The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 420: Mu Dun (Part 2)

"The layout here is pretty good, but it's a pity that the equipment is a little behind." After visiting the laboratory of Dashewan, Shen Fei sighed and shook his head.

Dashemaru's laboratory, even if it has already hit the world's most advanced equipment, is still a lot worse than his laboratory. Some equipment is not available in this world.

"This is the most advanced instrument." Hearing Shen Fei questioning his own instrument, Dashewan was immediately dissatisfied. In other respects, Dashewan may not matter, but in the field he is good at, he will not let anyone question it.

It can be said that in the entire Ninja world, no one has a comprehensive and advanced instrument than the Oshe Maru here, even the Five Ninja Villages are the same, it is not that the Five Ninja Villages are not as rich as the Oshe Maru, but they are not so technologically sophisticated. Paying attention to it will naturally not invest too much in this area.

Dashemaru is different. Almost all of the money he has obtained over the years has been invested in the field of science and technology. In terms of making money, Dashemaru is better at making money than horns. Both horns can only catch wanted criminals. Fudge the name.

In the ninja world, the daimyo does not have a high sense of existence, but I have to admit that the daimyo has great powers, and power represents money.

The decline of the ninja family of the Fengmo clan and others in the country of Tian is not just because of the failure of the fame of the country of Tian to defeat the neighboring country.

Even in Konoha Village, the money earned by ninja missions is not as good as the grants from the fire country daimyo.

"It seems that you don't believe it anymore. Wait a moment." After a while, Shen Fei took out a Marvel world's top microscope.

Seeing Shen Fei holding an obviously technologically sophisticated microscope in his hand, and comparing it to the microscope in his own laboratory, Da She Wan's eyes flickered involuntarily, then he took the microscope and started using it to observe.

"Is this?" Looking at the microscope, Dashemaru couldn't help but let out a startled Roar. As a tech tycoon, Dashemaru understood the power of this microscope in an instant, "Now I believe you really come from the ninja world. Outside."

"So you didn't believe it before."

"Should I doubt it?" Da She Wan asked rhetorically.

Oshemaru’s words were not wrong, and suddenly a stranger appeared, and you said that he came from outside the Ninja world. How could you easily believe that Oshemaru was a person, but given that Shen Fei’s strength was too strong , It's only temporary.

However, the microscope that Shen Fei took out immediately stopped Oshemaru from doubting his identity. As a tech tycoon, Oshemaru is very clear that no one in the Ninja world has Ability to make such a powerful microscope, since it has been confirmed that Shen Fei It was from outside the realm of ninja and advanced equipment that he didn't own, and Oshemaru's attitude immediately changed.

Afterwards, the two had a heated discussion about some specimens in the laboratory. From the mouth of Dashewan, Shen Fei got a lot of inspiration. Although the science and technology tree of Naruto World is crooked, it is because of the relationship between Chakra and the cell. The research in this area is very unique. After all, the power of Chakra is extracted from the cell plus the spiritual power.

At the same time, Dashewan was even more shocked by the knowledge that Shen Fei had mastered. A lot of knowledge was unheard of. This made Dashewan more interested. If the pharmacist hadn't come in and asked the two to eat, Dashewan might still be there to ask for advice. Woolen cloth.

"Okay, let's eat first, let's talk about something later." Shen Fei can feel Dashewan's enthusiasm for knowledge. If Dashewan appears in modern society, it is undoubtedly a big technology leader. , It's a pity that he lives in the world of ninja that doesn't pay much attention to technology.

"Speaking of the science and technology ninjutsu passed by the bloggers, I haven't seen Uncle Snake show off his supernatural power. Is it really a personality change? Buddhism."

"We don't need to talk nonsense, I need your knowledge, what do you want from me?" The next day, Dashewan said straightforwardly after finding Shen Fei.

The new knowledge seems to be very attractive to Dashewan."Well, I need all the ninjutsu forbidden techniques you have mastered, as well as some experimental results," Shen Fei directly said his request.

"This way I suffer too much. Although your knowledge is good, it is not worth so much." After thinking in silence for a while, Da She Wan immediately shook his head and refused.

"If I can provide something that you have never seen before, such as this." Shen Fei said and took out a fruit that looked like a banana but had a very different appearance.

"This is?" Da She Wan looked at the fruit in Shen Fei's hand curiously, and with his cleverness, he definitely knew that at this time, Shen Fei would definitely not bring out ordinary fruits.

"A kind of fruit called the devil fruit, eating it can get magical power, this one in my hand is the animal devil fruit, eating it can give him the power of this animal." Shen Fei said. About the Ability of the animal devil fruit.

"It's so magical and interesting, what kind of animal power is this one?" Da She Wan immediately looked at the animal demon fruit in Shen Fei's hand with great interest. This is a mysterious thing that has never existed in the Ninja world.

"The tiger animal is the devil fruit."

"Very interesting, can you see it?"

"Definitely, but the devil fruit is very precious. I can't take it out for free. I want Konoha's shadow duplication technique and the multiple shadow duplication technique."

"Sure enough, it's the same as Dou said, no problem, but then, this devil fruit will belong to me."

"Definitely." Shen Fei said as he threw the devil fruit in his hand to Da She Wan.

After Oshemaru took the devil fruit in his hand, after checking it roughly, he immediately patted the palm of her hand. Then a figure appeared in front of Oshemaru, half kneeling on the ground, and said respectfully, "Master Oshemaru, What's the order?"

"Jun Maro, this is really interesting." Seeing that it was Jun Maro who appeared, Shen Fei suddenly laughed. Jun Maro who ate the devil fruit was really interesting.

"Eat it."


Seeing some strange fruits in front of him, Jun Maro pushed the fruit away without hesitation, then ate it, and took the first bite. Jun Maro's face immediately changed, but then his expression recovered. , And ate all the fruits blankly.

"I'm sorry, the taste of the devil fruit is not very good, it is said to be very unpalatable." After Jun Maru finished eating, Shen Fei said.

"What's next." Dashemaru asked next, he didn't care about the smell of the devil fruit at all.

"Just wait, you will see the effect soon."

Sure enough, Jun Maro's expression flashed with surprise, it seemed that he had sensed the power of the devil fruit.

"Show your new power."

"Yes."Under Osaimaru's order, Junmaro immediately showed the Ability of the animal devil fruit he had just obtained. His body quickly turned into a black upright tiger with two sharp teeth, Sabretooth, on the left and right sides of the mouth.

"how are you feeling?"

"The strength has increased a lot." Junmaro himself also looked at the changes in his body curiously.




Wait for replacement. =



"What a powerful lineup." In the lobby of the underground base, Shen Fei saw Oshemaru. At the moment, Oshemaru was sitting high in the front of the hall. Behind him, two figures stood.

Taketori-kun Maro with white hair and two points on his forehead, as well as a woman in green clothes, Honglian, Jingdun’s Blood Succession Boundary Ability, and also the first candidate for Oshemaru’s body replenishment, ranking Above Junmaro.

Jing Dun and the bone veins are both blood inheritance boundary, and the level depends entirely on the user, but who made Junmaru have the inheritance disease of blood inheritance boundary? A genetic disease that even Dashewan can't cure. In this case, Jing Dun Guren's ranking is naturally higher than Junmaro. It was originally like this, but unfortunately because Sasuke suddenly appeared, Guren's ranking was lowered by one.

In addition to these two people, Shen Fei also sensed that there were four people hidden next to the hall. If nothing else, it should be Yinnin.

With the addition of the pharmacist's pocket, it can be said that the powerful combat power of the big snake pill is only one balance to weigh me.

"Your Excellency wants to see me, I don't know what to advise." Da She Wan looked at the pharmacist pocket entering the hall with a surprised look, and then said directly to Shen Fei.

With Da She Wan's understanding of Dou, after Dou entered the hall, he immediately found that his fault was wrong.

"Cooperation." Shen Fei directly stated his purpose, "I know your Excellency, I am interested in studying and learning all ninjutsu in the ninja world.

"Cooperation, oh, I'm very curious about the cooperation in that area." Oshemaru looked at Shen Fei with great interest. There are many people who want to cooperate with Oshemaru in the Ninja World, but most of them covet his power.

"For research cooperation, I have some special abilities, and I can know information that many people don’t know. For example, I know that your purpose of immortality is not for the boring purpose of ruling the ninja world, but for research and study. All the ninjutsu in the world is just because people's life span is too short, there is simply not enough time to study and learn all ninjutsu, only immortality is possible."

"You know me very well." Da She Maru couldn't help but glanced at Shen Fei in surprise. The entire Ninja World, including his teacher's three generations of Hokage, did not really understand Da She Maru.

The Ninja World War has affected too many people. Itachi has seen the cruelty of the Ninja World War when he was a child, so even if he kills the whole clan, he must ensure the peace of Konoha.

Jiraiya had always wanted to find a way to make the Ninja world peaceful, but he didn't think of a way, so he pinned his hope on the Son of Destiny.O She Maru was because of the fragility of life, and the death of Senjue Yushu had a profound impact on him.

"But it’s not so easy to cooperate with me." The implication is what qualifications do you have to cooperate with me. Dashemaru is not a child who was fooled by him. Just because he agrees with his ideas, he will cooperate with me. Shen Fei cooperated.

"I definitely know this." Shen Fei knows exactly who Dashewan is. This is a very dangerous guy. At this time, Dashewan is not the one that has been completely changed in the later period. He wants to interact with such a big snake. Maru negotiations must have at least the same strength as him, so as to ensure that they will not be hacked.

In fact, this is also the basic condition of Ninja negotiations. There are no equal conditions. Why should I talk to you? Wouldn't it be better to take your things directly?

Even Naruto’s Mouth escape is only useful for hitting the opponent.

"I don't know if this is enough." Shen Fei said that the figure instantly disappeared from Oshemaru's sight. This scene caused Oshemaru's pupils to shrink involuntarily. As a shadow-level powerhouse, Oshemaru has seen many masters, even wearing Pei. I've seen Enliu Dao's strength, but this is the first time he has seen such a fast speed, and he has no time to react.

Bang bang.

Just when Oshemaru was about to move, two figures were suddenly thrown in front of him. After Oshemaru could see who the two were, the palm of her hand that was about to move immediately stopped.

The two figures that were thrown in front of Oshemaru are naturally Junmaro and Guren standing behind him before. Junmaro and Guren are undoubtedly ninjas at the elite level, but even with such strength, Without the slightest reaction, he was knocked out.

In today’s ninja world, even Oshemaru himself can’t do this step. Probably only Konoha’s two founders Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma, and Akatsuki, who do not know the depth, can do this step. The leader of Samsara eyes Payne.

In the original book, Gulian's final failure was due to the restraint of her crystal escape at the time, and the second reason that she consumed too much chakra at the time.

"Is this strength enough?" Shen Fei dared to look for Oshe Maru directly, relying on his powerful strength, otherwise he would rather slowly find a way from Konoha than to come to Oshe Maru directly.

"Definitely." Oshemaru's expression at the moment has returned to calm, but if you look closely at the depths of his eyes, you will find that there is a trace of panic hidden in it. After all, Shen Fei's movements just now are enough to kill him in seconds. .

Even if he had the means to resurrect, he didn't want to be killed so inexplicably.

"Having such strength is really very curious, why the Ninja world has never heard of you before." In the Ninja world, the stronger the ninja, the greater the reputation, but Shen Fei, with such strength, has never before I haven't heard of this person, which makes Dashemaru very curious.

"I'm not from Ninja World, Ninja definitely never heard of me." Shen Fei said with a smile.

"Not from Ninja World?" Da She Wan looked at Shen Fei suspiciously.

"This world is huge. You don't only have Ninja World, do you know what is on the other side of the sea?" The technology tree of Naruto World is extremely weird. The one in space is the moon.

Iluka also asked students to write that if the moon falls, at the last time, you want to be with people.

At the same time, there is electricity, TV, computer, air conditioner, refrigerator, and even movie stars. The princess of Snow Country is a famous movie actor.

There are also walkie-talkies, but there are no phones or cell phones. People travel long distances, except for walking, that is, horse-drawn carriages and even bicycles.

"It turned out to be from outside the Ninja World." Oshe Maru nodded as if suddenly realized. He had no doubt about Shen Fei's words. With such strength, if he was in the Ninja World before, it would be impossible to have no information at all. Leaked,

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