The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 415 Big Snake Pill (Part 2)

"It's worthy of joint ninjutsu. The power is really good." The reason why Naruto Ninja replaced the samurai and became the mainstream. Ninjutsu's role can be said to be crucial. Purely in terms of physical skills, ninjas of the same level may not be able to fight. A samurai of the same rank.

But if you add ninjutsu, the situation is different. A wide range of attack ninjutsu is not something that ordinary samurai can defend. It is precisely because of this that there are not many armies under the five major countries, and the only armies are also It is just used to maintain decency and law and order, or to be a bodyguard.

No matter how many troops you build here, a few large-scale ones, you may lose everything. In this case, no one is a fool and will spend a lot of money to maintain the army. With this money, it is not good to hire ninjas. More cost-effective.

As for why there is such a kingdom of warriors as the iron country, there are many reasons. Shen Fei once asked this question before not cutting it.

One is because the strength of the Iron Kingdom is not weak, even if the Five Ninja Villages want to destroy the other party, it will cost a lot of money. When there is no benefit, the Five Ninja Villages will not do this kind of thing. , The country of Iron is located in an area of ​​ice and snow, which is not of high value to the ninjas.

The second reason is definitely because the daimyos of the five big countries are not allowed. The daimyos of the five big countries will not let the five big Ninja villages grow so large that they cannot be controlled.

After all, if the ninja really goes to war with the iron country, there is no need to be head-on at all. In terms of assassination, the ninja is much better than the samurai. Scorpion and Deidara once encountered a very powerful samurai in the mission. Even elites such as Kakashi can't give up too much.

But in the face of the scorpion, he was easily killed by Qianben's toxin.

In the face of so many joint ninjutsu, Shen Fei did not have the idea of ​​resisting hard, and directly jumped on the ground, and the person had appeared ten meters in the sky.

Joint ninjutsu is the most commonly used method in ninjutsu wars. The five major ninjutsu villages have their own unique joint ninjutsu, such as Iwanin Village. Their joint ninjutsu is the most troublesome thing in war, and they are good at controlling terrain changes. The earth escape, coupled with the power of joint ninjutsu, can completely separate the enemy and conduct an annihilation war.

The combined ninjutsu in Sand Ninja Village is wind escape and puppetry, while in Wu Ninja Village is fog hiding and water escape, in Yunnin Village is thunder escape, and Konoha is dominated by fire escape.

Both the Uchiha clan and Sarutobi clan are very good at fire escape.

During the Fourth Ninja World War, Uchiha Madara’s arrogance was extinguished, and it was blocked by more than 20 Kiri Shinobu using Water Dun, even if it was Too, facing the joint ninjutsu of the five great Ninjutsu villages, I also suffered a lot from the beginning.

"Huo Dun." Shen Fei in the sky, with his left hand held high, a huge fireball with a diameter of about ten meters appeared out of thin air.

In fact, Shen Fei said that this is Huo Dun, but in fact it is not at all. It comes from the practice of Huo Dezong under one person. The use of ninjutsu here in the Ninja World requires Jiyin, and does not require Jiyin's ninjutsu, only The Ability of the Blood Succession Boundary does not need Jie Yin. For example, Ye Cang of Burning Dun does not need Jie Yin when she uses the fireball.


The huge fireball directly landed on the gathering place of Kushinin below. As the fireball exploded, it immediately plunged into a sea of ​​fire within a radius of tens of meters, and most Kushinin instantly turned into a fireman.

For a while, the Kusanomen were in a mess, some yelled, trying to organize people to continue to attack Shen Fei, and some people wanted to organize the ninjas to start fighting the fire.

In the panic, there was Kushinin throwing kunai, shuriken, and Chibon at Shen Fei in the air, and there was also Kushinin starting to release Shui Dun to fight the fire.

But it’s a pity that their water escape is of no use to the burning flames. The power of ninjutsu depends on the user. Why are there so many fire escape ninjas? Konoha’s Sarutobi clan is also good at fire escape, but Uchi The Bo clan’s arrogant fireball technique is the most famous in the Ninja world, and the reputation is only in the eyes of the Uchiha clan’s blood succession limit.It's not because the fire escape of the Uchiha clan is the most powerful, and it is powerful enough to melt the weapons used by ninjas, Kuma, the general ninja using fire escape does not have such power.

It’s definitely powerful, but it’s a pity that the Art of Fireball has been in a very embarrassing position since its first appearance. No one was burned to death.

"It's really weak. This is the upper ninja of Kushinin village, and the little ninja village is the little ninja village." Looking at the various hidden weapons thrown below, Shen Fei easily avoided it in a month, and then dropped it again. The two fireballs rushed towards the medical room in Cao Ren Village.

From the beginning to the present, Shen Fei has not found a ninja with the strength of Kakashi and Kai in the village of Cao Ren, and even Shang Ren in the village is generally weak.

But this is also normal. The three levels of Ninja, Ninja, and Ninja are the general levels of the ninja world, but even if it is the same level, the upper ninja of Xiaonin village, definitely can't compare with the upper ninja of Danin village.

It's like Konoha has a betrayal. In Konoha, it is only at the level of Zhongnin, but when he betrayed to Yunin Village, he immediately became Shangnin.

In Da Ninja Village, the classification of ninjas is very strict, while in Little Ninja Village, there are not so many rules.

"Fragrant phosphorus, where?" Outside the door of the medical room, Shen Fei grabbed a Cao Ren's neck and asked coldly.

"do not know."


Shen Fei didn't talk nonsense with him at all. After hearing him say that he didn't know, he immediately chopped his neck and turned his attention to another Cao Ren's body.

"Inside, Fragrant Phosphorus, stand up for me." Cao Ren Village saw death as home, but not everyone saw death as home. Looking at Shen Fei's merciless means, someone immediately succumbed.

"My lord." After a while, a young girl with red hair and a pair of square glasses with a nervous expression walked out from the inside. At the moment she was wearing a sleeveless shirt with all teeth on her arms. Mark of.

"You are really damn it." The tooth marks on Xianglin's arms made Shen Fei's anger surge. Before that, he didn't want to make things big.

At the next moment, Shen Fei immediately killed all Cao Ren who was present. After seeing this scene, Xianglin's eyes were immediately full of fear.

"Don't be so scared, I'm here to save you, sleep first, and soon you will be safe." Shen Fei said immediately using the illusion technique Hypnotic Ability to make her fall asleep, and then take him with him. Among the phages.


After that, Shen Fei directly appeared in the square of Caonin Village, staring coldly at the Caonin people who came from the surroundings, then put his hands together and slapped his right hand on the ground. In an instant, the entire Caonin village immediately shook violently. , In all the horrified and unbelievable gazes of Cao Ren, the entire Cao Ren village of several thousand meters collapsed immediately.

Even with a lot of Cao Ren, he sank deep into the ground because of the collapse.

This definitely isn't soil escape, but alchemy. Shen Fei still knows how to escape soil. If you don't Zhan and Bai, they mainly rely on water escape, not soil escape.

"It's almost there." Shen Fei's anger was slightly relieved after sinking the entire Caonin Village into the ground. After taking a cold look at the surviving Caonin, he immediately turned around and left.Facing Shen Fei who turned to leave openly, the surviving Kushinin stared at each other for a long time, and in the end no one dared to attack Shen Fei again.

Using diplomatic means to deal with the major ninja villages, in the grass ninja villages between the major countries, many ninjas have lost the ninja's blood standard and are endlessly dying.

"The noise is really big enough." After meeting with Zaibuzhan and others, Zaibuzhan stared at Shen Fei for a long time before speaking.

Cao Ren Village's fire was blazing into the sky, and such a big movement, even if you don't cut it, you will see it here.

"There was an accident."

This Shen Fei didn’t lie. In fact, the idea he made at the beginning was to quietly take away the incense phosphorus. Who would have thought that the leader of Kushinin Village had sealing techniques in his mind, if it hadn’t been because of the sealing techniques that had disturbed the Kusannians. , He is at most killing its leader.

"You are here for her." Then he turned his attention to the girl who had returned from Shen Fei's back without cutting it. As for the tooth marks on the arm of Xiang Phosphorus, it would be the same as if I didn't see it without cutting it, but Bai was in a hurry. He took the fragrant phosphorus and began to take care of her carefully.

"What kind of Ability does she have? It's worth a special trip."

"Why can't I specifically come to save her."

"Hmph, will anyone believe you?"

Shen Fei's words caused a sneer on his face. There was not enough value to come here specifically, and he would be an enemy of a Shinobu village. You would never believe this if he didn't.

"I believe it will do." As for Xianglin, the reason Shen Fei saved her can be said with certainty that it was because of her experience, not her Ability, and she was not the Dashewan guy.

"Don't be nervous, you are safe now." After waking up, Xianglin saw that he was in an unfamiliar place, very nervous, but under Bai's comfort, he quickly recovered his calm, and I have to say Bai's appearance. , So that his affinity is very strong.

"You won't bite me." Xianglin said timidly.

"Bite you, don't worry, it won't."

After rescuing the Aromatic Phosphorus, the group began to head towards Tian Zhiguo. Along the way, the Aromatic Phosphorus was very sticky and white, making it a little jealous if he didn't cut it. Because of the Aromatic Phosphorus, Bai had to spend a lot of time to deal with her. .

"I don't know whether the current Xianglin will like Sasuke." Seeing Xianglin and Sasuke barely talk, Shen Fei suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

In the original book, Phosphorus likes Sasuke so much. The reason is that Sasuke’s hero saves the United States. Because of his childhood encounters, Sasuke’s appearance at that time is like the first ray of sunlight in the dark for Phosphorus.

I have to say that heroes save beauty is indeed the only way to pick up girls. Some people may think it is cliché, but for those who are saved, it is not cliché.

The several big CPs in Naruto all started from the hero saving the beauty. Bo Feng Mizuno and Whirlpool Kushina, his son Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata are exactly the same.

In Naruto, it is relatively simple to attack Sakura and Ino. As long as you are more handsome than Sasuke, you have a chance, but Hinata, unless you can come to a hero to save beauty before Naruto, otherwise There is no chance at all.There are always exceptions to definitely. Shikamaru and Temari are not the heroes who save the beauty, or the other way around, it’s the beauty who saves the heroes.

However, how Sasuke's feelings will develop in the future, Shen Fei has no idea of ​​intervening, he is not so idle.

"I said why did you buy so many water polo balls?" All the way to Tianzhiguo, because of the addition of fragrant phosphorus, the speed of the group is not fast. Fortunately, Shen Fei is not too rushed. He can also practice on the road.

"Definitely is for cultivation." The water polo is naturally used to replicate the cultivation stage of Naruto's Helix Pill for cultivation.

"Don't be idle, let's practice together." On the way, Shen Fei gave half of the water polo to Sasuke, and took away Sasuke ahead of time, so that he did not learn Chidori from Kakashi, this is behind Sasuke's famous Shinobu Shu, Shen Fei is going to use spiral pills to make up for it.

"This is used to practice A-level ninjutsu. It is the famous ninjutsu of the four generations of Naruto and Fengshuimen. By the way, I will tell you one thing by the way. As far as I know, Naruto has used it for about a month. finished."

Naruto and Tsunade bet that he would learn Helix Pill in one week. At that time, he had already completed the preparation for Helix Pill. Only then could he complete Helix Pill in one week, and even so, he still used the shadow duplication duplication version.

"I will finish it earlier than him." Whether it is the famous ninjutsu of the four generations of Naruto, or Naruto learned it in more than a month, it greatly inspired Sasuke's fighting spirit.

You know that Helix Maru is a ninjutsu with a difficulty level of A. It took three years from the development to the success of Hafeng Shuimen, and it took Jiraiya for several months.

The difficulty level of ninjutsu is the difficulty of learning, not the file size of power. The same ninjutsu, people with different strengths have different powers. The fire escape used by Uchiha Madara is as powerful as the fire escape used by the general Uchiha clan. Yes, definitely is different.

"It seems that spiral pill versus spiral pill may appear later."

Shen Fei didn’t conceal the practice method of Helix Pill from cutting and white. There are some things, even if you know it, you may not be able to do it. Naruto can beat the world with a Helix Pill, but others may not be able to do it. arrive.

Just like the art of multiple shadow duplication, there are not many people in Konoha, but those who dare to fight the world by relying on shadow duplication like Naruto, Konoha hardly exists. You must know that the art of multiple shadow duplication belongs to Konoha. Forbidden level.

The split chakra of shadow duplication is a taboo for most ninjas. Not everyone has a chakra like Naruto. You can use the technique of multiple shadow duplication of thousands of people at will.

The second-generation Naruto developed the shadow duplication ninjutsu, which was originally intended to detect intelligence, not for combat. The second-generation Naruto itself did not use this ninjutsu to fight.

However, I have to say that with this Ninja post, Konoha's loss in investigating intelligence has been greatly reduced. The moving range of shadow duplication is much larger than that of other land duplication, water duplication, and sand duplication in other Ninja villages.

The second generation of Naruto is a genius in the study of ninjutsu. Fei Thor, shadow duplication, mutual multiplication detonation talisman, reincarnation of the filthy earth, every ninjutsu he studies are extremely powerful techniques, and they are all techniques that Shen Fei wants to obtain.

It's a pity that Sasuke left Konoha too early, let alone the art of multiple shadow duplication, and he didn't even learn the art of shadow duplication.

For Shen Fei, if he has learned the art of shadow duplication and got Mu Dun, then he can leave a Mu Dun shadow duplication in each world, so that even if something goes wrong in that world, he can be notified in time.

With his current strength, Mu Dunying duplication, as long as it does not fight, can exist for a long time. This is an advantage that Aikun does not have.

At that time, don’t talk about the duplication of thousands of shadows, even if there are only dozens of shadow duplications, relying on the secret door of Kamar-Taj, he can kill anyone. In terms of the importance of ninjutsu to him, the art of shadow duplication , Thor's technique is even more important.

"You know, I heard that the last descendant of the Uchiha clan betrayed Konoha and was offered a reward of five million."

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