The giant psychic beasts in the Ninja world have huge amounts of support on the battlefield. In order to deal with these psychic beasts, the Ninja has also developed a lot of corresponding ninjutsu. The body makes it very difficult for the psychic beast to get rid of the Yellow Spring Swamp.

The swamp made by ninjutsu chakra is very different from the natural swamp, because it contains chakras, ninja treading water on this swamp is not feasible.

The swamp with a diameter of several tens of meters immediately trapped the snake, even if it was struggling with all its strength, there was no way to get out of this swamp land.

Looking at the ten thousand snakes trapped in the swamp, Toad Wentai’s two paws began to seal, and a large amount of oil was sprayed from her mouth. .

"Tsunade." Jilai also called out loudly just after Wan She was drenched in oil by Toad.

"I see." Tsunade immediately threw out a kunai with a detonating talisman at the ten thousand snakes in the swamp.

Originally, Toad Wentai’s fuel injection was combined with Jiraiya’s fire escape, which can form a more powerful fire escape, Toad’s oil fire bomb art, but now Jiraiya has to maintain Huangquan Swamp and naturally there is no way to spit fire, so he had to call it Tsunade came to light those Toad oils.

If you change to the Ninja World War, you don't need to remind Jiraji, Tsunade or Jiraji will know how to do it. Back then, Konoha Sannin teamed up, but there were many kinds of cooperation with Fighting Ability.


Accompanied by the explosion of the detonating talisman, it immediately ignited the flames of the swamp land, and the entire huge amounts of Wan Snake's body was plunged into the raging fire.

"Ah." Ten thousand snakes only had time to pain Roar, and his entire body disappeared and fled back to the psychic world. For psychic beasts, as long as it is not determined to fight forever, otherwise unless it is a one-shot kill, otherwise it is. It is difficult to be killed, because they can instantly escape back to the psychic world.

For the vast majority of psychic beasts, they must greet Roar with the contractor before leaving, but Wanshe is an exception. Once the situation is unfavorable, he will be the first to slip away.

After Wanshe escaped back to the psychic world, Jiraiya and Tsunade also let Toad Bunta and slug return to the psychic world, respectively.

"Oshe Maru will never let you escape this time."

"Speaking of the three great immortals, it seems that only this big slug immortal has not really shown up yet." Compared to the various psychic beasts in Longdidong and Miaomu Mountain, there is only one psychic beast in the wet bone forest. Just the slug, there is only one slug in the entire wet bone forest, and that is the big slug fairy.

The slugs channeled by the contractors of the wet bone forest are just part of the body of the big slug immortal. They exist like shadow duplication, and after returning to the wet bone forest, they will return to their original body.

"Master Tsunade." While Shen Fei was thinking about Immortal Big Slug, Tsunade's panicemia finally broke out. Silent and Naruto immediately rushed over, and Jiraiya fought with Da Shewan. Because of this sudden accident temporarily stopped.

Tsunade’s phobia, in addition to being silent, he had treated four generations of Raikage. He knew that even Konoha Sannin didn’t know about Tsunade’s phobia. It was because Rooseki and Kato died in battle, leaving Konoha.

"I really didn't expect it." Da She Wan shook his head gently. For the medical ninja, the fear of bloodemia is the most deadly problem. How can he treat people if he is afraid of blood.Yakushitou is different from Oshewan. Tsunade beat Oshewan so violently before, and he didn’t cause any blood to bleed from his body. However, there was blood in the pharmacist’s pocket with one blow, and he found that Tsunade was afraid of blood. After the symptom, after taking a blood-enhancing pill, he took the initiative to cut open his arm, so that his body was covered with bright red blood.

Although the Ninja world does not have the kind of medicine that can increase the upper limit of the chakra like the real pill, but there are a lot of restorative medicines. The blood boosting pills and the liangliang pills are all necessary items in the ninja battle.

Zengxue pills can replenish the blood lost in a short period of time. It is very effective for people who have lost too much blood due to battle. It is definitely a huge amount of this supplement is not without the slightest side effects. If you really have this effect, The effect of the Zengxue Pill is too bad.

The blood supplement effect of Zengxuewan is only temporary, and the side effect is that it will be weak for a short period of time afterwards, and it takes a lot of nourishment to make up for the physical problems, but even so, it is a medicine that can save lives at a critical time.

As for Bingliang pills, because of the different formulas, there are too many types, but although the formulas are different, their main functions are the same, that is, restoring physical strength and chakras.

The so-called recovery of physical strength is actually to fill the stomach. For ninjas, there are some special circumstances and there is no way to eat properly, such as war, missions, and ambushes. At this time, they can only rely on the grain pill.

Strictly speaking, Bingliang pills are similar to compressed biscuits used by the military in modern society.

Naruto was able to complete it so quickly when he was practising Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken. His shadow duplication technique is one aspect. Sakura's continuous supply of high-energy weapons pills is also a reason. Although the taste is not good, but It is good for the recovery of the body.

Compared with the side effects of Zengxue Pills, Bingliang Pills do not have any side effects, but the taste is not very good.

It's definitely a different story if you add stimulants to Bingliang pills.

"The technique of multiple shadow duplication." Naruto confronted the pocket, and immediately separated dozens of shadow duplications, rushing from all around to the pocket. This scene made the brows of the pocket frown, if it was in him. In his heyday, with so many shadow duplications, I still cared too much, but now he is hurt.

In the battle with Tsunade, Zhidou was also seriously injured. On the surface, there were no wounds on his body, but there were already many fractures in his body. Tou was not as capable of beating as Oshewan.

"It has grown a lot." Naruto's battle against the pocket made Shen Fei a little surprised. It may be because of the butterfly effect he brought that Naruto of At the moment fights. He already knows how to give play to his own advantages. Then there are hundreds of people moving, or even a thousand people's shadow duplication.

So many shadow duplication looks very spectacular, but the shadow duplication just started to evenly divide the chakra. The more the shadow duplication, the weaker the shadow duplication's strength.

"Spiral pill." Shadow duplication cooperates with various balls. It is Naruto's tactic used from beginning to end. Relying on the cover of shadow duplication, Naruto finally hit the pocket with the spiral pill, but unfortunately because of the difference in strength between the two The injury caused by the pocket is not serious.

"Do you really think that by relying on will and persistence, you can ignore the difference in strength between the two sides." Helix Maru failed, and the next scene is to teach Naruto, that is, Duo has a good impression of Naruto, and Duo has no killer.

Naruto’s persistence is not without effect, that is to let Tsunade finally get rid of the fear of blood. Naruto’s appearance is very similar to the rope tree, and the personalities of the two are also very similar. They crowed in front of Tsunade. People, it's like a rope tree, it's strange that Tsunade doesn't break out.

Naruto and the rope tree are really alike, this can be guessed by Katodan who reincarnated from the dirty soil and treated Naruto as a rope tree at first glance.

Tsunade, who had overcome the fear of hyperemia, was not something to deal with at all, so he had to flash to the Oshe Maru.

"When do you want to see?" Oshemaru, who was about to be beaten by Jiraiya and Tsunade, suddenly yelled.

"Don't you want to hinder you from renewing the past, good two, long admiring the daimyo." Oshemaru had already spoken, Shen Fei immediately appeared next to Oshemaru, and waved to Tsunade and Jilai on the opposite side."Is that you?" Tsunade looked at Shen Fei who suddenly appeared, and asked Jiraiya on the side with his eyes.

"It's him, he's very strong, be careful." Ji Lai also nodded, and then narrowed the distance between Tsunade and Tsunade. Tsunade had never seen Shen Fei make a move, but Ji Lai had personally experienced it.

"Return the Sealed Book." Tsunade called out immediately after seeing the Sealed Book on Shen Fei's back.

"Then give it back to you." Shen Fei said and threw the book of seal behind him to Tsunade, which was originally one of his reasons for coming here.

"Be careful." When Tsunade was about to reach out to receive the book of seal, Jilai immediately stopped him, and then caught it with his hair far away with the technique of messing lion hair.

"Who are you, and what are you trying to do with Konoha."

"I have no ambitions against Konoha. I just tell the information I know. Why do each of you think I must have an ambition."

Shen Fei's words made Tsunade snorted coldly, an expression that didn't believe in Shen Fei at all.

"It seems that the talk is broken, it's time to go." Shen Fei naturally understood Tsunade's attitude, and he didn't care about it. Then he ignored Tsunade and Jiraiya, and turned to Osake Maru next to him. Said.

"Let's go." Oshemaru naturally also knew the current situation. It was impossible for Tsunade to help treat his hands, so he didn't think about entanglement with Tsunade.

"Want to go, leave it for me." Hearing the words of Shen Fei and the others about to leave, Tsunade naturally wouldn't let the three of them leave so easily. A powerful chakra burst out immediately under his feet, and his figure appeared in an instant. In front of Shen Fei, a powerful Chakra right fist blasted towards Shen Fei.

"Weird punch, just try it." Facing Tsunade's attack, Shen Fei immediately clenched his right hand and greeted him with a punch.


At the moment when the fists of the two sides collided, the air blasted for a lifetime, and the shockwave splashed by the powerful force directly caused the ground under the feet of the two to collapse immediately. Facing this powerful Shockwave, Dashemaru and Dou had to rush towards After flashing away, to avoid Shockwave's aftermath.


Then I heard a click, and a muffled hum came from Tsunade’s mouth, and then the whole body flew towards the back. Although Tsunade’s strange power fist was powerful, it was facing Shen Fei, even if Shen Fei didn’t make a full shot. The gap is also quite large.

"I tried too hard." Tsunade's slightly twisted right hand made Shen Fei secretly shook his head involuntarily.

"Tsunade." Seeing Tsunade flying out, Jiraiya rushed over, grabbing Tsunade's body, and leaped towards the distance behind. At the moment Jiraiya was shocked. In terms of strength, this It was the first time he saw Tsunade being suppressed by people, even the fourth generation Raikage could not do this.

"Are you okay." After landing, Jiraiya also looked at Tsunade with concern.

"I'm okay." Although her right hand was a bit twisted and even fractured, Tsunade did not hear a pain Roar, but put her hands together, and a powerful chakra broke out from her body with her hands together. Out.

"The Yin seal is opened, and Ninfa creates regeneration." With the outbreak of the powerful Chakra, Tsunade's right arm and body injuries immediately recovered, but her originally young face was replaced by her, who began to become a little old.Konoha Sannin was a contemporaneous task, and they were about the same age. Ono Shemaru was young because he changed his body, Tsunade was young because of the Yin Seal technique, and only Jiran was a normal appearance.

"Store the chakras that you don't usually use, this technique is really powerful." Ninja's chakras, if the chakras are not consumed when they are not fighting, they are naturally full, and for most people there is no The way to use this chakra is like ordinary people could not stay with Angel today if they didn't use the strength they used yesterday.

But the Yin Seal technique solved this problem. He could store a part of the chakra that hadn't been consumed, just like ordinary people can use the energy that was not consumed yesterday.

Although not a lot is stored every day, but accumulated over time, that is a huge chakra. Under normal circumstances, people will naturally lead. Tsunade’s not old is to use part of the stored chakra. Maintain youth.

This is because Tsunade’s chakras are not stored in such a perverted condition as Naruto, Tsunade, and Oniyu. If it is Naruto, Sasuke and the others have the Yin Seal, the stored chakras will undoubtedly be more Of huge.

It’s definitely just thinking about it. Yin Seal is not that easy to learn. Silent has been with Tsunade for so many years. I haven’t learned this technique. Is it because Tsunade doesn’t teach it? Is it definitely? It’s because Yin Seal requires chakra Manipulate it to an extremely precise level.

Needless to say, Naruto's Chakra control, he couldn't learn the Yin Seal to the death of exhaustion. Although Sasuke is better than Naruto, he also fails to meet the requirements.

Among Konoha's younger generation, only Sakura can achieve this level.

"I am afraid that Tsunade is not in the mood to talk about this technique. It seems that I can only wait for the next opportunity to talk about it." Yin Seal, if there is a chance to learn this technique, Shen Fei will naturally not give up, but now it should be. Time to leave.

"Let's go."

Tsunade, who used the creation of regeneration, saw that Shen Fei and the others were leaving, and just wanted to continue to do it, but was directly stopped by Ji Lai Ya.

"How are you?" After the three of Shen Fei disappeared, Jilai also looked at Tsunade whose face had changed a little, and asked with concern again.

"It's okay, it's just a side effect of the technique." As Tsunade said, he used the Yin Seal technique again. With the use of this technique, Tsunade's appearance slowly returned to its previous youthful appearance.

"So you are an old woman." Naruto definitely saw Tsunade's changes, and he didn't know how to cover it up, so he said what was in his heart, and then gave Tsunade a punch in the head.

"Boy, what were you talking about just now?" Tsunade said, staring at Naruto with a nuclear smile.

"Old lady." Naruto continued to speak without knowing what was wrong.

"You guy."

"Tsunade-sama, calm down, Naruto is hurt." When Tsunade was about to do it again, Mute hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, and at the same time found an excuse for Naruto.

"I will let you go first this time, and I will settle accounts with you when you get better. Remember, from now on, I will be the fifth generation of Hokage."

"Go, go back to Konoha."

"Tsuna-sama is back." Konoha's Wannen goalkeeper Nakanobu group immediately yelled with excitement after seeing Tsunade.

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