As the rebel of Wunin Village, I still know some things about Wunin Village without cutting it. Although Guideng Shuiyue is not as famous as his brother Guideng Manyue, it is also a rare genius in Wunin Village, not to mention just relying on it. The identity of the ghost lamp clan is also worth not to pay attention to.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon, Ghost Lantern Shuiyue, Ringo Yu Yuri, and Chang Juro are all young geniuses in Wuren Village, and they have not weakened their strength when they were around a teenager.

Among the Five Great Ninja Villages, Kirinin Village was originally very powerful, with many blood inheritance bound families, and a large number of young geniuses, but it is a pity that under Uchiha Madara’s control, a large-scale civil turmoil has created it. The town of Blood Mist is called Roar, and it also lost a large number of Blood Succession Boundary Family and young geniuses.

From the arrangement of bringing the soil in Madara to save Lin, it can be guessed that Madara's battle in the valley of the end, after the resurrection, the main place of activity should be in Wuren Village.

In addition to the fact that the village of blood mist caused the lack of masters in Wuren Village, another reason was that Tian was jealous of talents. The younger generation of masters in Wuren Village, Ghost Lantern Man Yue and Ringo Yu Yuri, both died of illness.

I have to say that it is a pity that these two people died. If it were in Konoha, the two would not have died so young.

Don’t think that ninjas won’t get sick. Even if you can practice Chakra, ninjas still belong to the category of mortals. It is possible for mortals to get sick. Even Pirate World cannot avoid this. The physical quality of Pirate World Unusually powerful, but after all, it hasn't been out of the realm of mortals, so even if it was Pirate King Roger, he eventually fell under disease.

"Uncle, this knife is good for you. Let me use it for a few days." Shuiyue said as she grabbed the decapitating knife behind her back. Shuiyue's actions immediately angered him and didn't cut it again.

For Wuren’s Ninja Swordsman, although there is no one in the rule that the sword is there, they also attach great importance to their Ninja swords, and will not allow others to covet their Ninja swords, at least until they die. Before, he would not let Shinobi sword fall into other people's hands.

"Little devil, do you want to die?" Without cutting one side of the figure, after avoiding Shuiyue, he hit Shuiyue's chest with a fist, and then the fist passed through Shuiyue's chest, and Shuyuezhi Surgery.

"Why be so stingy." Relying on the technique of hydration, Shuiyue's right hand continued to grasp the beheading knife behind him.

For some people, the hydration technique of the Ghost Lantern Clan is simply a nemesis to some people. Most of the ninjas in the Wu Ninja Village use water escape, which does no harm to the Ghost Lantern Clan. The same is true for physical attacks. In this way, now if you don't cut it again, you'll be in this kind of trouble.

The Ghost Lanterns rely on this system. During the war in the world of Ninja, they made a lot of contributions for Wuren Village. In the fourth battle of the original book, the seven people of Wunin who were reincarnated from the unclean soil, the other six were very good. Nearly being sealed, the ghost lantern full moon is relying on the technique of hydration to insist on one person to reincarnate in the dirty soil and lift it.

Seeing that her attack didn't work on Shuiyue, she immediately retreated back without cutting it. Just when Shuiyue wanted to continue her hands, she suddenly found that her feet were frozen.

Seeing that he was in trouble again, Bai couldn't help but make a move. Shui Wuyue's Bing Dun was precisely the nemesis of the Ghost Lantern clan.

"Shui Wuyue clan, isn't it that bad luck?" Shuiyue, who shattered the ice on his feet, walked to the side with a depressed expression. Sasuke's Lei Dun restrained his hydration technique, and now another one appeared. Shui Wuyue's Bing Dun also restrained his hydration technique.

"I said, don't you also have the means to restrain me." Shuiyue, who was depressed for a while, stared at the fragrant phosphorus and asked. When he met two people who restrained his secret technique, Shuiyue seemed to have it. Psychological shadows.

"She really does." Looking at Shuiyue's appearance, Shen Fei couldn't help but laughed. Xianglin did have the ability to deal with Shuiyue's hydration technique, that is, the Vortex Clan's diamond blockade, and the hydration technique must rely on Chakra can be achieved, and as long as it is Chakra, the King Kong blockade can be dealt with.In the original work, Fragrant Phosphorus used Diamond Blockade twice, once to deal with Shuiyue who wanted to escape, and the other to deal with Baijue Afei.

"Wuren's seven knives, as far as I know, there are not a lot of people who are out there. If you want, you can find others." Shen Fei said, looking at Shuiyue's frustrated expression.

"What you said, I must find one for me."

"I can't guarantee this. Think of it yourself."

The seven knives of Wurenen are completely useless to Shen Fei, so naturally they don’t care about them, but for people born in Wuren Village, they are completely different. For them, the seven knives of Wurenen belong to their status. symbol of.

"Libra weighs me, come out." After Shuiyue's problem was probably resolved, Shen Fei went to Libra to weigh me.

"Don't come in." When Shen Fei opened the heavy steel door, there was a scream from Li Cheng Zhongwu.


As the door opened, Libra weighed my huge amounts of fists directly towards Shen Fei's head. Facing the sudden fist, Shen Fei stroked his fist with his left hand. As his palm patted lightly, Libra weighed my body. Immediately fly back, Tai Chi, soft strength.

"Where's Junmaro." After seeing Shen Fei coming in, Libra Zhongwu, whose body was attached to the wall, asked immediately.

"His illness is on the verge. Now he is in the hospital bed. Come out. I may be able to solve your troubles completely."

"Not for these two days."

"It's going to happen, it doesn't matter, you can't hurt me." Shen Fei said with a flick of his right hand, which directly shattered the heavy iron ball tied to Libra's ankle.

"I said no." Libra Zhongwu suddenly roared and rushed towards Shen Fei again, but the next moment his body could not move in mid-air, and two huge amounts of green vines completely bound his body.

Shen Fei didn't like to play with snakes, but Dashemaru's Shulker Snake Hand gave him a lot of inspiration, that is, to use Mu Dun instead of snakes, to come with a Shulker Wooden Hand, Vine Hand and so on.

There is also the Array of Ten Thousand Snakes. It is entirely possible to come to a vine formation. A similar ninjutsu is also found in the Book of Seals, that is, the technique of wooden evacuations and bags, which stretch out a large number of wooden giant hands from the ground to attack the enemy.

The first generation of Mu Dun is very powerful, but people are different from each other. How to turn Mu Dun into your own is the most important thing.

"Let go of me, let me go, I'm going to kill you." The bound Libra Shigeo, although struggling hard, it is impossible to break free from the shackles of Shen Fei.

"It's really strange cells. You can heal others through these cells. The so-called curse seal, so it turns out, it is true that Uncle Snake masters the core technology."

Although the effect of the curse seal is very dangerous, it can make a middle ninja burst out of the strength of the upper ninja level, even if it has a time limit, it is also very powerful.The corresponding side effects of definitely are not small, that is, it is not that anyone can bear the curse seal, the four people of Otonin were created out of hundreds of people.

The curse seal is a weakened fairy technique, and its burst of strength comes from the natural energy absorbed by the curse seal, and the weakened natural energy.

"It seems that you have to go to the Dragon Di Cave." Oshe Maru's physique is not suitable for cultivating immortality, so he did not master the cultivation method of immortality. The curse seal was developed with the help of Shigeo's special physique.

"You're going to Longdi Cave, I'll go too." After Sasuke knew that Shen Fei was going to Longdi Cave, he immediately said that he would also go. For the three holy places, Sasuke naturally knew from Shen Fei, and at the same time. Naruto and Miaomushan signed a contract.

In the face of his first true friend, Sasuke said he didn't care, but in fact he always cared.

"The new Sannin seems inevitable, but Sasuke's current strength is almost ready to sign a contract." During this time, Sasuke's strength has once again improved, and it is almost at the level of general forbearance.

The blood of the Uchiha clan combined with the cells of the first generation, it has to be said that it is almost like a plug-in. It is no wonder that Uchiha has the ability to fight the fourth generation of Naruto in such a short period of time with such a crane tail.

The fastest time for the strength of a ninja to improve is probably from twelve to fourteen-five years old. Looking at all the young geniuses, they almost have the strength of the upper ninja level during this time period.

Powerful people can even have the strength at around eight or nine years old. Kakashi was six years old, and when Water Gate was in the ninja school, he rescued the robbed Kushina from Yunren's hands.

"Naruto, you really have to work harder, otherwise you will only be pulled farther and farther." Sasuke's current strength progress, if three years passed like the original, he might have super shadow level strength.

"Okay." After thinking about it, Shen Fei agreed with Sasuke to go to Longdi Cave.

The psychic world where the three holy places are located is in a different space. Normally, going there requires the art of reversing spirits, but in addition to this method, there is another way to find the three holy places, that is, to go to the three holy places. The location of the portal of the Holy Land.

The different spaces where the three sacred sites are located are connected to the Ninja world by portals. For example, the areas where the two sacred sites of Miaomu Mountain and Wet Bone Forest are located are around the village of Konoha.

The portal of Longdidong is not in the country of fire, but in a mountain range in the far east.

But even if you can find the gateway to the three holy places, it doesn't mean you can enter the three holy places. It depends on the master not letting you in.

People with fate do not need to deliberately look for them. For example, Jiraiya was brought into Miaomu Mountain by the direct reversal spirit in Konoha, or without signing a contract.

People who have no fate will turn a blind eye even at the entrance.

However, the only people looking for the three holy places in this way are Miaomu Mountain and Wet Bone Forest. Longdi Cave is different. There are always people who can go there. The reason is simple. Longdi Cave is a snake and cannibalism. Yes, people who have no fate will naturally become food.

"It's really troublesome thick fog." Walking in the mountains at the entrance of Longdi Cave, Shen Fei looked a little depressed at the dense fog with a field of view less than five meters around. This is not normal fog, but created by the characters.

This is the test of Longdidong. If people cannot pass this thick fog, they will basically become food for Longdidong."It seems that I really don't have the life of Bo Ren." The Bo people went to Longdi Cave, and soon someone welcomed him with the magnificent Longdi Cave, and then forcibly revealed the flaws, and then went all the way, killing and killing. It's like playing a family game.

If you think that this is the case in Longdi Cave, it is a big mistake. Bos and his party can get special treatment because they are a group of second generations, and Shen Fei is not a second generation.

The real Longdi Cave, but Dashewan had gone through many dangers before it actually arrived, and the same was true on the other side.

"We seem to have been going around in circles." Sasuke At the moment finally realized that something was wrong.

"You just noticed it." Shen Fei said, shouting suddenly, "I know you are nearby. I have something to see the White Snake Immortal. This one came to Longdi Cave to sign a contract. You can come out now."

"It seems that you don't want to come out, so I'm so embarrassed." Shen Fei said with his hands knotting, and took a deep breath, which directly sucked the air in front of him almost completely.

"The technique of wind escape." A hurricane resembling a tornado storm spit out from Shen Fei's mouth, and in an instant it blew away all the dense fog that had filled the surrounding area.

In addition to the strength of Chakra, the power of Feng Dun has a lot to do with inhalation. It can be said that no one can inhale better than Shen Fei in the world of Ninja. The Roar suction method of Demon Destruction is not a white study. Yes, all Roar is concentrated.

"Ah." In the hurricane, there was a scream, as if the hurricane had drawn people in.

"You guy is so courageous." After a while, a green figure quickly appeared in front of Shen Fei and Sasuke, floating in the air, glaring at them. If you don't look at their faces, this is a figure. A nice girl, but if you look at her face, she changes completely, because it is a hideous snake shape.

"This time, it seems that a terrific character has come." Just as this person was about to do it, suddenly two more young girls appeared from one side, also floating in the air.

"Why are you here?" The girl who appeared first watched the appearance of the two companions. It was strange that Shen Fei was not a blogger, and it was not worth and there was no need to let the three elders of Longdidong dispatch together.

"Definitely something is going on, this guest, please." A young girl who looked like Loli said, she gestured to Shen Fei and Sasuke to follow her.

"How is this going?"

"It's nothing, mother-in-law wants to see them."

"This is Ryuji Cave." The girl who followed Loli, Shen Fei and Sasuke soon came to a building that looked like a shrine, with snake-shaped statues on both sides of the shrine.

"Yes, this is Longdidong, and my mother-in-law is waiting inside."

"Foreign guests, please sit down." In a pavilion in Midgard of the shrine, Shen Fei saw the White Snake Immortal, a very ordinary-looking old woman, without the slightest aura of a powerful person.

However, Shen Fei will not underestimate the other party. As one of the three immortals, his strength is definitely not to be underestimated. Even the three girls who I saw before, the strength should not be underestimated. In the outside world, probably any one is at least a master of the shadow level.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you." The big Toad fairy Toad Maru had the predicted Ability, and Shen Fei didn't think that his appearance would be hidden from him.

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