The space movement of the Flying Thor technique not only allows one to move back and forth quickly, but also can be used to move other things, and even attacks can be removed. During the Nine Tails Rebellion, the fourth generation of Hokage had moved to the nines. The tail beast jade that shoots its tail at Hokage Rock. During the Fourth Ninja World War, the four generations who reincarnated from the dirty soil also transferred the tail beast jade of the ten tails.

Similarly, when Uchiha Madara releases the tremor of the sky, if there are four generations of Hokage, there is no need to resist so hard, and the skill of flying Thor is transferred away.

"Let's go, go and make a move with other people Roar." When the Angkor Fortress reached the sky above the southern base, the base immediately discovered that the secret base of Oshemaru, the defense is very perfect, yes. Sora also has surveillance.

In fact, the five major Ninja villages all monitor the air to prevent enemies from falling from the sky. Ninjas do not lack the means of flying in the air. For example, Flight psychic beasts, some special ninjutsu, and secret arts can do this. Yes, if there is no air surveillance, it is easy to be caught off guard.

The so-called beckoning Roar is actually to let Onomaru know that Chino is here, and then let him notify Oya Chengyan, after all, the other party is Chino's father.

When Shen Fei took Chino to see the Oshe Maru, near the Sorrel Jinshan in the Kingdom of the River, the snake team rushed here and met with the seventh class of Kakashi, who was on the mission, and Asma. The tenth class.

The black hoe thunder tooth is one of Konoha’s original mist ninjas. After Konoha received the task from this village, naturally it was impossible to send only a few ninjas to do the task. The one who performed this task was the first of Asma. In Class Ten, Asma, who uses the chakra of the wind system, can just restrain the lightning attribute.

If a ninja can do a mission, if he can have the intelligence of the other party, he will naturally send a ninja with restrained attributes to take action. It will not appear that the opposite is a water escape ninja, here is a situation where a fire escape ninja is sent to the past, unless the intelligence is insufficient, then it is another matter. NS.

As for encountering the seventh class, it was completely coincidental. The seventh class happened to complete a task of cooperating with Sunnin village in the country of Kawano. After Tsunade became the five generations of Naruto, Konoha and Sunnin village immediately signed an alliance treaty. This cooperation task is very simple. The reason for the cooperation is to strengthen the relationship between the two Shinobu villages.

Konoha is the seventh class here, and Gaara is coming from Sand Ninja Village. The cooperation in this mission is just a pretense. It is actually to assassinate Gaara. Originally, Konoha would not interfere, but who would let anyone? Naruto is here, but Naruto and Gaara got to know each other through this mission.

Afterwards, the seventh class was on the way back and met Asma and others from the tenth class in the country of Kawasaki. After that, the two sides joined forces to deal with the black hoe Thunder tooth. I have to say that this time, the black hoe Thunder tooth is very unlucky. If the Snake Team, which was not Sasuke, arrived in time, it would have been killed.

"Sasuke, let's go back with us, Master Tsunade said, as long as you come back, you will forget everything about the Uchiha clan, Tsunade-sama will find a way to give you justice." Kakashi looked at Sasuke, a little bit polite. Said.

"Sasuke, come back." Naruto and Sakura also said in unison.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect it, Kakashi, Naruto, and the two of them don’t have any brains. How can you be naive, I will go back from Konoha, but not now, I will take back the Uchiha clan Do you know what was lost in Konoha, Kakashi." Sasuke said here, without waiting for Kakashi to speak, and then continued: "The position of Naruto, this is what the Uchiha clan deserves. Ye owes to Uchiha's clan, and I will do what Uchiha Madara didn't do back then."

"Kakashi, now he is no longer the Sasuke you knew before. He said it was useless. You can only take him down and bring Konoha back to figure out a solution." Aska approached Kakashi and whispered. Said.

Asma's words made Kakashi nod his head gently, but when the two decided to take action, Naruto over there jumped out, summoned a shadow duplication, and directly used Helix Pill.

"Sasuke, I will definitely take you back this time, even if you interrupt your hands and feet, the same."

"Helix pill, you have grown a lot, but Helix pill is not what you use." Sasuke said with the palm of his right hand spread out, and helix pill of the same File size as Naruto's hand appeared on the palm of his right hand. The speed of spiral pill formation is much faster than Naruto, the spiral pill formed with the help of shadow duplication."Spiral pill." After the spiral pill was formed, Naruto jumped up and rushed towards Sasuke.

"Naruto, stop." Kakashi wanted to call Naruto, but At the moment it was too late.

Facing Naruto's Helix Maru, Sasuke raised his left hand to prevent the others behind him from taking action. He stepped forward, and the Helix Maru in his right hand directly faced Naruto's Helix Maru.


The two Helix Maru collided and produced a loud noise. The powerful Chakra spread from the collision place to the surroundings, causing the surrounding ground to vibrate involuntarily. With Naruto’s unwilling roar, Sasuke’s Helix Maru Directly smashed Naruto's spiral pill, let his spiral pill hit Naruto's shoulder, and immediately shook Naruto's body back. Fortunately, Kakashi shot in time and caught Naruto who was flying back. , This didn't make Naruto fall to the ground.

Even if it was Helix Maru, there was no way for Naruto's Maruko to compare with Sasuke's. The absolute difference in strength could not be made up by roaring.

"Ninfa super beast pseudo-painting." Just when Sasuke was about to say something, Sai on Kakashi's side directly unrolled the scroll, and six ink lions jumped out of the scroll and rushed towards Sasuke and his party.

"Kakashi does it." At the same time, Asma, along with Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino of Class 10 beside him, followed behind the Ink Lion and rushed towards Sasuke.

"Sakura, you take care of Naruto." Kakashi put down Naruto as he said, and immediately appeared behind an ink lion.

"Mu Dun, the tree world has come."


Accompanied by Sasuke’s low drink, the ground in front of him undulated like waves, and then several trees quickly extended from the ground. The next moment the six ink lions were directly entangled by a large number of tree trunks, and then It turned into a pool of ink and spilled on the tree trunk.

After Asma, Kakashi and others discovered that they were wrong, they quickly retreated to the rear. In addition, Sasuke did not control Mu Dun to actively attack them, so that they avoided the shackles of those tree trunks.

"Mu Dun." The expressions of Kakashi, Asma, Shikamaru and others immediately became very ugly. Mu Dun is a legend in Konoha, even if the Konoha collapse plan was previously revealed by Osaki Maru in Konoha. The Ability, now that the group of them saw Mu Dun, they were still very shocked.

"Yes, Mu Dun, the power of the first generation of Naruto." With the huge amounts of trees blocking Kakashi's sight, they separated to the two sides, forming a circular arch. Sasuke's figure once again appeared in Kakashi's group of people. In sight.

At the moment Sasuke used the Arrival of the Tree Realm, but actually only summoned five big trees. The ninjutsu of the Arrival of the Tree Realm depends on how many chakras are used. A tree is the Arrival of the Tree Realm. A forest is also descending from the tree boundary.

It definitely doesn't matter if you want to change your name.

"Kakashi, I'm a little tired of you, don't force me to kill you, don't think I won't kill you, next time I meet, I won't be merciful, you better be aware of death." Sasuke said, and after a cold glance at the Konoha Ninja present, the trees in front of him closed again, blocking the sight of both parties.

"Let's go."

"Sasuke." Sakura was about to rush over and was stopped by Ino. "Sakura, Sasuke has changed. It is no longer the same Sasuke."Although both of them liked Sasuke in the ninja school back then, and even drove each other because of Sasuke, Ino is more sensible than Sakura.

"Sasuke will definitely come back. If he doesn't come back, I will leave with him." Kozakura just said here, suddenly her head tilted and fainted. It was Kamaru who shot.

"Let her calm down first, Mu Dun, this is really troublesome." Shikamaru stunned Sakura, scratching his head with a headache.

"Kakashi, you'd better be enlightened, his last sentence is more than just talking, you should feel the killing intent." Asma walked to Kakashi's side and sighed softly. Tone.

"I know." Kakashi said with a deep sigh.

"Sasuke." After Sakura woke up again, she still called Sasuke's name loudly.

"Kakashi-sensei, you said that Sasuke is in Otonin Village, Tanokuni, right?" Sakura saw Konoha and his party around him, and after being silent for a while, she immediately walked to Kakashi's side. , Asked.

"What do you want to do?" Kakashi looked at Sakura in surprise.

"I'm going to find him back."

"Yes, Mr. Kakashi, we went there to find Sasuke. He must have been deceived by Oshemaru and the others. This time we must make it clear." Naruto also joined in here.

"I said you are enough." Loud humming sounded in the air. This time it was not Kakashi or Asma who spoke, but Shikamaru.

"Sasuke won't come back, what are you going to do? Do you betray Konoha with him? Are you really ready to betray Konoha." Shikamaru's mood at the moment seemed very irritable, so the words You are very welcome.

"Please use your brain to think about it. The Uchiha clan was annihilated by Konoha. For Sasuke, Konoha has an animosity with him. I really think that you can resolve this genocide with just a few words. Yet."

"Shikamaru, calm down." Just when Shikamaru wanted to continue, Asma interrupted him immediately.

"Dingci, take Shikamaru to rest." Asma ordered afterwards.

"Sorry." After Shikamaru was silent, he seemed to calm down a lot. After saying that he was sorry, he immediately walked to the side with Dingci.

"What's wrong with Shikamaru?" Ding Ci, who was sitting on the ground, looked at Shikamaru next to him, and asked in a low voice. As a childhood sweetheart, Dingci knew Shikamaru very well. Those words before. , No matter how you look at it, it shouldn't appear from Shikamaru's mouth.

"Because our troubles are big this time." Konoha raised his head, looked at the sky, and said quietly.

"How old is it?" Ding Ci asked.

"It's so big that Konoha might be destroyed." As Konoha's think tanks, the Nara family has a lot of unknown information, including information about the Mu Dun experiment.Oshemaru, Sasuke showed Mu Dun one after another, and the mysterious person who appeared in Konoha, that is, Shen Fei, also mastered Mu Dun. The meaning of this represents, think carefully, that is the possibility of Oshe Maru. Master the method of mass production of Mu Dun Ability.

This kind of Ability, for the extremely clever Shikamaru, quickly thought of the worst case.

"I believe you must have a solution." Ding Ci didn't seem to care about the destruction of Konoha in Shikamaru's mouth.

"You really value me too much."

"Uchiha Sasuke." In the southern base, after seeing Sasuke, Chino's expression became very indifferent, which made Sasuke somewhat inexplicable.

The current Sasuke’s temperament is much better than that of the original, because now he is not alone in the base of Oshemaru. The original Sasuke is in the base of Osemaru. None of them can be regarded as companions. It can be said that he is all around. It's the enemy, now there is Fragrant Phosphorus, Bai and others, and Shen Fei here.

"Calm down." Shen Fei patted Qian Na's shoulder with his left hand, then looked at the black hoe Lei Ya, and said, "Lei Ya is right, welcome."

"You can cure Lan Wan." Hei Chu Lei Ya asked rhetorically.

"Definitely, but I have to wait a minute. There are some things to be dealt with here. Don't cut it again, Shuiyue, please take them down first." Shen Fei said and looked at Sasuke.

"Sasuke, come here." Shen Fei said, pressing his right hand on Sasuke's shoulder, and the three of them immediately appeared inside the Angkor Fortress in the next moment.

"This is Chino, the last descendant of the blood pool clan, and his identity is similar to yours, but her clan's annihilation is related to the Uchiha clan."

Shen Fei knew the truth about the extinction of the blood pool clan, but since her father didn’t want to stand up, it would be difficult for Shen Fei to reveal the truth here. Could you tell China that the blood pool clan was her father’s annihilation? Yes, one Sasuke is enough for this kind of thing, and Chino doesn't have to bear the burden of the truth at all.

"Chino, what happened back then, Sasuke was not born at all, and strictly speaking, the culprit is not the Uchiha clan, but the name of the Thunder country, the ninja of the Uchiha clan they hired. You two have a good talk. Just talk, remember, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to do it."

After exhorting the two of them, Shen Fei left the Angkor Fortress.

"I'll take a look at his physical condition, the problem is not big." Shen Fei, who left the Angkor Fortress, immediately went to Lei Ya and Lan Wan. After checking Lan Wan, she found that there was no major problem at all.

Lan Wan’s problem is that because of the blood inheritance limit, his body is too weak. Now as he ages, he has recovered. Even without special treatment, as long as he maintains adequate diet, he will be slow later. Slow recovery.

"His situation is like this." Regarding Lan Wan's situation, Shen Fei told Hei Chu Leya truthfully, without exaggerating the slightest.

"Now that you know his situation, do you want to take him away? Although this belongs to you, there are some things. I want to say that it is not a good thing that he continues to follow you. He has never had any peers." It's definitely not a good thing for a child to follow a murderous demon.

"But if you want to stay, you must obey the order and don't kill innocent people. You should think about it. If you want to leave, no one will stop you." One of the thirty-six strategies.

"Next, it's time to meet Nagato and Xiao Nan, Samsara's eyes." Shen Fei didn't care about the situation on Lei Ya's side soon, but was thinking about Qixiao's situation.

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