy soldiers from the Navy headquarters nearby, and her trusted fiancé is not here either.

It was naturally a little desperate for a while.

"This is where the family members of the navy live..." a player said in a daze.

"Get out of here quickly? Announce the location in the chat channel? Let other players pay attention? Don't hit the shells here!"

Another player said so, and left decisively after speaking.

They have no interest in attacking these navy families.

Even the initial artillery fire was only destroying the cannons on the naval fortress.

There is still kindness in kindness, but it doesn't mean that if you don't even destroy the opponent's weapon, that's not kindness, it's stupidity.

The young navy family member looked at these people in disbelief.

Suddenly a little confused, a little interest in these people.

What kind of people are they? There seems to be no difference between them and the navy!


do you know?

Our Marshal Akainu is very angry now, very angry now, he can't wait to beat people's anger!

The reaction speed of the navy is not slow. Although the navy headquarters is blooming everywhere, the navy left behind has reacted quickly.

Led by the rear admirals or vice admirals, the admirals have also been dispatched.

At this time, even Admiral Sengoku cannot avoid it.


Chambord Islands

"I'm a yellow ape!"

Our general Huang Yuan said lazily, do you know what he is doing?

He's picking his nails, apparently to pass the time while he's at work.

The next second, the whole person stood up abruptly, and said in disbelief.

"What did you say? The Navy headquarters was attacked? It's impossible!"

Not only him, but even Kuzan, who was temporarily staying in the Chambord Islands, received the news.

Oh, I almost forgot, Karp, who was having a great time chasing Rayleigh, was also recalled urgently.

The Navy headquarters has been attacked, so don't chase Rayleigh!


Raleigh was a little dazed, the navy headquarters was attacked again?

If I remember correctly, when was the last time I was attacked?

Don't ask, the question is related to those players.

Players are really going crazy, what are they afraid to do?

Killing a Celestial Dragon is just a trivial matter, even if they dance in the Navy Headquarters, they dare to dance and get excited!

Like now.

Do you think they don't know that many people may not come back after this trip, but do they care?

Don't care at all, how can players be afraid of death?

For example, a certain player plans to visit the office of the Warring States Period!

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