The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 446: Xiao (Part 2)

"Uchiha Madara." As soon as the name came out, Nagato and Konan couldn't help but look at each other. Even in Akatsuki, only Nagato, Konan, and Kuro knew the name Uchiha Madara. Zutsu, and Uchiha Madara himself, the others didn't even know that Uchiha Madara was hidden in Akatsuki's organization.

Certainly Uchiha Itachi may know, but Nagato and Xiaonan didn't know Itachi knew about this.

"The Uchiha Madara in front of you is a fake. The real Uchiha Madara is dead. The current one is just a pawn left by him before he died. The real Uchiha Madara’s purpose is to use your Akatsuki organization to collect Nine big-tailed beasts, and then use your reincarnation eye's reincarnation technique to resurrect him." Shen Fei roughly spoke out Uchiha Madara's conspiracy.

This is indeed Uchiha Madara's plan. Uchiha's soil is only used by him to monitor Nagato, but Madara did not expect that Nagato will be defeated by Naruto.

Silence, endless silence. After listening to Shen Fei’s words, Nagato and Xiaonan didn’t react at all, as if they had heard nothing. This made Shen Fei feel a little embarrassed. This was the first time he encountered this. Condition.

This is not to blame Nagato and Xiaonan for not responding, but that the two of them have experienced too much over the years, and they are no longer as simple as they were in the past. They will not believe in Shen Fei only by his words. Naruto can convince Nagato. , His Mouth escape is the key, but the more important addition to the identity of Naruto Jiraiya’s disciple, replace it with another person to try Mouth escape Nagato.

"It seems that you don’t believe it, so I’ll start from the beginning, Nagato, your whole life is actually under the supervision of Uchiha Madara. Yahiko’s death was not just Konoha’s people and Hanzo teamed up, and Uchiha Madara also pushed things forward behind the scenes."

"What did you say?" Nagato finally reacted when he mentioned Yahiko's death.

"Calm down." Seeing Nagato's emotions a bit agitated, Xiao Nan hurriedly comforted him while looking at Shen Fei with a vigilant look.

"What evidence do you have for saying that." Xiao Nan finally spoke.

"The evidence is his reincarnation eyes. It is not his eyes at all, but Uchiha Madara's eyes were replaced by him when he was very young. People from the Uzumaki clan will never have reincarnation eyes. The only people in the Ninja world who can have reincarnation eyes are the Youyu Chiba clan."

"Don't interrupt me. When I finish speaking, the Six Dao Immortals used to have two sons." When Xiao Nan wanted to speak, Shen Fei waved his hand to stop him, and then took the Six Dao Immortals' sons Indra and Asura The thing is said.

"Because it is not your own eyes, if you want to use the power of the swollen eyes, you must overdraw the power of life. The reason why Uchiha Madara chose you at the beginning is because you are a member of the Uzumaki clan, and the vitality is naturally strong. There is no way to use the power of the reincarnation eye."

If the power of the reincarnation eye is given to ordinary people, let alone use the power of the reincarnation eye, I am afraid that it will be directly absorbed by the reincarnation eye to dry its own chakra.

Naruto World is simply a doll, a conspiracy and another conspiracy, thinking that he is behind the scenes, they are all other people's pawns.

After speaking, Shen Fei became silent, giving the two of them time to think.

At the moment, Nagato and Xiaonan's expressions are very complicated. They didn't expect that they were in a conspiracy from the very beginning. Although the conspiracy was mainly aimed at Nagato, Xiaonan is a companion of Nagato and definitely fell into it. Went in.

"So, I killed Yahiko." Nagato spoke suddenly after being silent for a while.

"No, Nagato, it's not your business, what he said may not be true." Xiaonan hurriedly comforted Nagato.

"No, what he said is not wrong. In fact, I had doubts about the eyes of reincarnation, but I thought it was because the eyes of the immortal were too strong to have such a problem, and, Xiaonan, you actually think he said it. That's right.""This." When Nagato asked, Xiao Nan hesitated immediately. She wanted to say that everything Shen Fei said was false, but some things could not be faked. Nagato and Xiao Nan didn't notice before. He was a fan of the authorities, but he noticed immediately after Shen Fei's reminder.

Just like Uchiha brought the soil, he never thought that Lin's death was a plot by Madara, but thought it was a plot by Kirinin Village, which was also a fan of the authorities.

Because of this, it blames Mizumon for being late at a critical time, and Kakashi for not protecting Lin, but never for Uchiha Madara.

"Who are you?" After Nagato and Xiaonan recovered their calm, they looked at Shen Fei very suspiciously. How did Shen Fei know such top-secret information.

"I am a traveler, from the opposite side of the sea, and I do not belong to the world of Shinobi. The reason why I know many things about you is because I know a kind of prophecy. I think you are all familiar with prophecy. According to In the words of your teacher Jiraiya, you who have the eyes of reincarnation should be the so-called son of prophecy."

"Listening to you, it seems that I am not the son of prophecy." Nagato calls himself a god, and the son of prophecy that Jilaiya said back then also played a big role.

"Yes, you are not the son of prophecy. If I don't show up, you will kill Jilaiya in the future."

"Really?" Nagato and Xiaonan were not too surprised to hear that they would kill Jiraiya.

"Who is the true son of prophecy?" Nagato suddenly asked.

"You don't need to know this. After I came here, the so-called prophecy has been broken."

"You told us so much, what is the purpose?" Xiao Nan suddenly said.

"There is no special purpose. I just don't want you to end up with the tragic ending. In the future, Nagato will die. The same is true for you. It will be in the hands of the current Madara, even if you have prepared 600 billion detonation symbols to deal with him. It’s no use. Although you have destroyed his power, the Uchiha clan has a secret technique called Izanaki, which can transform all the unfavorable factors that you have suffered into dreams, even death. , You can also be resurrected, you are defeated by this trick."

"Since you know he is a fake Uchiha Madara, what is his real identity?" Nagato asked.

"Uchiha takes the soil, just like you, it is the pawn chosen by Uchiha Madara. When you founded Xiaogang, he basically killed him. At the same time, he was also a disciple of your brother's fourth generation of Naruto. The people who killed the Watergate couple.

By the way, there is Kurozu. He is a pawn buried by Uchiha Madara before his death. He was created with a special ninjutsu. The life with his partial consciousness is mainly to supervise the soil and Nagato. Do you follow his plan? Once you deviate from the original plan, Heijue will be responsible for bringing the plan back to the right track. The real troublemaker is him. "

"Uchiha Madara." Nagato and Xiaonan said the name in unison, their voices full of hatred.

"Yahiko can be resurrected. Your reincarnation technique should be able to resurrect him."

"You know so much, don't you know what the consequences of using the reincarnation technique will be." Xiaonan hurriedly interrupted Shen Fei's words. After Nagato discovered the reincarnation technique, he had thought about resurrection. Yahiko's, but Xiao Nan stopped him. For Xiao Nan, although he wanted Yahiko to be resurrected, he didn't want to exchange the life of another companion.

"The art of reincarnation, as far as I know, should consume vitality greatly. If there is a way to replenish his vitality, it can not only resurrect Yahiko, but also restore his body to normal conditions. I There is a way to treat his body."

"You told us so much, no other purpose?" Xiao Nan mentioned this topic again.

"I have no purpose at all, not at all. I have two purposes. One is Uchiha Madara’s reincarnation eye. I hope you will give him to me after you understand everything. I will definitely be responsible for restoring his original eyes. Another purpose is that I want to take away the nine big-tailed beasts."

After hearing Shen Fei's purpose, Xiao Nan showed such an expression as expected."I have no malice against you. In fact, if I really want to do it, it will be easy to grab the eye of reincarnation from your hands." Shen Fei said that the figure disappeared instantly and appeared beside Nagato, with two fingers directly Pressed on Nagato's eyes. "

"Nagato." Xiao Nan's expression changed immediately after seeing this scene, and at the same time he immediately launched three paper shurikens at Shen Fei.

"If I want to do it, you are not my opponent at all." Shen Fei said, the figure disappeared from Nagato's side in an instant, and then appeared in the original position.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng." Here Tian Dao Payne also started to make a move. As he raised his hand, an extremely powerful repulsion appeared in front of Shen Fei instantly, but although this repulsion was powerful, it did not shake at all. Shen Fei's body.

"Shadow Dragon Hand." Shen Fei patted his hands and waved his right hand forward. A wooden dragon immediately flew out of his palm, growing with the wind, and when it rushed to Tiandao Payne's side, it had become The five-meter-long wooden dragon directly bound Tiandao Payne tightly.

Among many ninjutsu such as Shulker Wooden Hand and Shulker Vine Hand, Shen Fei finally chose Shulker Dragon Hand to shrink the wooden dragon, and the wooden dragon does not have to be that big.

This trick, Yamato actually can, Yamato's Great Forest Technique is similar to the Shulker Wooden Hand before Shen Fei.

A wooden dragon is a shark shadow dragon hand, and multiple wooden dragons are naturally a shark shadow dragon hand.

"Paper rain." Seeing Tiandao Payne was bound, Xiao Nan immediately flew into the air. A pair of huge amounts of paper wings appeared behind him, and a large number of paper shurikens shot towards Shen Fei below.

"Shadow Dragon Hand." Looking at the numerous paper shurikens, Shen Fei summoned a wooden dragon again. The hovering wooden dragon stared at the paper shurikens and rushed towards Xiao Nan in the air, binding her too.

"I said you were too impulsive." Seeing Shen Fei grabbing Xiao Nan, Nagato immediately wanted to get rid of the shackles on his body. With Shen Fei desperately, Penn Liudao and a puppet can only use one Ability of the reincarnation eye. Nagato can use all the abilities of the reincarnation eye.

If it is not necessary, Nagato will naturally not do it, because doing so means desperately. With Nagato's current body, the main body will not last long.

Don’t think about how strong the Six Ways of Payne are. In fact, because of the dispersal of the power of the eyes of reincarnation, the Six Ways of Payne are worlds apart from Nagato’s body strength. Nagato who is reincarnated from the filthy soil can face the strength and strength of the nine-tailed people alone. The eight-tailed man's Zhuli added a Uchiha Itachi who was reincarnated from the dirty soil.

If Nagato’s body is intact and the body is intact, he can almost hang the entire Ninja world by himself. The power of the reincarnation eye is so powerful, not counting Uchiha Madara and the first generation Naruto, and Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto who grew up later. , Nagato can be said to be the strongest in the Ninja world.

The Ability of Reincarnation Eye's Ability to absorb Chakra is simply Tianke for a ninja who does not know how to immortality, even the third generation of Earth Shadow's original world peeling technique can be absorbed.

Even if the reincarnation eye is not Nagato, after so many years of development, he has already had a lot of experience in using it. In contrast, the reincarnation eye is obtained with the soil behind it, and the power of the reincarnation eye is not fully exerted.

Ninja is also an emperor, which makes Nagato feel a bit tricky.

"You'd better sleep for a while." In order to prevent Nagato from desperately, Shen Fei directly stunned Nagato. As Nagato fainted, Heavenly Dao Payne on one side also lost consciousness. Xiao Nan, who was in control, was struggling hard.

"Don't be so nervous, I just want you to see my strength. If I really have any intentions against you, it will not be more convenient to do it. Now let me take a look at his physical condition. Don't let me. I'm distracted." Maybe it was Shen Fei's words that worked, and Xiao Nan didn't struggle afterwards.

"Retire's injury is not light, but it's not a problem. The main reason is that the body is overdrawn too much." The injury is well treated, but the overdraft of the body is a bit troublesome.

"Only the first generation cells can be integrated, but before that, let's heal the legs first." After hesitation, Shen Fei immediately began to treat.

There is the fruit of the operation, which completely saves the trouble of taking out related equipment."Woke up."

"Nagato, how do you feel."

Nagato, who woke up here, immediately heard Xiao Nan’s words of concern, and then Nagato immediately reacted to what happened before. Nagato turned his head and found that Xiao Nan was standing beside him with a look of concern, while sinking. Fly sitting on a wooden chair.

"Nagato, how is your body."

"It's never been better."

Xiao Nan's words made Nagato immediately feel that his current body is completely different from before. The previous Nagato had to endure pain all the time, and it was a real loss that he was able to endure it for so many years.

"Definitely will be very good, but I let you integrate the first generation of cells, as long as you want, you can also develop the first generation of Hokage Mu Dun."

"Xiao Nan." Nagato looked at Shen Fei, and then turned his eyes to Xiao Nan.

"He shouldn't be malicious." In the previous battle, Xiao Nan had already understood that Shen Fei really wanted to do it, even if Penn's Six Paths were on Nagato's side, the result was the same.

"Next, let's talk about it."

"Talk about your ideals, your purpose for forming Akatsuki."

The so-called dawn before dawn is the darkest time. The name of the Akatsuki organization comes from here. To wipe out the darkest period, when Yahiko is still alive, Akatsuki is committed to achieving this through dialogue and communication between people. World peace is similar to Naruto’s philosophy.

From the beginning, Akatsuki was committed to dialogue with Hanzo, hoping to use Hanzo's prestige to negotiate with the five Ninja villages, but it was a pity that Hanzo had no intention of dialogue with them, and instead regarded them as the greatest threat.

After Yahiko's death, Nagato was committed to using force to achieve peace. The purpose of collecting the nine big-tailed beasts was to use the power of the tailed beasts to create a forbidden technique that could instantly destroy a country to achieve peace, similar For nuclear deterrence.

Once successful, the Five Ninja Villages will definitely choose one to worship the flag, among which Konoha has the greatest chance.

I have to say that this method can't be wrong. Once it can be done, the ninja world will definitely be relatively peaceful, just like when the original Hokage was alive, the ninja world was also peaceful.

Nagato's methods and Yahiko's are completely two extremes.

However, neither Yahiko nor Nagato had ever thought of unifying the Ninja world to achieve peace. In this regard, for the people in the Ninja world, it seems that most people are willing to maintain the status quo.

Even Danzo’s ambitions are limited to the five Ninja villages, not the five countries.

"Although your method is good, it can only be peaceful for a while. Why have you never considered the whole world, unifying the five major countries, and completely eliminating the estrangement between countries."

"The current five great nations were also established during the Warring States period. At the beginning, many people did not obey the rule of the five great nations. Now, isn't the Five Great Ninja Village also obeys the five great nations? If this is the case, why not establish a unity In the country of Japan, to eliminate the barriers between Ninja Village and Ninja Village, and between countries, even if many people will object at the beginning, but after decades, the old generation will die and the new generation will appear, everything will be simple. "

Shen Fei took out the words used to persuade Sasuke again.

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