The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 408 Chakra (Part 2)

"Help." In the face of the evil ghosts and no longer cut, watching the bloody scene around, the people hired by Cardo immediately yelled and ran away, in order to escape as soon as possible without cutting, most of them did not cut. He immediately jumped off the bridge.

In a blink of an eye, the crowded Cardo found that only one person was left beside him. At the moment, Cardo no longer had the arrogant Mo Crow before, and his legs trembled and said to the slowly approaching person, "Money" , I will pay you twice, twice, three times."

It’s a pity that At the moment’s slashing was not moved at all, and he still slowly approached Kado. When Kado stood for less than one meter, Kado’s lower body began to show signs of water stains. The ferocious will not cut to scare pee again.


Facing the scared Kado, he swung the decapitation knife without cutting it, and cut off its head. The head immediately flew into the sky, and then landed not far in front of Kakashi, and saw the hideous Kado. Kozakura snorted on her head and fainted directly.

Sakura, who was born as a family of ordinary people, had seen such bloody scenes there. The previous battle between Naruto and Sasuke Kazuhiro was not bloody.

"Bai, hold on to stop cutting, we should go." Shen Fei said as he appeared next to him, and under his unwilling and angry eyes, he took away the beheading knife in his hand.

In the face of Bai’s support, there is no resistance if you don’t cut it anymore. Before, it looked like a great show of power, but the consumption is not small. If it is in its normal state, killing Kado and these people is nothing at all, but it is compatible with Kaka. The West’s First Battle made it costly, that is, the people hired by Cardo did not have the determination to fight to the end.

If they all fight to the death, it will be really troublesome if they don't cut it again. The credit for this is not small, and the use of thousands of books will solve all those who might be hurt and don't cut it in advance.

In the face of the siege of everyone, even if he didn't cut it, he couldn't be unscathed, he was not Uchiha Madara, and he could directly attack the coalition ninja alone.

Ordinary ninjas are cannon fodder, but if there is enough cannon fodder, it is enough to kill the elephant. The third generation of Raikage was piled to death by ten thousand ninjas in Iwanin Village.

"Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, I'll see you later." After first coming to the Naruto World, Shen Fei had no choice but to save Zeng Fu and Bai first. As for Sasuke, Naruto’s problem. , You can wait and talk later.

"Bai, let's go." After leaving the island where the country of Waves is located, he was ready to leave with Bai without cutting.

"Wait a minute, did I let you go?" Shen Fei immediately stopped them. If it weren't for the sake of peace, he would not save him at all, but would let him die and only save the water. No moon white.

Speaking of the Naruto World, the vast majority of people are for peace, no longer cut, Oni Shark, Uchiha Itachi, including Uchiha Madara, although the style of behavior is very different, but the purpose is the same.

In order not to let his companion suffer the pain of killing his companion, he killed all the classmates with one person, and then he went to assassinate Shui Ying and the name of the water country.

This is the only ninja who dared to do something against the famous Naruto world.

The daimyo, the controller of the Naruto world countries, although not powerful, but because of the righteousness, even the Five Ninja Villages must obey his orders.

This is the most unreasonable place in Naruto World. The so-called peace of the Five Ninja Villages is actually just seeing the peace in their own village. As for the places outside the village, they don't care at all.

Whether it is the first generation of Hokage or Uchiha Itachi, the peace in their eyes is only their own village. In contrast, Uchiha Madara is completely different.

"A group of guys with too shallow eyelids.""What do you want to do?" After hearing Shen Fei's words, a hand of kunai appeared in the hands of no longer cut, and even a few ice thousand books appeared in Bai's hands.

For Shen Fei, Bai is undoubtedly very grateful. After all, he will not be cut again after he is rescued, but if Shen Fei wants to stop being cut again, Bai will definitely stand firmly by his side.

"Do you want to know the truth behind the scenes of Wuren Village, Bloodmist Village." Bloodmist Village, this is the evaluation of Wuren Village by the other four ninja villages, because the graduation assessment of the next one is very cruel, and it is hidden from Konoha The system in the dark is exactly the same.

The two catch and fight each other, and the surviving ones become the ninja. Even in order to cultivate the cruelty of the ninja, the senior officials of Wujin Village will deliberately arrange for the two who were friends before to fight each other, just like Sai and Nobun.

With such a cruel system, the ninjas cultivated are naturally stronger than the ninjas in other ninja villages.

But this kind of system is not acceptable to everyone, so the ninjas in Wuren Village are forced to become strong, but the most rebellious ninjas.

"What are you talking about?" Mentioned the truth about the Land of Blood Mist, and the face immediately changed if I didn't cut it anymore. In the recognition that I didn't cut it anymore, the Land of Blood Mist was created by the leaders of Wuren Village at all, but Shen Fei's words , But it shows that there is an unknown truth in it.

"The four generations of Shuiying are not fools. The creation of such a system will only cause them to betray their relatives, and it will also severely weaken the strength of Wunin Village. Do you really think he is the one who did this? I know, the first four generations of water shadows were very enlightened, and then suddenly there was such a big change, you never doubted anything."

"What the hell do you want to say?" If you don’t say that you have put away the kunai in your hand, the change of the four generations of water shadows, the senior officials of Wuren Village will definitely doubt it, but considering the strength of the fourth generation of water shadows, The possibility of human control is too low, after all, the shadow is already the strongest fighting power in this five ninja village.

Even Uchiha Madara and the first generation of Naruto are also the strength of the Kage, because they have not really seen the strength of these two, even if the legend of the Ninja World In the hearts of many people, it is not strong enough to be invincible.

Except for the three generations of Tuying who have seen the strength of these two, no one else has seen it.

Just like the four emperors in the pirates, why there are so many challengers? It's not that they don't believe in the strength of the other party, thinking they are just bragging.

"The reason why the four generations of Shuiying has changed so much is because he is controlled by others."

"This is impossible."

As soon as Shen Fei's words fell, he immediately retorted without cutting, even if he wanted to assassinate the fourth generation of Shuiying, he would not allow others to belittle the fourth generation of Shuiying. In his heart, he has been working hard to save Wunin Village. The reason why he has been doing assassination missions is also to gather money and find opportunities to assassinate four generations of Shui Ying.

For the ninja, money is very important. Only if you have money, you can recruit people, buy equipment, and see Akatsuki. All of them have been doing their best to make money for the organization.

Although most of the money he earned was taken by Xiao Nan to buy detonation charms, it was 600 billion detonation charms, that is, the horns died early, otherwise if they knew about this, they might vomit blood in anger.

"Nothing is impossible. If the person who shot is Uchiha Madara." Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to control a shadow-level person who is still a powerful shadow-level person with illusion, but it also has to See who used illusion.

Sure enough, as soon as the name Uchiha Madara came out, he immediately became silent if he didn't cut it. In order to eliminate the influence of Uchiha Madara, not many people of Naruto's generation knew the name Uchiha Madara.

This is the same as the educational significance of the black charcoal snake in the country of Wano to the next generation. The purpose of locking the country is to protect the peace of the country, and the founding of the country is to induce other countries to invade their own country.

Judging from the fact that the names of the six immortals are reduced to legends, one can imagine how many times the history has been changed.

Not many people know the name Uchiha Madara in the village of Konoha, but a lot of them are known in the other four ninja villages."Impossible, he is dead." After a while, he retorted without cutting.

"Have you seen his body with your own eyes?"

"You mean Konoha is playing tricks behind the scenes."

"Move your mind, I'm talking about Uchiha Madara. Don't you know that Uchiha Madara is also a traitor in Konoha."

"You tell me what is the purpose of this information." After a long silence again, he said again without cutting.

"It's very simple. I need some help from my subordinates." He said so much. I definitely want to subdue him. It is rare to come into this world. There are some things that Shen Fei wants to do and let him do it himself. It's troublesome, but if there is a group of people helping out, it's completely different.

"what is your purpose?"

"It's very simple, for the peace of Ninja world." As an organization, what is the most important thing, definitely is a lofty idea. For example, the Straw Hat Pirates is for Ralph Drew.

"Peace in the Ninja World, do you want to unify the Ninja World?" Without cutting, a sneer smile appeared on his face.

"No, what is the unification of the Ninja Realm, the unification of the five countries I want."




Sorry, because of the stomachache, it took some time, so I will replace it later, and I will explain it again. Just refresh it after looking at the genuine one.




= "If you don't cut your lord, I'll bandage you immediately." Bai At the moment, even if he is seriously injured, but in his heart, not cutting is more important than him.

"Finally the gender is determined, male." Although it was only a slight stroke, Shen Fei immediately determined Bai's gender. His clothes were damaged a lot in the previous battle with Naruto.

The gender of Shui Wuyuebai has always been controversial, because its length is so beautiful.

"Who is your excellency?" Kakashi finally spoke when Shen Fei turned his gaze to Kakashi, who had been quietly observing Shen Fei before.

In the Naruto world, if you are a ninja, you will wear a forehead, regardless of the file size of the Ninja Village. The identity of a ninja is an honor for them, and it is rare that there is no such thing as a forehead. If it is Rebellion, it will also bring the forehead of its original village, but it is marked with a line on it, which means it is Rebellion.But Shen Fei didn't wear any forehead protection, nor did he have the breath of Chakra. Kakashi's wrist was caught and thrown away before, it was pure power.

Kakashi is not without the experience of fighting against the ninja, his perennial opponent, Kai is a master of physical skills, but even Kai, his strength is mainly dependent on Chakra, to strengthen the body of Chakra.

There is no real pure physique master in Naruto World, everything is based on Chakra.

If Kay has the body of the Pirate World, when the eight doors are opened, whoever will be caught in the second will definitely be the finale. The same is true if there are eight doors in the Pirate.

To be honest, Luffy is the most suitable for the eight-door Dunjia. With its rubbery physique, there is no need to open the eight-door at all, and the seven-door can beat the general.

"I, a person who travels around, this battle has given me a face, so how is it so far." Shen Fei said, scanning the Naruto behind Kakashi, and Sasuke who was seriously injured and unconscious, and at Next to the unconscious Sasuke, only Sakura who is crying knows.

"As long as we don’t cut it anymore, it’s okay.” Kakashi said, looking at it and don’t cut it again. For Kakashi, if it weren’t for the task, he didn’t want to fight the ghost again, as long as If he doesn't give up the task, he definitely won't take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Want me to give up the task and dream." No longer said, staring at Kakashi coldly, if it weren't for Shen Fei on the side of fear, he would definitely fight Kakashi's succession to death and death.

"With such a powerful strength, but worrying about money, there is only this world." Whether it is the Five Ninja Villages or the powerful Akatsuki organization, there seems to be only one way to make money, missions.

"Imagination is limited by the world."

"Don't worry about him, I agreed with him to give up the task."

"Why do you decide for me?"

"Only you can't beat me."

Shen Fei's words were so choking that he would not choke again. His face was full of anger and stared at Shen Fei, wishing to directly pull up the decapitation knife on the ground and cut Shen Fei in two.

"Don't cut it again, haven't you solved the other party, you rubbish." At this moment, a very arrogant voice came from one side. As the surrounding fog dissipated, I saw the other end of the bridge, one with sunglasses and a figure. Some short and chubby middle-aged people came over with a large number of men with all kinds of weapons.

"Another idiot who can't see the reality." Shen Fei knew who the person was. Except for the idiot Kaduo, there would be no other people who thought that they could use the number of people to fight the ninja.

If it's just a normal Ninja Shinobi, the odds of Kado's victory are still very high. After all, many of the people he hires are wandering warriors.

But it's a pity that the ghosts of the elite level Ninja level he faced did not cut anymore.

"What are you doing?" Carduo's appearance made Zaobuzhan couldn't help frowning.

"I don't need you anymore. They will solve it by myself. By the way, I will solve it with you." Cardo is a very shrewd businessman who is very sensitive to money, but it is precisely because of this sensitivity that he feels hired. It would be uneconomical not to cut again.

As an s-level ninja, the amount of hire that will not be cut is at least hundreds of thousands. This is still because he is a ninja. If it is a regular ninja village, such as the five great ninja villages, ninjas like Kakashi will send out once. Millions are normal.

But if the money is used to hire ordinary wandering warriors, employing nearly a hundred people, it will not cost one-tenth of that amount.

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