The old man of the Shen family asked Shen Jue to go back to the house and take a card back.

He put the card into Yan Zhixu's hand, "Master, this is a little thought, I hope you can accept it."

Before Yan Zhixu could speak, Shen Jue, who was standing beside him, hurriedly echoed his father's words, "Yes, yes, there's not much money anyway, so don't be polite, just accept it!"

I remember that this card was originally used by my father to do things, and there were a total of 50 million in it.

The Shen family was extremely enthusiastic.

Yan Zhixu didn't refuse, glanced at Fu Shimo and saw that there was no disapproval in his eyes, and put the jam back into his pocket.

She lightly opened her red lips and said, "It's hard to be kind, so I'll accept it."

Shen Xixi, who was much shorter than them, stood in the crowd with a smile on her face.

After the frightening scene, there is still a little fear in my heart, but it is much calmer than before.

Blinking his eyes suspiciously, "Sister, you sound like one of my idols. Sure enough, beautiful people have similar things in common."

Hearing Shen Xixi's words, Shen Jue couldn't help but burst out laughing.


Seeing the little uncle suddenly laughed, the doubts in Shen Xixi's eyes increased a lot.

Raising his hand and scratching the back of his head, he asked inexplicably, "Uncle, why are you smiling? Did I say something wrong?"

The little girl's voice was soft and waxy, which made people's heart soften when they heard it.

Shen Jue waved his hand, "No, no."

How can my little cutie say the wrong thing? But this little girl still claims to be a die-hard fan, and she didn't recognize her idol in front of her.

Seeing Shen Xixi's cute appearance, Yan Zhixu's lips twitched slightly under the mask.

She raised her hand and took off the mask, squatted down, and rubbed the other person's head, "Be good."

Said to input spiritual power into his hands to remove the Yin evil aura that Tan Yuesong possessed and remained in his body during this time.

The warm spiritual power poured into the body, Shen Xixi squinted her eyes comfortably, her face showed intoxication, and she enjoyed it immensely.

"Yan Yan!"

Seeing the appearance of the person in front of her, Shen Xixi jumped into Yan Zhixu's arms excitedly, and rubbed excitedly, her little body twisting and twisting, not to mention how cute.

Shen Xixi said with a small mouth, "Yan Yan, I'm your fan, I've been watching your TV series very seriously, but Mommy has limited the time I can watch TV, so I haven't finished watching it yet. …”

Shen Xixi said this with a bit of aggrieved voice.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, the Shen family's sister-in-law shook her head helplessly, "Okay, okay, I will give you an extra 20 minutes to watch TV every day in the future, is that okay?"

Seeing that her mother agreed, Shen Xixi turned over in Yan Zhixu's arms with joy, and let out a coquettish laughter.


The rest of the Shen family were equally shocked, their lips trembling, and they were so immersed in shock that they didn't react for a while.

It took a long time to digest this.

I didn't expect that the master who came to help today turned out to be Xixi's idol Yan Zhixu. Does this count as chasing the star and chasing the big guy?

They will follow her with the whole family in the future!


Seeing the picture of Yan Zhixu coaxing Shen Xixi, ripples appeared in Fu Shimo's eyes under the lens.

If someone looks at it seriously, they will find that his eyes are not as indifferent and alienated as usual, gentle and swaying, and their softness is incredible.

The corners of Fu Shimo's mouth twitched indistinctly, and his eyes fell on Yan Zhixu's stomach: "..."

It would be nice to have a daughter in the future.

The girls are well-behaved and obedient, soft and waxy, and will be the intimate little padded jackets of parents.

If there are girls, they must be a little more like Ah...

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