The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 443 Angkor Fortress (Part 2)

"Experimenting with people from the village, and let the other party be grateful to Dade, is this guy very good." At the entrance of Santian Village, watching a group of villagers grateful for Dade's Song Shennong to leave, they even took out the few money from the village and handed them to Shennong. Shennong sternly declined, and this scene caused Shen Fei to sneer directly.

Looking at Shennong's appearance, he would only be regarded as an amiable old man. He was dressed in ordinary clothes and had a gentle expression. I am afraid that no one would have thought. The reason why this so-called genius doctor has been practicing medicine all the time is actually for his zero-tail plan.

"Speaking of which, this guy is also amazing. He is able to collect so-called dark powers through negative emotions." Human emotions are also a kind of power, which is the power of belief, but for ordinary people, this power is fundamental contact. Less than.

This is the source of the power of the godhead mask.

"Your Excellency is Doctor Shennong." On the mountain road about three kilometers away from Santian Village, Shen Fei brought Chino and stopped Shennong.

"You are?" Shennong looked at Shen Fei and Qian Nao with a gentle smile.

"You don't need to know who we are, but it is really unexpected. Shennong, who has been treating the plague everywhere, has a reputation in many countries as a genius doctor, but in the end he spread the plague by himself and healed it by himself. Doctor, if this news goes out, it will be very interesting."

"I do not understand what you are saying?"

Although Shen Fei broke through his behavior, Shennong's expression did not change at all.

"Don't understand? Actually, you know very well in your heart, the remnants of Kornin Village, and people who don't know Konoha will react if they know this information."

"Who are you?" As soon as the three words of Kongrencun came out, Shennong's expression immediately changed. The gentle smile before, disappeared in an instant, and it became very cold.

"I have already said, you don’t need to know who we are, you just need to know, I know who you are, you know, those things you do have nothing to do with me, but it’s a pity that you shouldn’t be called The name."

The name Shennong is not something ordinary people can bear. For Naruto World, it is just an ordinary name, but for Shen Fei, the meaning of this name is different. If the other party is a real doctor who saves the world and the people, forget it. , But it's different if you call this name but do things that hurt the world.

"Young man, although I don't know where you got the information from, it's a pity that you made a fatal mistake." While speaking, Shennong's figure appeared in front of Shen Fei in an instant, with his right fist moving forward. The mighty power blasted Shen Fei's head, instantaneous technique.

Although Shennong looked old, he was completely incapable of old age. The speed of the instantaneous technique just now could not be achieved by ordinary Shangren.

"You made a fatal mistake." While speaking, Shen Fei's left hand already grabbed Shennong's right fist, and the powerful force on his fist couldn't even move Shen Fei's body.

"Yeah." Shen Fei's powerful blow was easily blocked by Shen Fei, causing Shennong's face to change involuntarily, and then a muffled grunt came from his mouth, after which he grabbed his right arm with his left hand and quickly retreated backwards, At the moment His right arm has already become a twist shape.

"Is it quite bearable? Is it because it is a medical ninja." The right arm was twisted into a twist shape, but a cold snort made Shen Fei a little surprised.

"It's no wonder that I dared to find it alone. I haven't done my best for a long time. Let's let you see it today." Shennong said, his right arm twisted into a twist shape suddenly began to reverse a few times, and then it returned to normal.

Then, as Shennong roared, a powerful chakra burst out of him. The powerful chakra directly cracked and collapsed on the ground with Shennong as the center and about five meters in diameter, forming a circular pit. Hole.Standing in the center of the pothole, Shennong’s coat was all torn, revealing his strong muscles. Before, he had white hair and an old face. At the moment, he had long, supple black hair and a chin. Middle-aged man with black beard in circle.

For an instant, Shennong seemed to be dozens of years younger.

Cell activation also has a youthful effect.

"Is this your strongest strength, although it's good, but unfortunately it's not enough." Shen Fei said that his hands were suddenly inserted into his pocket, and she sneered looking at the young Shennong who was recovering from the opposite side.

"Huh." Shennong gave a sneer, and then the figure immediately disappeared from the pit. The same is the instantaneous technique, but this time is much faster than the previous one. Only at this speed, At the moment the opponent's strength is also Has reached the level of elite tolerance.

When Shennong's figure disappeared, Shen Fei's figure also disappeared. Shennong, who used the instant technique to rush towards Shen Fei, saw a footprint appearing in front of him on the way, and then severely printed on it. There was only a loud noise on his face, and Shennong's figure flew directly to the rear for several tens of meters, hitting one side of the mountain wall heavily, and his whole body was plunged into the mountain wall.

"What's wrong, this won't work." Shen Fei, with his hands in his pockets, immediately appeared in front of Shennong on the mountain wall, smiling at him.

"Ah." Shennong immediately roared, and a powerful Chakra burst out all over his body. The mountain wall around his body trembled and cracked constantly. Seeing that Shennong was about to come out of the mountain wall, he thanked his chest for a pain and a mouthful. Blood spurted from the mouth, and the chakra that broke out before dissipated immediately.

"Go on." Shen Fei, who kicked Shennong and returned to his original position, continued to look at him with a smile on his face.

"Ah." Shennong roared again, and then Shen Fei kicked it again.

"Is it good for your body to restore its Ability? Go on, I just lack a suitable target." Under the suppression of absolute strength, Shennong desperately wants to squeeze out the chakras of every cell of the body, despite being very unwilling. , The result is still not able to get out of the mountain wall.

"Ah, this is the beginning of backlash." After kicking more than a dozen feet, and watching Shennong whose body was rapidly aging from a middle-aged person, Shen Fei immediately understood that this was a cell activation technique that exceeded its limit.

The technique of cell activation can certainly keep people young, but this is not without side effects. The cost is human vitality. Human cells divide too many times. If you divide too much at one time, the cost is a substantial life span. Consumed.

Tsunade’s creation and regeneration also had this problem.

Definitely, this kind of consumption can be compensated by external resources. Because of the difference in resources, there are temporary compensation and non-destructive compensation.

For example, the current Shennong, as long as he is given a large amount of medicinal materials and other materials, he can alleviate his aging situation, and Tsunade’s creation and regeneration can also be restored after the event, but this restoration does not make up for the life span they consume. , This is a temporary remedy.

Luffy and Kurapika also have this problem.

However, if Shen Fei gave them long-lived rice, it could completely make up for their lost lifespan, and even greatly increase their lifespan. This is a non-destructive compensation.

In addition to longevity rice, there are blood orchids and heart-shaped grasses. These things can make up for the foundation of consumption without damage. In addition to these, there are monkey wine from the dark continent, several different honeys, etc., which can make up for consumption. In terms of effect, it is more effective than blood orchid and heart-shaped grass. It is definitely not as good as longevity rice.

I have to say that the resources of the Dark Continent in the Hunter Continent are really too rich.

Shen Fei now has a lot of good things in his hands. Don't look at his dedication to Sasuke's training, but in fact, Shen Fei has not taken out the rare materials that he has at all.Those who can enjoy these materials now, as for Ada, Robin, Aka Hitomi and others.

"Let me see what secrets you are hiding." Looking at the aging Shennong, Shen Fei directly put his left hand on his head and began to search his memory with both hands.

"It was lucky this time, I didn't touch the memory of the seal." Soon Shen Fei knew his true origin from Shennong's mind. He was one of the survivors of the empty ninja village.

The so-called Hundred-legged worms die but are not stiff. A Ninja village is so easy to die. Even in the current Yuno country, Tang Ninja village has long disappeared, but there are still some small ninja families in the country.

In fact, there are not many people who survived in the air, but after so many years, most people have given up revenge. Only Shennong wants revenge wholeheartedly. Definitely, he also has a hole card for revenge. Many decisions are just made on the impulse of the brain.

That trump card is the Angkor Fortress, the war fortress of Kornin Village. Although this aerial fortress was attacked by Konoha, it was lucky to escape the fatal destruction, and then escaped, and was hidden underground by the surviving Kornin. Although most of the weapons in the Angkor Fortress are destroyed, the fortress cannons are intact.

Shennong is going to use this fortress cannon to destroy Konoha.

However, it is a pity that the Angkor Fortress is powered by Chakra, and the same is true for the Fortress Cannon. Kongnin Village completely uses Chakra as an energy source. In the era when Kongnin Village has disappeared, Shennong does not have it at all. There are enough chakras to activate the fortress cannon.

So Shennong turned his target to the tail beast, preparing to use the tail beast to spur the fortress cannon, but the tail beast is an absolute secret of the Five Ninja Villages. Perhaps Renzhuli is not a secret in the village, but for the people outside the village, it is very It's hard to know who Renzhuli belongs to.

In addition to the importance of the Five Ninja Villages to the tail beast, Shennong had no chance to get the tail beast. Unwilling to get the tail beast, Shennong, who accidentally obtained some secret information from the country of ghosts, sprouted the idea of ​​creating a tail beast. , That is to use the zero tail of the dark chakra.

Shennong’s name as a doctor at the beginning was so that he could have the opportunity to enter the five great forbearance villages without being too strictly monitored. Later, in order to create zero tail, he used this identity to create multiple plague incidents. On the one hand, Increasing his fame, on the other hand, also allowed Zero Tail's manufacturing work to proceed smoothly.

"The country of ghosts, witches." The source of the dark chakra of Shennong's genes made Shen Fei immediately think of the witches of the country of ghosts.

"Let's go." Holding Shennong who was already in a coma, Shen Fei took Qianna and immediately rushed to the place where the Angkor Fortress was in Shennong's memory. This time, in order to save time, Shen Fei directly lifted Qianna, far beyond ordinary people. Rushed towards the target at a speed.

"Amalu, the carrier of zero tail, Zhuli of zero tail, remember that he would like Naruto, this time you are lucky." When he came to the village of Angkor Fortress, Shen Fei quickly saw a memory of Shennong The girl, Shennong's disciple, and also the zero-tailed man Zhuli she prepared, originally this village would be slaughtered by Shennong for desperate Amaru, but this time it did not have them to suffer such disasters.

"To be able to become a zero-tailed human body, the physique should be a bit special." With this thought, Shen Fei went directly to the hidden area of ​​the Angkor Fortress. Amaru's physique is special. If you change it to Oshemaru, maybe Would let it go, but Shen Fei didn't want to disturb her peaceful life, after all, he didn't want to create zero tails.

"Here?" After entering the Angkor Fortress, Chino was very surprised. He did not expect that there would be such a majestic building underground.

For the residents of Kongnin Village, Angkor Fortress is not only a fortress of war, but also the home where most people live. Yes, Kongnin Village does not have a fixed ground territory.

"It was a war fort in Kongren Village back then." Shen Fei said as he walked towards the location of Zero Tail in Shennong's memory. In a white room composed of pure white and with a large number of spells painted on the ground and walls, Shen Fei I saw a sealed cylinder with huge amounts of in the middle of the room, inside it was a zero tail.

The charms on the surrounding walls and the ground are used to absorb the zero-tailed chakra, a device that is more capable of being used by the Angkor Fortress, just like an electrical circuit.

"Hey, wake up." After seeing Zero Tail, Shen Fei immediately woke up Shennong.

"Here, what do you want to do." Shennong, who woke up, quickly found out where he was, and his face changed immediately."What, I definitely want to destroy it." Shen Fei said, he was about to destroy Zero Tail.

"Stop, do you know what this is? This is a zero tail, comparable to the existence of a tail beast. I am about to complete it. Don't you want to get his power? As long as you have his power, even if you are on the same level as the Five Great Ninja Villages , And even the unification of the Ninja World can be done.” Seeing that Shen Fei was about to ruin Zero Tail, Shennong shouted immediately. This was the painstaking effort of his life.

"Sit on an equal footing with the Five Ninja Villages and unify the Ninja World. With this zero tail, you really think too much. With this level of power, any Ninja Village in the Five Ninja Villages can solve it." Shen Fei said, ignoring Shennong. He made a fist with his right hand and completely destroyed the column with a single punch.

The black zero tail inside, after the cylinder was broken, was also torn apart. The current zero tail is not completed, it is very easy to kill the opponent.

"You, you." Seeing his life's hard work, directly destroyed in front of him, the old Shennong pointed at Shen Fei, and suddenly a large pool of blood spurted from his mouth, and then he was completely breathless.

"These guys are really hard to deal with. It seems that they can only be released after a while." Shen Fei didn't care about Shennong's death. What made him feel troubled was that they were imprisoned in the Angkor Fortress. A large number of civilians, many of them are still ninjas, there are ninjas in the five major ninja villages, and they are basically ninjas.

Zero Tail produces dark chakras by absorbing people’s negative emotions. Shennong detains many of the people he captured in the fortress. On the one hand, it is to create Zero Tail, and on the other hand, it uses a special device to make it. Absorb the vitality of these people to produce chakras to maintain the energy supply in the fortress.

For Shen Fei, definitely will release these people, but once these people are released, the Angkor Fortress will definitely be exposed.

These people may not know the real situation of the Angkor Fortress, but once they return to their village, the Five Ninja Villages will definitely send people to investigate.

In order to avoid this situation, Shen Fei decided not to let them leave before completing the transformation of the Angkor Fortress. For Ninja World, to make the Angkor Fortress fly, he could only rely on Chakra, but for Shen Fei , Chakra is not necessary.

If you want Angkor Fortress to fly, you only need to provide enough energy. After checking the internal energy supply of Angkor Fortress, Shen Fei began to carry out related transformations, a large-scale Ark reactor for energy use. .

As long as you don't use that fortress cannon to fight, just let the Angkor Fortress fly, a large Ark reactor will last for many years.

Fortunately, Shen Fei carried a lot of supplies with him, and with the help of the ability of the operation fruit and the technique of multiple shadow duplication, the transformation was carried out very quickly. I have to say that the auxiliary effect of the operation fruit combined with the multiple shadow duplication technique is powerful. .

Normally, if you want to modify the line, you must destroy the wall, and then repair it slowly, but for the fruit of the operation, it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Normally, it should have been a huge renovation project. With the cooperation of the multiple shadow duplication technique and the fruits of the operation, all the renovations were probably completed in one day.

"Clouds and mist." Before letting the Angkor Fortress rise into the air and leaving the ground, Shen Fei used a spell to fill the surrounding area with mist for several kilometers, so as not to be seen by some people.

"Activate." After Yi Tu Dun removed the soil above the Angkor Fortress, the Angkor Fortress began to slowly lift into the air. Although the soil above had been removed, the Angkor Fortress left the ground. A lot of movement made the surrounding villages feel the vibration of the ground.

"Now you can send them away." After the Angkor Fortress was successfully lifted into the sky, Shen Fei sent away all the people in the prison.

Even if people from the Five Great Ninja Village came to investigate later, the Angkor Fortress was already far away from here.

"This speed is too slow, no wonder Kongren Village will be destroyed by Konoha." Although the Angkor Fortress was lifted into the sky, the speed of Flight was simply unbearable. After all, it is a city in the sky, and it is impossible to fly too much Soon.

"Forget it, let me come." Shen Fei, feeling too slow, directly covered the entire fortress with Chakra, and then moved the entire fortress over a small island near the southern base with a flying Thor technique. , Here is the flying Thor technique that Shen Fei left before.

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