The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 433: The Five Dynasties of Hokage (1)

"Jiraiya, one of Konoha Sannin, you are really incompetent as a teacher. Bo Feng Shuimen respects you so much. Even his child uses the name of the protagonist in your book. You seem to have never cared about Naruto’s life. You are not qualified as a teacher."

After a glance at the situation of Oshemaru, Shen Fei was not paying attention to him. Oshemaru was not strong in other skills, but in terms of life-saving, it was first-rate, even if it really died in Konoha this time. Yes, and some are methods come back again.

"Water Gate." Shen Fei's words made Zilai also hesitate for a moment, but then he recovered his calm. As one of Konoha's Sannin, although Zilai was not reliable most of the time, it was all When he was okay, Jilai had never been hindered in business matters.

"Who are you?" Jilai asked immediately after scanning the surroundings.

"A person who can't understand Konoha's treatment of heroes so badly." Feeling the movement of Konoha ninjas around, Shen Fei showed a kind smile.

The reason why Jiraiya continued to talk to him is very simple. In order for Konoha's ninja to complete the encirclement, this is Konoha's base camp. The longer the delay, the stronger Konoha's strength.

Shen Fei’s words, Jilai did not answer, because he didn’t know how to answer. If it was before, he could be sure that he could immediately speak out, Konoha would never treat the heroes afterwards, but Naruto’s example is here. , Jilai can't do the act of opening his eyes and telling lies.

"By the way, I forgot to say. The things I just said were not just done by the three generations of Hokage alone. Among them, Danzo and his followers played a big role in it. Many things are all team members. Zang is responsible for direct action." Shen Fei said, patted his head with his hand, and then seemed to remember something.

"Almost forgot another thing, Jiraiya, your other three disciples, Yahiko, Nagato, and Xiaonan, actually died in Danzo's hands."

"What did you say?" Jiraiya, who had seen the Konoha ninjas around had completed the encirclement and was about to do it, immediately cried out after hearing this sentence.

The sudden news dissipated the newly formed spiral pill in Jilaiya's hand.

"Isn't what I said clearly enough?" Shen Fei said here and just wanted to continue talking, but after seeing the situation on Oshe Maru, she immediately didn't have the interest to go on, because At the moment Oshe Maru and the third generation of Hokage's The tug-of-war competition has already had results.

As in the original work, Oshe Maru was sealed with both hands. Originally, O She Maru now integrates the strength of the first generation cells, which is much stronger than the original, but helplessly, the third generation of Hokage is very decisive this time. It is not the same as the original. , After seeing that there is no hope, I use the ghoul to seal it up

This time, when the three generations of Hokage were still strong, he decisively used the ghoul to seal it up. If the Oshe Maru is still the strength of the original, I am afraid that this time it is not the hands that are sealed. Strictly speaking, the Oshe Maru is being sealed this time. Shen Fei was pitted.

It was really pitted, not only because the ghoul sealed his hands, but also because of the words that Shen Fei said to be refreshed for himself, and the time wasted, so that Konoha's many powerful ninjas gathered, so that the big snake pill Now there is no way for the four people to escape by relying on Otonin.

Many masters such as Sarutobi, Pig Deer Butterfly, Oil Girl and Inuzuka Clan have appeared. Before they shot together, the strength of the four people of Otonin was not enough.

"I'm really sorry, but you can't die like this." Shen Fei, who was thinking this way, waved his left hand, and in an instant, he himself, and the Otonin four people and Oshamaru, disappeared from where they were, and disappeared again. At that time, a group of people gathered together and appeared about two hundred meters in the north.The spatial replacement of the surgical fruit is stronger than that of Sasuke's reincarnation eye, which can only be replaced one-to-one, and the surgical fruit can be one-to-many.

"What are you looking at? Don't go fast." The surrounding environment suddenly changed, making the sound of the four people feel a little dizzy for a while. After receiving Shen Fei's reminder, they reacted and immediately carried the Osnake Maru toward the outside of Konoha. Escaped.

"It's so fast." Looking at the Konoha Ninja who rushed over, those who rushed at the front were familiar figures, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Kai, Asma and other elite Shinnin, and Nara. Lujiu, Qiu Dao Dingza and other patriarchs of the ninja family.

"The technique of concealment of fog." Shen Fei immediately put his hands together and used the ninjutsu commonly used by ninjas in the village of fog. The strength of ninjutsu mainly depends on who the user is. With Shen Fei's current strength, his The technique of mist hiding can cover at least half of Konoha.

"The Hyuga clan, find him, and the wind will blow away the fog immediately." As soon as the fog hiding technique spread, Nara Lukuji's voice sounded in the thick fog.

"The technique of wind escape."

"Wind Escape Gale Palm."

As soon as Nara Lukisa's words fell, a large amount of wind escape was used from the hands of Konoha's ninjas, and soon cleared an area of ​​dense fog.

"Over there." Several members of the Hyuga clan who were searching around, one of them quickly discovered where Shen Fei was.

"The auxiliary effect of the white eyes is really powerful." The perspective effect of the white eyes is very powerful, and it is precisely because of this that Konoha is rarely ambushed and attacked in close proximity in the Ninja World War.

"Oshe Maru's purpose has been achieved, and I can do it on my side." Shen Fei was found not paying attention to it, he himself hurried to the Hokage Building.

One of the purposes of this visit to Konoha was Konoha's Sealing Scroll. The location of the Sealing Scroll had long been discovered by the Pharmacist, but Shen Fei hadn't done anything in order not to startle the snake.

The seal scroll can be said to be the most important thing in a Shinobu village. The preservation is naturally extremely tight. There are powerful barrier guards around. Shen Fei doesn't care about those barriers, but once the seal scroll disappears, an alarm will be triggered. So Shen Fei didn't do it.

"Who?" The three underground floors of the Hokage Building were hidden in a room full of enchantments. As soon as Shen Fei appeared here, he was discovered by the Anbu guarding here.

"It's really hard for Naruto to steal the seal scroll so easily, but Mizuki really believed it." After fainting the guard seal scroll is the four dark parts, Shen Fei took the seal scroll from the room after replacing the space. Came out.

"Sorry." Holding the seal scroll and looking at the four dark parts that fainted on the ground, Shen Fei waved his hand at them. The four were not dead.

"Leave the seal scroll." When Shen Fei and Shen Fei appeared on the ground carrying the seal scroll, the surrounding Konoha Ninja immediately began to take action.

"Shadow restraint technique." The first shot was the shadow secret technique of the digital ninjas of the Nara clan headed by Nara Shikuhisa. These people were at the lowest level of Ninja level, and their strength was much stronger than the dark part members that Shen Fei had dealt with before."Shadows, fluorescent flickers." Looking at the many shadows that were spreading rapidly from the ground to his feet, Shen Fei gave a chuckle, lifted his left hand, over the top of his head, raised his index finger, and then a bright light appeared on the index finger. Above, the strong light caused the surrounding ninjas to close their glasses unconsciously. Under this dazzling light, the shadow secret technique of the Nara clan naturally disappeared without a trace.

The enchantment from Harry Potter was originally used for lighting, but if used well, it can also be used in combat. With Shen Fei’s current strength, most of the enchantments in Harry Potter, It is already possible to cast spells without a wand.

This curse with no offensive power can be said to be the nemesis of the Nara clan.

Taking advantage of the ninjas around, closing their eyes because of the dazzling light, Shen Fei immediately rushed towards the outside with an instant shot.

"Rachel." Shen Fei, who had just rushed out of the encirclement, quickly approached him with a silver ray of light. Shen Fei swept his gaze to see who came. It was Kakashi's unique skill that Kakashi used to become famous. He rushed.

"It's very fast, but unfortunately it's not fast enough." When Shen Fei thought so, his body slightly tilted to the left, and at the same time, his right hand was sticking out. Kakashi's surprised gaze directly grabbed him and used it. Rachel's right wrist.

"Shaolunyan, do you want to take it away now? This is the key to dealing with the power of the earth." Looking at the shaolunyan in the left eye of Kakashi, who was close to Chi Chi, Shen Fei couldn't help but hesitate. If it were replaced by someone else, he would remove the writing wheel without hesitation, but Kakashi would be different.

This hesitation caused Shen Fei to lose his chance. Shen Fei sensed that there was a movement in the sky. When he looked up, he saw that Jilai also rushed downwards, waving huge amounts of Helix Pill, Dayu Helix Pill.

"Aren't you afraid of killing Kakashi?" Shen Fei just thought, Kakashi suddenly turned into a smog and disappeared.

"Shadow duplication, really deserves to be Kakashi." Shen Fei was thinking so, a large amount of chakras appeared on his left hand, and in an instant, a Daiyu spiral pill appeared, which was not lost to Jilaiya Daiyu spiral pill. .


The collision of the two large jade spiral pills caused a large number of chakras to erupt, forming a powerful Shockwave, directly destroying the surrounding houses and shops. Fortunately, because of the Konoha collapse plan, all the people here were evacuated without causing any personnel. casualties.

"Spiral Pill." Jiraiya, who was stunned by Shenfei Helix Pill, and Kakashi in the distance, looked very surprised. This is the famous ninjutsu of the fourth generation of Naruto, and the people in the Konoha Club are only limited. Zi Lai Ye and Kakashi did not expect that Shen Fei would also.

"Bugs." Shen Fei just wanted to speak, when a large group of black and crushed bugs appeared around his body, and several members of the oil girl group started together to send the bad bugs.

"Things are already in hand, don't play anymore." Shen Fei, who originally wanted to try Konoha's strength, immediately lost his interest after seeing so many insects. A space replacement appeared 100 meters away in front of him. , And then left quickly with instantaneous technique.

With the space replacement of the fruit of the operation, Shen Fei originally left Konoha in an instant, but in order to hide his clumsiness, or to mislead some people, his space replacement was only about 100 meters away.

"Chasing." Even though Shen Fei had already run far, Konoha's masters still chased them down quickly. After all, it was a seal scroll, something Konoha absolutely couldn't lose.

"Stop, don't chase." After chasing for a while, Nara Shikajiu waved his hand to stop the chasing Konoha Ninja. Except for Jiraiya, Kakashi, Kai and others who chased after him, others Everyone stopped.At the moment when the three generations of Hokage sacrificed, as Konoha's staff and squad leader Nara Shikahisa, the command was the biggest.

"Lu Jiu, what's the matter?"

"With the other party's time and space ninjutsu, so many people chase down, it is of no use. You must be careful about the other party's strategy of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain. He will leave it to Lord Jilaiya and Kakashi. Now we have more important things. To be dealt with."

"I see."

Having said that, Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka Kaiichi looked at each other, and they could see the worry in each other's eyes. Although the sacrifice of the three generations of Hokage was a big blow to Konoha, it was far from the black that Shen Fei exploded. It is expected that the blow will be even greater, and a united Konoha that cannot handle it well may be about to face each other's tumultuous situation.

The ninja worked hard on the front line for Konoha's peace. As a result, the village leaders deliberately let some people die. How could the ninja work hard for the village wholeheartedly?

Up to now, even if the high-level officials explain that it is the enemy's nonsense, rumors, conspiracy theories, it is unavoidable to panic, and it is not good to say it. Now it is the yellow mud falling out of the crotch.

That is to say, now the three generations of Hokage have sacrificed, and the death of people is big. There is one more thing to say. If the three generations are alive, then it will be really troublesome.

There are also Konoha's Hyuga and Hagaki tribes, Shen Fei broke the news that the Konoha high-level must appease these two tribes.

The Hyuga clan and the Hagaki clan are both Konoha clan. Don’t look at Kakashi who seems to have always been alone. In fact, there are not many people in the Hagaki clan. The same is true of the Zhicun clan.

The Hyuga clan is even the Konoha clan, and the importance of the eyes to Konoha is very clear to Nara Lukuhisa and Yamanaka Keiichi. The family and Shinobu are complementary to each other.

"You two are really annoying. Now that things are happening, I still persuade me to go back to Konoha, Naruto, are you an idiot? You don't want to mention your parents' revenge. I want to mention your parents' revenge." Konoha heads northwest. In one of the dense forests, Sasuke stood on a branch, staring coldly at Naruto and Sakura on the ground.

"There is also Kozakura, you are so ridiculous, you are willing to do anything for me, so how about destroying Konoha?"

"Why did things turn out to be like this? Three generations of grandfathers are not like three generations of grandpas, Sasuke is not like Sasuke, even the lecherous immortals are there, ah."

Naruto, holding his head in his hands, suddenly roared loudly. With his roar, a large number of red chakras emerged from his body, and the extremely powerful chakra immediately shook the Sakura beside him. .

"Why, why did things turn out to be like this, Teacher Kakashi, lecherous fairy." With Naruto's low growl, the tail behind him slowly liberated towards the third.

Shen Fei’s words had the most serious impact on Naruto. This completely broke his understanding of Konoha, especially the death of the four generations of couples. Naruto didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, he was kind. Three generations of dear grandfathers, on the one hand are the parents he has been longing for.

The complicated reality made Naruto run away.

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