The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 447 Xiao (End)

Shen Fei’s words made Nagato and Xiaonan immediately silent. They never thought about this issue. For the purpose of the Akatsuki organization, Nagato only wanted to use the power of the nine big-tailed beasts to deter other countries, Shinobu, To achieve the goal of peace in the entire Ninja world, I have never thought of ruling these countries and Ninja villages.

Whether it is the current Five Great Ninja Villages, the previous Warring States period, and the distant age of the Six Dao Immortals, they have never thought about unity, and peace for all is only a limited place.

In terms of strength, I have to say that the world of Hokage is far more than Qin Shimingyue, but in terms of overall situation, system, and philosophy, it is far inferior, whether it is Yingzheng, Han Fei, even Changping Jun, Yan Dan, any of them. When it comes to the Ninja World, the Ninja World may be different.

After all, definitely is a different world. This kind of comparison is not appropriate. The biggest problem of Naruto World is that there is no complete cultural inheritance. Konoha is considered the best cultural education, and the ninja is just staying in the ninja school. Years only, how much knowledge can I learn in these six years, not to mention that the knowledge taught is mainly ninja.

It is said that the establishment of the Five Great Ninja Villages is the end of the Warring States Period of the Ninja World. In fact, this is just self-deception. The Five Great Ninja Villages and the Five Great Nations belong to the Warring States Period. Some small Ninja villages are still destroyed from time to time.

For the secret of Yunnin Village, I don’t know how many small ninja villages and ninja families have been destroyed. The same Konoha’s follower, under the leadership of Danzo, is the same. In fact, the five major ninja villages are similar to each other in this respect, fifty steps. It's just the difference from a hundred steps.

"Why do ninjas have to do missions to make money? Haven't you ever thought about this, can't ninjas do other jobs?" Shen Fei continued to speak as he looked at the silent Nagato and Xiaonan.

In the ninja world, the occupation of ninjas is very limited. Fortunately, Danin village is good, because the village is big enough, there will always be some jobs that require ninjas, such as firefighters, police departments, etc., to use the efficiency of ninjas , Much taller than ordinary people.

But it’s different for Xiaonin Village. Tasks can be said to be their only income. In order to obtain tasks, they have to lower their rewards for tasks, because the pay and income are completely disproportionate, and there is no guarantee. As time goes by, the tasks naturally increase. The less, the ninjas in the village either changed careers or became wandering ninjas.

There are so many wandering ninjas and bounty hunters in the ninja world, mainly from these small ninja villages and ninja families.

There are two main reasons why ninjas are so restricted by their occupations. One is that most of the ninja villages, ninja families, are unwilling to discard the ninja village, the honor of the family, and hope to develop and grow, as long as they can develop and grow, they can do it at any cost.

Just like the Wind Demon Clan, in order to develop and grow, they took refuge in Da She Wan, that is, now Shen Fei has appeared, so that Da She Pill has changed his interest, otherwise, now the young patriarch of the Wind Demon Clan, Feng Mo Lan, may become an experimental subject just like the original work. As for now, the Wind Demon clan was sent to Otonin Village to do a mission by Oshe Maru.

In order to complete the revival, the ninja can do whatever it takes.

The second reason is the daimyo. The system of the entire ninja world restricts ninjas to death. Even if the five great ninja villages are now famous, ninjas can appear in an upright manner, but in the eyes of some people, ninjas are still shameless and shameless. Assassins, especially the samurai class, can be said to hate ninjas the most.

The big names of some small countries in the ninja world do not have ninjas under their command. The main reason is this kind of thinking. If the ninjas were not too strong, they would be defeated, the country of warriors and the country of iron might have been at war with the ninjas long ago.

For the daimyo, restricting the ninja to the task of the profession can control the ninja. Once the ninja jumps out of this circle, with the strength of the ninja, the power of the five powers will definitely be reshuffled.

Under this kind of system implementation, it is very difficult for a ninja to overthrow the daimyo and unify the entire country. Even Konoha is the same. The ninja in the country of fire is not only capable of Konoha, but also guards the twelve ninjas and the temple of fire. And other miscellaneous families, these are basically on the side of the big name.

Another thing is that once the two sides go to war, Konoha will lose a lot of aid, and even Konoha will not last long if he loses this aid.This is not Shen Fei's nonsense, but the conclusion he obtained after some investigation. After learning the art of shadow duplication, Shen Fei has more free time, and all the skills training is given to shadow duplication, although it is not as good as the main body. Cultivation is effective, but the time it takes to cultivate has become a lot longer.

Now he not only has a shadow duplication of sword practice, but also a shadow duplication that only throws his fists all day long. This is a shadow duplication that imitates Nitro’s heart and soul. Nitro’s strength is not as good as his, but he is good at boxing. It surpassed him in realm.

Because of curiosity, Shen Fei asked a shadow duplication to investigate the ninja’s missions, mainly in Otonin Village. In terms of the mission system of the five major ninja villages discussed in conjunction with the pharmacist, the pharmacist served as an undercover agent in the five major ninja villages. Know this information well.

The result of the investigation is that food and some daily life materials are basically in the hands of the state. Ninja Village has very little control. That is to say, the five major Ninja villages have mastered some of these aspects of production. Other small Ninja villages are completely in charge. No, Otonin Village is like that.

Oshemaru naturally wouldn't care about this, but those ninjas at the bottom couldn't care less.

The bottom ninjas are actually very poor. Naruto and other Konoha twelve Xiaoqiangs, and Gaara and others are not normal ninjas at all. The real ninjas can only rely on Chakra to get their bodies. The quality is better than the average person, and ninjutsu is totally unattainable.

"If things go on like this, there will be more and more ninjas, and the mission can't keep up with the growth rate of the ninjas, so we can only consume these extra ninjas by launching a ninja war. This is the reason why the ninja war has always occurred. This is also the daimyo restricting the ninja. The method of growth."

The sound of Shen Fei's decisive words sounded in Nagato and Xiao Nan's ears, and the words he had said with Sasuke before, At the moment came out again.

The development of science and technology in the blog is the future development direction of the ninja world. Ninjas are no longer limited to tasks, but have begun to diversify.

"It turned out to be so."

Shen Fei's words caused Nagato and Xiao Nan to show a suddenly realized look. This kind of ideological problem was never considered by them.

But this is also normal. The three of them became orphans when they were very young, and they have been working hard to survive. There are opportunities to learn there, and even if they want to learn, there is no place to learn. Did you think about finding a way to make the world peaceful?

Didn’t you find it, so you entrusted your hope to the next generation?

"You can wait and think about these things later. I will give you a few books when the time comes. You can study hard. Now we still think about it first. We will deal with Uchiha belt soil and Kurozu first, and then we can consider the future. Things." Seeing Nagato and Xiao Nan lost in thought, Shen Fei immediately pulled them back to reality.

"What can you do?" After Xiao Nan and Nagato looked at each other, Xiao Nan said.

"Do you have a way to contact them, it's best to bring them here one by one, and then I will bring them into this space-time ninjutsu, I will deal with him, Xiaonan, your strength is not enough to deal with them, Nagato, you are just beginning to recover. There is no need to do it. It is the most important thing to keep your body well first."

"Taito is here at present. Hei Jue is currently investigating information outside, and he is investigating what happened to Konoha before, and he is also investigating the whereabouts of other people Zhuli."

Konoha's Renzhuli was not a secret to Akatsuki. Both Tato and Itachi knew about it, but the Renzhuli of other Shinnin villages was different.

"Then call the soil over." Shen Fei unlocked the mirror space as he said, and a group of three people appeared in the steel secret room, and Tiandao could move around immediately."I'll contact him." Xiao Nan said and walked out of the secret room with Tiandao Payne, after which a paper butterfly split into his body and flew outside.

"Looking for me at this time, what's the matter?" Not long after, Tiandao Payne and Xiao Nan stood side by side on the protruding platform of the steel tower. The air twisted like ripples out of thin air. A voice rang Wearing Akatsuki's uniform with a spiral mask on his face appeared behind the two.

"I just received the latest information here, I think Mr. Ban should know it." Xiao Nan and Tian Dao Payne turned around and looked at the soil together, Xiao Nan said calmly.

"Oh, what kind of information is it?" A low voice with soil slowly sounded under the mask. When he appeared as Madara, it would not show A Fei's funny behavior with soil.

"Uchiha Daido and Nohara Lin, I don't know if Mr. Madara has heard of them." Xiaonan's words made Daido's body froze unchecked.

At this moment, Shen Fei, who had been hiding in the mirrored space, immediately began to take action. The diffused mirrored space immediately wrapped the three people, Tiandao Payne, and Xiao Nan. The next moment Tiandao Payne was in a mirror image. In the space, his body immediately collapsed, but before he fell, Xiao Nan immediately supported him.

"It seems that Mr. Madara has heard of them. No, maybe I should call you Uchiha to bring the soil." Xiaonan said, immediately holding Tiandao Payne's body and retreating to the back, until he retreated to Shen Fei. Stopped around.

"Who are you?" The exposure of one's own identity caused the dirt with only one right eye to be exposed. Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes immediately stared at the stranger Shen Fei. The dirt after Blacken was very smart, Shen Fei. The appearance of this stranger made Tai Tu guess for the first time that it was related to the exposure of his identity.

"I've always been a crane tail at school, and I couldn't beat Kakashi's crane tail once, but after seeing Uchiha Madara, in just a few years, it was enough to fight his teacher's fourth generation Naruto. It was the indirect killing of his master and his mother, the Uchiha clan is really not to be underestimated."

Looking at the dirt on the opposite side, Shen Fei clapped his hands with some emotion, and then said: "Don't use your phantom illusion, it won't work for me."

The illusion technique of Zhuanyan is invincible. As long as the line of sight is on, the opponent may use the illusion, and the person who has the Zhuanyan must always pay attention to the chakra situation in his body.

"It seems that you know a lot." Tai Tu said that an iron chain suddenly appeared on his left hand, and then locked the iron chain on his wrists, and then immediately rushed towards Shen Fei.

Blacken's soil, in his eyes, no one can not sacrifice, the appearance of Shen Fei disrupted his layout, he must be caught for interrogation or killed in the first place.


After Shen Fei threw out a handful of Kuunai here, the people rushed towards the soil at the same time.

"Is this a re-enactment of that battle?" Seeing Kuwu passing through his soiled head, Shen Fei suddenly had such an idea, and at the same time a spiral pill appeared on the palm of his right hand behind him.

"This guy has suffered a lot, and he hasn't learned how to behave." Shen Fei shook his head secretly as he looked at the soiled right hand that grabbed his left arm.


Shen Fei, who disappeared from the front of Sui Tu, appeared next to Kuwu with his left hand. He grasped Kuwu with his left hand, and the Helix Maru with his right hand directly hit the back with the soil. The powerful force of Helix Maru, directly Smash the soiled body onto the ground in the mirrored space.That is to say, now that Shen Fei has not learned how to use the spiral pill to imprint Thor's warlock on the opponent's body, otherwise he will definitely bring dirt to this hand.

But he won't keep the mark of Flying Thor, but he will keep the mark of Magician.

"I said, are you an idiot, and the tactics used by the fourth generation of Naruto were actually used against me, since I know your identity, don't I know the ability of your kaleidoscope to write round eyes?" Look. Shen Fei couldn't help but laugh as he fled towards the rear, trembling with dirt.

In fact, he didn't think he would hit the opponent just now, but he really did.

"The technique of flying Thor." Taking the soil bitterly looked at Shen Fei, and for a while, he was seriously injured. The face under the mask of the soil At the moment was very ugly.

In fact, this is not to blame for the soil. His supernatural power, even Xiaonan and Nagato, are not very clear. The only time he suffered a loss was at the fourth generation of Naruto Fengshuimen. I have to say that the watermen is Niubi, Naruto. Fighting with Kakashi and Daito so many times, plus Kakashi also has dirt eyes, only to see the weakness of the gods.

However, the first contact with Watergate was still in the middle of the battle, and the flaws were immediately found, and the post-surgical style was left behind. Such wisdom and reaction are truly breathtaking.

Many people think that it is the art of flying Thor that made the name of the yellow flash, but in fact, it is the opposite. It is Watergate that has made the art of flying Thor famous.

The powerful thing is not the flying Thor technique, but the water gate's reaction speed, wisdom, and combat quality. The second generation of Hokage can also fly the Thor technique, but it does not have the name of the Flying Thor technique.

Not exceeding the excellent reaction speed of ordinary people, the effect of flying Thor's technique is greatly discounted.

"Are you leaving, don't talk more, don't you want to know the truth of Ye Yuan Lin's death?" Seeing the ripples around her body, Shen Fei immediately understood that the soil was about to escape, so she said immediately.

"Huh." Tai Tu ignored Shen Fei's words, and his figure distorted and disappeared in the next moment.

"The mirror space can't stop him, that is to say, the divine power space belongs to the space that his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye independently carries." When divine power absorbs and releases, it needs physical words, although the distance between the soil and him is a little far away. , But if Shen Fei wanted to stop, he could still do it. Zhishu didn't stop it. It was Shen Fei who wanted to see what the situation in the divine mighty space was.

Anyway, he had already left a mark on the body with the soil before, and he could not escape with the soil.

"Independent space, this is a good harvest." The so-called independent space is like a space ring. It can be used in different worlds. Use the enchantment again.

"He ran away." Shen Fei didn't care about fleeing with soil, but Xiao Nan couldn't care less.

"Don't worry, he can't escape." Shen Fei said that his hands were sealed, and he drew a golden and fire-lit secret door in the air. The opposite of the secret door was a space with a very strange cube. A supernatural space with soil.

For the door of the secret method, there are coordinates on the body of the soil, and it is impossible to escape.

"Yeah, we met again.

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