The Full-scale Boss Has Become the Top Streamer In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1225: The sick receive their doctor, and the doctor receive their respect

Fu Shimo came to the stage.

He took the trophy handed over, stood in front of the fixed microphone, and looked directly at the camera with a gentle expression, "I am honored to receive this honor, which is a great affirmation for the doctor."

"Here I only wish that the sick all over the world receive their medical treatment, and that the physicians receive their respect, and I wish that the Haiyan River would be prosperous and peaceful, and the common people would be safe."

Fu Shimo stood on the podium, neither humble nor arrogant, his hoarse voice spread throughout the lobby through the topic, and also reached the ears of every audience in the live broadcast room.

He was dressed in white clothes, holding a trophy in his hand, leaned over and bowed slowly to the camera.

That is a blessing from a doctor, and I hope that the common people will no longer suffer from illness.

"Clap clap-"

"Clap clap-"


There were bursts of applause from the audience, and the eyes of countless doctors were filled with relief, and what Fu Shimo said was what they thought.

The sea city, the prosperous mansion.

Yan Zhixu looked at him across the screen, and the lake in his heart was no longer calm and rippled.

She stared at him with burning eyes, as if to meet him through the thin screen.

Lightly opened his red lips, "Amo, I am proud of you."

After Fu Shimo finished his acceptance speech, he walked off the stage with the trophy in his hand.

The host on the stage continued to present the awards, and the live broadcast of this grand and eye-catching ceremony lasted for more than three hours before it ended.

Yan Zhixu turned off the computer.

She stood up and stretched, walked to the window and looked at the blooming flowers in the garden, enjoying the feeling of the gentle breeze blowing.

After standing for a while, I felt hunger in my stomach, I left the room and walked downstairs.

During this period of time, I have been hungry a bit fast. Fortunately, I have a physique that is not fat. Otherwise, Brother Lu knows that he will be crazy if he eats so much every day.

Yan Zhixu came to the kitchen.

Wang Ma was wearing an apron and was busy in the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife in her hand to handle the fish scales neatly.

"Miss, the kitchen is heavy with soot. If you're hungry, I'll cook a bowl of small wontons for you to eat."

"Okay, thank you Wang Ma."

"By the way, Wang Ma, I will cook more dishes in the future with a little lighter flavor. My appetite has not been very good recently."

Standing in the kitchen, Yan Zhixu felt a strong fishy smell all around him.

Not long after, Wang Ma brought out a bowl of cooked wontons and put them on the table.

Yan Zhixu picked up the spoon and took a bite. The filling of the small wonton buns was not too fishy and tasted okay.

When she was halfway through the meal, Nan Wenshu went downstairs and danced in the hall excitedly, "Axu Axu, that kid Shimo is so promising, he even won the Pharmacy Research Award."

The thought that such an excellent person is the future son-in-law of the Yan family, the daughter's boyfriend, made me feel very happy, and the bright smile on his face never stopped.

After getting excited, Nan Wenshu drank water to moisten her throat, and glanced at Yan Zhixu who was eating, "You, you don't worry about gaining weight by eating so much every day."

Yan Zhixu continued to eat wontons calmly, "Mom, I won't gain weight."

Hearing her say that, Nan Wenshu rolled her eyes, "Okay, I won't tell you, I invited a friend out to play cards."

Shi Mo won the Pharmacy Research Award, and he had to spread the word to his poker friends.

"Well, be careful when you go out."

Seeing the uncontrollable smile on Nan Wenshu's face, Yan Zhixu probably knew in her heart that playing cards was a pretense to show off.

Nan Wenshu waved her hand, "I know."

After he finished speaking, he went out without stopping.

Yan Zhixu looked at the back of his mother leaving, smiled and shook his head.

Over the years, my mother has been spoiled by my father like a little girl who is not familiar with the world.

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