The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 407 Chakra (Part 1)

"The legendary eye legend, the world of the great filial son Hei Jue saves the mother." Shen Fei, who quietly watched the two waves of battle scenes, suddenly showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In the world of Pirates, if ordinary people get a fruit that goes against the sky and they are not too wasteful, they still have a chance to stand up. But in this world, ordinary people are still cool there and stay there, otherwise they are A piece of cannon fodder.

But in the world of Eye Legend, there is no blood inheritance limit, no pupil technique, and there is no chance to turn over at all. Even Metkai, who is known as the emperor, is just a flash in the pan.

As for the amazing popularity of the four generations of Naruto Mubo Fengshuimen, they also fell under the limit of the blood inheritance. Uchiha's soil has always been the tail of the crane. As a result, because the kaleidoscope writes the wheel eye against the sky, in the blink of an eye, it has become a shadow class from the tail of the crane. The strong, even facing the wave of Fengshuimen, only suffered a little loss.

Naruto also had a crane tail counterattack. Shen Fei still admired him at first, but in the end, the crane tail was just a joke. Don't be too arrogant.

"It is said that if Naruto and Luffy meet, they must have a common language."

"But this world is a lot of good things, not to mention the sacred tree, reincarnation eyes, and Mu Dun are very good things." Thinking of some items in the Hokage World, Shen Fei's eyes flashed involuntarily.

In fact, not to mention those good things. Chakra alone can make people tread water, which is very good. Most of the Pirate World is sea water. With this Ability, even if it is an Ability person, there is no need to be afraid of sea water.

"Water has no moon white, ice escapes, and blood continues to limit. For Esters, this is a perfect match." The imperial equipment of the ice system, the devil fruit of the ice system, and the blood of the ice system are added. Following the limit, this combination can definitely greatly enhance the strength of Asides.

"Sasuke." Looking at Sasuke's bloodstained body, his body was covered with ice Qianbon, he squatted on the ground motionless, Naruto immediately broke out, the red Chakra immediately became dissatisfied with his whole body, which was standing, and began He crawled on the ground, a red tail swaying constantly behind him.

"This pair is true love." Seeing Naruto who broke out because of Sasuke's serious injury, the magic mirror ice crystal of Shui Wuyuebai was broken in one blow, and Shen Fei shook his head gently.

"Remember that Pirate World has the means to completely change sex, do you want to change the gender of one of these two?" The scene before him reminded Shen Fei of the hormonal fruit of the Ladyboy King. This fruit is not just to change gender. There will be huge amounts of changes in their personality and emotions.

Generally speaking, it is absolutely unsuitable for a man to become a woman, but this will not happen if the hormonal fruit changes.

"By the way, Ivan, the king of shemales, should find a way to transfer all the upper ranks of the navy. If this goal can be achieved, it will be really interesting."

"Well, I can't think about it, I almost laughed." Turning to the three navy generals, Karp, and the Warring States period, Shen Fei shook his head slightly and threw this evil idea out of his mind. He was afraid that he was thinking about it. Exposed.

"These people don't need to think about it, but these two really have a chance. At that time, what Hinata and Sakura will stand aside, and the combination of Asura and Indra, I don't know that after seeing the six immortals, Will you be angrily uncovering the coffin."

"It's also between Youyu Chiba Madara and Senjuju. This pair seems to be true love too. It's just that there is such a big turmoil because they are all of the same sex. If the two of them are turned into one person, Konoha will definitely be in harmony. "

"The art of chasing teeth by the earth escape." After Naruto defeated Shiro, Kakashi also used the combination of psychic and earth escape to summon eight ninja dogs and hide them in the art of mist hiding. I didn't cut the inside again and caught it.

"You are too dangerous, don't cut it again, this time won't let you run away." Seeing the restrained don't cut it again, Kakashi had already quickly formed a seal, and a highly condensed thunder and lightning appeared on his right hand. Lei Dun Lei Che.

"Speaking of which, if the Pirate World and the Naruto World fight, there will definitely be many people in the Pirates who will die." Seeing Kakashi without hesitation, he immediately prepared to use Lei Che to penetrate the body that would not be cut, Shen Feiqing Nodded lightly.

In terms of fighting style, Pirate World is biased towards the front, and the use of poison has been criticized by many people, but in Hokage, using poison to fight is really normal.Hanzo, known as a demigod in Yuren Village, is also a master of poison.

"Don't cut your lord again." Bai fell on the ground, realizing that if he didn't cut it again, he was in danger of life. He immediately recklessly used the instantaneous technique to appear in front of no more cut, ready to stop the blow.

"I can't let you die." Bing Dun's Blood Succession Boundary, it seems that only Shui Wuyuebai is left, but Shen Fei wants Esders to also have Bing Dun's Blood Succession Boundary, so Bai is the last One person, naturally can't watch him die.

"Okay, that's it." Just when Kakashi's Raeche was about to penetrate Bai's heart, at the very moment, Shen Fei appeared beside Kakashi, his left hand directly grabbed Kakashi's right wrist. .

The sudden change caused Kakashi’s pupils to shrink involuntarily, but after all, he was an elite who has experienced many battles, and he instantly reacted. In the palm of his left hand, a kunai appeared immediately, and the backhand was Stabbed at Shen Fei's head.

"The response is good, but it's a pity." Kakashi's response was very good, but the difference between the strengths of the two sides was too great. Shen Fei flicked his left hand and threw Kakashi's body away. In an instant, Kakashi, who flew up, threw the kunai of his left hand at Shen Fei.


Facing the shot Kuwu, Shen Fei lifted his left hand, and with a flick of his finger, he flew the Kuwu bullet to the side.

"You should be honest with me too." Shen Fei, who flicked Kuwu, shook his head slightly, and flicked his right hand, knocking the decapitation knife that was slashing at him.

If you don't cut it, you really deserve to be a ghost, facing him, the savior, he slashed it mercilessly.

"The decapitator, one of Wuren's seven swords." The decapitated knife that was knocked into the air, before it landed, was swept by Shen Fei's right hand and sucked it into his hand. A knife flower.

"I said I saved your life just now, do you treat the savior like this." Putting the decapitation knife on the ground in front of him, Shen Fei calmly looked at one side and did not cut again, At the moment he bit him The Eight Ninja Dogs in various parts of his body have disappeared, but the wounds they left behind are still bleeding.

"I didn't ask you to save it." Even knowing that Shen Fei is very strong, his expression is still very cold if he doesn't cut it.

"So I'm just being nosy."


Facing Shen Fei's words, he didn't make a cold snort, and just wanted to say something, but the next moment was immediately interrupted by Bai.

"If you don't cut your lord, I'll bandage you immediately." Bai At the moment, even though he was seriously injured, in his heart, not cutting is more important than him.

"Finally the gender is determined, male." Although it was only a slight stroke, Shen Fei immediately determined Bai's gender. His clothes were damaged a lot in the previous battle with Naruto.

The gender of Shui Wuyuebai has always been controversial, because its length is so beautiful.

"Who is your excellency?" Kakashi finally spoke when Shen Fei turned his gaze to Kakashi, who had been quietly observing Shen Fei before.

In the Naruto world, if you are a ninja, you will wear a forehead, regardless of the file size of the Ninja Village. The identity of a ninja is an honor for them, and it is rare that there is no such thing as a forehead. If it is Rebellion, it will also bring the forehead of its original village, but it is marked with a line on it, which means it is Rebellion.

But Shen Fei didn't wear any forehead protection, nor did he have the breath of Chakra. Kakashi's wrist was caught and thrown away before, it was pure power.Kakashi is not without the experience of fighting against the ninja, his perennial opponent, Kai is a master of physical skills, but even Kai, his strength is mainly dependent on Chakra, to strengthen the body of Chakra.

There is no real pure physique master in Naruto World, everything is based on Chakra.

If Kay has the body of the Pirate World, when the eight doors are opened, whoever will be caught in the second will definitely be the finale. The same is true if there are eight doors in the Pirate.

To be honest, Luffy is the most suitable for the eight-door Dunjia. With its rubbery physique, there is no need to open the eight-door at all, and the seven-door can beat the general.

"I, a person who travels around, this battle has given me a face, so how is it so far." Shen Fei said, scanning the Naruto behind Kakashi, and Sasuke who was seriously injured and unconscious, and at Next to the unconscious Sasuke, only Sakura who is crying knows.

"As long as we don’t cut it anymore, it’s okay.” Kakashi said, looking at it and don’t cut it again. For Kakashi, if it weren’t for the task, he didn’t want to fight the ghost again, as long as If he doesn't give up the task, he definitely won't take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Want me to give up the task and dream." No longer said, staring at Kakashi coldly, if it weren't for Shen Fei on the side of fear, he would definitely fight Kakashi's succession to death and death.




= Wait for replacement. = Sorry. .




"What are you doing here? Don't be afraid that the fellow in the Warring States Period will trouble you." Looking at the red-haired Shanks who walked in front of him, the white beard's eyes were a little puzzled.

Private contact with the Four Emperors Pirates is a very dangerous behavior for the Navy, because if the two Four Emperors Pirates team together, the Navy will be in danger.

When the navy knew that the red-haired pirates were heading toward the area of ​​the white-bearded pirates, the navy sent General Huang Yuan directly to prevent the two from meeting.

However, because the Red-haired Pirates destroyed all the surveillance ships and disappeared from the view of the Navy and the world government, when the Navy reconfirmed the information of the Red-haired Pirates, it had already appeared on the site of the White-Bearded Pirates. NS.

In the absence of a head-on confrontation with the White Beard Pirates, the Navy could only choose to sit on the sidelines first.

The Four Emperors and the navy, the world government, reached a secret tacit understanding, that is, if you do not come to my place to make trouble, I will not take the initiative to trouble the navy.

"I came to you for something, but it's okay now. Well, I brought you the wine from my hometown." Red-haired Shanks said, and threw the huge jug in his hand to White Beard with a smile on his face.

For the red hair, it was a big hip flask, but for the white beard, it was directly grasped by one hand.

"You don't hesitate to risk a full-scale war with the Navy, just to give me the wine from your hometown." White beard gave you a foolish expression.

Definitely said that, for the wine sent by Red-haired Shanks, he was not polite, poured it directly into his mouth, and then threw the jug at Red-haired Shanks.

"This is the fine wine from my hometown. I brought it from my hometown." Hongfa took the huge hip flask with one hand. After that, his figure flashed and disappeared. When he reappeared, there was a big bottle in front of him. Bowl.

"It's too light, it doesn't match my appetite. If you're okay, leave as soon as possible."

"So, I'm really sorry." Red-haired Shanks said, holding the big bowl that had just been filled, and drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp, then stood up immediately.

"By the way, before leaving, I have a piece of advice for you. Don't let Ace run outside recently. Some things, some people may know."

"What my son is going to do, I don't need you to take care of it."

"go back."

Because of Shen Fei's intervention and Titch's death, the red-haired Shanks did not fight with White Beard this time, and the shocking scene that split the whole world did not appear.

"This guy Luffy is still in the Kingdom of Sakura. There are no enemies. They are also slacking off, but Chopper seems to be unable to escape. In other words, Luffy wants to visit the Chambord Islands in a short time. It's possible."

After looking at the intelligence in his hand from all over the world, after Shen Fei checked it, and after arranging some things, he was ready to continue to explore the new dimension world.

Perhaps because of the relationship he had fought with Hawkeye, other pirate forces near the Kingdom of Alabastan have begun to shrink. For example, Doflamingo’s slave hunting team has disappeared.

Even though Shen Fei used to focus on it, he still continued to retreat after repeated prohibitions. Now he retreats on his own initiative.

"What a big fog, where is it?" As soon as Shen Fei came to a new world through the dimensional space, he saw thick fog all around him, and in the thick fog, there was the sound of fierce fighting.

Through seeing and hearing, Shen Fei felt that several people were fighting in the thick fog.

"The technique of water escape and water dragon bullets."

"The technique of water escape and water dragon bullets."

As two words came out from the thick fog, Shen Fei At the moment also saw clearly the figures of the two fighting.

"It turned out to be the two of them, so this is the world, this time the luck is very good." The two people who appeared in Shen Fei's line of sight, Shen Fei recognized who they were as soon as he saw them. NS.

Konoha's copy of the ninja Hagi Kakashi, and the S-rank rebel from the Kiriman village known as the ghost will never cut again.

"Mizumi, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, this is Hokage."

From the surrounding environment and the situation of the battle, Shen Fei immediately determined what the situation is now, in the mission of the Nation of Waves.

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