
After dealing with all the things, the night gradually became dark and dense, and drowsiness poured in. Yan Zhixu raised his hand and yawned lazily.

Seeing this, the sister-in-law of the Shen family quickly and thoughtfully said that it is not safe to drive at night, so it is better to rest in the old house. After finishing speaking, she took Fu Shimo and Yan Zhixu into the mansion and walked towards the upstairs guest room.

Take out the clean sheets and pillow cases from the closet and put them on, and then bring the toiletries before exiting.


Yan Zhixu stayed in the room and looked around casually. This room is very spacious, and the facilities and decorations in the room are unique.

She put on slippers and went to wash up. When she came back, she glanced at the laptop on the desk in the corner. After opening it, her fingers slammed on the keyboard.

Both hands are tapping on the keyboard, and the texture of the keyboard is not too noisy.


Fu Shimo, who came out of the wash, saw Yan Zhixu who was busy, and the thoughts in his mind drifted away.

I remembered that Jiu'an Hospital was hacked a long time ago, and Mo An'an's hospital data and cases were stolen.

He pulled out a chair and sat down. "Children are very skilled at hacking into other people's computer systems."

"It's okay, it's just normal."

Yan Zhixu was invading Tan Yuesong's laptop to transfer the information about Lin Zhao's derailment. He sent a copy to the media reporter and then to Tan Yuesong's biological parents.

She wiped away the traces nimbly, exited and shut down the laptop.

Fu Shimo pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, the broken hair on his forehead was soft, making his eyes less sharp.

He asked casually, "Did you personally invade the Jiu'an hospital system with Mo An'an's medical records?"

Hearing this, Yan Zhixu raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose. He didn't expect that what happened so long ago would overturn.

She didn't deliberately hide it, "Well, it was indeed the system of Jiu'an Hospital that I invaded at that time."

After hearing Yan Zhixu's frank confession, Fu Shimo did not get angry.

He said in a hoarse voice, "Axu's skills are very good. If you are free someday, please help upgrade the firewall of the hospital."

Seeing that he didn't want to pursue it, the corner of Yan Zhixu's mouth raised a smirk.

She put her hand on his shoulder and patted, "Dean Fu, don't worry, I will handle this trivial matter properly."

Fu Shimo saw a little tiredness between her brows and eyes, and took her hand and rubbed it gently, "My Asu is really good, go to sleep."

His movements are gentle and his tone is gentle as if he were coaxing a child carefully.


Yan Zhixu nodded, yawned listlessly, his eyes filled with physiological fog, and he clasped his fingers together and lifted his feet to the soft big bed.

Fu Shimo took off the gold-rimmed glasses and put them on the bedside table, while Yan Zhixu lifted the quilt and lay down, closing his eyes to rest.

I don't know if the bed was too soft or if I was really tired today, I fell asleep shortly after I lay down, and my breathing became steady.


After Yan Zhixu fell asleep, Fu Shimo raised his hand, and the warm spiritual power poured into her body to dispel her fatigue.


Xu Shi was feeling too comfortable, and Yan Zhixu, who was in deep sleep, let out a thud from his comfortable throat.

I slept without a dream all night until I woke up naturally. The bright sunlight outside the room was surrounded by blackout curtains and did not shine too much.

The curtains were opened, and the sunlight swarmed into the house playfully in an instant, dispelling all the darkness.

Yan Zhixu and Fu Shimo got up, washed and dressed, went downstairs, and shared breakfast with them at the dining table under the warm hospitality of the Shen family.

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