"I won't let you leave this time." After seeing Shen Fei and Xiao Nan, Jiedu immediately wanted to use Shenwei to leave the Shenwei space after seeing Shen Fei and Xiaonan. It was also quick to respond, but it was this moment of stupefaction that made him lose the opportunity to leave.

Shen Fei's figure appeared directly in front of him, hit him in the stomach with a punch, interrupted his supernatural power. For Jiudu, the Ability of God power is the foundation of his foothold, precisely because of the power of God. Only when he was a teenager, he was able to fight head-on with the four generations of Hokage, and only one person could kill the Anbu at the time. If he loses his power, his strength will drop by at least about 70%.

I have to say that space-time ninjutsu is a metamorphosis. Shen Fei is definitely not qualified to say that with soil. His Kamar-Taj magic is a top start from the beginning.

Shenwei is the Ability with soil, and it is simply nonsense to prevent the other party from using it. Just like with soil if there are no primary cells on the body, it is impossible to use it so unscrupulously. Who will let the soil have primary cells? .

"Yeah." He took a fist with the dirt on his body and snorted, and he involuntarily stepped back several steps, but then the body with the dirt stopped. It did not stop with the dirt but sinks. Fei grabbed his neck directly, and then shattered the spiral mask on his face with one blow, revealing the scarred right half of his face.

"This eye belongs to me." Shen Fei said, stretched his right hand directly to his right eye with soil, and buttoned the kaleidoscope in his right eye socket. This time, Shen Fei did not use the power of the operation fruit, but directly Hands-on.

"Ah." The eyes were taken out abruptly, and there was a pain Roar with the soil, and then Shen Fei threw the soil on the cube.

"It is said that Kakashi used his supernatural power to throw a lot of things into it, and I don't know if it hit the soil at that time." Shen Fei suddenly thought of Kakashi's eyes with soiled eyes. Only a kaleidoscope writes round eyes.

"I have to find a chance to get Kakashi's eyes. If I leave this world with these eyes, can Kakashi's power still be used?" Shen Fei, who was thinking so in his heart, immediately took this The kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes closed.

Although Shen Fei didn't want to replace his eyes directly with the Shalunyan or the Reincarnation Eye, he could use the Shalunyan and Reincarnation Eye as props.

"Does it hurt?" Shen Fei looked at crouching on the cube after closing the Shalunyan, covering his right eye with his right hand, only revealing the dirt of the Sangouyu Shalunyan in the left eye.

Although brought earth to give Kakashi his left eye, he collected a lot of writing wheel eyes of Sangoyu on the night of Uchiha’s extermination. Under his whirlpool mask, his left eye is equipped with writing wheel. Eye.

"This pain is nothing at all." His right eye had stopped bleeding when he spoke with the soil. His right body is mainly composed of cells from the first generation of Hokage. The self-healing ability is very strong, even if not deliberately. Go to treatment and the injury will recover on its own.

"Isn't it a big deal? I don't know if Ye Yuan Lin is alive and knows that you killed her master, how would she react."

"Don't mention Lin, teacher, he's a teacher, he is always late when it is critical." Suddenly, Lin yelled, and Lin really was the Ni Lin in his heart.

"Have you never thought about why Watergate was late? Why did you just see Lin die in the hands of Kakashi, and you who were with Uchiha Madara at the time, why happened to hear Bai Jue’s report and arrived right now? The most important thing is that Wuren Village is willing to use it as a one-time item for such an important thing as the tail beast. Isn't it good to keep it as a human pillar?"

When the first generation of Hokage divided nine big-tailed beasts, they were not free, but they needed to be bought at a high price, and it was easy to let Sanwei get rid of Konoha, but once Sanwei was killed by Konoha, or caught, how could it be? It's not a tail beast to Konoha.

Even if Wurencun can return to Sanwei through negotiation and other means afterwards, it will definitely have to pay a high price."What do you mean by this?" Shen Fei's words caused the only left eye with dirt to flash again and again.

"What do you mean, it's so simple, you can't guess it. You were definitely calculated. Rin Nohara died in front of you. It was Uchiha Madara's plan. The three-tailed man in her body was forcibly sealed in by Madara and let her meet When you arrive at Kakashi, send someone to hold the Bofeng water gate, and then let Bai Jue control the speed of advancement, so that you can just rush to see that scene."

"You are talking nonsense." With a roar of soil, he immediately rushed towards Shen Fei. Shen Fei's words seemed to make him lose his mind.


The dirt that rushed up was kicked back directly by Shen Fei and hit the wall of another larger cube. As his body fell, Shen Fei waved his hand, and a chain held the dirt. He was tied up and pulled to Shen Fei's front.

"Is it nonsense? You should be very clear. You are really pitiful." Shen Fei sighed slightly, and then a few wooden needles appeared in his hand, piercing several key parts of the soiled body. , This is a means to restrain the flow of Chakra, similar to a closed element needle under one person.

Then he threw the soil on the ground.

There is definitely a similar method in the ninja world, that is, the sealing technique. The captives and spies captured by the ninja village usually use the sealing technique to seal the opponent’s body, but they want to achieve this degree of sealing. , The general Ninja village can't do it, only the five great Ninja villages have this kind of sealing technique.

The kind of catching a ninja and just tying it up is true for the Little Ninja Village, but for the Five Great Ninja Villages, it will not be so careless.

Just like the original Sasuke, the whole body was sealed in the restraint suit in the end. There was no way. At that time, Sasuke was too strong, and the general sealing technique could not work. In fact, even the whole body restraint suit. The seal may not have any effect on Sasuke, it's just that Sasuke at that time didn't want to resist.

"Lin, it's impossible, Lin, then what I did all this for, no, this world is hell, kill me, kill me."

The soil that was thrown on the ground, his expression collapsed. For a long time, he thought that everything was the fault of Kakashi and Watergate. The soil knew that Lin took the initiative to kill Kakashi, but in the heart of the soil, Regardless of Lin's choice, Kakashi and Watergate did not protect Lin.

It turns out that it’s not the fault of these two people, but the fault of Uchiha Madara, who he has always thought to be a good grandfather. Implement, but the final implementer is not Uchiha Madara, but him.

But Taito never suspected that Uchiha Madara was related to Lin's death.

He killed Master and Master himself, and was arrested again, which made Tai Tu have the idea of ​​self-defeating and self-defeating, wanting to die, and wanting to see Lin, there is no way to commit suicide with Tu Tu. This is Uchiha Madara’s charm in his body. What I'm afraid of is that I can't think about the day when I brought the soil, and I will meet Lin when I die.

"He left it to you, it's life or death, you decide." Looking at the soil on the ground, Shen Fei also lost interest in hitting him, so he handed him over to Xiao Nan. Men and Xiao Nan decided that, after all, Jin Tu killed many of Akatsuki's companions, and Yahiko's death also had a lot to do with Jin Tu.

Speaking of Shen Fei, he opened the door to the secret method and appeared in the high tower of Yuren Village. Xiao Nan had brought the soil to see Nagato. How to deal with the soil, Xiao Nan would not make a decision alone.

"Is this the mighty power? It's really amazing. Maybe you can find a way to make magic props with two writing wheels." As a magician, you can naturally make magic props. In fact, Kamar-Taj's magic props are basically all Manufactured by Ancient One.

Levitating Cloak, Sling Ring, Staff of the Court of Life, Fodor's Boots, etc.

For Shen Fei, he doesn't want to change his eyes into a kaleidoscope to write round eyes. It is the easiest way to make magic props. Definitely, in order not to destroy the Ability of Shenwei, Shen Fei must consider everything before doing it."In this pirate world, there is another mysterious person."

With Shen Fei's current strength, it was not difficult to master the power of the divine power, but Uchiha Madara had mastered the power of the divine power at once.

"It's really a world that can be forgiven for everything. I didn't kill him. Nagato and Xiaonan are also very kind people." When Shen Fei was in Nagato and Xiaonan again, Zuotu was there, and he saw it. After the soil, Shen Fei immediately knew the choice of Nagato and Xiaonan, and Shen Fei naturally wouldn't say anything about it.

In fact, Blacken was a very kind person who brought the soil before. It was the person who helped the old grandma to cross the road every day. It can be seen that kind people are not easy to bully. The kind people Blacken get up are worse than the original bad people. Be scary, don't mess with honest people.

"What's this?" Shen Fei said first.

"I have already contacted Heijue, and he will be back soon." Nagato said directly. The members with the Akatsuki organization's special ring are very simple to contact.

"Leave this guy to me. If you let him run, it will be very troublesome." To solve the black hand behind the scenes in advance, the following things are much simpler.

"Yeah." Nagato and Xiaonan didn't object, as for the soil, now he has no right to speak at all.

"What are you eager to find me?" In the tower, Hei Jue slowly appeared beside Tiandao Payne and Xiao Nan from the ground.

"I found a piece of information here." Tiandao Payne said.

"What information?"

"The body of Uchiha Madara."

"What this is impossible."

Just like dealing with the soil, when Hei Jue was shocked, Shen Fei directly enclosed the three of them with the mirror space.

"What do you want to do?" Hei Jue looked at Tiandao Payne and Xiao Nan in shock.

"Leave it to me here, you can leave first." Shen Fei opened a secret method door and sent Xiao Nan and Tiandao Penn out.

"Hello, Kurozue, or I should call you Uchiha Madara's will duplication, no, it should be Otsuki Teruya's will duplication to be precise." After Xiaonan and the two left, Shen Fei immediately smiled and looked at it. The Heijue in front of him, in the mirrored space, this one could not escape with his wings.

"Who are you?" His true identity was revealed, making Hei Jue's expression a little flustered. This was the first time his identity was revealed in so many years, and the Six Dao Immortals did not find him.

"Why, Datongmu Huiye didn't tell you where she came from. I, Datongmu Shenfei, and your mother Datongmu Huiye are of the same race, coming from outside the sky."

Hei Jue's hands possessed a lot of information that Shen Fei needed, such as Ten-tailed Manjuki, the location of Uchiha Madara's body, and the whereabouts of the six ninjas, and so on.




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"Do you have a way to contact them, it's best to bring them here one by one, and then I will bring them into this space-time ninjutsu, I will deal with him, Xiaonan, your strength is not enough to deal with them, Nagato, you are just beginning to recover. There is no need to do it. It is the most important thing to keep your body well first."

"Taito is here at present. Hei Jue is currently investigating information outside, and he is investigating what happened to Konoha before, and he is also investigating the whereabouts of other people Zhuli."

Konoha's Renzhuli was not a secret to Akatsuki. Both Tato and Itachi knew about it, but the Renzhuli of other Shinnin villages was different.

"Then call the soil over." Shen Fei unlocked the mirror space as he said, and a group of three people appeared in the steel secret room, and Tiandao could move around immediately.

"I'll contact him." Xiao Nan said and walked out of the secret room with Tiandao Payne, after which a paper butterfly split into his body and flew outside.

"Looking for me at this time, what's the matter?" Not long after, Tiandao Payne and Xiao Nan stood side by side on the protruding platform of the steel tower. The air twisted like ripples out of thin air. A voice rang Wearing Akatsuki's uniform with a spiral mask on his face appeared behind the two.

"I just received the latest information here, I think Mr. Ban should know it." Xiao Nan and Tian Dao Payne turned around and looked at the soil together, Xiao Nan said calmly.

"Oh, what kind of information is it?" A low voice with soil slowly sounded under the mask. When he appeared as Madara, it would not show A Fei's funny behavior with soil.

"Uchiha Daido and Nohara Lin, I don't know if Mr. Madara has heard of them." Xiaonan's words made Daido's body froze unchecked.

At this moment, Shen Fei, who had been hiding in the mirrored space, immediately began to take action. The diffused mirrored space immediately wrapped the three people, Tiandao Payne, and Xiao Nan. The next moment Tiandao Payne was in a mirror image. In the space, his body immediately collapsed, but before he fell, Xiao Nan immediately supported him.

"It seems that Mr. Madara has heard of them. No, maybe I should call you Uchiha to bring the soil." Xiaonan said, immediately holding Tiandao Payne's body and retreating to the back, until he retreated to Shen Fei. Stopped around.

"Who are you?" The exposure of one's own identity caused the dirt with only one right eye to be exposed. Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes immediately stared at the stranger Shen Fei. The dirt after Blacken was very smart, Shen Fei. The appearance of this stranger made Tai Tu guess for the first time that it was related to the exposure of his identity.

"I have always been a crane tail at school, and I couldn't beat Kakashi's crane tail once, but after seeing Uchiha Madara, just a few years,

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