The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 440 Snake Team and Xianshu (Part 2)

"If this is the case, then I have to say something straightforward. My purpose here is to see Xianshu. This person wants to sign a psychic contract with Longdidong. I don't need to say more about his situation."

For the great Toad fairy Toad Maru, Shen Fei is not too concerned. First of all, his strength and abilities are enough to protect himself, and the immortals of the three holy places. From the performance point of view, as long as they don’t want to destroy the Ninja World, under normal circumstances , They will not participate, at most they will only give a few vague predictions.

Toad Maru directly found the six immortal Datongmu Yuyi. It was also because the sacred tree of Kaguya threatened the survival of the Ninja world. The energy of the sacred tree swallowed all vitality, including the vitality of the earth. The Datongki family walked in the starry sky. In order to find the planet of life to cultivate the sacred tree.

A sacred tree fruit can almost create a figure of six levels. In order to gain such power, it is nothing to destroy a planet.

For the Datongmu clan who profess to be gods, other lives are just low-level creatures. It is an honor to contribute to their immortality. For the Datongmu clan, the sacred tree is what they used to refine Chakradan. The installation is just like the king of the Kosel Kosais country in the world of steel, for the sake of immortality, he can sacrifice the entire country's citizens.

In this way, the Datongmu clan searched for the planet of life and planted trees in the starry sky, and then harvested the Chakra fruit. The progress has been fairly smooth, but it is a pity that it overturned on the planet of Ninja World.

"No problem, now that he has passed the test, Xianshu can naturally teach Gurney you, but if he wants to sign a contract with Longdidong, it depends on his own ability." After the white snake fairy looked at Sasuke, he went on to say: "Shichu, you take him to the snake cave."

The signing of Longdidong is very different from that of Miaomushan and Wet Bone Forest. That is, the signing of Longdidong can only channel the psychic beast that he signed, unlike Miaomushan. After signing the contract, you can All Toads can be channeled, even Toads who can't fight are the same, such as Toad Ji and Toad Dragon when they were young.

In this way, different Toads can be summoned to fight according to different combat environments. There are many kinds of Toads in Miaomu Mountain, including combat, detection, hiding, etc. Toad, just like Jilaiya fought with the ghost shark and itachi. At that time, the psychic Toad of Iwajuku was said to be the largest Toad in Miaomu Mountain. As far as the Ninja World is concerned, it may be smaller than the slug in the Wet Bone Forest.

Jilaiya only needs to summon a part of his stomach in each battle. At the same time, this stomach also has a strong enchantment effect. If Itachi didn't have Amaterasu, the result of the battle would be really hard to say.

In contrast, the psychic beasts in Longdidong are somewhat monotonous. For example, Dashewan can only psychic ten thousand snakes, but cannot psychic green snake, Xinya, and the three elders such as Shijudaoji and so on.

Definitely this is only for snakes that are used for wisdom. Snakes without wisdom can be driven at will after signing a contract with Longdidong. It is similar to Chilian who eats the inner alchemy of Chilian snake carefully refined by the King of Poison , Can drive a lot of snakes the same.

"Go, be careful, if it doesn't work, you can come again next time." This is the real world of ninja, not a game. Sasuke doesn't seem to have the luck of the bloggers and the others, and casually defeated Xinya.

"Humph." As if because of Shen Fei's underestimation, Sasuke left with Ichikishimaji with a cold snort.

"On the question of Xianshu, you can just ask Tuanjin, and the old Toad hopes that you can go there when you have time." After saying this, the White Snake Immortal stood up and left.

"The three great immortals are the biggest behind-the-scenes in the Ninja world." Looking at the white snake immortal from the back, Shen Fei's mind suddenly came up with such an idea. He directly came out to fight in person. It was obviously too low-level. Look at Toad Maru, a few words Let the Datongmu family fight.

"If you want to see me, you can go there if you have a chance. Remember that Miaomu Mountain has immortal charms." Even though Shen Fei already has many recovery methods, if he had the opportunity, he wouldn't be too many."The so-called immortality." After the White Snake Immortal left, Tanjin Ji immediately stepped forward to explain the immortality chakra and the cultivation method of immortality. Immortality is not something that you can practice if you want to practice. It absorbs natural energy if anything If one person can do it, I don't know how many people will die under natural energy.

Just like why the technique of multiple shadow duplication is a forbidden technique, it is not because someone in Konoha recklessly wants to use this technique because he did not measure his own strength. As a result, his chakra was seriously inadequate, severely injured, disabled, and killed. After many incidents, it was classified as a forbidden technique.

That is to say, Naruto originally had enough chakras, otherwise he was fighting Mizuki, not to mention fighting, I am afraid that chakras were over-consumed and wasted.

"It turned out to be like this." Following Tanjinji's explanation, Shen Fei finally had a clear understanding of Xianshu. His previous understanding of Xianshu was too vague.

Xianshu Chakra is formed by absorbing natural energy on the basis of physical energy and spiritual energy. To absorb natural energy from the outside world, it is necessary to open a channel for absorbing natural energy inside and outside the body, which is difficult to come by yourself. To do this, someone must help, and only the three psychic holy sites have this method.

Definitely, a physique that is naturally able to absorb natural energy from the outside world like Libra Shigego is another story. Such a physique can be said to be a rare thing in a century.

The practice of immortality is extremely dangerous, because for individuals, the natural energy between heaven and earth is too vast. Compared with the natural energy between heaven and earth, the energy possessed in the human body is like the sea and a cup of water.

The process of absorbing natural energy is to connect a channel between the water glass and the sea. If one does not pay attention, the natural energy from the outside will burst the water glass.

Therefore, for those who want to practice immortality, there are two kinds of abilities, which are very easy to practice successfully. One is that they originally have extremely large chakras, just like Naruto and ghost sharks, individuals have huge chakras. Carat is no longer a water cup, it may be a pond. If it is connected to the sea, the impact will be much smaller.

There is also an extremely powerful Chakra Control Ability, which can accurately control every trace of Chakra. After discovering a danger, it immediately closes the channel to absorb the natural energy from the outside. For example, Sakura, Tsunade, and Yakushido are of this type. .

Definitely possessing these two abilities does not mean that there is no danger in practicing immortality. It is also very dangerous. When Naruto practices immortality, Shen Zuo immortal is always on the side to be on guard. Once he finds that Naruto absorbs natural energy If something happens, it will interrupt him immediately.

However, this kind of treatment is only available in Miaomu Mountain and Wet Bone Forest. Longdi Cave does not have this treatment. The cultivation method of Xianshu can tell you, and it can also open up the channel connecting natural energy for you. As for whether you successfully cultivated or was Natural energy assimilation, then the Longdidong thing is ignored.

It can be said that if Naruto is cultivating in Longdidong, it is impossible to complete the immortality. In this case, the second ability, super Chakra control, is very important. It's not unreasonable to complete the practice of immortal art with great pains.

"This is the Xianshu Chakra." For Shen Fei, he has two abilities, originally with a very large chakra. With the addition of subtle chakra control, it can absorb natural energy from the outside, and soon After completing the cultivation of Xianshu Chakra, Shen Fei had a deeper understanding of Xianshu Chakra through dialogue with Tanjin Ji.

Speaking of Xianshu, it is natural to mention the Immortal Mode, the Six Ways of Immortal Mode, and the Immortal Human Body, who is cultivating the Xianshu Chakra, so that Shen Fei is very clear about the difference between the Immortal Mode and the Immortal Human Body.

Xianshu Chakra is a consumable, unlike chakra, it can be generated by cells in the body constantly. Even if it is consumed in battle, it will naturally recover. Xianshu Chakra is difficult to recover in battle because it absorbs natural energy. It's a very dangerous thing. Naturally, you need to be cautious. In battle, it is very difficult to calmly absorb natural energy.

Using the fairy chakra in the body to fight is the fairy mode. In this regard, I have to say that Jiraiya’s fairy mode looks very imperfect, but in fact it has better battery life than Naruto’s initial fairy mode. Many, because he can absorb natural energy with the help of the Toad fairy on his shoulders.

But even if the battery life is very strong, it is still in the fairy mode after all, with a time limit.The real powerful is the fairy human body, which can absorb natural energy anytime and anywhere without time limit. This is the reason why the first generation of Hokage is so powerful. He uses the fairy chakra in battle.

There are very few immortals among human beings, for now, there are only the first generation of Hokage and the Six Immortals.

After Uchiha Madara absorbed Mu Dun, he was almost a fairy body.

Libra weighs me as a fairy body in terms of physique, but because he can't control it at all, it's a pseudo-immortal body.

However, although Xianshu Chakra can greatly enhance personal strength, it is not invincible. Pharmacist uses the fairy mode, and he still loses to the two brothers Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi. He can't beat the scales. More people.

In the end, it depends on the strength of each person. With so many Naruto Chakra, it is not that many people can't be beaten in the early stage.

"The immortal human body is very similar to the innate master. If the Liuku immortal thief goes further and reaches the point of stealing heaven and earth, it can also be said to be an immortal human body." Through comparison, Shen Fei found a lot of similarities.

The top characters in Qin Shimingyue, Bei Mingzi, Donghuang Taiyi, Guiguzi, etc., are actually semi-innate masters. This innate master is not the existence of the bad street in the novel. In the world of Qin Shimingyue, the world under one person is Belongs to top figures.

The so-called semi-innate, in fact, is similar to the fairy model. Bei Mingzi, Donghuang prince and others pursue the completed innate, which is the so-called fairy body.

It's definitely Shen Fei's guess, but just talk to them to find out.

Immortal chakras are indistinguishable from each other. Whether they are practicing the dragon ground cave, or the immortal chakras of Miaomu Mountain, and the wet bone forest, the result is the same, just like the chakras of ninja cultivation, there is no essential difference.

The difference in Xianju is because the application of Xianju Chakra has a different focus, just like the various attributes of ninjutsu.

"The fairy human body has cells of the first generation. It shouldn't be difficult to reach this point." For Shen Fei, after knowing the fairy human body, he naturally aimed at the fairy human body and absorbed energy from the outside world. It was not for him who possessed Kamar-Taj magic. Unfamiliar, after all, Kamar-Taj's magic is to absorb dimensional power.

"This guy Sasuke is really slow." After spending three days in Longdidong, Shen Fei completed the practice of Xianshu Chakra. The next step was to slowly practice and then make himself an immortal human body.

There is nothing fun about Longdidong, it is very boring, if it weren't for Sasuke, I'm afraid Shen Fei would have known the cultivation method of Xianshu Chakra, and could leave.

It is true that practicing immortality in Longdidong, because of the surrounding natural energy, can achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, but in fact this increases the risk.

"The White Snake Immortal, I don't know if there is a way to solve the situation where a person will passively absorb natural energy." After seeing Sasuke have not returned, Shen Fei went directly to the White Snake Immortal and asked about Libra Chongwu.

Libra weighs my physique, making it even more impossible for him to get close to the three holy places. In the outside world, it may take him several months to violently walk away, but in the three sacred places, I am afraid that he will violently walk once in a few days.

"There are people like this." Fairy White Snake was also slightly surprised by Shen Fei's description.

"Yes, no one knows what kind of physique a person has." Just like the physique of the first generation of Hokage, he alone has the entire Qianshou clan.




Wait for replacement. = Sorry to come back a little late.



In addition to the strength of Chakra, the power of Feng Dun has a lot to do with inhalation. It can be said that no one can inhale better than Shen Fei in the world of Ninja. The Roar suction method of Demon Destruction is not a white study. Yes, all Roar is concentrated.

"Ah." In the hurricane, there was a scream, as if the hurricane had drawn people in.

"You guy is so courageous." After a while, a green figure quickly appeared in front of Shen Fei and Sasuke, floating in the air, glaring at them. If you don't look at their faces, this is a figure. A nice girl, but if you look at her face, she changes completely, because it is a hideous snake shape.

"This time, it seems that a terrific character has come." Just as this person was about to do it, suddenly two more young girls appeared from one side, also floating in the air.

"Why are you here?" The girl who appeared first watched the appearance of the two companions. It was strange that Shen Fei was not a blogger, and it was not worth and there was no need to let the three elders of Longdidong dispatch together.

"Definitely something is going on, this guest, please." A young girl who looked like Loli said, she gestured to Shen Fei and Sasuke to follow her.

"How is this going?"

"It's nothing, mother-in-law wants to see them."

"This is Ryuji Cave." The girl who followed Loli, Shen Fei and Sasuke soon came to a building that looked like a shrine, with snake-shaped statues on both sides of the shrine.

"Yes, this is Longdidong, and my mother-in-law is waiting inside."

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