The host held a greeting card in his hand, and the results in it were cast by the World Medical Council, which was absolutely fair and just.

He read with a serious expression, "Next, what we are going to announce is the 14th Life Medicine Awards Heart Award."

"The winner of this award has completed more than 3,000 cardiac surgeries after working on the heart, saving patients without reservation on the operating table, and giving countless patients the dawn of life."

"He's Dr. Moss!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, a picture of Dr. Muss and his achievements in the field of heart also appeared on the big screen.

Dr. James in the audience was full of joy, his eyes filled with tears of excitement, "Oh, my God, I can't believe I'm getting such a big honor."

Fu Shimo sincerely congratulated, "Dr. Muss, this award belongs to you."

Dr. Moss not only has a high completion rate of surgery, but also has the courage and courage to try.


After Dr. Moss finished speaking, he came to the stage, received the prize and the prize from the International Medical Committee, and hugged the trophy and kissed frantically.

After Dr. Moss stepped down, the host continued to present other medical awards.

Doctors who have achieved extraordinary achievements one after another came to the stage to accept the awards and were crowned with glory.

"The next award to be awarded is the Life Medicine Award for Pharmacy Research."

"The Parkinson's drug developed by the winner of this award was officially launched into the market, saving countless middle-aged and elderly people suffering from Parkinson's disease in less than a year, and making countless families no longer fragmented."


The host on the stage rambled on announcing the honor of the winner of the Pharmacy Research Award.

The audience watching the live broadcast was very excited when they heard the words.

【Ah, ah, Parkinson's! Parkinson's! The winner of this award must be Fu Shimo. 】

[My God, this is the International Medical Award, Dean Fu is too much for us to save face. Ecstasy.jpg]

[I just want to ask who else is such a handsome and talented dean? Who else? Does anyone express disapproval? If not, I will unilaterally declare that Fu Shimo has won. akimbo.jpg]

[I have to say that I am sour, and at the same time I am particularly envious of Yan Zhixu, I beg you to start a class! 】

[Fu Shimo is mighty! Fu Shimo is cheating! 】


The prosperous mansion.

Yan Zhixu sat in the room, watching the host on the screen read out one honor after another, with a gorgeous smile on the corner of his mouth.

She raised her hand, caressed the man on the screen, and said in a gentle and soft voice, "Amo."

This award belongs to you. This is your honor. The drugs you developed have saved countless people.

Amo, I am so proud of you!

Yan Zhixu raised his hand on the screen, hooked his lips, and smiled recklessly, "I will witness the glory that belongs to you with my own eyes."

At this time, the host's solemn announcement came from the screen, "The person who won the Pharmacy Research Award of the 14th Life Medicine Award is—"

"Fu Shimo!"

The voice is high and loud.

The sound of the announcement spread to every corner of the venue, and there was a burst of applause resounding through the sky, and the people present sent their sincere blessings.

Fu Shimo stood up.

He seemed to know that the person he cared about would definitely watch the live broadcast.

Fu Shimo retracted his gaze.

He briefly hugged a few people around him, then raised his feet and strode towards the stage.

He is tall and straight, and his white coat shows his temperament and is clean.

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