The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 414 Big Snake Pill (1)

"Kao Ninja Village, originally meant this, not because there are many grasslands in the area it belongs to." The name of Naruto World Ninja Village is not random, it is related to the ninjutsu and living environment of the village. Great relationship.

The name of the Five Great Ninja Villages fully reflects this point. For example, the Hidden Fog Village, where there will be heavy fog all year round, there is a huge forest around Konoha, and all around the Sand Ninja Village is sand.

In Cao Ren Village, Shen Fei originally thought that it was a relationship with many grasslands in China, but as he told about it again, he found that this was a wrong guess. There are not many grasslands in Cao Ren Village. The reason why it is called Cao Ren Village, The meaning is that it has tenacious vitality like a small grass and can survive no matter what the environment.

The territory of the village is not large, and its strength is not strong. It can survive the three wars of the ninja world with such a weak strength, and the losses are not disastrous. It is not based on strength. Really, strength, Yuren The village and the village of Takinin were enough to destroy him.

Cao Ren Village was able to survive and did not encounter Yuren Village’s experience. Thanks to their foreign policy, Cao Ren Village’s geographical location is not much better than Yuren Village. It is a neighbor of Yuren Village and is sandwiched in the woods. Between Ye and Rock Ninja Village.

The third battle of the Ninja World, the battle of Shenwu Kunqiao, which was a battle that brought the fate of the land to a turning point, took place within the territory of the village of Ninja.

In the third battle of Ninja World, Kushinin Village was standing on the stand of Iwanin Village. At the battle of Shinnokun Bridge, Kakashi and the others faced not only Iwanin, but also Kushinin.

But even so, what about the war between the ninja world, it is too common to form an alliance today, betray tomorrow, and then form an alliance the day after tomorrow.

For example, the Konoha collapse plan of Oshemaru, isn’t Sunnin Village betrayed the covenant first, then defeated, and then formed an alliance again, a world that can be forgiven for killing friends, teachers, and parents. What else is it? It's impossible.

"The name of this world is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." Shen Fei is not very concerned about how Cao Ren Village survives, but through the introduction of no cuts, Shen Fei still finds that he underestimated the name, especially the Big Five. The name of the country.

Although the Five Ninja Villages are powerful, the most powerful people in the Naruto World are undoubtedly the names of the five big countries, because they control the economy of the Five Ninja Villages. Ninjas do not produce production, and the main source of money is tasks.

Strictly speaking, the Five Great Ninja Villages can actually be regarded as the five great mercenaries. The three Ninja World Wars have destroyed many small Ninja villages and ninja families, but in fact, more Ninja villages and ninja families have been destroyed, not in the war. But because of the rise of the Five Ninja Villages.

The task completion rate of the five great Ninja villages has caused many small countries to reduce the funding of their own Ninja villages. This is the root cause of the destruction of many Ninja villages.

In fact, even the Five Great Ninja Villages will also be affected by the reduction of funds. The three Ninja World Wars occurred for many reasons, but it is certain that the funds occupies a large part of it.

Because of the reduction in funding, the number of ninjas can only be reduced through war. Konoha’s collapse plan, why did the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa of Sunnin Village cooperate with Oshemaru to attack Konoha? It’s not because of the name of the country of wind. Greatly weakened the funding of Sharenin Village.

In the Five Great Ninja Village, Sand Ninja Village has the fewest tasks because of the geographical environment. The wind and sand in the sky are not necessary for ordinary people to hire ninjas there. Isn't Konoha's ninja not fragrant?

Whether it is the environment, the strength of the ninja, the task completion rate, and the attitude towards the employer, Konoha has always been the best in the five ninja villages.

That is to say, Sand Ninja Village will produce some materials that are not available in other places, so that it has not completely become a barren land. For merchants, as long as it is profitable, what about the wind and sand.Money is very important in the Hokage World, and even developed a unique escape technique, Jin Dun, even the Xiao organization, as long as the current Shen Fei puts out enough money, it can be hired.

One of the very important reasons for the disagreement between Uchiha Madara and the original Naruto Senjuzu was money. Years of wars made Konoha no way to continue the war. In addition, the aid of the fire country daimyo was reduced. Ye couldn't continue the war at all.

Although Uchiha Madara’s ideals are far-reaching, his complete disregard of reality is the fundamental reason for his failure. Even if Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara are more powerful, Ninja cannot only rely on them. Unite.

"Traditional power." The pattern of the Ninja world is so strange, on the one hand, because the ninja is not good at production and has strength, on the other hand, it is also a legacy of history. Just like Qin Shimingyue in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the king is abolishing. Its power is also supreme.

This is the case for the daimyo of the Ninja World. In the fourth war of the Ninja World, under such a serious situation, the five generations of Shui Ying Terumiming were still assigned to protect the daimyo, and at the beginning it was not the daimyo of the five big countries, but a small country. The name of the Frost Country.

There are a lot of small countries in the Ninja World. Many of them are names that Shen Fei has never heard of. There are even some small countries that they don't introduce themselves, even people in this world don't know.

"Farming flow seems to be the king in this world." Following the constantly introduction without cutting, Shen Fei slowly learned many unreasonable things in the Ninja World, and he could only shook his head with emotion.

"This is the Shenwukun Bridge." All the way to the Caoren Village, Shen Fei saw the remains of the Shenwukun Bridge. This bridge can be said to be the turning point of the third Ninja World War, not just with soil, Kaka The fate of Nishi and Lin has undergone a fundamental change here, and it is also the change of Konoha's battle against Iwanin.

After losing the supply of Shen Wu Kun Bridge, Yan Ren had to retreat in the subsequent battle.

The war is about logistics, and even the war in the Ninja World is no exception. Although the Ninja World has a magical seal scroll, it cannot replace conventional transportation in the war.

Although the seal scroll is powerful, because of the limited space inside, it can’t carry a lot of materials. Second, the seal scroll is expensive and difficult to make. The average person can’t afford it at all. With the strength of the two and the white, The seal scroll in his hand only had three seal scrolls.

Definitely, this is mainly because they have a relationship with Rennin and it is very difficult to buy. After understanding the problem of the seal scroll, it is confirmed once again that Tiantian is a rich woman, and the internal space of the seal scroll on her body is not small.

"The entry of Shinnin Village is really troublesome. It seems that the normal entry method cannot be used." Standing on the high mountain, Shen Fei shook his head helplessly while looking at the entry inspection of Cao Shinobu with a binoculars.

"You guys rest here first, and I'll be back soon." While watching Naruto, Shen Fei felt that Ninja Village's immigration inspection was quite nonsense. Those who deliberately sneak into the country, who would enter the country through a formal way, as a ninja. Neither the mountains nor the rivers could stop his strength.

But when I really came to this world, I realized that things were not that simple. Although Grass Ninja Village is not as rich and powerful as Konoha, it can arrange a warning barrier covering the entire village, but if it is only a few key locations, Grass Ninja Village can still do it.

And in the forest, there are also many bells used for warning. If you accidentally touch the bells and let the bells ring, they will naturally be exposed.

This method is also widely used in the world of Qin Shi. Although simple, it is very practical. If you add people who are hidden in the dark to monitor, it is very likely that the possibility of someone sneaking in.

Although this method cannot prevent real masters, such as characters like Itachi, how many masters like Itachi are there.

"Is the village small, is there a small benefit?" Shen Fei couldn't help showing a smile after using the scan of the operation fruit to discover the hidden organ trap.It is true that the defenses of Kushinin Village are very good, but it is a pity that they only wanted to guard against enemies on the ground, but they forgot that someone could invade from the sky.

In fact, it wasn't that they had forgotten, but it was unnecessary. The sky was unobstructed, and it was undoubtedly more difficult to sneak in secretly than the ground invasion.

Relying on the floating cloak, Shen Fei easily crossed the entry checkpoint of Cao Ren Village.

"Go directly to the leader of Kushinin Village." Shen Fei, who sneaked into Kushinin Village, rushed to the office of the Chief Officer of Kushinin Village and replaced them with normal intelligence collectors. For example, Jiraiya, relying on the izakaya. Collect information slowly, but for Shen Fei, this is not necessary at all.

"It's really romantic and chic." When he came to the office of the leader of the grass ninja village, he was unexpectedly found that he was flirting with a female ninja, which made Shen Fei feel a little speechless.

Because of Naruto’s strength, female ninjas get information by beauty, it rarely happens, but it’s only very rare, and it doesn’t happen. The five ninja villages are better, after all, you have to worry about your image, Xiaonin. Cun Ke doesn't have so much scruples.

"Who?" The leader of Cao Ren Village still had some means. When Shen Fei appeared in his office, he reacted immediately, but At the moment was too late. At the moment he just wanted to take action. For a moment, Shen Fei appeared directly beside him, restraining him and the female ninja.

"Is this a uniform temptation? The old guy is good at playing." Looking at the fainted female ninja, Shen Fei felt a little uncomfortable, so he immediately grabbed her head with his right hand, and the twin hands started to get the phosphorus from her mind. intelligence.

"Are you at the hospital?" Although Xianglin's Ability is unique, the leader of Kushinin Village still knows her, but he only knows that there is this Ability. He doesn't know the name of Xianglin because of For Cao Ren Village, Uzumaki Phosphorus is a human-shaped healing device.

In the Five Great Ninja Villages, people with such Ability will definitely be cultivated more and used in key places, but it is completely different in Grass Ninja Village. It has to be said that Little Ninja Village is Little Ninja Village, with no vision at all.

"It's a completely ambitious Ninja Village. I just want to survive in the cracks of a big country and dominate my own one-third of an acre." The memory of the head of the Cao Ninja Village made Shen Fei helpless. Shook his head.

"Since it's here, let's take a look at the Sealed Book of Kushinin Village."


The location of Fragrant Phosphorus was probably found, and Shen Fei was like checking out whether there was a book similar to the seal in the village of Ninjutsu, storing a large number of scrolls of ninjutsu.

Although the strength of Kushinin village is weak, it is also relative to the five major Shinnin villages, Amina, Takinin, and Otonin villages. Compared to those with weaker ones, the strength of Kushinin village is pretty good. After all, it is the village that has survived the three wars of the Ninja World, and with the addition of Kushinori Village and has been studying the ninjutsu of other countries, the village naturally has items similar to the book of seals.

But it's a pity that when Shen Fei had just started doing it, the head of this grass-nin village suddenly exploded.

"Seal technique, I almost forgot about this." Looking at the corpse of the leader of Kushinin Village who fell on the ground, Shen Fei immediately remembered that Ninja had many magical seal techniques, such as Konoha's heel. Was under the sealing technique, so that they could not disclose the secrets they followed.

"Because the village's most secret secrets have been touched, has it been activated." For a Shinobu village, the seal of the book is undoubtedly crucial.

"I have been found." Just a moment after the leader of Kushinin village died, there was a warning sound of foreign enemies' invasion outside Kushinin village, and then a large number of Kushinin rushed towards the office of the leader.

"The leader, so bold." The first person who rushed in was a middle-aged man wearing a burly. After seeing the leader's body lying on the ground with his head exploded, he immediately rushed towards Shen Fei with an angry expression.

"Do you want to escape?" Looking at the Jiyin on the hand of the middle-aged man who rushed up, and the stones on his fist, Shen Fei immediately guessed what ninjutsu he had just used, similar to Iwanin. The village strengthening the strength of the soil escape.

As a ninjutsu village that is good at research and learning, it has copied many ninjutsu from the five major ninjutsu. Although the core ninjutsu has not been researched, some less secret ninjutsu has been learned.

It will definitely be, and the power depends on the individual's strength.

"Go." Facing the middle-aged man who rushed up, Shen Fei directly greeted him with a punch. The terrorist force immediately destroyed his right fist and right arm, and then bombarded his chest, directly causing a big hole to burst in his chest. The body flew out directly.

"Captain." Looking at the flying figure, the other Kushinin who rushed over immediately shouted loudly.

"Originally, I just wanted to take away the vortex fragrant phosphorus in a low-key way." Now that he was discovered, Shen Fei could only fight, and a sword appeared in his right hand instantly. Compared with a fist, the weapon's lethality was even more powerful.

Shen Fei, who holds the sword in his right hand, didn’t keep any hands on the Kushinin who rushed up. From the leader of Kushinin village, Shen Fei already knew about the situation of At the moment Kushinin village, because there was nothing. Pursuing, most people in Kushinin Village are pursuing pleasure.

The Five Great Ninja Villages are protecting the villagers, and the Cao Ren Village is oppressing the villagers.

Although there are reformists inside, it is too weak to make a sound.

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

"Fire escape the big fireball technique."

"Fire escape the fire lantern technique."

"The technique of water escape from the big water polo."

"Earth Escape"

"Wind escape."

"Lei Dun."

After discovering that the intruder's strength was too strong in close combat, someone immediately organized the surrounding Kuo Ren and began to use ninjutsu to attack Shen Fei.

I have to say that the ninjutsu in the Kushinjutsu Village is very messy, and all ninjutsu is used by people.

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