The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 421: Mu Dun (End)

For Shen Fei, the low consumption of Mu Dunying’s duplication is what he needs most. The fighting power is still second. After all, the fighting power can be made up with technological weapons. Moreover, his shadow duplication is not most of the time. Need to fight.

"Why do you have to live underground?" Shen Fei, who had been underground for three days, became a little impatient. For Dashewan and his group, he might have been used to it, but for Shen Fei, if he had a choice, he would still He prefers to live in the sun, so he asked Doubang to build a small courtyard in the valley.

With the help of the Tudun Ninja, the hospital was built soon, and I have to say that ninjutsu is convenient.

"From today, I need to live here for the time being. Bai, Xianglin will ask you first. You can also take this opportunity to learn medical ninjutsu."

The medical ninja is a key factor for Konoha to become the number one in the five ninja villages. Without the medical ninja system proposed by Tsunade, in the absence of Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma, Konoha may not be a ninja. First.

Because of the geographical location, there may also be the hatred left by Uchiha Madara and Senjuzu, and Konoha has been the most attacked Ninja Village in the past wars of the Ninja World.

Konoha and Sand Ninja Village, Yannin Village, Yunnin Village, and Wunin Village have all been fought respectively. The other four Ninja Villages, at most, are just one or two against Konoha.

Konoha faced so many, and his combat power did not collapse. It was all thanks to the medical ninja. The strength of the ninja was much stronger than that of ordinary people. The same vitality was also strong. Without the medical ninja, there would be basically no severely injured ninja. Saved, but with medical ninjas, it's not the same.

Medical ninjas can completely rescue these people. These rescued ninjas, because they have experienced battles, combat strength, experience and mentality, etc., are not comparable to those who have not been on the battlefield.

Fighting experience is very important for ninjas. Naruto’s Nami country mission encountered a real life-and-death battle for the first time, and he was frightened and unable to move, but Sasuke was able to calmly move.

Because of the medical ninja, Konoha has a large number of ninjas.

Don't look at Konoha's Ninja Ninja being criticized, saying that he hasn't seen real fighting, but at the level of Ninja among the elite, Konoha is much better than other Ninja villages.

In the future, the well-known Konoha twelve Xiaoqiangs can become unique ninjas, and they have a lot to do with medical ninjas. If there is no medical ninja, several of the twelve Xiaoqiangs will not grow up at all.

In Sasuke's pursuit, Hyuga Neji, Xiaoli, and Akima Dinji, without Tsunade's powerful medical ninjutsu, they would be immortal and crippled.

If they were transferred to the other four Ninja villages, they would only be given up on this path. Only Tsunade could heal injuries of that level.

In terms of medical ninjutsu, Konoha is the worthy number one, and the second place is not the other four ninjutsu, but the side of Oshemaru.

In terms of sheer strength, the power of Oshe Maru and the four major ninjutsu are very far apart, but in terms of medical ninjutsu, the four major ninjutsu is incomparable, and the pharmacist’s knowledge in medical ninjutsu is second only to Tsunade. of.

The thousand-generation mother-in-law of Sand Ninja Village is better than the pharmacist in this aspect of poisoning.

Strictly speaking, the medical ninjutsu data on Oshe Maru is not inferior to Konoha at all, and even stronger than Konoha. It is also inferior to Konoha in scale and quantity. According to Tsunade’s medical ninja rule However, the training of a medical ninja requires huge amounts of.

The three generations of Naruto and others initially rejected Tsunade Medical Ninja’s proposal because it was too expensive, and they were not willing to invest until they saw the benefits.Oshe Maru's research for so many years has achieved a lot of results, and the transformation technology developed by it can also be used in medical ninjutsu.

What's more, there is a very powerful medical ninjutsu here in Da She Wan, the technique of cell activation.

The cell activation technique is a very powerful medical ninjutsu. It is not only used in medical treatment, but also can greatly strengthen the ninja's strength.

As we all know, Chakra is extracted from the body's cells mixed with mental power, and the technique of cell activation is exactly a kind of medical ninjutsu that can greatly enhance the extraction of Chakra.

There is no difference in the method of refining chakras, so if you want to increase the total amount of chakras in your body, you can only start from other aspects.

Dashewan, the pharmacist has such a powerful chakra because of the cell activation technique.

At the same time, the technique of cell activation also has the not weak Self-healing Ability, which is almost equivalent to the weakened version of Mu Dun, as well as several biochemical viruses in the hands of Shen Fei.

In terms of the therapeutic effect of cell activation, it is not weaker than biochemical virus, but there is a chakra bonus in it. This is the fundamental reason why Shen Fei believes that cell activation is weaker than biochemical virus.

Even if Shen Fei mastered the twin hands, Angel sighed, the cell activation technique was also useful to him.

"Yes." For Bai, if he has the opportunity to learn medical ninjutsu, he definitely won't let it go. In this way, he can better serve the non-cutting again, and when the non-cutting is injured, he will also He can be treated.

For a long time, if you don't cut the injury, you are treating it for nothing, but that is just a simple treatment of trauma. For internal injuries, Bai has no way.

There are not many medical ninjas in Wunin Village, not to mention the two traitors, Bai and Never Slash.

Xianglin nodded solemnly.

In terms of medical ninjutsu, Xianglin's ability is beyond doubt. Her physique is a powerful medical ninjutsu. Coupled with the unique physique of her Maelstrom family, it can be said that her future achievements will definitely not be worse than that of Pharmacist.

Because Shen Fei rescued her from the suffering in Cao Ren Village, Xianglin always took a very serious attitude to the things that Shen Fei asked her to do.

"This guy really forgets to sleep and eat, and he's not afraid of sudden death." When Shen Fei was learning ninjutsu, Oshe Maru was in retreat to learn the knowledge on the tablet that Shen Fei had provided him before.

With more and more understanding of the knowledge system of this world, Shen Fei is more and more admire Oshe Maru, able to achieve such an achievement in such a world.

The knowledge of ninjas is generally not high. Naruto’s generation is still a peaceful age, but it has only been in school for six years. He entered the ninja school at the age of six, and became the ninja at the age of twelve, and began to do tasks.

Not to mention the war era in Oshemaru, Kakashi graduated from the ninja school at the age of five, and became a ninja at the age of six.

In this case, Da She Wan can complete the research of biochemical experiments, one can imagine how his level is.

"The physique of the whirlpool clan, it's a pity that I forgot to get some blood from Naruto last time, so let's find a chance next time..." Xianglin was here, and Chen Fei was curious and studied her physique.

The physique of Fragrant Phosphorus is very special, even among the Uzumaki Clan, it belongs to the special ranks. The Uzumaki Clan’s Self-healing Ability is very strong. Kushina, Naruto, and Nagato are all like this, but they have healing effects. , Only Xianglin mother and daughter."The second generation of Hokage's methods are really ruthless."

Uzumaki country is a rare Ninja village and country. Most Ninja villages in Ninja are dependent on the country, but there are exceptions. Ninja village is a country, Uzumaki country is such a system, and Takinin Village also has such a system.

Ninja Village is a country, and it belongs to a small country.

During the First Ninja World War, the Uzumaki Kingdom was destroyed and the tribes scattered around. As Konoha’s allies, this was the result. There were two reasons. One was the death of the original Naruto Senjujuma. It was the inaction of Konoha Hidden Village, or it should be said that it was deliberately destroying the Uzumaki Kingdom.

Otherwise, with Konoha's strength, let alone saving the entire Uzumaki country, sheltering most of the Uzumaki family is not a problem at all. The second generation of Hokage did not connect the Uzumaki family to Konoha, probably because of fear of the Uzumaki family's strength.

Purely in terms of personal strength, the country of the vortex is not powerful. The vortex clan is good at sealing technique, and the combat power is not strong, but because of the powerful sealing technique, the vortex clan can become a perfect nine-tailed pillar power.

Just look at Naruto's strength in the later stage to know how powerful the perfect Nine-Tailed Pillar is. Even if Naruto has Asura's bonus, even if he has only half of his strength, it is enough to cross the Ninja World.

If such a ninja family were to be picked up by Konoha, coupled with the strength of the nine-tailed people passed down from generation to generation, Konoha could only be controlled by the Uzumaki clan.

Among the nine big-tailed beasts, the nine-tailed beast is the strongest existence. Other tailed beasts can also choose ordinary people as the pillar power, but the nine-tailed beast is different. Only the people of the whirlpool clan are the most suitable container for the nine-tailed human pillar power.

Moreover, even the most powerful nine-tailed beast can accommodate, not to mention the other eight-tailed beasts. In other words, if the whirlpool clan has enough strength, it can have nine perfect human pillars.

Even Naruto can’t compare the strength of the perfect person of the Uzumaki family. Naruto is only a hybrid after all, so Kyuubi will run away because of his anger. Change to Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Kushina, and look at Kyuubi. When did it run wild.

Whirlpool Kushina, even if only the soul is left, you can still use the King Kong blockade to block the nine tails. If it weren't for the production of Naruto, the seal was weakened, how could it be possible to release the nine tails with soil.

Under normal circumstances, the soil may not have been able to beat Jiuxinai, it is true that Jiuxinai, the nine-tailed man, is fake.

"The first generation of Hokage is still too shallow." After feeling the first generation of Hokage, Shen Fei took out the blood of Jun Maru and Guren.

These were all obtained from the Oshe Maru, and the Blood Successor Boundary. Although Oshe Maru has been studying, it is a pity that there has not been much progress.

The bloodline is no better than the secret technique. The secret technique Dashewan can also analyze one or two, but the bloodline, genes, and inheritance are not enough. In this respect, another person seems very powerful, that is, Beiliu Roar, he The ghost bud Luo art, but it can integrate the five blood inheritance boundaries.

"I don't know that Roar is there now, and there is Terumi Mei. Find a chance to take her blood and see. This is the only person in the Ninja world who has double blood and inherits the limit. What is it?"

In order for the Ninja World to become stronger, the five major Ninja Villages have done many related experiments. One of them is the integration of the Blood Succession Boundary. Let two people who have the Blood Succession Boundary unite to see if the next generation can have the blood succession of both. Limit.

The result was naturally unsatisfactory, so that later, the five Ninja villages gave up research in this area, and Terumi Mei was the only one who succeeded.

"This is your laboratory, it's really eye-opening." Shen Fei was doing research that day, and Dashewan ended her retreat in a rare way.

"This is the laboratory that I have built with all my heart. The Red Queen, come and call Roar with Dashewan." Following Shen Fei's words, a little girl in a red dress appeared on the side out of thin air and waved at Dashewan. Wave.

"what is this?""Artificial intelligence system." Shen Fei probably explained what an artificial intelligence system is.

"I really didn't expect that there is such a existence. I really want to go to the place where you are more and more to take a look." Through the knowledge that Shen Fei gave, Dashewan solved a lot of his troubles for a long time. The problem.

"If you have the opportunity, by the way, you can use what you want to use in this laboratory. I will authorize the Red Queen."

"Then I'm not welcome." With such an advanced laboratory, it's definitely impossible for Oshemaru to give up.

"By the way, since you are out, please show me the records of Konoha's Mudun experiment, as well as the cells of the first generation of Hokage, and the cells of Konoha's successful Mudan user now. Bring them."

Mu Dun and Shao Lun Yan have always been the research projects of Da She Wan, and finally achieved some success, that is, Danzo, you can use some Mu Dun, and relying on the first generation of cells, suppressed many of the side effects of Sha Lun Yan in his body. .

One writing wheel is a burden to Kakashi. With so many writing wheels on Dan Zang, Dan Zang's body would have collapsed long ago if it had not been suppressed by the primary cells.

"Wait a minute." With so much advanced knowledge and equipment, Da She Wan became a little indifferent to why Shen Fei knew so many secret things.




Wait for replacement. =




"This is the art of shadow duplication, it is really amazing." While obsessed with new knowledge on Oshemaru, Shen Fei was also learning the ninjutsu materials from Oshemaru. There is no doubt that the first This is the art of shadow duplication.

"If you take the initiative to cancel shadow duplication, you can take back part of the chakra. If it is destroyed by someone, it won't work. The shadow duplication practice method can be used."

Naruto’s unique shadow duplication practice method. Starting today, he Shen Fei also has it. Using shadow duplication to practice skills is the most convenient and efficient method, which means that from now on, Shen Fei’s time for sword practice can be cancelled. Shadow duplication is enough to practice swords.

Although shadow duplication looks exactly the same as the main body, it is formed by chakra after all, and is fundamentally different from the main body. There is nothing to use shadow duplication to practice skills, and there is no use in practicing chakra.

"The fatigue of shadow duplication will be superimposed because of mental exhaustion, so the damage will not be superimposed. The so-called feedback is a chakra. That is to say, if there is a way to disturb this chakra, there is no way for shadow duplication to feedback. Ontological.

In order to verify the ability of shadow duplication, Shen Fei did a lot of related experiments, such as closing shadow duplication in the mirror space and letting it disappear. As a result, it was natural that nothing was felt.

"This shadow duplication technique is a perfect match for Naruto."

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