Seeing that Nan Wenshu was nervous and Yan Jinxiu was angry, Yan Zhixu calmly got up and went to get them a cup of warm water.

She put the water glass in front of them, then sat on the sofa with one hand on the armrest, tapping casually on the armrest.

With a smile on her makeup face, "Mom, Mo knew about this."

Not only does he know but he is also his master in the plane of cultivation.

Yan Zhixu didn't say anything about Fu Shimo, maybe he privately wanted to take that memory as a secret between the two.

Nan Wenshu let out a turbid breath, "That's good."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and patted his chest happily, with a relieved expression on his face.

Nan Yuanqi complained, "That kid might be secretly having fun now."

Seeing his vinegary appearance, Tang Shuan, who was sitting next to him, silently sympathized with Fu Shimo for a few seconds.

Most of the men in this family did not find Dean Fu particularly pleasing to the eye.

Now that Dean Fu has kidnapped Ash, I am afraid that they will be even more hostile to them.

Hey, it's not easy getting a wife.


Tang Shuan suddenly thought that his father treated Nan Yuanqi like this when Nan Yuanqi went to Tang's house, and sighed inwardly.

Maybe the fathers in the world will not be particularly pleasing to the son-in-law, and the Yan family and the Tang family are not the only ones.

Yan Zhixu continued to tell everyone some things about mysticism.

After speaking, it was getting late, and the sky was getting darker and night was shrouding the surroundings.

She stretched and said, "It's very late. After dinner, let's just stay at Shengshi Hao Ting."

Hearing these things suddenly, it is a little difficult for ordinary people to digest them quickly, and they are worried that they will be distracted while driving on the road.

No one objected to Yan Zhixu's proposal.

The kitchen brought out the prepared dinner, and everyone moved to the restaurant for dinner.


After dinner, Yan Zhixu went upstairs, returned to the room, changed his dress, removed his makeup, and went into the bathroom to wash.

After taking a shower, she wore a white bathrobe, with a pair of slippers under her feet, and her hair came out wet.

Yan Zhixu took out the hair dryer and dried it. After it was half dry, he put down the hair dryer.

She picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, opened WeChat and dialed Fu Shimo's WeChat video.

Not long after the call was made, the video was connected, and the handsome face of the man appeared on the screen.

"Hey, Ash."

The man's voice fell in the ears of people with full temptation, the ears of the people who seduced were soft, and the heart throbbed.

Yan Zhixu sat on the bed, "Amo, I told the people in my family about mysticism, and they were worried that it would be difficult for you to accept it after they found out."

Fu Shimo handles official business in the study.

He stopped his movements, "No, it's not just because I also know mysticism, the reason for the bottom line is just because that person is you."

It's not hard to accept because it's you.

Not to mention the knowledge of mystic arts, even if it is a demon, different groups will accept it happily.

Fu Shimo took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Children, I am very happy today."

I am betrothed to you today.

From now on, I can stand by your side justifiably and repel all those who covet you, and we are getting closer and closer to entering marriage.

Yan Zhixu met his eyes.

The bottom of the man's eyes was deep, with endless tenderness and warmth in it, and the deepness seemed to **** people into it completely.

She hooked her lips and read his name word by word, "Fu Shimo, I am also very happy."

The words fell, and the two looked at each other and saw deep love in each other's eyes.

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