The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 432 The Death of Three Generations (End)

Reincarnation of Dirty Land was originally researched by the second generation of Hokage. The technique used to cooperate with his multiplication detonation talisman is not a technique for summoning the dead to fight. This is why the body of Rebirth of Dirty Land is confetti, to some extent. In other words, the person who reincarnated from the dirty soil was originally a detonating talisman container.

It's just that Oshemaru couldn't learn the art of mutual multiplication and detonation talisman, and this improved the reincarnation of the filthy soil, thus turning it into a fighting technique for summoning the souls of the dead.

The detonation talisman is not very powerful in the battle of ninjas, but this is only a leaflet. If you have a large number of detonation talisman, such as Xiaonan’s 600 billion detonation talisman, it is completely another matter. Qualitative change.

The Mutual Multiplication Detonation Talisman was developed to maximize the power of the Detonation Talisman. Its power is so powerful that even Ten-tailed Talisman can be injured. May block the second-generation move unscathed.

It is precisely because the power of this technique is so powerful that it will even affect itself when used. The second generation of Hokage developed the rebirth of the dirty soil. Strictly speaking, the people who reincarnated from the dirty soil are only the tool people of the mutual multiplying detonation talisman.

If Xiao Nan could use this ninjutsu, the 600 billion detonation talisman could blow up the sacred tree, but it was a pity that Xiao Nan did not have the opportunity to touch this ninjutsu.

"You two, it's better not to move." Just when the first and second generations of Hokage and Hokage were about to release the control of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, Dashemaru immediately reacted and stopped the two of them.

As the developer of Rebirth, the second generation of Naruto naturally knows how to dispel the rebirth of Rebirth, and Oshemaru has always been on guard here. In the original book, Osemaru summons the first generation of Naruto and the second generation of Naruto, obliterating their personality and letting them fight. , Is also a last resort, although this limits the strength of the two people, but it also prevents the two from losing control.

"You guy." The second-generation Hokage, who was completely immobile under the control of Oshemaru, stared coldly at Oshemaru, which was different from the second-generation Hokage who resurrected from the body of the first generation Baijue. At that time, Oshemaru was afraid of controlling it. In order to save him, he must also be cautiously guarded. This time, because of the strength of the sacrifice and the original idea of ​​Oshemaru, the reincarnated first-generation and second-generation Naruto are very weak.

The best sacrifice for the reincarnation of the filthy soil is undoubtedly Bai Jue. The Bai Jue born from Infinite Moon Reading already possesses the characteristics of a sacred tree, that is, a plant.

The second generation of Hokage was very angry, while the first generation of Hokage looked very calm.

"You are the second generation of Hokage." Sasuke suddenly stepped forward and walked to the second generation of Hokage, staring at him coldly.

"You are from the Uchiha clan." Although the body can't move, the head and eyes of the second generation of Hokage can still move slightly. After seeing the Ergodama writing round eyes of Sasuke pupils, he immediately recognized it. His identity.

"Yes, I am a member of the Uchiha clan, and I am the last survivor of the Uchiha clan. Thanks to your policy back then, the Uchiha clan has now been annihilated by Konoha."

Sasuke looked a little excited when faced with what could be called the last culprit of the Uchiha clan extermination.

"Uchiha is annihilated, what did you do?" Hearing that Uchiha's clan was annihilated, Hokage's expression immediately changed.

"What he did is very simple. He has been isolating the Uchiha clan in Konoha, forcing the Uchiha clan to rebel, thereby destroying the Uchiha clan." The answer to the first generation of Naruto was not the second generation of Naruto, but Uchiha Sasuke.

"Have you finally reached this point?" The second generation of Hokage was not happy after hearing that Uchiha's clan was exterminated, but his expression was a little disappointed."In the interim, you forgot how I told you before."

"Brother, I am also for the peace of the village. It is worth all the sacrifices for Konoha. You know the situation of the Uchiha clan best. I didn't think about exterminating them, just want them to give up their ambitions. ."

Before the first generation of Hokage could finish speaking, the second generation of Hokage immediately interrupted him.

"Hey." The words of the second generation of Hokage caused the first generation of Hokage to sigh deeply and look extremely disappointed.

For the Uchiha clan, the first generation of Naruto definitely knows very well, so when Konoha second generation of Naruto selected, Senjuka became the second generation of Naruto, and he didn't say much.

The Uchiha clan is too easy to be emotional, such people are not suitable for synthesis to manage the village of Hokage.

"That's really great. You can sacrifice everything for Konoha. Therefore, the fourth generation of Hokage, who wanted to improve the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha, was calculated and died in the village of Konoha. This was for Konoha. , I think it’s for power."

The sound of clapping applause sounded on the side, after the first generation Hokage and the second generation Hokage, as well as the eyes of those outside the barrier, Shen Fei suddenly said with a smile.

"Four generations of Hokage, monkeys, what's going on?" Hearing that the fourth generation of Hokage was calculated to die in Konoha, the eyes of the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage immediately focused on the tight-fitting third generation of Hokage on the opposite side.

"Two Hokage-sama, it was just an accident, he is an enemy."

"Accident? The suicide of Konoha Whitetooth Hagaki Sakumo was also an accident. The existence that made the enemy fearful in the Ninja World War was actually forced to death in his own village. This is an accident.

There is also the Hyuga Nissa of the Hyuga clan, and the dignified Konoha, in his own village, is still the victor of the Ninja War. Faced with an enemy who coveted Konoha, he has to sacrifice the heroes of the Ninja War to calm the enemy’s anger. This It was also an accident.

The father of four generations of Hokage, in order to protect the village after the death of Konoha, his orphans are living the situation of eating expired food every day and cannot eat enough. By the way, your grandson seems to enjoy the luxurious treatment in Konoha, which has a special It's also an accident that Shang Shinobu is a tutor. Konoha's accidents are so many.

These are all accidents, or I am afraid that they have robbed you of the Hokage position of the Thousand Hands One Element, the three generations of Hokage, don't you explain? "

Silence, Shen Fei's words, immediately silenced everyone around him, and Kakashi Hagi grabbed the left hand of the forehead and unconsciously tightened.

The hands of Hyuga Hippopotamus behind him were also clenched unconsciously, and Hyuga Neji on one side looked at everyone in the barrier with disbelief as well as Hyuga Hippopotamus beside him.

"Oshemaru, do you know why you lost to the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shui Men in the position of running for Hokage? Although your human experiment is part of the reason, the more important reason is that the prestige at that time was too much higher than that of the wave Feng Shuimen. That’s too much. Once you are in power, Tsunade and Jilai will definitely support you. There are also many people in Konoha’s major families who support you. In this way, you don’t need to rely on any consultants at all to master the wood. Ye's power.

Bo Feng Shui Men is different, his foundation is relatively shallow, even if he is in the upper ranks, it is difficult to shake the rights of some people, and they must use their power to control Konoha.

After Namifeng Mizumon wanted to improve the situation of the Uchiha clan, some people were afraid that he would gain the support of the Uchiha clan and took the power away from some people. This led to the Kyuubi Rebellion. "

"Nonsense, you don't want to stir up Konoha's civil strife." Three generations of Hokage shouted."Nonsense, haha, then the three generations of Naruto, please tell me why the fourth generation of Naruto can't move both Anbu and Hei after the last digit years. I remember Konoha's Anbu is directly under Hokage, or say At that time, Konoha also had a Hokage too."

"I didn't expect it to be so refreshing." Seeing the constantly changing expressions of the three generations of Hokage, Shen Fei suddenly felt very happy in his heart.

The words he said before were not what Shen Fei thought of, but the analysis of some people he saw in the post bar. Now he has copied it. As for whether the brain is over-compensated, it is not necessary to care. It is still the sentence, now Konoha is the enemy.

Shen Fei is not a third-generation black. He is a fan of the fourth-generation Hokage. The fourth-generation Hokage's son is treated like this. He has long been very unhappy with the third-generation.

Shen Fei didn’t think that his words would cause Konoha to split. As Konoha who has the so-called will to fire, after listening to his words, he felt uncomfortable at most, and it would not affect them. Konoha fights.

There are many smart people among the ninjas. There are some things that no one can see, but no one will mention it. Just say Kakashi, his Shao Lun Yan, at the moment Lin died, it became a kaleidoscope Sha Lun Yan. In the end, after so many years, the power of God has never been revealed, and there is even Lei Che, which can only be used four times a day, and each time you use the Shalanyan to fight, you have to lie down for a week without using the power of God.

As a result, after the death of three generations, Raeche has no restrictions. Even if he uses his power, he has not seen him lie down for a week, probably because he has learned the lessons of his father, Hyuga, and concealed himself.

The real intention of Shen Fei's remarks was to disgust the three generations of Hokage, and to make himself feel refreshed.

"By the way, there is also Kato Tan. In fact, no one thinks his death is very strange. As a person with spiritualization, he was attacked and killed in a rear base. The enemy's intelligence is really strong."

Kato Tsunade, Tsunade’s lover, although he didn’t make many appearances, he had to admit that he was a genius no less than Konoha Sannin, Konoha Whitetooth, and Hafeng Mizumon. His creation of spirituality was a killer. invisible.

"Monkey, what are you waiting for, can't let them leave alive." At this moment, the second generation Hokage suddenly called out loudly.

"The second generation of Hokage, don't worry, today is the fight for this life, I will also protect Konoha." The information that Shen Fei leaked was too important, so that the third generation of Hokage gave up his fear of him and was ready to take action.

"If you want to kill me, pass the level of your disciple first." Shen Fei naturally would not doubt the determination of the three generations of Hokage. At the moment, he definitely became the target of the opponent's death.

"Finally, it can begin, teacher, the long-lost battle." Dashemaru said, suddenly shaking his hands, four wooden spears appeared in his hands, and they quickly shot towards the third generation of Hokage.

"This is Mu Dun." Oshe Maru's attack caused the face of the third generation of Hokage to change immediately. Without knowing him, the second generation of Hokage on one side was the same.

"Yes, Sarutobi-teacher, I think you should be very satisfied with being able to die under Mu Dun." Da She Maru spit out the Kusana sword, and then rushed up with the Kusana sword.

"It seems to be very confident." Seeing that the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage, who hadn't reincarnated from the filthy soil, took action together, Shen Fei immediately understood that this was the change in strength brought about by the big snake pill who wanted to try Mu Dun.

"Ape demon." Looking at the Dashemaru rushing up, the third generation of Hokage immediately used psychic techniques and summoned the ape demon. The sudden appearance of the ape demon blocked the Kusanaru sword that Dashewan pierced from the front.

"Are the psychic beasts of this clan good? They are all diamond iron bones." Psychic beasts that can hardly regret the grass naginata sword are rare in the ninja world.

"Ape demon, please, stop him first." After letting the ape demon block the Oshe Maru, the third generation of Hokage immediately used shadow duplication, summoning three shadow duplications, and then the mainland in the middle quickly continued to seal."Why use shadow duplication at this time?" Three generations of Naruto summoned two shadow duplications, which made many ninjas outside the barrier very puzzled.

The opponent is obviously also a master of the shadow level. In this level of duel, using shadow duplication to split the chakra is simply to weaken oneself. Apart from Naruto, there will be basically no such master. When facing a duel of the same level, use The art of shadow duplication.

definitely, except for those who reincarnated from the dirty soil.

The strongest ninjutsu of the three generations of Naruto is the Wudalian bullet technique, which combines five types of attribute ninjutsu. As a doctor of ninjutsu, the three generations of Naruto is best at compound ninjutsu.

But it is a pity that the current three generations of Naruto can no longer be used. After all, he is old, and the amount of Chakra is not as good as when he was young. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

"The ghouls are all sealed." Looking at the huge figure that appeared behind the third generation of Hokage after the seal, Shen Fei understood the purpose of the third generation of Hokage, and wanted to use the ghouls to kill him.

"Four generations of Hokage's ghouls are all sealed, it's really desperate, but unfortunately, I won't fight hard with you." The ghouls are all the same tricks, using the monkey demon to block the Oshemaru, and the third generation of Hokage's. The purpose can be imagined.

"Goodbye, the three generations of Hokage are farewell, and the first generation of Hokage, the second generation of Hokage, have a chance to see you again." Shen Fei said, after seeing the third generation of Hokage rushing over, he waved his right hand, and he and Sasuke's figure It immediately disappeared from the barrier.

Shen Fei has exposed so much so-called black history, even if the three generations of Hokage have a clear conscience, they can only regard death as their will, and death is the most important thing. As long as he dies, all kinds of darkness can pass away with the wind and be exposed. , But once he continues to live, the situation is completely different.

"Time and space ninjutsu, it seems that Konoha has encountered an incredible enemy this time." The first generation of Hokage looked at Shen Fei who appeared outside the barrier with some emotion.

"Hands." Shen Fei had just appeared outside the barrier, and the Konoha ninja outside, led by Anbu, rushed to him for the first time.

"You leave first." As Shen Fei said, Sasuke beside him immediately turned into a stone, which was replaced with space by him and threw it to a place a kilometer away.

"Play with you, go." Looking at the many anbus rushing over, Shen Fei waved his right hand, and immediately there were many green leaves in front of him. The next moment, all the green leaves were like sharp arrows, shooting at the many anbus rushing over. go.

"The technique of forbearance and lion hair." Just when these green leaves were about to hit those dark parts, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him. As he drank all over, the white hair behind him immediately turned wildly around like vines. Spreading, a wall of white hair formed in the blink of an eye.

Most of the green leaves were blocked by this white hair wall, and only a few of the green leaves were too scattered and hit a few dark parts. Naturally, Konoha Sannin came to the person.

"Mu Dun." Zi Lai, who had gathered her hair, looked at Shen Fei solemnly.

"You old immortal, what do you want to do?" Just when Shen Fei and Zi Lai Ye were on the verge of fire, the scream of Da She Wan sounded in the barrier. Once the three generations of Hokage's ghouls are completely sealed, they can't be used. Cancelled, Shen Fei lost this goal, so it could only be used to deal with Dashewan.

"This is going to the old road." Seeing Da She Wan, and the first generation of Hokage, the second generation of Hokage was seized by the ghoul, Shen Fei shook his head helplessly.

"Oshe Maru is much stronger this time, so it shouldn't be sealed with both hands." The first and second generations of Hokage were sealed very smoothly, and the two did not resist at all.

Only Dashemaru and the third generation of Hokage, here seems to be a tug-of-war game, but the rope is Death God's arm.

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