The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 416 Big Snake Pill (Part 2)

"Your bounty is really high." Shen Fei couldn't help but smiled and touched Sasuke's head when he heard the information he heard from the black market again.

Sasuke immediately pushed away Shen Fei's palm with a look of impatient expression, and when he saw this scene, Xianglin couldn't help but laughed. Along the way, Xianglin was very cautious at first. This is her in Kushinin Village. Formed a habit, but with the slow contact, after discovering that the group of people is completely different from Kushinin, the phosphorus also began to slowly change.

Normal Shinnin rebels must not offer such a high reward, but who made Sasuke a descendant of the Uchiha clan? Sasuke was originally not worth such a high bounty, but it was worth it.

In the Hokage World and the Pirate World, there are bounty hunters who specialize in catching bounty criminals. Before joining Akatsuki, Jiao Du was a bounty hunter, although after joining Akatsuki, his main job was still this.

However, this five million does not really explain the value of Sasuke. As the last descendant of the Uchiha clan, if someone can catch him and send him to the hostile Ninja Village, it is not impossible to sell him for a higher price. I definitely want to take it. When it comes to money, you must have the strength to make the other person scrupulous, or it is more likely to be hacked.

Unlike the navy in the Pirate World, the navy will give out the bounty in general, but the ninja world is different. Why does the samurai hate the ninja, even now it is the same, because the limit of the ninja is really very low There are very few rules. Fortunately, Daren Village, a big country, said that if there are scruples, there will be agencies such as the police department to restrain ninjas.

But the situation is different for the small elementary school and Ninja Village. They don't have much energy to establish a police department.

When the Uchiha clan controlled the Konoha Police Department, they might be a bit arrogant, but at the same time they have to admit that they did a lot of things, otherwise they would not be hated by the Konoha clans.

"This money exchange house is really amazing. Is it built by the top five countries?" On the way, Shen Fei also came into contact with the money exchange house through No. Some corpses were offered a reward in exchange for money.

As for who is behind the money exchange, it’s not clear if you don’t cut it, but Shen Fei’s list of people who were offered rewards through the money exchange is probably a high-level person in the five major countries, used to restrict Ninja village and ninjas. Out of strength.

Because of the above list, many of them are high-level members of the Five Great Ninja Villages, Sarutobi Asma, Jilu of the Temple of Fire, Kakashi, and many Konoha Ninjas are on it. It’s definitely, it’s not just wood. Ye, the other four Ninja Village characters also have everything.

For this kind of betrayal, it is very important to memorize the reward list on the money exchange office, because only in this way can you know who is worth and who is not worth.

In fact, if you don't cut it, Jiaodu's name is also on the money exchange.

However, the money exchange is only an intermediary organization, and he does not intervene in any disputes, even if it is someone on the reward list to exchange money, it does not matter. Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand.

The reason why Shen Fei suspected that the top five of the big countries did it behind the scenes was that most people couldn’t afford that much money. Just as Asma’s bounty was 35 million, this figure was among the pirates. It's just a bit famous, but in Hokage, it's already a lot of money.

An s-level mission is nothing more than a million-level income, and an Asma is already comparable to twenty or thirty s-level missions.

The Five Ninja Villages all know the existence of money exchange, and the reason why they can tolerate their existence is probably because the existence of the money exchange is also valuable to one's own side. After all, they can also offer a reward for the head of certain people in the exchange of money.

And even if the Five Ninja Villages wanted to destroy the money exchange, at best they would only take actions within their own sphere of influence. This is probably the reason why the money exchange has always existed.

"Even if it is the Akatsuki organization, it has not escaped the limitations of the ninja." For the money exchange, Shen Fei sneered. There is no organization that cannot be destroyed in this world. HYDRA is so powerful, there are still only a few files left. The size of the cat, what is the mere exchange of money.

At first, seeing Jiao Du honestly carrying the corpse to exchange money, Shen Fei had an idea that the Xiao organization is so powerful, wouldn't it be easier to just grab it.

In the final analysis, even the Akatsuki organization with all members of the S-level rebellious ninja did not break away from the limitations of the ninja. What is the limitation of the ninja, that is, doing tasks to get money, it can be regarded as a kind of equivalent exchange.

"Is there no one who jumped out and wanted to be a rule maker." I don't know how many big shots are in Naruto, but whether it is Uchiha Madara or Senju Zhuma, or the pioneer of science, Oshemaru, they have never thought of it. Be the rule maker yourself.That's why the daimyo of the five big countries can control the five big Ninja villages because they are the rulers.

At some point, the daimyo can even determine the rise and fall of a ninja family. For example, the blood dragon eye clan, is it not the Uchiha clan hired by the daimyo of the land of thunder and exiled to Hell Valley. In the end, it is almost the same as the Uchiha clan. Only one or two descendants exist.

"You understand what I said." While resting, in a corner of the dense forest, Shen Fei and Sasuke sat face to face, Shen Fei said while drawing a schematic diagram on the ground.

"It's so simple. If there is anything you don't understand, a ninja can't just do tasks, and always do things within the rules set by the daimyo. You should jump out of this framework and become the rule makers yourself."

"Very good, let's learn here today, let's take a rest." Sasuke's answer made Shen Fei very satisfied.

On this road, apart from his own practice, Shen Fei did not forget to give Sasuke some relevant education, from the history of the ninja world to the current situation of the ninja world, the shortcomings of the five major ninja villages, and why the Uchiha clan was To exterminate the race, education should be carried out in addition to the people's livelihood, economy, and so on.

I have to say that Sasuke is very smart, and he quickly grasped the outline of it.

"Now I see Naruto, can you still Mouth escape Sasuke." Looking at Sasuke who turned around and went for physical training, Shen Fei suddenly showed a smile.

If Sasuke, who has received his advanced concept education, can still be escaped by Naruto Mouth, he will turn around and leave the Hokage World and never come back.

In the original book, Sasuke was able to be persuaded by Naruto, mainly because Sasuke at that time didn't know how to go in the future. Uchiha Madara chose to read it indefinitely, probably for this reason.

With Uchiha Madara’s cleverness, how can one not know the disadvantages of Infinite Moon Reading, but why do you do it arbitrarily? It's not because people want to understand each other completely is a joke.

Eat a tofu brain, and there is a dispute between the sweet party and the salty party.

But this person understands each other, but it is achievable in Infinite Moon Reading. After all, it is his own dream, the real world revolving around him.

When Chen Fei returned to Bai, Xianglin, and did not cut his resting place, among the three, he sat on a branch without cutting one. Under the tree, Bai was teaching the basic ninjutsu training of Xianglin.

Phosphorus will refine chakras, but it is only limited to this. Apart from that, Phosphorus does not know anything else, cannot climb trees, or tread water, and the Three Body Technique is even more ignorant.

In Shen Fei's view, it can be regarded as the three-knowledge skill in a certain way. In the world of ninjutsu, it is the most basic ninjutsu. The basic assessment of the five major ninjutsu villages is almost all three-knowledge.

"Let's go." After seeing Shen Fei's return, he immediately jumped off the branch without cutting, and the group began to continue on the road. Shen Fei taught Sasuke the knowledge that he did not keep cutting and waiting for others, and Sasuke is still young. He has a strong acceptance of Ability, and his personality is almost stereotyped. It is difficult for him to accept such an advanced concept.

If you don't kill Suikage, the name of the water country, everything is for Wunin Village, exactly the same as Kakashi and others for Konoha.

In the country of the river, on a mountain peak outside of a certain town, a figure wearing a black windbreaker embroidered with red clouds and a hat on his head is standing quietly on the mountain, looking at the distant scenery.

Because his face was so tightly covered by the hat, he couldn't see this person's face clearly, but the ring on the ring finger of his right hand that was exposed was white and flawless. You can clearly see a red vermilion on it. , Suzaku of Akatsuki, Itachi Uchiha.

Just when Itachi stood still and didn't know how long it had passed, a footstep suddenly appeared behind him. Itachi did not act because of the movement behind him, and still stood there quietly.

Lai Ren and Itachi have almost the same costumes. On his left ring finger, he also has a ring with a yellow southern Chinese character, Xiao Zhi Nan Dou, Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark.

"You came back a bit late, what happened?" Itachi's voice sounded slowly when the visitor stood side by side with Itachi."Sorry, I heard a very interesting piece of information."

"Oh, what information."

"I thought you were the last descendant of the Uchiha clan. I didn't expect Konoha to have survivors."

The words of the dried persimmon and ghost made Itachi's heart suddenly startled, but Itachi is after all, and on the surface it seems that he has no interest in the news at all.

"Konoha is all looking for a Shimonin Shinobu named Uchiha Sasuke. Who is this Uchiha Sasuke?" After Kaki Kaki said the information he knew, he asked about the relationship between Itachi and Sasuke.

"He is my brother." Itachi didn't conceal his relationship with Sasuke, so he said it immediately.

"Itachi, your little brother, seems to be an amazing person too. He even let Konoha do this." A mere ninja betrayer, with the strength of Konoha, one of the five great ninja villages, if you want to deal with the other side , It should be done by hand, there is absolutely no need to make such an uproar.

"It's a meeting."

Just when Itachi was about to say something, suddenly a low voice rang in his ears. As soon as this low voice came out, the narrative of Sasuke's defect was stopped on the side of Kakigaki.

The silhouettes of the two disappeared from the mountain in an instant, and when they reappeared, they were in a hidden cave, and then they each sat down on the mountain wall.

In a dark and deep cave, on the fingers of two huge amounts of palms in front of a looming huge figure, a series of blurred figures slowly appeared on the fingers.

"The teams report on the completion of their tasks."

"Well, can I change a team, every time I go to the toilet, it's so stinking."

"Fei Duan shut up, do you want to die."

"Shut up." With the appearance of this voice, the cave was immediately immersed, and it took a while for someone to speak, "The mission here has been completed."

"I'm done here too."


The sound of the dark cave sounded one after another, and no one was talking nonsense this time.

"Absolutely, there is any noteworthy information recently." After everyone said that the mission was completed, the previous low voice sounded again.

"The Five Ninja Villages don't have any special attention to intelligence. The only thing that is worth noting is Konoha's wanted warrant for Sasuke Uchiha's clan this time." He said slowly about Uchiha Sasuke's information.

"This matter is worth noting, and it seems that it needs to be investigated."

"Why don't you leave this investigation task to us." With a green figure on the index finger of his right hand, he suddenly said, and while speaking, his eyes provocatively looked at the figure of Itachi opposite him.

"Didala, don't be troublesome. We have to hunt down the Osha Pill. We don't have so much time to investigate this.""Brother Scorpion, who knows that Dashewan guy is hiding in that snake hole, anyway, he can't be found for the time being, so how about investigating this first."

"Okay, you'd better focus on hunting down the big snake pill, itachi, ghost shark, now that you are the closest to Konoha, this task is left to you."

"No problem." The dried persimmon ghost shark immediately smiled and nodded and said.

"The technique of concealment of fog, the technique of silent killing." In a small bamboo forest, accompanied by the cold sound of not cutting, the whole bamboo forest was suddenly filled with mist. In the dense fog, people from time to time gave out dying The sound of screams.

As an s-class rebel ninguiren, his strength is not weak, especially his unique move silent killing technique, not much can be blocked, and Kakashi can’t be beaten without beating, from time to time because of his weakness, but because of his weakness. Kakashi is too strong.

On the way, Shen Fei faced the enemy, he didn't make any shots once, and they were all resolved by No-Zhan and Bai.

"It's Shangguan brother, this is the fourth batch. Konoha seems to use them as temptations and props that consume our strength." After killing all the enemies, the one who lifted the fog and concealment technique will not be cut again. Gasping loudly, although the enemy was successfully killed, the cost of not cutting it is not small, and even the color is still hanging on his body.

"It turns out that this is Konoha's purpose. I said why Sasuke is wanted so much." In the original book, Sasuke betrayed Konoha and took refuge in Oshemaru. Under the suppression of the Five Dynasties Naruto, Konoha did not cause any big disturbances at all. After switching to the third generation of Hokage, the situation immediately changed fundamentally.

Originally, Shen Fei was surprised by this change, but now that Itachi is still alive, Konoha dared to want Sasuke so aggressively, now he finally understands.

Along the way, in addition to the attacks of many bandits and robbers, and this time, I encountered four consecutive attacks by the wandering ninjas. There are no masters among these wandering ninjas. It's just that they won't be slashed after encountering them. The technique of mist hiding is nothing more than.

In the technique of concealment of mist, unless it is a person like Kakashi who can find his whereabouts no longer, there is not much difference between a person and a group of people.

"An enemy has appeared." Just when he wanted to say something without slashing, Xianglin suddenly shouted.

Whoosh whoosh.

As soon as Xianglin's words fell, more than a dozen figures appeared in four directions in an instant. Seeing the speed of these people's appearance, it was much stronger than the previous group of bounty hunters.

"Konoha Anbe finally appeared." The white animal mask, the neat movements, and the Konoha logo tattooed on the shoulders of very few dark parts are undoubtedly the Konoha assassination tactics special unit.

Whoosh whoosh.

In the next moment, these dozens of people shot at the same time. In an instant, a dark cloud appeared in the sky. Upon closer inspection, they suddenly found that all of them were hidden weapons, kunai, senbon, and shuriken, because there were too many, look. It looks like dark clouds.

So many hidden weapons almost covered a dozen meters of space around Shen Fei and his party, leaving them no room to dodge.

"Bing Dun Bingyan Tang Wu." Just when Shen Fei was about to take a shot, Bai immediately made a quick seal, and a round hockey puck appeared around the group of people in an instant, protecting everyone inside.

In the battle between Bai and Naruto and Sasuke, because of his soft heart, he didn't really exert the power of Bing Dun. In fact, as a proud assistant who did not cut, Bai's strength would naturally not be that weak.

Bang bang bang.

Although there were a lot of hidden weapons and even a lot of detonation symbols were added to it, Bai still blocked all the attacks with Bing Dun. The definitely price was that Bai had overdrawn Chakra.

"Shadow imitation." After all the hidden weapons disappeared, the ice puck on Bai's side finally broke apart. At the same time, several Anbu appeared about ten meters around Shen Fei and others, and began to seal at the same time. , With their seal, the shadows of these people immediately and quickly extended towards Shen Fei and the others.

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