Imperial Capital, the Life Medicine Award Ceremony is over.

Fu Shimo returned to the Fu family mansion, took all the property certificates under his name, as well as the medical certificates and trophies obtained before, and left, and went to the famous jewelry store to buy a ring.

Get everything done and board the plane back to Haicheng.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to the sea market.

Fu Shimo didn't rush to find Yan Zhixu, and drove to the mall to buy bright roses and candles.

He carefully placed it in the hall of Yushan Huafu, the romantic flowers were arranged in love, and the trophies and property certificates in one place were even more thrilling.

Night fell, and the stars fell.

At the end of May and approaching June, the weather in summer is excellent, the night is full of stars, the night is rich, and the night is silent.

Fu Shimo lit candles, and the red candles were more romantic.

He picked up his mobile phone and logged in to WeChat, easily found Yan Zhixu's contact information on the top, and clicked in to publish WeChat.

[Children, come to Yushan Huafu, I have something very important to look for you. 】

Sitting on the sofa after sending WeChat, the usual calm and calm brows and eyes were stained with undetectable tension, and even the frequency of the heartbeat was much faster.


Fu Shimo leaned on the sofa and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, his long and narrow eyes filled with inseparable tenderness and affection.


The prosperous mansion.


After Yan Zhixu finished washing, he was wearing red and white plaid pajamas, his hair was blow-dry and he was wearing a pair of slippers.

Hearing the phone ringing on the bedside table, he walked over, picked up the phone and opened WeChat.

Seeing the message sent above, there was a faint curiosity in his eyes.

Yan Zhixu tapped the screen to reply to the message, [Okay, wait a moment, I'll come right away. 】

After replying to the news, he left the room with his mobile phone, and met Yan Jinxiu in the corridor who came out of the study to drink water.

He rubbed his slightly messy hair, "Where are you going at night?"

Yan Zhixu raised his eyebrows, "Little brother, don't ask too much about the adults, I'll be back soon after I go out for something, remember to review."

After speaking, he left and walked downstairs.

The huge corridor instantly became empty, Yan Jinxiu leaned against the cold wall with a glass of water in his hand.

His handsome face had a rebellious look, and he squeezed the cup in his hand and chirped softly.


Wearing pajamas and not wearing a mask at night is obviously to meet acquaintances.

The only acquaintance who lived nearby was Fu Shimo in the Yushan Huafu.

The more Yan Jinxiu thought about it, the more unhappy he became. The strength of holding the water cup gradually increased, and the blue veins on the back of his hand burst out, and the veins were clearly visible.

He took a deep breath and held the water glass. After drinking the remaining water in one gulp, he walked back to the study, calmed down, and concentrated on doing the test paper.


When I think of the hungry wolf coveting my elder sister, I feel gloomy and unhappy.

No matter how calm he was, he couldn't calm down. It was obvious that the difficulty of his easy-to-follow test paper instantly increased, and he couldn't think about how to solve the problem at all.


Yan Jinxiu cursed in a low voice, leaned on the chair and rested for a while, picked up the mobile phone on the table and swiped on Weibo.


Yan Zhixu came to Yushan Huafu, and after face recognition, he paced into this extremely large mansion.

Standing outside, the lights in the hall were not turned on, but there was another faint light, which seemed to be the flame of a candle.

Holding her phone, she lifted her foot and entered the hall.

Stepping into the hall, seeing the scene in front of him, the calmness in a pair of almond eyes was shattered, the pupils contracted, and the heart beat faster.

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