"Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama." As the news of Tsunade's return spread, Nara Lukuhisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi and others rushed over immediately, Tsunade and Jiraiya came back, making Lukuhisa look Finally relaxed a little. During this time, Konoha's situation made this think tank extremely busy.

There is the oppression of Yunnin Village and Iwanin Village, and there are many ninjas inside. Because the dark history of the Konoha high-level is exposed, morale is low.

This is still the situation where the Hagi and the Hyuga clan did not open their mouths because of Konoha's white teeth Hakata Sakumo and Hyuga Nissa. If these two open their mouths, Konoha will undoubtedly be more troublesome inside.

Some things, even if they know it well, can never be exposed.

However, as long as Tsunade becomes the fifth generation of Hokage, many things can be easily solved. As for the pressure of Yunnin Village and Iwanin Village outside, as long as Konoha's interior is not chaotic, he has never been afraid of foreign wars.

"Tsunade-sama." Lu Jiu said, he was going to take Tsunade to the Hokage Building. Because the third generation of Naruto died in battle, and the fifth generation was not in office, Konoha had a lot of things that could not be carried out. Some things must be signed by Hokage. of.

"No hurry for this." As Tsunade said, he walked straight forward, and then at the corner of the street, he came directly to the embassy location of Konoha Village.


Tsunade punched directly at the other courtyard where the envoy of Yunren Village lived. The sudden movement immediately alarmed Yunren inside, and a group of five people nervously took up their weapons and rushed out immediately.

"Tsunade, you're back, that's right, Konoha should give us an explanation." Elder Yunnin who rushed out, after seeing Tsunade, immediately shouted arrogantly.

Konoha Sannin, in terms of popularity, Tsunade is undoubtedly the first among the three. The Konoha medical ninja system was established, but it changed the battle pattern of the ninja world, so that the other four ninja villages had to establish medical treatment. Ninja system.

"Fuck." In the face of Elder Yunnin's words, Tsunade's answer was only one word. At the moment Tsunade was extremely domineering.

"You." Elder Yun Ren had no idea that Tsunade would dare to treat him this way, so that for a while, he could not find any words to refute.

"Get out of Konoha for me within today, and go back and tell the guy from the fourth generation Raikage that if you want to fight, let's come." Tsunade said and immediately turned and walked towards the Hokage Building, and said as he walked, " If they don't leave today, they will send their bodies back to Yunren Village."

"Tsunade, you." The elder of Yunnin Village just wanted to catch up and say something, but was immediately stopped by Kakashi, "Sorry, Lord Naruto of the fifth generation, please leave. I prefer to send it away. You leave."

"Okay, Konoha will remember it for me." Looking at the surrounding Konoha ninjas and Anbe, after elder Yunren let out a few cruel words, he finally took the four guards away from Konoha in a desperate manner.

"Master Tsunade, will this irritate Yunnin Village?" Nara Shikahisa whispered after catching up to Tsunade.

"Don't worry, I really thought that those guys in Yunnin Village had muscles in their brains. They were just probing. They really took the lead in provoking the Ninja World War. The fourth generation Raikage would never do it." Tsunade Looking at Nara Shikahisa and said with a smile.

People who can become the shadow of a village are not reckless people. Even people who are as impulsive as Naruto have changed a lot after becoming the seventh generation of Hokage.What the four generations of Raikage did was for the benefit of Yunren Village. It was for this reason. From Konoha's point of view, Yunren Village is naturally very excessive, but if you stand in Yunren Village The angle is different.

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai Ke was able to personally take people to steal the secret technique of a small ninja village for the village. Even because of this secret technique, he almost died. If it were not for Tsunade, the fourth generation of Raikage might be true. It will be over.

The five great ninja villages are powerful, but this does not mean that the little ninja village is useless. Some ninja villages master the secret skills, even if the people in the five great ninja villages are not careful, they will overturn their cars. The power of the five great ninja villages lies in the whole. .

Under the current circumstances, if Yunnin Village is the first to fight Konoha, it will definitely lose a lot to Yunnin Village regardless of victory or defeat, and an old guy in Yannin Village on one side may laugh to death.

"What really needs to worry about is the old immortal in Yannin Village."

"Libra Ohnoki is indeed a troublesome opponent."

"So if you are old and don't retire, you know to make trouble for people all day long, don't you know to give way to the young people in Yannin Village."

The poor three-generation Dokage didn’t know that Tsunade was spitting him up here. If he knew it, it would be wrong. The third-generation Dokage is not in the position of the Lianzhankage class. It is really that Iwanin Village has no successor who can take on the heavy responsibility. .

What Konoha most envy of the Four Ninja Villages is that the younger generations are in an endless stream. The younger generation of the Four Ninja Villages also have outstanding people, but when compared with Konoha, the gap is not small.

In fact, after the death of the fourth generation of Hokage, Konoha also fell into a situation with no successor. Otherwise, the third generation of Hokage would not retake the position of Naruto. At that time, Konoha Osamaru was a traitor, Tsunade ran away, and Jiraiya was also everywhere. Traveling, the Uchiha Tomitake of the Uchiha clan at that time was excellent enough, but it is absolutely impossible for the third generation of Hokage to give the position of Hokage to Uchiha. He prefers to give it to Danzo, not to the Uchiha clan. .

Shen Fei satirized the three generations of Hokage occupying the position of Hokage, and strictly speaking, it was actually compelling.

Strictly speaking, the other four Ninja villages are not without outstanding characters. It is impossible for all the geniuses to be born in Konoha. The so-called people who have no successors are actually successors without factions and killed the heroes of the village. It's just Konoha, the same as the other four ninja villages.

The hero of Sand Ninja Village, Shao Dun Yecang, was sold to Wuren Village by Sand Ninja Village, and was killed. In contrast, Konoha is much better here, and it's not so ruthless.

While they were talking, Tsunade and Nara Shikahisa walked into the Hokage Building, but when the two were about to arrive at the Hokage office, there was a loud noise in front of them.

"What's the matter?" Nara Luji looked at the few Zhongren around the door of Hokage's office, and immediately asked.

"It's the young master Konohamaru." Immediately, Zhongren said the situation roughly.

"Naughty, get out of the way." After listening to Zhongren's words, Tsunade immediately signaled the few Zhongren to step aside, and then smashed the door with a punch.

"Take him away." Tsunade, who smashed the door and walked into Hokage's office, didn't even look at the trembling Konohamaru, and went straight to the chair behind Hokage's desk and sat down.

"Let's talk about the situation Konoha is facing now." When talking here, someone over there immediately pulled Konoha Maru out.

"Well, it seems that I have to talk to the patriarch of the Hyuga clan and the patriarch of the Hagaki clan." Kakashi should have become the patriarch of the Hagaki clan, but after Kakashi refused, it was another. Pick someone else.

"There is also about the rope tree and the Kato cut." Nara Shikahisa said here with a little hesitation."Roseki and Dan, what does this have to do with them?" Tsunade's expression immediately became serious when Nara Shikahisa mentioned his two closest people.

"That's it." In the end, Nara Shikuhisa said all Shen Fei's original words. Many people have heard these things. If he conceals it here, if Tsunade hears it from other people, he will instead. More troublesome.

Unexpectedly, when Tsunade heard Nara's words, he didn't get furious, but closed his eyes and became silent there.

The Uchiha clan and the Senju clan were two major races that were called together in the past. As a result, apart from the first and second generations of Naruto and the second generation, as well as Tsunade and Yuki, no other people appeared in the Senju clan.

The reason for this is thought-provoking. The family cohesion of the ninja is very strong. Even Konoha is a very down-to-earth pommel horse clan, and now there are still a large number of people.

After a long time, Tsunade opened her eyes. At the moment, her eyes were very calm, and she looked at Nara Lukisa and said, "The Hokage Succession Ceremony will be held tomorrow."

"Will it be too hasty?" Nara Shikajiu said.

"Just tomorrow, there will be news early, so that someone who is not dead can give up his heart."

"Understood, I will prepare immediately."

"The people from Iwanin Village just retreated. I thought Konoha and Iwanin Village would fight." Looking at the latest information in his hand, Shen Fei shook his head slightly, and then put the information in his hand aside. , Looked at the figure floating in the nutrient solution in the glass jar in front of him, Ghost Deng Shuiyue.

At the moment, Shen Fei's place was the southern base of Oshemaru. After being separated from Tsunade, the group moved to the southern base in order to heal his injuries and study the solution to the deprivation of ghouls.

The southern base of Dashemaru is a very remote island in the middle of the sea. The location is very remote. Under normal circumstances, the Five Ninja Villages would not notice this side.

Here, Shen Fei saw the Ghost Lantern Shuiyue of the Ghost Moon Clan, one of the members of the Snake Team behind Sasuke, so by the chance, Shen Fei took the opportunity to study the hydration technique of the Ghost Moon Clan, which can liquefy the body and avoid it. The singular mystery of physical attacks.

The technique of hydration is not the limit of blood succession, it is a secret technique. Since it is a secret technique, it can naturally be learned. Dashemaru catches the ghost lamp water moon to study the technique of hydration.

Gui Deng Shui Yue’s personality was a little worried. When he first saw the first generation of Hokage, he was scared to the cold sweat all over his body. The timid Shui Yue cooperated very well with the research of Da She Wan, so he did not suffer any harm.

In the end, Oshe Maru, after roughly researching some results, seemed to have forgotten the ghost lamp Shuiyue. If it hadn't been for this time a group of people came to the southern base, Shuiyue would not know how long he would be detained. Fortunately, he knew how to hydrate. , Can't drown.

After combining the research data of Dashewan, Shen Fei carried out some research again, and directly took the research of Dashewan a step further. The hydration technique developed by Dashewan is incomparable with the ghost lamp clan. With a time limit, Shen Fei's research on this basis can already make other people almost the same as the ghost lamp clan.

However, this hydration technique is not omnipotent. It is completely incomparable to the effect of the natural devil fruit, and Thunder Dun and Huo Dun can cause damage to it.

"How do you think about it?" Shen Fei said to the ghost lamp Shuiyue in the glass jar.

"I definitely want to come out." Ghost Deng Shuiyue in the glass jar said.

"Come out, then." Shen Fei said as he manipulated the device on one side, opened the glass jar, and let this figure walk out of it."Put on your clothes and I will take you to meet other people." Shen Fei threw a set of clothes to this person as he said.

"Let's go."

"What you mean is to let him be my captain. If you want to be my captain, there is no problem, but you must beat me." After seeing Sasuke, Gui Deng Shuiyue looked carefully, and then immediately Opened his mouth and said.

"I also want to see if you are qualified to be my companion." Gui Deng Shuiyue was a little bit dissatisfied with Sasuke, and Sasuke was also a little dissatisfied with Gui Deng Shuiyue.

"You can go outside to fight, remember not to make too much noise." Shen Fei waved for the two to go out and solve each other's problems by themselves.

There is no need to study the art of hydration. Ghost Deng Shuiyue can be regarded as a young genius. Although he is less courageous, he is completely qualified as Sasuke’s companion. In this way, with the addition of Uzumaki Phosphorus, the snake team will be one balance. .

Libra weighs me. It’s easy to solve the problem. As long as Sasuke is getting stronger, he can have the ability to suppress him. Speaking of the current Sasuke, it is much more convenient to suppress Libra weighing me than the original one, because now he will Mu escaped.

Moreover, Shen Fei will also take time to conduct related research on Libra's body and see if there is a way to completely solve the problem of Libra's body.

The biggest problem with Libra Chongwu is that the body can involuntarily absorb natural energy from the outside world. His chakra is a natural celestial chakra. If it is Miaomu Mountain’s celestial technique, Libra Chongwu will undoubtedly become a stone statue, but Libra weighs me because of my special physique, I won't become a stone statue, but because I absorb too much natural energy, I will run away and become a murderer.

Rushing is a process in which Libra weighs my body to vent too much natural energy. Once the energy is vented out, I will naturally restore my sanity, and then the body will accumulate natural energy again, and the next time I will run away, the cycle repeats.

Libra emphasized my very kind nature, but because of his physique, he turned into a lawyer murderer, so most of the time, he locked himself in a specially made steel cage, so that he didn't want to hurt other people.

"This is over." Soon Sasuke and Gui Deng Shui Yue walked in. At the moment, the white hair of Gui Deng Shui Yue directly exploded. At the first glance, they knew that it was the effect of Thunder Dunge.

"He is too weak." Sasuke said coldly.

"You guy." Sasuke's words made Suizuki very unhappy, but there was no way to refute Sasuke's words, because the two almost immediately decided the match, and Sasuke's Lei Dun was too restrained. The technique of hydration, not to mention Sasuke's writing round eyes.

Sasuke, who has mastered the Helix Pill, has made rapid progress in Thunder Dunge. Under the guidance of Shen Fei, Chidori has taken shape, and at the same time, he can also increase the power of Kusanaru sword through Thunder Dunge.

In terms of morphological changes, the spiral pill is the ultimate, mastering the spiral pill, and practicing other morphological changes, will undoubtedly be twice the result with half the effort.

"There is no one here for you to pick, he is the only one who is about the same age." In fact, Shen Fei wanted Bai to join the so-called snake team, but unfortunately he couldn't do it at all. Bai decided that he wouldn't cut it anymore. It's the same if you don't cut it.

"Then be him."

"You fellow wait for me."

"Hey, isn't this not cutting senior again? Why are you here." When I saw Xianglin, I accidentally saw No cutting again. Gui Deng Shuiyue immediately greeted him, and to be precise, he saw the big knife that stopped cutting. , As he thought he was one of the seven Wunin people, he didn't even have a Wunin seven knives, which made Shuiyue very upset in her heart.

"Isn't this a kid from the Ghost Lantern clan? How come you are here."

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